Zurich Citizens News, 1961-12-07, Page 7THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c, REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c, CASH DISCOUNTS— % Off if paid by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE -- 10c added on second bill. FREE -- Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE OVEN READY — Roasting Chickens, dressed, 35c pound. .Apply to Louis Farwell, phone 84-r-7, Zurich, 49,p REMINGTON FIELDMASTiED 22, No. 572, Pump, used only three weeks. Present market price, $68, for quick sale at only $48. Makes a graceful Christmas gift. May be seen at office of Zurich Citizens News, in Zurich. 49,50,b THREE SHETLAND PONY Colts, make ideal Christmas gifts. Will hold until Christmas. Apply to Allan Thiel, phone 127 Zurich. 49,p FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 28 to 36-p SCOTCH PINE Christmas Trees. Apply to Robert Manson, phone 76-r-1, Zurich. 49b CREAM ENAMEL COOK STOVE — with hot water at- tachment, in good condition. Priced reasonable. Phone Hen- sall 137. 49,b SPRAYED APPLES—Spy, King, Maclntosh, Talman S w e e t, Snow, Delicious, Greening, Rus- set, Wilfe River and Cider ap- ples. Free delivery in Hensall and Zurich. Phone HU 2-3214. Fred McClymont and Sons, 1 mile south of Varna. 41-tfb. VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 28 to 36-p TWO - WHEEL TRAILER in good condition. No further use for same. Priced reasonable, Apply to N. Long, Kippen, phone Hensall 278W1. 45-x SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees. Call Russell Grainger, Bayfield, 60 r 3. 47-8-9-x GOOD SHORTHORN Bull, 18 months old. Apply to Avila Ducharme, phone Zurich 77-r-2. 48-9-b HOLSTEIN COW, due in 2 weeks, with third calf. Apply to Menno Martin, phone Hen- sall 698-r-31. 49,b IT'S NOT HARD TO BUY TOYS FOR GROWING BOYS! We ha- ve the most complete selection of Chemistry Sets. Kenner Bri- dge and Turnpike, Girder and Panel Sets and everything for the boy who wants something new and different. Action ga- mes, archery, sports and body building equipment. Electric trains for dad and the lad, and, planes that fly for the little guy. We hate to boast but we have the most for the girl. in the family too. if she likes to bake or lace a shoe, or sew and keep house like mothers do, make your little darling's dream come true by shopping in our basement toyl.and. Beav- ers Crest Hardware, Exeter. 49,b MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES paid for white beans, wheat, sprouted wheat, milling wheat, and oats. Contact Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd., phone 24, Hensall. AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, glass steering and wheel bal- ance. Undaspray for Rust pre- vention. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 II'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 ATTENTION FARMERS— For prompt 24-hour 7 day a week service on all dead or disabled farm animals; truck licenced under Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No. 66 c 61. Call Ed. Andrews, phone Sea forth 851r11. 9-30-p CARDS OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. S. Rannie and family wish to express their ap- preciation and thanks to the many people who helped in. their recent loss through fire. Special thanks to the Hensall fire brigade for their prompt and efficient action. Also thanks to friends and neigh- bours and various organizations for their deeds of kindness. 49,p Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Mill- er and family wish to ex- press their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to their friends, neighbors and relatives for the floral tributes. Cards and many acts of kindness dur- ing their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Father Doyle, the teachers and pupils of St. Boniface School, Dr. Gulens, Dr. Goddard, the pall- bearers, members of C.W.L., St. Joseph's Hospital staff, London, Officer Westover, and Officer Reid, and Westlake Funeral Home. 49,p We wish to extend our sin- cere thanks to our family, friends, and neighbours for the lovely gifts and cards received on the occasion of our 25th wedding anniversary. Walter and Edna Eckel. 49,p NOTICE Strayed onto S.W. Cor. Lot 21, Con. 8, Hay Township, two head of cattle. Owner can have sante by proving identification and paying for all expenses incurr- ed. Zurich, December 4, 1961 Alphonse Dietrich. 49,b TENDERS WANTED TENDER Tenders will be received by the Hensel! Public School Board until Tues., December 12, 1961 for the HEATING OIL SUPPLY of the Hensall Public School for the 1961-62 term, approxi- mately 7,000 gallons. Tenders to be send to Mr. Robert Rea - burn or Mr. Howard, Hen- sall, Ontario, and clearly mar- ked as TeTnders. 49,b AUTOS FOR SALE 1958 DODGE 4 -DOOR, GREY, in perfect condition. Only $795. Apply to Louis Thiel, phone 67, Zurich. 49,b FOR SALE. MODERN HOME — well locat- ed in the village of Zurich. All modern conveniences, brick building. For further informa- tion contact Lloyd Hey, at Cre- diton Garage. 49,tfb WANTED TO BUY STAMP COLLECTIONS, old picture buttons, old pictorial books. Box UP, Zurich Citizens News or Hensall Observer. 48-9-p WANTED WANTED — FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter salvage, phone 423 Exeter, col- lect. 22-tfb CUSTOM WORK. CUSTOM SPRAYING and White Washing. Call now for prompt and efficient service. William Watson, RR 3, Zurich, call Dashwood 37r19. 35-tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Schwatzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock, 33-tfb, FARM EQUIPMENT MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE Farm Machinery: Firestone and Good year rubber tires. See us for the best buy. Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. 37-tfb GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Elevators, Rotary Ting Feeders. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. 30-tfx AUCTION SALE Of valuable household effects antiques and Misc. items on the premises in the Village of Zur- ich. The undersigned Auctioneer received instruction to sell by Public Auction on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9 at 1.30 p.m. Westinghouse refrigerator, like new; sunshine 4 -burner electric stove, admiral televis- ion set; gilson electric washer; 3 -piece chesterfield suite; din- ing room extention table, 8 mat- ching chairs, end tables, buffet china cabinet; oak rockers, platform rocker; mirrors, pic- tures; odd chairs, centre tab- les, coffee table; trilight lamp, electric lamps, chrome smoker's stand; electric radio; chrome kitchen table with 6 matching Plan. Now For Outdoor Decorations To make Christmas a Happy Event The snow has come, the shops are ablaze with light, there's that certain feeling in the air—Christmas! — And it's time to think about decorating your home, inside and out, to express the festive season in your own particular way. Creat- ing a colourful scene in Christ- mas lights is not only easy, it is plenty of fun, too, because you can be as creative as your heart desires, and your pocketbook lets you. Using strings of the new Christmas lights, with flood and spot lights, your home, lawn and shrubbery can take on the air of fairyland, leading a spirit of good cheer chairs, electric clock; complete! to the entire neighbourhood. walnut bedroom suite, like There are several rules that new, daybed, footstool, 3 steel make it easy: first, decide what beds with springs and matt- general "theme" to use. If you resses, dressers, commodes; want to appeal to children, then complete toilet set, cedar chests, your whole outdoor decorative trunks; large assortment cus- project should he planned ac- hions, pillows, quilts, blankets, cordingly. Or if you prefer to When you visit hardware, sup- ermarket, electric utility or de- partment store for Christmas lights, be sure to select the best colours for outdoor decorating. This year, for the first time, you can purchase an outdoor string and socket set packaged separately, and then select the lights in the colour of your choice to fit the sockets. Decorate your front door with a quantity of evergreen boughs tacked to the door frame, entwined with strings of coloured lights. Lights may be strung about the pillars of the porch or tacked directly to the! frame of the doorway, using either a variety of colours or one colour only. To finally set off the doorway, which is the focal point of Christmas hos- pitality, train a coloured spot- light on it. (This is also very effective for the pian of the house coming home after the linens, bedspreads, curtains, dramatize the religious aspect office party, or some such plea - of Christmas, many beautiful santry. and moving scenes can be One of the simplest ways to created. But whatever you do, decorate your home, if you stay with one theme only. It is have picture windows, is from a mistake to mix them up as it the inside. Strings of lights of only serves to confuse passers- by. Secondly, make a detailed plan of what you would like to do before you start, including colours of lights to be used, and where they will be placed. This should be done carefully so as to make it gay. but not gaudy. The secret is to choose your colours wisely, and with some regard for the colours of the walls, trim and roof of your house. Start off by looking at your home as passersby might see it. Consider the size of your home on its lot, the roof, chim- ney, shrubbery and architect- ural details, especially around the doorway and front porch. Then decide which colour lights would look best in the arrange- ment you prefer on your home. mats, rugs; silverware, glass- ware, fancy dishes and antiques, complete dinner set, sandwich toaster (new), electric iron and toaster, meat grinder, clothes rack, 3 clothes baskets, dust mops; G. E. floor polisher like new; utility table, k itch en utensils, bathroom scales, towels, lawn chairs, gar- den and carpenter tools, lawn mower, galvenized tubs, garden hose, scythe, sealers, crocks, quantity fruit, many other mis- cellaneous items. No Reserve everything will be sold. Terms, cash including 3 per cent sales tax on taxable items. Please Note: In case of bad weather sale will be held in Arena. ALBERT BEDOUR Proprietor ALVIN WALPER Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SURPLUS MATERIALS Surplus Materials Company, Grand Bend, Ontario starting at 10 o'clock in the morning, on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13, 1961 HARDWARE — 20,000 lbs. bolts, metal screws, lags, wash- ers, rivets, grummets tools, as- sorted springs, package goods, paint. PLUMBING SUPPLIES—Pipe fittings, valves, plumber's oa- kum, nipples, flushometers, wa- ter softeners, 250 fuel econo- mizer units, complete range of pipe, sizes 6 to 10". ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES — 500 fixtures, fuses, conduets, meters, outlet boxes, motor starters, electric motors, clamps, plugs, etc. MACHINE SHOP SUPPLIES —2000 grinding wheels, polish- ing wheels, saw steel, heavy hardware, and many other items. BUILDERS SUPPLIES — Large quantity° of 3a" prest- board, hardwood and softwood plywoods, 1400 gallons of Bar- rett light tar surfacer, expan- sion joint cement. MISCELLANEOUS — Hercu- les 6 cylinder Diesel engine with power clutch and pulley unit, refrigerators, electric sto- ves, items of furniture, and hundreds of other items too numerous to mention. This sale will start at 10 a.m. sharp, on Wednesday, Decem- ber 13, at Surplus Materials Warehouse, Grand Bend, On- tario. TERMS: CASH Bargains galore for farmers, tradesmen, hobby shops, gar. agemen, contractors, hardware dealers. Something for every- one. Everything to be sold without reserve. 1111116. Sanitation Service SEPTIC TANK PUMPING BILL FINCH PHONE 205 — GRAND BEND the outdoor' type can be used to outline the window. Then place your tree near the win- dow where outsiders can catch a glimpse of it too. One of the simplest and most inexpensive window decorations is a candle and a bulb within a wreath, a McKEE SALES AND SERVICE Local Representative CHECK ON THE FALL DISCOUNTS See Bill Clement PHONE 19 — HENSALL Village of Hensall APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will be received until 6 p.m. on December 15, 1961, for the position of Clerk -Treasurer, Assessor and Tax Collector, for the village of Hensel!. Applications must be in writing and marked "applica- tions," stating age, qualifications, and experience. Appli. cant should be prepared to appear in person for an inter- ciew on December 15. EARL CAMPBELL. CLERK VILLAGE OF HENSALL ZURICH LIONS CLUB IN THE Zurich Community Centre D., DEC 13 8.30 p.m. 25 CHANCES ON TURKEYS PROCEEDS FOR ANNUAL SANTA CLAUS DAY single electric candle on the windowsill, ora candelabra of several graduated candles. Tall glowing candles can be made of stovepipe, mailing tubes, or cut out to plywood, and painted appropriately. These can be placed at each side of the front door to welcome guests with a show of hospitality. It is important to dramatize the theme you have chosen. The focal point usually needs strong illumination and can be empha- sized by contrasting colours of lights, style or size in relation to the other elements. It is im- portant that the focal point immediately attract attention and that all other parts of the display be subordinated to it. This can be done by making ated, while the remainder is subdued. Don't forget touse flood - lamps to give the final touch to your home decorating out- doors, This helps to tie the whole project together by sup- plying a diffused light over the entire area. However, unity can also be obtained by stringing lamps into lines or paths of light which help to tie seg- ments together. Try also to eli- minate glare, sharp unwanted contrasts, and hazardous sha- dows. Remember, it is what you do with what you have, not how much material you have, that will spell the difference bet- ween an attractive, pleasing dis- play and a rather gaudy show. It is a wonderful chance to try your artistry, originality, in- genuity, and creative ability. It is not necessary to nail wires to the eaves of the house. Try a stapling machine, making sure that the staples go around the wire and not through it. SHOP SAVE 1 Lowest Prices Pius Beautiful Gifts I With Gold Bond Stamps Kam Luncheon Meat 37c York Bologna 37c I Oxydol King Size $1.19 i I.G.A. Margarine 4 for 95c 1 MONARCH Pouch Pak Cake Mixes 4 for 49c 1 I This Weeks Turkey Club { Geopen Items I.G.A. CREAM CORN 20 oz 2 for 39c LISTERINE TOOTHPASTE family size 89c (Free 89c Toothbrush) LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 7 oz. 73c JOHNSONS BABY POWDER large 75c A.S.A. TABLETS 250's 49c Extra Cold Bond Stamp Items BILLY BEE CREAMED HONEY 2 Ib. 59c (25 Free Stamps) VIKING RED RASPBERRIES 15 oz. 29c (25 Free Stamps) HENLEY BARTLETT PEARS 20 oz. 31c (25 Free Stamps) CURAD PLASTIC BANDAGES ECONOMY 98c (100 Free Stamps) WESTONS CHOCOLATE STICKS 39c (25 Free Stamps) 1 TABLERITE MEAT FEATURES PICNIC STYLE Fresh Pork Shoulders Ib. 35c Ib, 39c Sausage (25 free stamps) 49c 49c 39c I 69c LEAN MEATY Pork Butts ROYAL TURKEY COUPON WITH FRESH THIN Sliced Beef Liver 25 FREE STAMPS WITH ologna by The Piece 25 FREE STAMPS WITH Swansons TV Dinners ter... n.,............... PR .I DUCE FEATURES SEBAGOES ONT. No. 1 Potatoes 2-10 lb. bags 49c Grapefruit 9 for 49c Free Christmas Draw Free With every $5.00 worth of purchases you will receive a free chance on our weekly draw for $20.00 worth of groceries. A second prize of a Cuddly Cathy Doll complete with 26 piece Layette Set will be given this week. lst weeks winner, Mrs, Beatrice Munn, Hensall 2nd weeks winner, Mrs. Maurice Masse, Zurich, TICKETS ON DRAW ONLY GOOD FOR WEEK PURCHASES ARE MADE BROWN'S I.G.A. MARKET HENSALL OPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY EVENINGS, ALSO EVERY MONDAY UNTIL CHRISTMAS