Zurich Citizens News, 1965-03-18, Page 3THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1965 PAGE THREE Hensall TV Stars Members of Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary appeared on "Take Your Choice", CFPL-TV, London, on Saturday evening, March 13, and were lucky enough to win $88. Contestants were the presi- dent, Mrs. Roy Smale, Mrs, S.I Rannie, Mrs. W. J. Cameron and ' Mrs. William Smale. Fifty members of the Auxili- ary and Legion comprised the group, 0 Euchre Party A successful euchre was held in the lodge hall Thursday eve- ning, sponsored by the CP&T -committee of the Amber Re- bekah Lodge. Winners were: ladies', Mrs. A, Foster, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. Frank Scott Exeter. Men: Harold Rowe, Exeter; Gerald McFalls, Exeter; Ross Richard- son, Zurich, Lone hands: Har- old Rowe, Exeter. Winners in the draw for two boxes of gro- ceries were Gerald McFalls and Jim McAllister. NEED SEED GET TOP VALUE BUYJ- Janies, MacNaughton Seeds have have provided residents to Western Ontario with reliable and dependable results for years and years. Long experience with the soil types and climate peculiar to this area, has made the Jones, MacNaughton ex- perts completely familiar with the strains that are best suited to these conditions. You can be sure of successful results from all Jones, Mac - Naughton farm seeds, true to variety and high in germina- tion. They know your needs and fulfill them exactly! And Jones, MacNaughton have always enjoyed the reputation of offering full value — the best quality seeds at fair, low prices. Tlways demand seeds form Jones, MacNaughton — Western Ontario's leading seed special- ists. from your local dealer or Jones, MacNaughton Seeds EXETER Phone 235-0363 CREDITON Phone 234.6363 Inman Music Degree To Former Resident Miss Carol Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William Brown, Seaforth (formerly of Hensall), has received word that she has passed with honors her associ- ate solo performers' examina- tions in piano from both the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, and Western Conserv- atory of Music, London. Miss Brown, who has been studying music since she was five years of age, is organist at First Presbyterian Caurch, Seaforth and pianist for the Junior Farmers' Choir. She has a large class of piano stu- dents in Seaforth. She has played at the Strat- ford Kiwanis Music Festival every year since she started her musical career and received many prizes and scholarships there. 0 Carmel WMS Makes Donation The March meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian C h)u r c h was held Thursday afternoon in the church school room with 14 present. President Mrs. Earl Camp- bell opened the meeting with verses of faith from the Glad Tidings. The devotion was in charge of Mrs. R. A. Orr and Scripture passages were read by Mrs. John Soldan, followed with prayer by Mrs. Orr. A skit, "Through the Years", was presented and roles por- trayed by seven ladies: Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Mrs. John Love, Rrs. Robert Madge, Mrs. Clar- ence Volland, Mrs, Earl Camp- bell, Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Ed Munn. The minutes, read by the sec- retary, Mrs. Len Purday, were adopted, visits reported and correspondence read. A news letter was read about Armagh, and motion passed that a small donation be forwarded. The offering was received and dedicated and the meeting closed with Mizpah benediction. Ladies' Aid business followed when a bake sale was planned for Saturday, April 10, at 3 p.m., in Bell's Electric Store. MALTING BARLEY CONTRASTS Seed and Fertilizer Supplied YOUR CHOICE — X ROWED) BPARKLAND ZELAND (TWO ROWED) An Excellent Crop for Early Cash BEAN SEED Excellent Quality Ontario Registered Michigan Certified All Seeds Grown from Foundation Stock BEAN CONTRACTS AVAILABLE SEED AND FERTILIZER SUPPLIED Excellent Markets Create Good Bean Prices un ,u„,nlfl„11”„ 11111111.11111111 ll 11 I,,,,Il11"11„11,"111 Drop in Now for Your Spring Seeding and Fertilizer Needs or PHONE 262.2714 COLLECT — SANILAC — SEAWAY — SAGINAW — MICHELITE SANILAC -- SEAWAY E. L MICKLE & SON LIMITED HENSALL -- ONTARIO WI Goes Irish Hensall Legion Hall, decor- ated in Irish motif, was the set- ting for the Hensall WI home economics and health meeting last Wednesday evening. President Mrs. Beverly Bea- ton presided and welcomed the members. Roll call was answered by members bringing something they had made, sewn or grown. Items were sold by auction, with Mrs, Beer the auctioneer. Sales realized $15.45. Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. R. A. Orr, and Mrs. Garfield Brod- erick were appointed a nomi- nating committee to bring the slate of new officers at the April meeting. Report of the resolutions com- mittee was presented by Mrs. Carl Payne. Mrs. R. Simpson gave the report of the County of Huron Historical Society, and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling submitted the treasurer's report. Mrs. Garfield Broderick was ap- pointed to act on a committee at the International Plowing Match at Seaforth in 1966. A donation was given to the Hen- sall Branch of the Legion. Mrs. Inez McEwen took the chair for the program, which included the motto, `Be Kind", by Mrs. Jack Corbett; accordion selection played by Mrs. Wayne Smith and a medley of Irish tunes with Miss Greta Laramie at the piano. Guest speaker, Mrs, Ron Wil- son; Zurich, spoke on "the pur- chase of meat", giving valuable information on cuts and preser. vation of beef and pork. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. Clarence Reid and thanked by Mrs. Beer, who presented her with a gift. Mrs. Stewart McQueen was the winner of the prize for hav- ing the most pennies in her purse. The meeting closed with a poem by Mrs. McEwen. Lunch- eon was served. Program con- venors were Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Inez McEwen. Hostesses Mrs. Jarvis Horton and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Obituary Mrs, T. Slavin Funeral service for the late Mrs. Thomas Slavin, RR 2, Kip- pne, was held from Bonthron funeral chapel Saturday, March 13. Rev. Harold Currie con- ducted the service. Burial was in Exeter cemetery. Mrs. Slavin, in her 58th year, was the former Doreen Agnes Pepper. She passed away in Victoria Hospital, London, on Thursday, 10 days after being admitted as a patient. Surviving are her husband; one son, Bill, Port Credit; a daughter, Hazel, at home; three sisters, Mrs. Wilmer (Nettie) McClinchey, Varna; Miss Grace Pepper, London; Mrs. George (Ella) Tinney, Exeter; six broth- ers, Ernie Pepper, Sarnia; John, Dashwood; Stewart, K i p p e n; Alex, Seaforth; Nelson, Hamil- ton; Foster, Arkona. 0 Farming Changing More For Less According to the Economical Council of Canada, this coun- try's agricultural industry will undergo some changes within the next five years. A member of the council staff, John Dawson said Cana- dian farmers should be produc- ing more and working less by 1970. Farms are expected to be larger and the farm work force smaller. Also predicted is a trend to young farmers who will need a good formal educa- tion and a keen business ability to "manage complex farm busi- ness efficiently in a period of rapid changes." The report said larger ma- chines will likely be used in field operations, especially on the Prairies, and there will be increased mechanization of live- stock and other farm opera- tions. New developments are ex- pected in crops themselves and Imore farmers will rent addi- tional land. The market for Canadian agricultural products will in- crease about 20 percent between 1963 and 1970. 0 Kinettes Greet Clinton Ladies The regular meeting of Hen - all Kinette Club was held last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Bob Baker, Jr., with three guests from Clinton present. Kinette Club president, Mrs. Bill Fink, Mrs, Rhea Jones and Mrs. Mary Jean Beattie were welcomed by the president, Mrs. John Baker. President Mrs. Baker remind- ed the Kinettes of the annual Zone D Inter -club mueeting in Port Dover April 27. Date for the spring rummage sale was set for Saturday, May 15, Shut-in visits, an annual pro- ject of the club, will be made Sunday, April 4. The raffle was won by vice- president Mrs. William Fuss. Next regular meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Harold Caldwell. a Resort May Rent Disputed Land F. C. McKeane, district mar- ine engineer from Parry Sound, pledged co-operation with the residents of Grand Bend on the matter of better policing and control in the area known as Harbour Flats. McKeane had been asked to visit the resort village to settle questions of ownership in Har- bour Flats, on the south side of the river. Old boat hulls and other refuse have collected in the area. Officials in Grand Bend had not removed the ob- stacles to traffic and boat - launching, since it was not known whether the clean-up came under their jurisdiction. Recently, the engineer left a inap of all the holdings under Grand Bend would lease all his authority and suggested vil- lage officials obtain a similar chart from the department of lands and forests depicting its holdings from River Road south to the base of Southcott Hill. From comparison of the two maps, council will be able to determine that part under their jurisdiction. property under his authority on a year-to-year basis. In this way the village would have greater control and lessen the time involved for McKeane's de- partment. The Parry Sound man was pleased with the way the har- hour has been upgraded. He noted the fishing shacks had McKeane may give consider- been replaced with well -eon• ation to an agreement whereby structed buildings. ARLEY& 5..`EMI CONTRACTS PARKLAND BARLEY -- i the most dependable variety to grow • proven from past results • recommended by Department of Agriculture as best malting barley • FERT IZLIE R supplied with seed SEED GRAIN LW NS • early orders placed carry discount • all packed sturdy paper bags SEED BEANS 0/111104 ALL VARIETIES IN REGISTERED STOCK, with high germination re- sults this year. FERTILIZER _a • check with us for our low prices COOK BR S. MILLING CO., LTD. Phone 262-2665 Hensall, Ont. s e MA:• st anw" .=roar ^� �.e41;»"! ittk -stekekdt, 1 -LB. PACKAGE SMOKED SIDE BACON -- 59c Liver, Beef or Pork 16. 2'9c BOLOGNA — Ib. 29c BEEF /,PORK SAUSAGE 3 lbs $1 Ground Chuck Ib. 49c Fresh SPARE - RIBS 55c lb. Florida No. 1 White IA 1 g 4 3 -Lb. Pails 5c Off Pack Crisco Shortening $1.09 1 -Lb. Pkgs. Salted, Plain or Saltines McCormick's Sodas 3 Pkgs. 89c Hostess loos Tea Bags 59c Mother Parker's 2 Lb. Pkgs. Hot Chocolate 79c C Duncan Hines, Reg. 49c Cherry, Pineapple or Chocolate Layer Cake Mixes 2 For 79c Kraft 51/2 -Oz. Pkgs. Regular Value 47c Package 1 Noodles Romanoff 2 For 59c SPECIAL FEATURE Kitchen Brooms - - 9c EACH with purchase of Six Light Bulbs at Regular Price Maxwell House 10 -Oz. Jar (24c Off Pack) Instant Coffee — — $1.39 FROZEN FOOD SPECIAL Highliner 1 -Lb. Packages Sole Fiflets Ibs 83c