Zurich Citizens News, 1961-09-07, Page 8FADE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1961 News of Hensall District Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and Miss Ann Tate left on Tuesday of this week for a month's tour 1.o the coast. Miss Carol Brown will preside at the organ consol of Carmel Church during her absence. . Mrs. C. Cook has returned home after vacationing at her summer cottage at Grand Bend. Mrs. L. E. Borden is a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for a few days this week, in the interests of her health. IVIr. Gus Voth of Detroit, vis- ited on Saturday last with Mrs. L. Simpson. He was accompan- ied home by Mrs. Votha nd Jim who have been spending their summer vacation here. Weekend holiday visitors with Mrs. L. Simpson were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Simpson, of De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker, who flew here to attend the fun- eral of the former's father, the late Mr. George Walker, return- ed to their home at St. Peters- burg, Florida, on Tuesday, also making the return trip by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mather, Jane and John, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, of Blen- heim, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Three baskets of flowers in the United Church Sunday mor- ning last were in memory of the late Mr. George Walker, placed there by members of the family. Mrs. Lou Simpson was taken by ambulance Monday to Clin- ton Public Hospital, in the inter- ests of her health, Mrs. Clara Hughes and Norma of London, were weekend holi- day guests with Miss Greta Lam- mie. Miss Marie Miller of Windsor, spent the weekend holiday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks, and with Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks. Howard Lemmon is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, in the interests of his health. Miss Amy Lammie returned. to London Monday, following her vacation spent with her sis- ter Miss Greta Lammie. Gone To Toronto Jack Chipchase left for Tor- onto on Monday, where he will attend Northern • Vocational School, and also participate in Junior "A" hockey at Maple Leaf Gardens. Mrs. Leona Parke and Pat- ricia spent a few days last week with friends in Ilderton and London. Wendy Thomas, of London, and Danny Kerslake, of Central- ia, have returned home after spending • their holidays with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Lemmon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton are spending a week's vacation at Winona. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shiels, of Belyrave, visited on Saturday with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan and family. Their granddaugh- ter, Margaret Allan, who spent two weeks holidaying with them returned home with them. Mr. Norman Shiels, Jr., of Amberley, visited on Sunday with his sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan and family. Baer GARBAGE COLLECTION IN HENSALL EVERY SATURDAY MORNING $1.00 Per Month For extra pick-up, contact us 1 after 6 p.m. GEORGE PARKER HENSALL ttb NEW MINISTER On Friday, September 8, Huron -Maitland Presbytery, will induct Rev. D. Ross Mac- Donald into the ministry of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, which will be follow- ed with a reception for Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald and fam- ily. Mr. MacDonald, who will occupy his own pulpit on Sun- day, September 10, came to Hensall from Springhill, N.S., where he was minister of St. David's Presbyterian Church there since 1958. Mrs. Mac- Donald (nee Nancy Seaton) is a graduate nurse of Brockvil- le General Hospital. They have two children, Ruth Anne two and a half years old, and David Allan, 13 months. Mrs. Carl Payne rendered a lovely solo "Bless This House" at the United Church service Sunday morning. Rev, Currie Winlaw delivered an inspiring message, and Miss Greta Lam- mie was at the organ consol. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Hedden, Karen, Kevin, Keith and Kerry, St. Catharines, have 'returned after vacationing with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Herb. Celebrates Birthday Gary Hoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoy, celebrated its second birthday on Tuesday of this week, and entertained several of his little friends. At- tending the celebration were Sharon, Shelley and Daryl Bor- den; Kenny, Varley, Garry Moir and Ronnie Hoy. The youngest enjoyed several games and each were presented with a surprise basket. Lunch was served, in- cluding a birthday cake nicely decorated and topped with can- dies. THE Be -n -Jay Beauty Salon "Where Your Hair Is Styled To Suit Your Personality" Now Air Conditioned PERMS — CUTS — SETS — TINTS We Feature Schoolgirl Perms at $6.00 (reg. $8.50) HOURS FOR JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER Tuesday, Friday and Saturday - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday • 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Closed on September 9 and 12) Wm. Gibson PHONE 236 Jack Caldwell SHOP SAVE Features Thurs., Friday, Saturday JELLO POWDERS 9c each BRUNSWICK SARDINES 9c each DOG HOUSE DOG FOOD __ 9c each ROYAL GOLD ICE CREAM, (Pints) 19c each REAL GOLD DRINKS 19c each LIBBYS DEEP BROWN BEANS, 15 oz. 19c each KRAFT CHEESE SLICES 29c each LIBBYS FANCY TOMATO JUICE, 48 oz. 29c DELMONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL, 20oz. 29c BGA PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz. 29c TENDER LEAF TEA BAGS, 60's 73c THIS WEEKS FREE GOLD BOND STAMP FEATURES Pepsodent Toothpaste, Helene Curtis EggS hampoo, Thrift Detergent, Pledge, Scuff Kate Shoe Polish Table Rite Meat Features BLADE ROAST or SHORT RIB ROAST 39c Ib. HEAD CHEESE,3 Ib. tin 99c PORK LIVER - 29c Ib. Produce Features 'CORN ON COB 19c dozen 6 QT. BASKET MELBA APPLES _ .___ 69c SUNKIST VALENCIA ORANGES, 5 Ib. bag 65c 25 Free Stamps with: 3 LB. CARROTS and 3 LB. COOKING ONIONS ZERO PAK NEW CROP PEAS, 12 oz. 5 for $1.00 BROWN'S I.G.A. MARKET HENSALL OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Buys House Mr. Jim Hyde has purchased the home of Mr. Lorne Hay, on Richmond Street, south. 0 Plenty of Fun For Entire Family ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE LAI.. FRED DUCHARME, Correscondentl along the lake, and from now on the traffic on the laneways to the lake will be light. Only on weekends will there be a few come into their cottages, per- haps to store away some things that they will not need for some time, or perhaps till next sum- mer. Campers will be missed by business people in the sur- rounding burgs, for their trade. Those who had no cottage to go to did not stop from taking advantage of the long holiday weekend. They visited with their parents and their frends, and mostly all of the homes along this highway were called on. At time of writing this highway had only light acci- dents, this perhaps was the greatest consolation for the mot- orist. When he can leave his home for the purpose of an outing and return safely, it leaves him and those in his care with new vigor. For those who are confined to an office or shop, an outing such as the holiday weekend is refreshing. Mr. Charles Bedard, of Court - right, spent a day or so in this neighbourhood with relatives and friends. Mr. Nelson Papineau, of Win- dsor, spent the long holiday weekend visiting with the Sar- aras' of this highway, also call- ing on Mr. and Mrs. Paul Duch- arme, on the 15th concession. Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Siemon and children, of Tecumseh, spent Labour Day holiday week- end at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siemon. Master Raymond Ducharme, of London, who has been em- ployed by his uncle, Isadore Ducharme, during the summer holidays, returned to London on Monday where he will resume his studies for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sopha • and family, of the United States were the past week visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Sopha, of this high- way. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Fourn- ier and sons, of London, spent the long weekend with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Corriveau, and other relatives. • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meek and their son and daughter, spent a few days in the neighbourhood. Mrs. Meek was formerly Elean- or Charrette, of this parish, and they still have a few relatives to call on. Miss Delores Denomme, of Detroit, spent a week's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Denomme. Mr. Victor Brisson, of Detroit, will also be seen every after- who has bought several parcels noon except Wednesday and of lakefront land, has recently bought that of Mr. Leon Bed- ard. In each purchase a very handsome price was paid. Mr. Brisson has already sold many lots previously bought. Mr, and Mrs. Leo P. Duch- arme and son David Alfred, of worth $25,000.00. Some lucky Dashwood, spent Labour Day holiday on the Blue Water Highway with the latter's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sarar- as, of Kitchener, spent the La- bour Day weekend in Zurich and in the St. Joseph district. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mernovide, of Detroit, are visiting at the Jeffrey residence and with oth- er relatives. Back At St. Peters Monsiegneur Bourdeau, who was transferred to London sev- sheep and swine. Western Fair en years ago, has been again transfered to this Parish. Mon - At Western Fair Eight days of fun, entertain- ment and excitement, commen- ce Friday at Queens,Park, Lon- don, when Western Fair opens its 86th exhibition. The fair will be officially op- ened Friday night, September 8, in front of the grandstand by The Hon. John P. Robarts, Min- ister of Education, and MLA for London North. Mr. Robarts will take the of- ficial salute of the scarlet -coat- ed Mounties of the RCMP Mus- ical Ride as they pass the grand- stand on their black chargers. The Ride is an added attraction to the exciting evening grand- stand show — the best in the fair's history. The Musical Ride LEGION AUXILIARY HENSALL — At the Septem- ber meeting of the Legion Lad- ies Auxiliary on Tuesday even- ing, Mrs. Harold Campbell and Mrs. Gordon Munn were elec- ted as sports officers for the 1961-62 season. A decision was reached at the meeting for the Auxiliary to have their 12th birthday party on October 6. The members of the Legion will be invited to at- tend the event. It was also de- cided to send cigarettes to the Auxiliary veterans at Westmin- ister Hospital. Winners at bingo were: Mrs. Wes Venner (3); Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. M. Hedden, Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. E. Davis. Thursday afternoons, Septem- ber 13 and 14. Other feautres include the At- omic Energy Display, direct from Calk River, and the West- ern Fair Shrine Show House HENSALL KINETTES HENSALL — Mrs. William Clement was hostess for the kin- ette turn -over night. The 1961- 62 executive are. past president, Mrs. Ross Jinks; president, Mrs. William Clement; vice-presid- ent, Mrs. Robert Reaburn; sec- retary, Mrs. Harold Botnhron; treasurer, Mrs. John Deitz; reg- istrar, Mrs. Jim Hyde; bulletin editor, Mrs. Harold Knight; ways and means, Mrs. Reaburn, Mrs. John Heal. First meeing of the fall sea- son will be held Tuesday, Sep- tember 12. 0 RECEIVES BURSARY David Noakes, of Hensall, student of South Huron Dis- trict High School, has receiv- ed word that he has been aw- arded a student -aid bursary of $500 from the Department of Education. David is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes. 1 IF YOUR TV FAILS 1 11 LATE AT NIGHT.., 1 1 WE'LL SENO OUR MAN TO FIX IT RIGHT..! L...._ - Tv 6EavkE RADIO a AUTO RADIO NTE Al SAW - SER1N E person will win this lavishly furnished home Saturday night September 16. There are also three 1961 car prizes to be won by holders of Advance Sale ad- mission tickets. The vening Horse Show in the Ontario Arena, September 8, 9, 11 and 12, promises exceptional- ly keen competition and should draw full houses. Livestock entries have never been better .and the Agrcultur- al Pavilion will be filled to cap- acity with prize cattle, horses, will again have the largest dis- play of farm machinery of any fair in Canada. All in all, Western Fair this year has something for every- one, including the great Conklin adult midway and Kiddyland, 0 VARNA NEWS Anniversary Service The service in Ufiited Church will be withdrawn next Sunday, September 10, because of the Anniversary Services in the Go- shen United Church, where Rev. Hugh Wilson, of Thames Road, will have charge of the service, morning and evening. Mr. George Coleman, of Col- bourg, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman. Mr. David Mustard is at pres- ent a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid and family have returned to their home in Wallaceburg, after spending the summer at their farm here. Miss Lola Chuter, of Brant- ford, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Chuter, over the weekend. A large number of softball fans watched the game Satur- day,. when the home boys won out over Brucefield by a score of 9-8. siegneaur Bourdeau, who had made many repairs to the church and grounds of this Par- ish during his previous mission, is now enjoying the fruit of his labour.. Holiday Weekend Monday being Labour Day, the traffic on 21 was heavy. Hol- idayers were returning to their homes. For some it was an ab- sence of a few weeks from Mine, camping along the lake front; for others it was only a long weekend. Just a few re- main in the summer cottages _CROP REPORT HURON COUNTY (By D. H. MILES Agricultural Representative for Huron County) Threshing and combining of spring grain is only about half completed. Fields that have been swathed for a period of time are loosing heads and grain as soon as they are mov- ed by combine or side delivery rake. Some fall wheat will be seed- ed this week, and will go in in excellent condition. Some movement of cattle in- to the County from the West has taken place. Pastures are excellent for growth. POULTRY, EGGS and FEED POULTRY CULLING John Henderson PHONE 40 BE SAFE! -- BE SURE! BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR FRONT-END ALIGNMENT AND Complete Steering Service Our modern equipment will guarantee you satisfied results ... make you feel safe when you drive. Wheel Balancing A Specialty! siiimiummenummalainomossionaum PHONE 38-- ZURICH BLUEWATER (Mrs. Russell Grainger, correspondent) Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunn on Sunday evening were: Miss Melvina Schade, London; Mrs. Clarence Schade and fam- ily; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grain- ger and family; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Horner and Debbie; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erb; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn and Doug, and Billy Scotchmer. Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Grainger, Wallaceburg, returned to their home Wednesday night after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger and family, and attending the sale at the Rose Snowden farm. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn Jr., spent Monday to Wednesday in Port Huron, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn, Jr., were: Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Layton and family; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mar- tin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Renie, Mrs. 0. Elliott and Bob, all of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ballentine and fam- ily Burlington. Brian and Craig Miller are spending some time with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Turner, Linda and Johnny, of Port Bur- well, spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tur- ner. Mr. Louis Ducharme spent Wednesday and Thursday morn- ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducharme, and at- tended the sale on Wednesday. The Best Week TO ADVERTISE Is Every Week ! And for those school lunches, insist on Floor -covering Time Is M.R ;r> SEE US FOR Here Once Again! ALL TYPES OF BROADLOOM HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW VINYL 'FORECAST' With The Smooth, Glass -like Finish? Westlake Furniture PHONE 89J — ZURICH