Zurich Citizens News, 1961-10-12, Page 1UR
PRESENT GIFT A highlight of the Centennial Celebration of St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, Zurich, was presence of Dr: A. W. Lotz, president of the Canada Lutheran Synod,
and Mrs. Lotz. During the Sunday School ho.sr the president visited the children of the
school, and in this photo Christine Haberer is shown presenting the couple with a gift from
the Sunday School. Left to right are: Rev. E. Heimrich, a former pastor of the congregation,
who was the guest speaker at the morning service, Dr. Lotz, Mrs. Lotz, Rev. W. P. Fischer
and .Christine. (Staff Photo)
Following a stormy. meeting
of the council of the village of
Zurich on Tuesday night, the
future of the plans for a new
municipal office seems to be
quite uncertain. The controv-
ersey started when the clerk
read a communication from the
Ontario Municipal Board, stat-
ing that it would be necessary
to hold a public hearing before
permission could be granted to
erect the proposed new build-
The OMB asked that the vil-
lage remit a cheque for $25 for
the purpose of conducting the
public hearing. They also set
up a tenative date of November
22 for the hearing to be held.
Councillor Milton Oesch oppos-
ed the motion to sendin the
$25, claiming it was a waste of
money, since there are a great
deal of people opposed to the
idea of the new building, at a
cost of around the $10,000
"Are you in favour of the new
building or opposed to it your-
self?" reeve Lloyd O'Brien ask-
ed Oesch. "If the entire coun-
cil is not in favour of the pro-
ject, we . better drop the whole
idea," chided councillor Leroy
Thiel. mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Oesch argued that he was ac- Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
ting in the best interests of the Salmon and family, at Key Riv-
ratepayers of the village, and
that he had been approached by
a large number of them who
feel the new building is too
great an expenditure at the pre-
sent time.
The council finally passed the
motion to send in the $25 for
the hearing, feeling that if the
people wanted to oppose the
idea they could do so at the pu-
blic hearing.
Debate Water Use
Another item which caused
some bickering at the meeting
was the action of the public
utilities committee in allowing
the village water to be run out
to the net, Co-op building, the
Township telephone shed, and
the Township truck shed. Ac-
cording to the committee, per- youth leaders William Ramey,
mission to run the water out to of Virginia and Frank Thomp-
these buildings had not been i son, of Wisconsin, held a special
granted by them. l youth meeting with Dashwood
Another request to run water Youth Fellowship.
out of the village has been re- I Thursday evening will be the
ceived from Elmore Beirling, closing meeting for old and
north at Zurich EUB church
Record Crowds Attend Special Events
Held at Lutheran Church Centennial
Ideal weather conditions and
overflow crowds helped to make
the 100th Centennial of St. Pe-
ter's Lutheran Church, Zurich a
decided success. The Centen-
nial celebrations began on Sun-
day morning, and are continu-
ing on through this week.
At the morning service on
Sunday, a crowd of over 400
people jammed into the church
auditorium and basement, to
hear the message from a former
pastor, Rev. E. Heimroch. Greet-
ings were brought to the Chur-
ch from the Canada Synod, by
the president, Dr. A. W. Lotz.
Special music was provided by
the Junior Choir, under, the dir-
ection of the leader, Ron Heim -
Rev. 0. Winter, another, for-
mer pastor, was the guest speak-
er at the evening service, when
the church was again filled to
Honour Sons
Sons of the congregation who
have entered t h e ministry,
along with another son who is
a Professor at Western Univer-
sity, London, were honoured at
a special Thanksgiving supper
on Monday night in the Zurich
Community Centre. The hon-
oured guests were: Rev. Lloyd
Kal.bfleisch, Rev.. Ferd Howald,
Rev. Albert Datars and Dr. Herb
Church, Zurich.
Last night, Wednesday, a ser-
vice was held in the local
Church, at which time the guest
speaker was the Dr. J. Reble,
past president of the Canada
Synod. Music was supplied for
the occasion by the Choir of Re-
deemer Lutheran Church, Lon-
Community Night
There is still one service left
to mark the centennial occasion
of St. Peter's Church. On Friday
night, the father of the present
minister, Rev. E. J. Fischer, will
be the guest speaker. This ser-
vice is being held as a special
community night, when every-
one in the community is invited
to attend, regardless of religion.
Guests have been attending
the Centennial from many poin-
ts in United States, as well as
from various places in Canada.
Each of the honoured guests
spoke briefly at the supper, giv-
ing a short summary of their
experiences since they left Zur-
ich. They were introduced by
Rev. W. P. Fischer, pastor of
St. Peter's congregation.
Another interesting feature
of the supper on Monday night
was the showing of pictures by
Beatrice Hess, taken many years
ago by members of the family.
One of the photos showed the
Church shortly after it was
Several numbers of entertain-
ment were presented at the
Monday night gathering by An-
drew Thiel, a member of the
local Church.
About 450 attended the din-
ner, which was served by the
Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical
Hunters Beware!
By-law Forbids
Shooting in Town
Pheasant hunters who plan
on shooting within the limits
of the village of Zurich had
better beware!
According to a by-law pass-
ed in 1960, it is strictly an of-
fence to discharge firearms
within the corporation of
the village of Zurich, and the
council plans on having this
by-law enforced to the limit.
Last year during pheasant
season a young Zurich buy
walking down the highway
was struck on the side of the
head with shotgun pellets,
and the council is quite con-
cerned that such an incident
does not occur • again this
In an effort to see that all
violators are prosecuted, the
council have instructed both
the game warden and the
Ontario Provincial Police to
enforce the law.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan
and David, Kitchener; Mr. and
Mrs. William Mickle, Pamela
and Judith; Mr. Charles Mickle
and Mrs. Florence Joynt, Bob
and Ann, spent Thanksgiving
Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett,
Bryan, Diane and Geoffrey, of
Toronto, were Thanksgiving
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N.
E. Cook.
Miss Ruth Anne Traquair, of
St. Thomas, spent the weekend ,
with relatives in and around
Mr. and Mrs. Murray McEwen,
Carolyn, Jane and Michael, of
London, spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden,
Sam and Linda, St. Catharines,
Mrs. Harold Hedden, Dresden,
were Thanksgiving visitors with
Mrs. Catherine Hedden and
Herb. '
Charles and Bob Mickle at-
tended the Rugby game at West-
ern in London on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McArthur,
of Ingersoll, spent Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell.
necessary by-laws covering the
nomination and election.
The assessor's role, as presen-
ted, was accepted, subject to the
terms of the Court of Revision,
which will be held early in No-
The council agreed to send a
delegation to the Municipal Of-
ficer's Association meeting,
which is to be held in Exeter on
October 18.
Daylight Saving Time will
end in the village on Saturday,
October 28.
Bus Trip
r mg
He nse' to1'her Takes Children Arorn
Burning Home Before Calling Firernen
A mother bundled up her
sleeping children and carried 1
them through a smoke-filled!
hallway in a 35 foot mobile
home, to safety, on Friday mor-
ning, after an electric water
heater burst into flames.
Mrs. Earl Gass said her hus-
band had gone to work at 7:00
a.m. and that about 7;30 a.m.
she was turning on the heater
when the explosion occurred.
"Flames shot up from the hea-
ter," she said, as she dashed for
her sleeping children, Gary 5,
Members of Dashwood Insti- I and Brenda, 4. "I carried them
tute and friends, totalling 32,
enjoyed a bus trip to London,
where they toured places of in-
terest, including: The London
Free Press, The Coca Cola pla-
nt, Eldon House and CFPL-TV.
Supper was enjoyed at Hooke's
Mrs. Ken McCrae was conven-
er of the trip.
Thanksgiving Visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Reste-
out to the car," she exclaimed,
adding that she then call Hen-
sall volunteer fire brigade.
Damage was confined to the
kitchen area. A cupboard was
burned, and the plastic plumb-
ing in the mobile home was
burned. Firemen entered the
unit with smoke masks because
of the dense smoke. They said
that in another ten minutes the
trailer would have been destroy-
At 11:00 a.m. that same r::.rn-
ing, the firemen were called
again to the mobile home. when
fire started in the petitions.
Concert in Town Hall is Climax to
Annual Hensall School Fair Event
An evening concert was held Bill Soldan, Hensall PS.
Friday night in the Hensall! Judges were Mr. H. L. Stt-rgis,
Town Hall, in conjunction with principal of South Huron Dist -
the Hensall Community Agri- rict High School, Exeter, and
cultural School Fair. It was Mr. Cecil Wilson, also on the
well attended. Mr. J. G. Goman, staff.
public school inspector, was
Winners, second grade and
under, recitation, Wendy Web-
ster; Garry Clement; Beverley
Cornell; Hensall P.S.; recitation,
third and fourth grades, Ken-
neth Jones, Donna Forrest, Car-
olyn Cook; public speaker, grad-
es 6 and under, Bonnie Kers-
lake, 7 Hibbert; Brenda Noakes,
Kathie Henderson, Hensall; pu-
blic speaking, grades 7 and 8,
Bruce Forrest, Grant Jones,
Flora Lee Johnston, Hensall.
Vocal solo, girls under 10,
Sharon Lavery, Kathie Hender-
son, Brenda Noakes; vocal solo,
boys 10 and over, Grant Jones,
Kenneth Jones, Michael Hoy.
Duet, vocal, Kenneth and
Grant Jones; Bonnie and Denise
Kerslake, 7 Hibbert; piano solo,
under 10, Julie Heal, Doug
Mock, Carolyn Cook; piano solo,
10 and over, Ruth Anne Cole-
man, 7 Hibbert; Ken Jones,
Joyce Flynn; piano duet, under
10, Bonnie and Denise Kerslake,
'7 Hibbert; piano duet, 10 and
over, Clark Forrest and Linda
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader
and family, of London, with Mr.
and Mrs.. Lloyd Howe. ...
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and
Brian, with Mr. and Mrs. Wen-
dall Gamble and family, of Lon-
don, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Haugh,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Dorssel-
aer, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader
and family, and Paul Eckmier,
of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs.
Courtney Burmeister.
Youth Evangelist Services
Fifty youth from Dashwood,
Zurich and Crediton EUB Chur-
ches, held an opening rally at
Crediton, on Saturday evening.
Sunday evening. they gathered
at Daswood. The two youth
Ladies Auxiliary
Have Anniversary
Hensall Legion Auxiliary ob-
served their 12th anniversary
on Friday evening, and enter-
tained Legion members in the
Legion Hall.
For entertainment progress-
ive euchre was played, and the
winners: ladies, Mrs. Mary Tay-
lor and Mrs. Harry Horton;
gents, Ted Taylor and Wilmer
In a draw for a leather ha.-1,1bag, Mrs. William Smale, of
Hensall, was the winner, A
leather wallet won by Earl
Zimmer, of Zurich. Jim Young
and his orchestra, from Exeter,
provided music for the dance,
and a turkey and hom smorgas-
bord was served.
Lutheran Ladies
The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's
who lives on the first farm young uric Lutheran Church, Zurich, held
of Zurich. No decision was rea- On Monday, a meeting of the
ched on this matter at the meet- I groups was held at St. Joseph. i Keys; Ken and Grant Jones; their regular meeting Tuesday
in 1 This totalled 42, with the three Joan Simmons and Patricia evening, with 33 members and
g• the pastor present.
In other business the council churches, ministers and leaders. Parke. ! The meeting was opened by
set the date of nomination for' A bar-becue supper was held. 1 Unison chorus, Hensall Grade I Mrs. Howard was withnthe
Friday, November 24, with an I William Ramey and Frank ' 5 and 6; SS 7 Hibbert; Hensall Mrs. of a hymn, "We e
election, if necessary, on Mon-) Thompson were guests with Mr. grades 7 and 8; chorus, 7 Hib- singiThee 9 Goa" n, " e;�,, fase
day, December 4. The clerk and Mrs. J. M. Tiernan, on Sun- bert; Hensall, garde 5 and 6; z
was instructed to draw up the day and Monday. � spelling match, Heather rteid, cowed by Psalm 8, and a prayer.
1Pastor Fischer presented a tape
recording of Dr. Fry's sermon
for the induction of Dr. Lotz,
president of the Canada Synod.
The secretary, Mrs. John Tur-
kheim read the minutes and
Mrs. Charles Thiel gave the
treasurer's report.
A donation is to be given to
the Canadian National Institute
for the Blind. The meeting
closed with the Lord's Prayer.
Lunch was served by the com-
mittee in charge.
Twenty-one ladies attended
the twelfth annual rally of Lu-
theran Ladies at Hanover, on
Wednesday, October 4. This was
a well attended gathering. The
guest speakers were Mrs. Karl
Knauff, of Kitchener, and Mrs.
Lloyd Schaus, of Waterloo.
About Know
You I\nodi • d a
Mrs. Fred Beer, Mrs. <Tanres
Bengough, Mrs. Clarence Reid,
Mrs. R. M. Peck, and Mrs, Geor-
ge Armstrong, attended the area
convention of Women's Institu-
tes, held at the Masonic Temp-
le, London, on. Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week.
ial Thanksgiving supper at the Community Centre, Zurich,
on Monday night, held in connection with the Centennial
Celebration of Sf. Peter's Lutheran Church, distinguished
sons of the congregation were honoured. Shown in this photo,
left to right are: Rev. Lloyd Kalbfleiseh, Rev. Albert Datars,
Dr. Herbert Kalbfleisch, and Rev. Ferd Howald.
(Staff Photo)