Zurich Citizens News, 1961-06-22, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1961 Pinery Park will ' Shrubs Should be Be Busy Spot Trimmed Now If the current trend continues, June is when most flowering the provincial park at the Pine- ery will have another record busting season. Sup't Gar Meyers reports about 300 campers invaded the park over the weekend along shrubs are at their best, so re- lax and enjoy them — admire their bright blooms and green foliage. At the same time, make a note of their colours. Do you like with a large group of picnick-j them? Is the garden well -bal- ers. I anced or are there small, com- pact plants besides large, spraw- Already park officials have ling bushes? What pruning or had to organize search parties transplanting will you want to for a number of lost children, do before next spring? Will one of the occupational hazards you need to add annuals next of operating a large park. The year to make the border bloom number who become lost, how- longer? Don't trust your mem- increase each ory. Write any changes down now, so that you'll be ready for the fall planting season. "After the flowering is over, prune wisely," advises John A. Weall, OAC horticulturist. "Fir- st remove the seed heads of lil- acs, to produce better flowers next year. Secondly, prune the shrub's shape to improve its ap- pearance for the next flowering season." When you have finished prun o ing, it's time to mulch. He ad- vises using leaves lawn mow - lugs, campest, or peat moss. Apply them carefully to a de- pth of 1 to 2 inches over the entire bed; this gives a neat and tidy appearance. The mulch al- so helps to keep down weeds. ever, seems to year. We are urging parents to keep a closer watch on their children," Mr. Meyers said. "So often the cause of their getting lost stems from inat- tention to their activities." The su't pointed out that it caused considerable extra work for the park officials, who must call men off their duties to as- sist with the searches. The Best Week TO ADVERTISE Is Every Week! "Get A Real Lift With... ... SHUR-GAIN Chick Starters" "Shur -Gain Chick Starter does wonders for us. It builds us up with uniform growth and fast feathering. In ad- dition, it increases livability in the flock." We have SHUR - GAIN Chick Starter available in either crumble or mash form —and they're fresh — really fresh! d ®_- imoINIOgM M. G. PHONE 154 DROP IN SOON. We'II talk about your Chicks and Chick Profits DEITZ and SON ZURICH CONKLIN LUMBER Presents HE LAKE SERIES OF MODERN SUMMER COTTAGES 5 DESIGNS 10 FLOOR PLANS ECONOMICAL PACKAGE SAVINGS: Material Only The "ST. CLAIR" — 24 x 24 $1345.72 The "ONTARIO" — 20 x 32 1440.36 The "ERIE" — 20 x 40 1735.14 The "HURON" — 24 x 32 $1668.14 The "SUPERIOR" — 24 x 40 $1953.83 ____A package purchase in open glass and screen styles also available at extra cost. PRE -FAB TRUSSES These trusses eliminate need for supporting beams or petitions, so you can adjust the floor plan freely to suit individual needs. Trusses include joists for future ceiling. ammo mows ~ow mos. Inowssxmowsk mamma otramota ammo Wows" ••• CONKLIN LUMBER CENTRES Phone 74 GRAND BEND Phone 622 EXETER Phone JA 441321 GODERICH Phone 177 THEDFORD News Of Varna District The District LOL will hold last Saturday. The winners of their annual church service in the United Church, next Sun- day, at 7.30 p.m., with the pas- tor Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke, of London, spent the weekend vis- iting friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Frank Hill had the mis- fortune to fall and break her arm last Thursday. Mr. Lloyd Keys is at present a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Robinson, of Toronto, visited over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClyment. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Coleman, of Tuckersmith, called on frien- ds here on Sunday last. Mr. Alex Murray had an op- eration for appendicitis last week in Clinton Public Hospi- tal. A, large crowd of softball fans were on hand last Saturday ev- ening for the Varna and Holmes- ville game, which resulted in a win for Holmesville. Webster Picnic A large crowd attended the annual picnic which was held in Clan Gregor Square, Bayfield, Kinsmen Observe Joint Ladies Nite the sports program were: girls, 6 years and under, Mary Lou McKinley, Barbara Blake; 9 years and under, girls, Cather- ine McKinley, Fay Bradley; 9 year and under, boys, Alan An- drews; 12 years and under, girls, Nancy Consitt and Karen Mc - 12 years and under, boys. Doug- las Alton; Larry McKinley; lad- ies race, Linda Blake, Mrs. A. McKinley; girls 3 legged race, Mary Alton and Linda Blake, NaNncy Consitt and Karen Mc- Kinley; boys 3 legged race, Douglas Alton and Don And- rew; Allen Andrews and Don Alton; kick the slipper, girls, Mary Andrews, Catherine And- rews; kick the slipper, boys, Donald Andrew, Donald Alton; boys wheel barrow race, Don Alton and Allen Andrews; Lar- ry McKinley and Steven And- rew; girls wheel barrow race, Karen McKinley and Mary Lou McKinley; Brenda Bradley and Fay Bradley. A baseball game was enjoyed during the afternoon and even- ing. The officers of the picnic are: president, Tom Webster, Auburn; secretary, Elgin Mc- Kinley, Zurich; treasurer, Anson Coleman, Zurich. (intended for last week) (By our Hensall correspondent) Last Thursday was observed as Ladies Night, when Exeter and Hensall Kinsmen jointly en- tertained members of their Kin- ette Clubs to a smorgasbord at the Bluewater Motel, Grand Bend. Presentations was one of the highlights of the evening, when Exeter Kinsmen and Kinettes presented 100 percent attendan- ce club tabs. President Bill Clement, of Hensall Kinsmen, was presen- ted a plaque from his club for his year as president. Mrs. Rose Jinks, retiring president of Hen- sall Kinettes, was presented a gift, and Mrs. William Clement, assistant bulletin editor for the Kinsmen Club, was presented a gift from that club. Lucky draws were won by Governor Bill Mickle and Mrs. Jim Ryde. A dance concluded the evening. TOP PRICES PAID FOIL — • CREAM EGGS • <. �l • POULTRY Give Us A Call ! O'BRIENS PRODUCE PHONE 101 — ZURICH USED ARTICLES 1-50T Hay Baler VERY GOOD Farmall H Tractor Attend Service Hensall Institute Has Annual Picnic (By our Hensall correspondent) The Legion Hall, Hensall, at- tractive with an arrangement of Iris and Weigelia, was the set- ting for the annual picnic of Hensall Women's Institute last Wednesday night, with an atten- dance of over 40, including hus- bands and children. It was one of the most suc- cessful and enjoyable picnics held by the Institute. A most delicious supper was served. For a brief business meeting, presid- ed over by president Mrs. Fred Beer, a motion was passed that the president make arrangemen- ts for, a bus trip, June 26, with Brantford as the site suggested. Mrs. Clarence Reid gave a splendid report of the Twenty- fifth Anniversary in May. A motion was passed to give a do- nation to the United Church for use of the church for the anniv- ersary. Enjoyable sports for the children and adults were under the direction of Mrs. Wilbert Dilling and Mrs. W. R. Stephen- son, assisted by Miss Bernice Dillings.. Bingo winners were Mrs. Dil- ling, Mrs. Walker Carlile, Dor- othy Skea, Mrs. Hedden, Miss Jhyliss Case, Mrs. George Hess. Winner of the lucky chair, Mrs. Norval Reid. Hostesses were Mrs. John Skea and Mrs. Donald MacKin- non, assisted by Mrs. William Kennedy and Mrs. Archie Noak- es. Meetings will resume in September. 0 A number of local Orange- men attended the County Oran- ge service held in Bayifeld Un- ited Church last Sunday morn- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman visited with relatives at Co- bourg over the. weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Webster spent a couple of days visiting friends in Windsor. Zurich Men's Bawling League Makes Plans and Changes for Coming Season (By Louis Willert) On Wednesday evening, June 14, the executive of the Zurich Men's Bowling League met at the Bowling Alley, with four members present. A few suggestions were made for the coming year, but not finalized until a meeting with the captains is held. The suggestions were as fol- lows: (1) To have teams of six players and no spares. This way more teams can be available. (2) The team captains are to have teams of six players regis- tered for the playoffs the second week of January. (3) Should there be perfect attendance awards to teams who are present all year'? These are only suggestions for the cap- tains to think about. There will be no foul line judge unless the foul line is put in, but each player is requested Renew Your Subscription Now A to co-operate in keeping the rul- es regarding the foul line. Some rules for playoffs were made up for the coming year: (1) Each bowler must bow} 50 percent of the games during the season to qualify for the playoffs; (2) Teams will be divided in- to four groups with four or five teams in a group. The top four teams will be group A, B, C, and D. The playoffs will be called round robin, and will last about four and a half weeks with each team bowling four times with total pins to count. A meeting of last year's team captains and any others who are interested in forming a team will be held about the middle of July, so that there will be teams to formulate a schedule for the following season. So think about it captains and bring your ideas along to this meet- ing in July. COUNTY LIBRARIAN APPLICATIONS for the position of County Librarian for the County of Huron Library. Co-operative, will be re- ceived by the undersigned until SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1961. State age and qualifications and salary expected. Duties to commence August 1, 1961. Applications must be submitted in envelopes provided by the Secretary. Further details may be secured from the undersigned. JOHN G. BERRY, Secretary, Huron County Library Co -Operative Board, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 24-5-b New rubber, completely Overhauled 1-Farmall Cub Tractor & Mower 1 -No. 163 Windrower With Hay Platform 1 -No. 400 Mausen Spreader We have all sizes of MALCO BALE ELEVATORS and MOW CONVEYORS. 1, V. L. BECKER and SONS PHONE 70W DASHWOOD NNE Convertible A. YOU WANT... THE : 6��£:.�'•�•.• �' ... . .� '< _•' enthusiastic Pontiac is a aimed by = owners and designers everywhere as a: superb �:n_ gression of line and form. :.. .. With such distinctive style—no wonder ry,. it's the years goingest car! LAURENTIAN 4 -Door Sedan YOU WANT.. Pontiac cradles you in easy -chair styledded seatsits all -coil suspension ... deep, foam-padded coemfortable carsthe on the road todsnaoothest-riay�at any price! Pontiac's thrifty Strato-Six is ost six -cylinder passenger car engine. Ther care powerful also fouvigorous dependable transmissions amagnificent choice ofpformancteams ryou.- ■ Thanks aropead iy ndood-povendeendabl , there just isn t a better investment to be found—anywhere. And, Pontiac's resale value is exceptionallyhigh. rrrJoF. • hoc �8 AND THE ot YOU WANT TO PAY N� other car can genuinely offer you so much for such a reasonable price. Want lo see far yourself? Visit your local Pontiac Dealer today! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE! (Whitewall tires optional at extra,m,..1 PS•8361I3 Pearson Motors Ltd. 1 THE CAR KING CIF HURONs COUNTY Phone 78 Zurich Phone 608 Exeter