Zurich Citizens News, 1961-12-07, Page 11THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE ELEVEN News of Hensall District Women's Institute The Christmas meeting of Hensall Womens Institute will be held in the Legion Hall, Wednesday, December 13, at 8.15 p,m. Rev. Ross D. Mac- Donald will be guest speaker and will give a Christmas mes- sage. There will be a demon- stration and the roll call will be answered with a $1.00 con- tribution per member for Fos- ter Parent Plan, which is this years W.T. main project. Members of the Kinsmen club will blitz the town this Thursday, December 7, for their peanut drive and will make a house to house canvass beginning at 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bonthron left on Monday morning of this week by motor for Apopka, Florida, where they will spend the winter months. They expect to return in April. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick spent the week -end in Toronto with her sister, Miss Elvira Chur- chill. Mrs. Olive Horton was the Carmel W.M.S. Christmas Meet The Christmas meeting of the Womens Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held Monday evening, with president Mrs. Earl Campbell presiding. Meditation was in charge of Mrs. MacDonald. Mrs. Glenn Bell, Miss Han nah Murray, Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall took part in a candlelight service, centering around the hymn, "O little town of Bethlehem," with the group singing the last verse of the hymn. Mrs. E. Munn offered prayer. The group planned to pack Christmas boxes on December 14 for the sick and shut ins of the church. The Ladies Aid, in charge of president Miss Hannah Murray, held a brief meeting. winner of $25 worth of grocer- ies in a draw at Al's Supersave Market Saturday night. Mrs. Lou Simpson returned home from Detroit on Saturday, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Gus Voth. The Legion turkey bingo held Saturday night was well patronized and many fine tur- keys were won. This Saturday another turkey bingo will be held with 15 rounds of turkeys, 2 cash bingo, and two turkey door prizes. Miss Karen Drummond, and Miss Helen Maue, of Kitchener, student teachers of Stratford Teachers' College, are spending this week practice teaching at S.S. 10. Hay, of which Mrs., Freda Norminton is the teacher. With the beautiful spring like weather we are enjoying, local residents were busy this past week cutting their lawns. Rasp- berries are being picked off the bushes, and a cluster of roses, last of the season, was picked off a rose bush. A caterpillar out of his cucoon, was found at Cook's Mill. One local resident is enjoying radishes and green onions out of her garden. The winner of $20.00 worth of groceries at Browns I.G.O. Market in a draw Saturday night was Mrs. Morris Masse, R.R. 2, Zurich. Visit Teeswater The Y.P.S. of Carmel Pres- byterian Church go to Teeswa- ter this Sunday, December 10, to attend a Leadership Train- ing Course being held in the Presbyterian Church there. An all -day session, starting at 10.- 30 a.m., and concluding with a banquet. Rev. F. Cromey, of Kincardine, will be guest spea- ker and his theme will be "Why we remained the Presby- terian Church after Union." Leave For Holland Mrs. Gary Branderhorst and little daughter, Wilma; Mrs. William Rooseboom, and dau- ghters Margaret and Janie; and Mr. and Mrs. Zwaenarpoel, left Saturday, December 2, by K. L, M. chartered plane for Holland where they will spend Christ- mas with their relatives. They expect to be away six weeks. Ordinarily the fare by plane to Holland is $550, bue special rates this time were $261. Our local stores present a very attractive appearance, de- corated in Christmas motifs, and the strings of varied coloured lights on main street add much to the festive occasion. The P.U.C. were in charge of the street lighting. Rev. Ross D. MacDonald was guest minister at the Y.P.S. meeting at Brussels Presbyter- ian Church, on Sunday evening. The Womens Missionary So- ciety of the United Church will convene this Thursday after- noon, December 7, at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. James McAllister and Mrs. W. H. Weekes groups will be in charge. Attend Card Party Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. Ho- ward Smale, Mrs. Don Havens, Mrs. Grant Bisback, Mrs. John Skea, Mrs. H. Campbell, Mrs Harry Horton, Mrs. Mary Tay- lor and Mrs. William Smale, at- tended the zone L -I card party at Blyth Town Hall last Wed- nesday night. Next card party will be held in the Legion Hall, Hensall, in January, when the Legion Ladies Auxiliary will be hostesses. Mrs. Jack Pfaff left for Lon- don on Saturday, to spend a few weeks with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McNicol. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean, of Hamilton, called on Mr. John Passmore, of town, on Saturday, and also on Mrs. James McLean and Marion, of Exeter. Mrs. Gus Voth, of Detroit, Mich., spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Ven- ner enjoyed a pleasant week- end in Toronto, visiting friends and relatives and also attend- ed the Grey Cup Game. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid CHECK THIS GIFT LIST FOR THE MAN IN YOUR LIFE! ARROW WHITE and COLOURED SHIRTS ARROW, CURRIE, and MILBROOK SPORT SHIRTS SWEATER SHIRTS BY ARROW (As advertised in the Star Weekly) CIUMMISIENV Smart Check and Plain Doeskin Vests allillizallnelminenNiontaninar SWEATERS IN PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS (by Tony Day and Warren Knit) SOX IN WOOLS, NYLONS and MIXTURES (by Mnoarch, Byford, Interwoven and Aliens) Unlined Gloves in Black, Brown, Grey Lined Gloves in Black, Brown Grey NOVELTY GIFT ITEMS BY HICKOCK Tie Bars and Cuff Links, Tie Racks, Jewel Boxes, Pant Holders, Clothes Brushes SLIPPERS IN LEATHER, CORDUROY AND SHEEPSKIN Scarves, Work Shirts, Sport Coats, Top Coats, Car Coats, Short Jackets, etc. AUNIINIV LUGGAGE FOR MEN AND LADIES * Initialled Handkerchiefs * Slacks By Premier and Shiffer-Hillman 'IFT CERTIFICATES FOR HATS & SHOES attended the Certified Nursing Aid Graduation ceremony for Miss Marilyn Helm, of Tiverton, at the Wingham General Hos- pital on Wednesday afternoon, December 6. 0 Hensall C.G.I.T. Plan Special Event Around Christmas The Carmel Presbyterian Church C.G.I.T. had a special meeting last Wednesday even- ing, the theme of the evening, "A teenage girls' hair and their problems. Special guests were Bill Gibson and Jack Caldwell, of B -N -Jay Beauty Salon, of Hensall, and other guests were teenage girls of the town. The service was in charge of the vice-president, Cheryl Lit- tle, which opened with the opening ceremony. Patsy Moir was in charge of the worship in which Bonnie Foster, Barbara Schwalm, and Colleen Baynham took part. Hurondale W.I. Plan December Meeting In Exeter Hurondale Womens' Institute convened for their November meeting in Thames Road Unit- ed Church, last Wednesday evening. Hostesses were Mrs. Robert Mayer, Mrs. Lee Web- ber, Mrs. Almore Passmore, Mrs. Lorne Oke, Mrs. Ernest Pym, and Mrs. MacHodgert. President Mrs. Harry Dougall, presided. Mrs. Frank Lostell comment- ed on the motto, "Don't work all your life to make a living, but work to live all your life." Roll call "A Canadian manu- factured article used in my kit- chen," A motion was passed to sponsor the Foster Parent Plan, this years W.I, project, with each member to contribute $1. towards sponsoring a child. Christmas cards will be sent to sister institutes and shut ins. The resignation of Mrs. El - Mrs. MacDonald introduced more Passmore, secretary-trea- the guest speakers, who demon- surer, owing to illness, was ac- strated on two of the girls, Bar- cepted with regret. Mrs. Lloyd bara Schwalm and Bonnie Pe- Ballantyne was appointed as ters, washing, cutting and set- secretary -treasurer for the re - ting their hair in very attrac- I mainder of the year, and Mrs. tive teenage style. During the Mervin Dunn as assistant sec - comb -out they lectured on teen- retary. age problems of dandruff, pro- The programme, "Canadian per way of pin curling, pony Industries and Agriculture," tails and all other problems. was convened by Mrs. Roylance A rousing sing -song and act- Westcott, featuring a sing -song ive games were enjoyed, and by Mrs. Harry Strang and Mrs. the meeting closed with the Andrew Dougall. Mrs. Wilfred Friendship Circle. Hunkin was soloist, accom- panist Mrs. Reg Hodgert, A paper "The effects of Urbani- zation" was presented by Mrs. Rhiney Keller. A letter from their sister institute was read by Mrs. Mervin Dunn, which will be replied to by Mrs. Ross Oke. Mrs. William Elford extended courtesy remarks. The Decem- ber meeting will be held in James Street United Church, Exeter, on December 13, two weeks early on account of Christmas gatherings. Next Wednesday night, at the church, initiation services will be held at 7 p.m. Mrs. Robert Hilton, Exeter, C.G.I.T. leader for the past twenty years, and a teacher on the staff of South Huron District High School, will be guest speaker. Mrs. Ross D. MacDonald, their leader, will conduct the initiation ceremony, to be followed with an initia- tion party. Sunday, December 17, the group will entertain the pat- ients at Queensway Nursing Home with a Christmas pro- gram, and on Christmas Eve will present a Vesper candle- light service at the church. 0 A strange Christmas custom in Finland is the annual Christ- mas Eve steam bath taken by the entire family. After the bath everyone is supposed to roll in the snow. THANK YOU The confidence you, as rate- payers in the village of Hensall, have shown by re-electing me to your council, is greatly ap- preciated. John Baker Thank You ! ! ! wish to take this oppor- tunity of thanking the ratepay- ers of the village of Hensall for the fine support they gave me at the polls, and. for elect- ing me as Reeve for 1962. Compliments of the season! NORMAN H. JONES szemismaimmasszsak erwromamemommew Hensall Ratepayers Thank you for electing me as a member of your council for 1962. I will try to serve you to the best of my ability at all times. John Henderson during December. Also Christmas Week on xday night. THANKS To those who supported me at the polls on Monday, 1 say thank you! Your efforts were sincerely appreciated. Clar. Lenaghan 1 Letters to Editor Dear Sir: -In your November 30 issue there appeared a state- ment from John Henderson. I should like to inform the public that his accusations were uncalled for, unfair and not fact. The minutes of our meet- ings are in the town books in the clerk's office for the rate- payers to see if they so desire. It hardly seems fair that when such a letter appears in the paper a few days preceed- ing election, the accused do not have a chance to reply. I should think it would be much better if there was a two-week period between nomination and elec- tion. However, the damage has been done and there is no turn- ing back. blue to several unpleasant occurrences we have lost our most capable clerk, Earl Camp- proach as a clerk, but as a bell. Not only is he above re - gentleman. It will be a great task to replace him. In closing, I would suggest that if any ratepayer has a complaint, he come to the coun- cil meeting and give the coun- cil a chance. I maintain that politics does not have to be "dirty." The people involved make it so. Respectfully yours Mrs. Minnie Noakes Thank You 11 1 wish to express my sin- cere thanks to the electors of Hensel( for the wonderful sup- port they gave at the polls on Monday. 1 will try and serve to the best of my ability. HAROLD KNIGHT Electors of Hensall My sincere thanks for your support at the polls on Decem- ber 4. 1 hope I shall justify your confidence in me. MRS. MINNIE NOAKES For the biggest ton of coal in town BIGGEST IN VALUE! BIGGEST IN QUALITY! A standard ton in size and weight but 'blue coal' outweighs all others In heating value and comfort. For the best coal and the best service, CALL LORNE E. HAY PHONE 10 HENSALL EVERYONE Saves At Drysdale's with FREE Bonus Coupons This year we are giving 3c in coupons on every $1.00 cash purchase in our store. Spend these coupons in our large toy department. 3c on Every Dollar - - Save Save GIFTS FOR HER CORONADO 10 Cup Percolator CORONADO Electric Clock CORONADO 111" Frypan and Lid GENERAL ELECTRIC Floor Polisher GENERAL ELECTRIC Fry Pan and Lid GENERAL ELECTRIC Electric Kettle GENERAL ELECTRIC Mixer and Knife Sharpener CORONADO Electric Kettle GENERAL ELECTRIC Hair Dryer, Reg. $32.50 LADY TORCAN Hair Dryer CORONADO Automatic Toaster GENERAL ELECTRIC TOASTER ELECTRIC BLANKETS from Discount Prices Right At Home GIFTS FOR HIM $14.95 4.95 15.98 29.95 24.95 9.95 24.95 8.95 27.95 14.95 11.95 20.95 19.95 BLACK and DECKER V4" Electric Drill ARTISAN 1/2" Electric Drill $14.39 ARTISAN 7" Circular Saw ---____ 36.95 BERNZOMATIC Torch Kit ____________________ 41.5 ---------------------------- 6.995 BONSPIEL Curling Broom $--- and $3.98 SUNBEAM Electric Shavers _______ ---------- PHILISHAVE Razor1.95 -__--___--------�------__-------------------------___ 19-.95 We have reduced all prices on major appliances, come in while selection is good. A few 1961 washers and dryers left at greatly reduced prices. Drysdale Crest Hardware HENSALL