Zurich Citizens News, 1961-04-20, Page 1ZURIC
LAUNCH SAFETY PATROL — A School Safety Patrol went
into effect at the Dashwood Public School last Thursday morning,
sponsored by the D<:shwo cI Fire Department. Shown in this photo
are members of the patrol with their teachers, members of the Fire
Department, and officials who took part in the opening ceremonies.
Front row, left to right, are: Margaret Merner, Robert Miller,
Edward Restemayer, Margaret Salmon, Richard Denomme, Mrs.
Elgin Webb, Doug McCaw, principal, James Hayter, fire chief, Mrs.
Letta Taylor, Peter Kraft, Mary Ann Hayter, Tom Wolfe, Bill
Hoffman. Back row, left to right; Lorne Kleinsteiver, Gerald
Martene, Wallace Becker, Fred Cronkite, Safety Officer, Ontario
Department of Transport, OPP Constable Cecil Gibbons, Ervin
Rader, Mervyn Webb, Clifford Salmon„ Bob Hayter.
(Citizens News Photo)
CAL. FRED DUCHARME, Correspondent]
On Thursday last Mr. Frederich
Papineau, Detroit, accompanied by
his three sisters, Miss Clifford
Taylor, Chatham, Mrs. Fred Den-
omme and Mrs. George Edsel, of
Detroit, called on the Ducharme's
on this highway and also calling on
relatives and old time friends in
the surrounding community. The
Papineou's are native born of this
parish. Although they have been
gone a number of years it is still
considered their home. They like
to meet old friends and the few
relatives that remained in this par-
ish, It is also pleasing for those
whom they visited. They enjoyed
renewing incidents of long years
gone by and their youthful years.
They returned to their home on
Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Denomme
and family, of Kitchener, visited
relatives in the Drysdale district
the past week, also calling on oth-
ers in the neighbourhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard, of
the Blue Water north, motored to
London on Sunday last, visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Micheal Masse
of that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bedard
were Sunday last visitors with the
Church Directory
St. Peter's
Lutheran Church
Rev. W. P. Fischer, B.A., Pastor
Ron Klopp, Organist
10.00 a.m.—Worship Service
11.00 a.m.—Sunday School
You Are Welcome
Zurich Mennonite
Pastor—A. MARTIN
10.0 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Worship Service __
8.00 p.m.—Prayer Fellowship,
"Conditions f o r Answered
Prayer," Harvey Martin.
We Invite You!
Emmanuel Evangelical
United Brethren
Rev. A. M. AMACHER, B.A., B.D.
Mrs. Milton Oesch. Organist
10,00 a.rn.—Divine Service
1L00 a.m.—Sunday School
7,30 p.m.—Evening Service
Guest Speaker, Rev. A. Martin
We invite you to worship with us
later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Bedard on this highway.
Mrs. Alex Masse and other mem-
bers of the family motored to Lon-
don on Sunday last to visit Mrs.
Virginia Denomme, who is a pat-
ient in St. Joseph Hospital.
Mrs. Joseph Cantin of St. Jos-
eph left on Friday last motoring
to Sarnia where she will spend
some time with her daughter who
resides in that city.
Farmers the past weekend were
on their land preparing for their
spring seeding. Already some
had planted their onions which re-
quire lots of care to get land ready
and much help is needed. The—
through the night Saturday night
rain meant a delay for those who
had their land ready. Even though
it was a set back the rain was much
needed a n d welcomed. April
showers are beneficial perhaps
more so than other months. After
the fall and spring dust had
smeared the tiny blades of green
such as wheat, grass and other
roots, it is necessary for all of those
tiny blades to get a good wash out
to give them the necessary push
ahead when the weather becomes
favourable and warms up.
Zurich Chamber
Install Members
Two new members, E. Ben Rus-
ton and AIfred Denomme, were in-
ducted into the Zurich and District
Chamber of Commerce, at the reg-
ular dinner meeting last Thursday
night. The induction ceremony
was conducted by past president,
Albert J. Kalbfleisch.
Guest speaker at the meeting
was George Noseworthy, of Lon-
don. Mr. Noseworthy is a public
relations repreesntative for Mol -
son's Brewery, and showed the
group a film on the Grey Cup
football game. He was introduced
by Herb Turkheim, and was assis-
ted in showing the film by H. W.
Brokenshire. President Charles
Thiel thanked the guest.
Gerald Gingerich reported to the
Chamber on the progress being
made by his industrial promotion
committee. A report was also giv-
en of a visit to the Department of
Highways office in Stratford, by
Herb Turkheim and Albert Kalb-
Two lucky draws were held, and
were won by Clarence Farwell and
Mike Wercholaz. The best atten-
dance of the season was present for
the meeting.
Next Monday evening members
of the Zurich Lions Club will be
calling at your home to collect for
the Canadian Cancer Society. Your
warm reception will be greatly ap-
preciated for this ' worthwhile
Members of the Lions Club are
reminded to be on hand for this
one night blitz on Monday,
News Of Kippen District
(MRS. NORMAN LONG, Correspondent)
Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber, RR 3,
Kippen, were pleasantly surprised
on Saturday evening, April 15,
when they were feted at a cele-
bration in their honor at the LOL
Hall, Bayfield, on the occasion of
their 25th wedding anniversary,
attended by 90 relatives, friends
and neighbours.
Gifts included a reclining chair,
a foot stool and smoker, from the
family; a silver tea service from
Mr. Faber's family and many indi-
vidual gifts from others.
The presentation address was
read by Mrs. Robert Kerslake, Cen-
tralia, and gifts presented by Mrs.
Tom Penhale, of Bayfield, and
Miss Dianne Faber.
Mrs. Faber, the former Susan
Oesch, of Zurich, and her husband
have been residents of Kippen area
for 17 years.
In charge of the guests was Mrs.
Alvin Rader, of Dashwood. For en-
tertainment, Mrs. Alfred Scotch -
mer, of Bayfield, showed various
films and Miss Linda Rader, of
Dashwood entertained on her ac-
cordian. Luncheon was served, in-
cluding a three tier wedding cake.
The presentation was arranged
by Mrs. Tom Penhale, Bayfield, and
out-of-town guests attended from
Zurich, Dashwood, Exeter, Seafor-
th, Kippen and Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber enter-
tained Sunday to a turkey dinner
to celebrate their wedding of 25
years ago. Those present included
Bride Honoured
(By our Hensall Correspondent)
Miss Betty Bell, bride of Satur-
day, April 15, has been feted at sev-
eral functions prior to her mar-
riage to Robert Eugene Beaver, of
Hensall. Mrs. Jim Love was host-
ess at her home for a miscellaneous
presentation, attended by 25 frien-
ds and relatives. Presentation ad-
dress to Betty was read by Mrs.
Love, and gifts presented to her
in a clothes basket in pink and
white motif by Linda Thomson, Syl-
via Bell, Darlene McBride and El-
izabeth Deichert.
Miss Sharon Block, of Zurich,
directed games. The shower was
arranged by Mrs. Gordon Block,
Miss Sharon Block, Mrs. Kenneth
Pollock and Mrs. Love.
Mrs. Harold Elder entertained
for Miss Bell at a miscellaneous
shower, when 40 neighbours, rela-
atives and friends met to honor
the bride -elect.
Mrs. Sheron Stringer, of Exeter,
read the presentation address and
gifts were presented by June and
Vera Tinney and Judy Elder.
Miss Vera Tinney and Miss Judy
Elder conducted a recreational per-
iod and refreshments served.
Mrs. Stringer, June and Vera
Tinney and Judy Elder convened
the shower.
Mrs. Norma Brintnell, was hos-
tess at her home in Exeter for a
miscellaneous presentation f o r
Miss Bell. Elie was assisted by
Mrs. Don Bell, of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. William Oesch and
family, Varna, Mrs. Elizabeth Oes-
ch, Blake, and Mr. and Mrs. Ton.
Penhale and Ricky, of Bayfield.
Mrs. Pearl Love and Wayne, of
Varna, visited Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones
and boys.
Miss Margaret Winder, of London,
Mr. and Mrs. William Franks and
we're Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Elston Dowson.
Mr. William Kyle returned home
Friday since being hospitalized
the past seven weeks at Clinton
Public Hospital.
Mr. W. R. Cooper returned home
since spending the winter in Tor-
onto and Listowel.
Goshen Mission Band held their
monthly meeting on Sunday morn-
ing, April 16, with Mrs. Floyd Arm-
strong and Mrs. Arnold Keyes in
Jacqueline Peck opened the
meeting with the call to worship.
The theme was "Sometimes it's
Costly." Donna Peck played the
piano for the hymns. Scripture
was read by Cathy McKinley, with
prayer by Gerald Hayter.
Diane McKinley read the minutes.
There were three members with
birthdays during the month, Brian
Peck, Bonnie Armstrong and Fran-
cis Armstrong.
Sharon Keyes read a poem en-
titled "Spring," and Larry McKin-
ley read one called, "Mary's Little
Mrs. Keyes read a chapter from
the Study Book, "Yusuka Discov-
ers the Bible Lands."
Red Cross Meeting
The Varna Branch of the Red
Cross held its annual meeting on
Monday evening of this week.
Plans were made and collectors
appointed for the annual canvass
which will be held in the near fut-
The officers appointed for the
coming year are: president, J. H.
Broeze; vice-president, John Al-
dington; secretary -treasurer, Ern-
est Pollock; executive, Rev. T. J.
Pitt, John McAsh and Fred Mc-
A number of Iocal organgemen
visited Greenway lodge on Friday
evening of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robinson,
of Toronto, spent the weekend at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
At The Library
The Story of The Christian Church
(by Jessie Lyman Hurlbut, D.D.)
Here is a strictly accurate, up-
to-date glowing record of the
growth of the Church, presented in
an impartial manner.
Simplicity of language a n d
beauty of expression make this en-
joyable and enlightening reading.
School Safety Patrol Is Spo usored At
Dashwood Public Schol By Eire en
Just about a year age a Dash-
wood school boy met his death on
a bicycle while going home for din-
ner from school. After the acci-
dent, a recommendation was made
that a School Safety Patrol should
be in operation in the village.
Now, a year later, the idea be-
came a reality, and last Thursday
morning the Patrol officially be-
gan operation, sponsored by the
Dashwood Fire Department.
At the opening ceremony, refer-
ence was made to the death of the
boy on a bicycle, and how his life
might have been saved had the pa-
trol been in operation at that time.
James Hayter, Dashwood fire
chief presented the badges to the
children at the ceremony, and pro-
mised the children all the help
possible from the members of the
Fire Department. He told the
children thatt hey must go out and
do a god job, and listen to their
patrol leaders.
Captain of the Patrol is Robert
Miller, while the Lieutenants are
Mary Anne Hayter and Peter Kraft.
Also taking part in the cere-
mony were the principal, Douglas
McCaw, OPP Constable Cecil Gib-
bons, and safety promotion of-
ficer, Fred Cornkite, of London,
who organized the patrol for the
children, The day previous Mr.
Cronkite hacl shown the students
films on safety patrols, and instruc-
ted them on how to obey Ieaders.
There are about 90 pupils at the
Dashwood Public School, many of
whom have to cross busy highway
No. 83, each time they go to or
from the school.
The Fire Department raised
funds for the purchase of uniforms
by conducting raffles, bingos and
catering to a sauerkraut supper.
(MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent)
Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid
The quarterly LWML meeting
was held on Wednesday, April 12,
with group two, and Mrs. Ken Kel-
ler, convener. The president, Mrs.
Milfred Merner, presided for the
business. She announced that
Mrs. Ken Keller had been appoin-
ted Christian Growth chairman for
the district, the spring rally will
be held in Mitchell, on Monday,
April 24, and the social evening
at the ELM church on Wednesday,
April 19. The mother and daugh-
ter banquet will be held in May.
Used clothing will be packed by
group two.
Mrs. Keller took as the topic
"Why we should fear, communism
and support missions." The Jun-
ior choir sang several numbers.
Closing devotions were conducted
by the group in charge and lunch
was served.
Time Marches On!
After 32 years of grain threshing
Ervin Rader has disposed of his
grain threshing machine to Mr.
Gerald O'Brien, of RR 3, Dashwood.
Starting as a boy of 15, he helped
his father, L.H. Rader, and late
uncle, Ernest Rader, who were in
partnership. They first used a Wh-
ite machine, and Allis-Chalmers
tractor; later a Goodison machine
and then finally a Bell Three Oliv-
er tractor replaced the first.
In 1947 he took over the busin-
ess for himself. With the growing
popularity of combines, or farmers
buying their own machines, what
was once a seasonable route has
dwindled to a few customers. Two
farmers, Arnold Kuntz and William
Ziler were steady customers for
the entire 32 years.
Mrs. Ervin Latta and son, of Ki-
tchener, spent a few days with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Weib-
Miss Thelma Weber, of London,
spent the weekend with her moth-
er, Mrs. Dan Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader, Dar-
lene and L.H. Rader, spent Sunday
at London with Mr. and Mrs. Wen-
dell Gamble and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz, who
recently sold their farm to Harold
Hendrick, have moved to their new
home purchased recently at Grand
WSWS Meeting
The regular meeting of the W S
W S of the Evangelical IJ B Church
was held on Friday, April 14, with
the Spiritual Life group and Mrs.
Eben Weigand, convener, in char-
ge. Mrs. Carl Merner read the Scr-
ipture lesson, Miss Norma Weigand
played a piano solo, and Mrs. J.W.
The official opening of the
School Safety Patrol in Zurich will
take place next Thursday morn-
ing, at 10 a.m., in the Zurich Com-
munity Centre. A 'welcome is ex-
tended to everyone to attend this
Sponsored by the Zurich Lions
Club, the patrol wi11 serve both the
Zurich Public School and the Zur-
ich Separate School.
Members of the Lions Club will
be on hand for this ceremony, as
well as members of the school
boards and other civic officials.
Parents of children attending ei-
ther of these schools are urged to 1
be present to see what a School
Patrol will mean to their children. •
Gillings spoke on the topic, "Into
all the World." The group was div-
ided into five, for discussion.
Mrs. Charles Snell, president,
was in charge of the business. Tw-
enty-seven members and three vis-
itors were present. Plans were
made to entertain the Lutheran
Ladies Aid. The WSWS convention
will be April 26 and 27, at Bridge-
port. A mother and daughter ban-
quet will be held on May 12.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Ralph
Weber, Mrs. Ward Neeb, Mrs, Wall-
ace Becker, and Mrs. Sylvia Wolfe.
Dashwood Merry Maids
The seventh meeting of the Da-
shwood 4-H club was held at the
home of Judy Webb with 13 girls.
and the leaders, Mrs. Leonard
Schenk and Mrs. Eben Weigand,
The girls finished alterations on
their skirts and bodices. Each girl
did a sample of sewing a zipper.
How the record books would be
finished was decided.
Mrs. Theresa Hartman and son,
Gerald, attended the funeral of her
granddaughter last Thursday, the
infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Hartman, in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Don. Hesse and fam-
ily spent Sunday in Stratford where
Mrs. Hesse attended a Cup Pack
training course. Mrs. Hesse is as-
sistant leader of the Zurich Cub
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe and
Mr. and Mrs• George Tieman, of
Dashwood, were weekend visitors
with relatives in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Floren Toman, of
Kitchener, were weekend visitors
at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Char-
les Thiel and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hartman, of
Stephen Township, attended the
wedding of her brother in Amherst -
burg. They also visited with her
parents in Belle River.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug O'Brien and
Derek spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Bryce, in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Farewell
spent Monday in London, on busi-
Birthday Party
A birthday party, in honour of
Danny Johnson, was held at the
home of his mother, Mrs. Alice
Johnson, near Bayfield, last Sat-
urday afternoon. School churns
were present to help Danny cele-
brate his ninth birthday, and all
had an enjoyable time.
Property Changes
Several homes in the village of
Zurich have been changing hands
during the past couple of weeks.
The residence of the late John
Brown has been purchased by An-
drew Thiel, who gets possession
in a couple of weeks. Leonard
Bowman, in turn has bought the
Douse owned by Jacob Deichert, in
the north end of the village. Both
these changes take place shortly.
Underwent Operation
Mrs. Elizzie Hey underwent a
very serious operation last Thurs-
day night in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don. Her condition is described
as satisfactory, and after recupera-
ting she will again return to Park -
wood Hospital, where she has been
in residence for some time.