Zurich Citizens News, 1964-07-23, Page 4PAGIr FQUF2 THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1964 Items bout Zurie. Mrs. Theresi Hartman and son Gerald spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hartman and David, Kingston, and also with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hartman and girls, To- ronto. Mrs. Irene Farwell is spend- ing a few weeks with her broth- er, AI Runstall, in Harvey Lake, Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Du- charme and Derida, Patsy and Theresa Ducharme. Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Du- charme were Monday visitors with Mrs. Theresa Hartman and Robert. Mr. Elmore Clausius, Wind- sor. is holidaying at the home of his brother, Mr. Henry Claus- ius. Dr. and Mrs, -Bruce Eick meier and family, of Burlington, are vacationing at Grand Bend for a couple of weeks. Paul Flaxbard has returned home after spending a week with his cousin. Brian Flaxbard- at Listosve:. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weido and Mrs. Edward Wettlaufer, all or Kitchener, attended the funeral of the late Albert Surerus. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Flaxbard and family. Listowel, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flaxbard. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Breakey and Richard are holidaying in the Pinery this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McAdams and David spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, George Bul- lock. Mrs. McAdams and David remained for a week's holidays. OLD FRIENDS MEET An old friend of Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Hrovat visited in Zurich last week. He had not seen the couple since they left the homeland some years ago. The visitor was Zorko Zakelj, of Trieste, who grew up with the Hrovats. He was visiting Can- ada and United States as part of a tour attending the World's Deichert Reunion At New Hamburg On Sunday, July 19, about 65 members of the Deichert family gathered at the New Hamburg Park for the annual reunion. Afternoon sports were under the direction of Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Keller and Mr, and Mrs. Glen Deichert. Results were as follows: girls, 4 years and under, Donna Eich- ler; boys, 4 years and under, Ricky Deichert; girls, 5 to 7 years. Lori Keller; boys, 5 to 7 years, Michael Keller; girls, 8 to 11 years, Margaret Elligsen; boys. 8 to 11 years, John Ellig- sen; girls. 12 to 15 years, Marg, Ardiel; boys, 12 to 15 years, George Keller; ladies' race, Ruth Greb; men's race, Roger Keller; egg on a spoon, George Keller. Eating boiled egg, Marion Miller; blowing balloon, John Eligsen; potato on a fork, Marg Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR SUNDAY, JULY 26 — 10 a.m. — Sunday School 11 a.m. — Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOME! 11121113123 EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shafto, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist SUNDAY, JULY 26 — 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11:05 a.m.—Church School. We invite you to worship with us. imontesizontemantm Keller and Roger Keller; bal- loon full of water, George Kel- ler and Mabel Keller; wheel- barrow race, George Keller and Allan Hohner, Earl Keller and Roland Gibson. Ladies' kiok the slipper, Jo- anne Elligsen; men's kick the slipper, Edgar Elligsen; men's driving the nail, Wilfred Eich- ler; tug of war, Edward Dei- chert's team; guessing contest, Cliff Pepper; youngest baby, Kenneth Deichert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deichert. Largest family present, Ed. Keller's family; person coming the farthest distance, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deichert; most re- cent marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- land Gibson; oldest person, Peter Deichert; closest birthday to the day of picnic, Ken Keller; oldest car, Melvin Greb. The results of the election of officers for next year: presi- dent, Harvey Hohner; vice-presi- dent, George Deichert; treas- urer, Glen Deichert; secretary, Marlene Deichert; lunch com- mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Elligsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kel- ler; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Keller. It was reported that there had Si.NW' WINIENNESIONISINIEVEN Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev, A. C. Blackwell, B,A„ B.D. Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, JULY 26 — 10:00 a,m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. You Are Welcome You Are Invited to Attend Strlite rive -in Gospel Services (INTER -DENOMINATIONAL) On the Crediton Highway, 5 Miles Southeast of Grand Bend 9PP•6,PPAB,C.'d*PPPJd^PPdPPJ.P...41"..4.41,4P,11+0.0•40 SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1964 rl GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Harold Snell, former min- ister of James St. United Church, Exeter. 0 Douglas Gill, Grand Bend, and T. Harry Hoffman, Dashwood, MASS VOLUNTEER CHOIR. vareprommrsamasi JESUS CHRIST 15 LORD! "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God made he man." Here is affirmed the sacredness of life and the ceremony of expiation which reminded people of God's decree. The ceremony of expiation which reminded people of God's de- cree was fulfilled and accomplished by Jesus Christ. Since the blood of Jesus made complete atonement for all sin and since grace is reigning today, it is now unnecessary for any man to die for hisown crime, The Pharisees brought a woman taken in adultry to the Lord. The question was, should she die for her crime? The Pharisee who sure he had not committed a sin was to take the first step in capital punishment. Since none cast a stone they admitted that they likewise were worthy to be stoned. The mercy extended to the woman is the mercy extended to all so that non need die for his own crime. We believe capital punishment to be wrong and unnecessary, THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE Fair at New York. A major on the police force in Trieste, Mr. Zakelj was met in Cleveland by Mr. and Mrs. Hrovat and an- other couple, Mr. and Mrs. La- panje, of Goderich, who are also friends of the visitor. While in Zurich, he was a special din- ner guest last Thursday eve- ning of Mr. and Mrs. Ross John- ston, at the Dominion Hotel. Mr. Zakelj stated he prefers Canada to United States. FAIR MEETING An important meeting of the executive of the Zurich Agricul- tural Society is scheduled for tonight (Thursday) at the Town Hall. The prize list is to be revised at this meeting, and prepared for printing. 0 C 1unty of Huron Crop Report Harvest of fall wheat and early spring crops is underway. Corn and white beans are mak- ing excellent growth, Army worm. is making its ap- pearance in only small scattered areas. The Mexican bean beetle is affecting bean crops in many areas of the county. The population of the bean beetle hasn't made it necessary to spray in many areas, although it is almost to the breaking point. MR. AND MRS. ROSS ELDON McBEATH were united in marriage recently at Goshen United Church, by Rev. Plant, assisted by Rev. Morrison. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Alex McBeath, Kippen, and the bride, Donna Morene, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hayter, RR 1, Varna. (Photo by Jack Doerr) NEWS OF KIPPEN DISTRICT Correspondent, Mrs. Norman Long Mrs. Mable Milner, of Darts - mouth, Nova Scotia, is holiday- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bourgne and family. Mr. and Mrs. Miller McCon- nell and six children, of Bristol, Penn., spent this week -end with their aunt, Miss Mabelle White- man. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rowe and family, of Ailsa Craig, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys attended a picnic on been one wedding and three births during the past year. It was decided to hold the re- union next year at the Seaforth Lions Park. Guests were pres- ent from Exeter, Dashwood, To- ronto, Bayfield, Kitchener, Wal- ton, New Hamburg and Zurich. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dichert, of near Zur- ich, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride's 40th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Mary Routzon, of Vero Beach, Florida, who have visited the past week with the latter's sister, Mrs. Alf Mof- fatt, and Mr. Moffatt, returned to their home. Miss Gail Robinson flew to Toronto from the London air- port for a week's vacation, re- turning home Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Van Wierren, for the gift of a son, (Anthony John) borne Friday, July 17, at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Bible school front the Kippen- Brucefield churches was held in the mornings, the week of July 6, at Brucefield United Summer Furniture AT REDUCED PRICES J FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS 0 4,75 Each 2 for $9.75 111111111111111/111111111111“1111111,1111/1111411111111111111.1111111111.11.1”114111m111.1111111111111111.1.111,111 Chaise Lounges from $9.95 up ALL STEEL Lawn Chairs only $8.50 11111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111/1111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111 Beach Umbrella and Table Table Only Um'brella Only REG. VALUE $16.50 REG. VALUE $45.00 Now $14.50 Now $34.50 PPP Westlake Furniture PHONE 893 — ZURICH Church with 128 attending from the above areas and London, Arva, Chicago and Holland. A picnic was given the pupils on Saturday afternoon at Bruce - field, and on Sunday the church service was conducted by the young people of the school. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Moffatt and Heather spent the week- end in Chatham visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Hlarold White, or Woodstock, recently called on Mr, and Mrs. Irving Robin- son. Bible school for the Chisel - horst area and Cromarty was held all last week in the morn- ings at the Presbyterian Church at Cromarty, with a good at tendance. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long included: Mr, and Mrs. Joe LeGard and Billy, of Downsview, and Miss Gertrude LeGard, of Kamloops, B.C, Elzar Mousseau, Kippen, and Herb Mousseau, of Zurich, are spending a few days fishing on the Manitoulin Island, Harvest Time STOCK UP NOW ON inder Twine We carry the famous "Plymouth Red Top" ARE THE BUGS EATING YOUR GARDEN? "KING" BUG KILLER FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN AND FARM NEEDS will rid you of any unwanted pests FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN AND FARM NEEDS Shop at Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMITHING" PHONE 72 ZURICH OPitegliff .nm -.*16 Pilsbury — Cherry or White Bick's Palski — 32 Oz. Angel Food Mixes _ _ 49c Ogorki Dills _ _ _ .- _ 39c Miracle Whip — 32 Oz. Salad Dressing _ _ - _ 59c Crisco $1,07 Red Seal — 73/4 Oz. Strawberry Jam - - - 47c Cohoe Salmon - - - - 49c 8c Off 3 -Lb. Tin St. William's — 24 Oz. Yum -Yum— Sweet Wafer -32 Oz. 11 Oz. Bottles Rick's Pickles - - - - 43c Aylmer Catsup - - 2/39c Hostess — 1 Lb. Pkg. Van Camp — 15 Oz. Bean Coffee 79c Pork and Beans _ _ 2/33c Asst. Marshmallow Kraft — 8 Oz. Cookies _ _ 3 pkgs. for 79c French Dressing _ _ - 29c Puritan — 15 Oz. Tins Hyatt's — 15 Oz. Beef Stew _ _ - _ _ 3/89c Choice Peas _ _ _ 2/33c FRUIT and VEGETABLES TENDER LOCAL CABBAGE LB. 5c LARGE JUMBO SIZE SPANISH, ONIONS SUNKIST ORANGES, 180's 2 LBS. FOR 25c 3 DOZ. For $1.00 MEAT SPECIALS tisnianzeresonosszelemixraregemsa FRYERS, 3 LBS. UP LB, 41c LARAN SAUSAGE 2 LBS. FOR 69c LOIN PORK ROASTS LB. 59c LOIN PORK CHOPS LB. 65c SMOKED PICNICS LB. 39c OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY TILL LABOUR DAY, ALSO OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS DOERR'S PHONE 140 — ZURICH