Zurich Herald, 1917-05-04, Page 5The Chu rhes EVA,'t*1'GEJECAI CHITRC 1r `VICES Sunday, ,German . --- 9.45 a. m, " Sunday School 11.00 a, m, Q' 'Service Ett glialt . 7.O0 :pen. Tuesday Jr. Y. P. A. 7.30 p.m. Tuesday, Y, P. A. .., 8.15 p. nt, 'Thursday 'Prayer Meeting 7.30 pen. n,iday, Choir Practice 8 30p. rn. '.aaie's Aid, First Tuesday of ,each Month. .,.... 2.30 p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool •-• --- ."• 2 p,m, German Services, Sunday 10 30a,m, 'Dnglish 'Seruiee 'Suinday, '7.00 p.m. Luther League, IPeiday 8. p. m. Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month at .2.30 'pi. m. A1.1.11.12111•111114100 lismiliiMINIMMIM01:120M41.91.10•11101.11111111 Zurich Meet MARKET' Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna .Sausages, etc Highest Cash •Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES oicIert, Andrew F. less CONVEMANOINef, iEFfl, FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE ,]AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO Loa,N AGEN.T•FOR GREAT WEST PEMIANENT .LOAN Co. ACCOUNTS OOLLECTDID ACCIDENT !INSURANCE ersild Office Munioh The Home Insuarnce Co Maid. -up Capital $6,O0Q;0001 w plus to Policyholders 419,536,177..2&.. 1a] ures\yourbarn against damage iby'wind or tornado for 4O cents :per $100 for 8 years, and your ;house for 80 cents per $100 for ..years. No premium note:an d no extra assessment geiaranteed. Ageni Zinich Dealer in Lightning Rods If you are going to have your house Painted this year, I Sas cave you money. ON THE JOB :Estimates eheerfiully given on nM or old work. NEW WOHE A SPECIALTY H. H. LITTLE Hensel 1S'$I1sTiTING, GRAINING, PAPER lHANGING A1,o oaxry a full live of up -to date 'wall papers. UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate rharges Tailor Shop Issuer of • Marriage Licenses W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich,Ontario MIIPANNIONMEMENNIMMIONMI enta LOCAL NEWS ., Mists Vera Siebert has returned from Detroit to her home here. Mr. Con. Truemner of the 11th con., has purehased a new Chev- rolet auto. Me. Warren Shilbe returned to his house on the 14th con, having spent the 'Winter in 1)etroit. Mr. Thomas Johnson and daughter, Matilda, are at Milton attending the funeral of Mr. Cowin, brother-in-law of Mr. Johnson. The non -jury s:ttings of the Sup- reme Court for the County of Hur- on opened on.Monday, April 30th tit Goderich, before :Eton. Mr. Jus- tice Marsleini. A quiet wedding was perr.ormed at the R. C. .Church, Zurich, on .Tuesday, when Rev. A. Strroeder ten ted in marriage 1VI''ss Louise, diau.gh+ter of Mos. Jos. Regier, to MT. IWalter R. Mi'lle'r, both of the Goshen Line eout+h. P. V.. Reithdorf, former professor of modern languages at Woodst tock College, who gave up his, position elarly in th.e War to take the ipanbltc ,p'l'atform in denunciat- ion of Prussan and German mil.it- arionr, has enlisted as a private in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, at Toronto. The many friends of Mr. Casper Roehirig will be pleased to hear that he is seco.vering from his re- cent serious !accident some time ago. While in th'e; act of getting on a load of sawdust, which he was hauling from the Dashwood Flat, mill, the horsles started .tnd he was thrown heavily on ht's head; Serious results were at first feared but he Is slowly growing strong- er ince following particu+Lars are taken from the 1917 Assessment Roll for Hay ;Townehip as return - al by Assessor G. H. Blackwell to the 'Clerk; Number of acres as- sessed, a.•esiden+t, 52,579; cion -resi- dent, 1.45; Acres cleared 43,830; - woodlanrd 2,'325; Blasthing 29;s-warn/pi marsh and waste land 6540; As- sessed elalue ,of real property $1,- 731,515; 1;731,51.5; value :of building 664,030; business assesm,ent $15,010; Income $650; (Total assessment $2,462,335. Total poptalation 2,,6 0. No of logs ,3.36 , t.• STANLEY i 0WNSWP; -- —+---- Mass 'Iliza Robinson, who has been tatteudiug the Method.st Nat- ional training School, Toronto, has returned home for the Rum- mer. Mr. Frank ;Saunders of Toronto is vis'iti'ng at the home of his a.unt, Mus. A. Reid. Next .Sunday will be Quarrterly', Sacrantenital +services at Varna wthen the services will be with- drawn from Go.=+hen in the morn- :mg- On Sunday evening. 11Ir, Davidson, a student from Mont- real, will preach at the Goshen ,c'hw.reh. Among 'those who recently pur- chased new autos are, Jas. Steph- enson, Geo. Elliott, Henry Erratt, .Artie Keys. HENSALL mom. .fteftlftio.ft. H. Agur is opening up a gar- age in. town. Mr. and Mrs. ,Hesbitt, who lived in Detroit since last fall, have re- turned to .Hensall to live. Miller Edwards, a respected cit- izen of the 3rd con., Ray, passed away last week. He bad been in !ailinig health for over a year. Wm. G. ,Wilson has moved into the cottage vacated by! H. J. Mc- Donald, Mrs.J. Millers and daughters, Mrs, T. J. 'Sherrltt and Miss Marie, [are moving to London where they will reside in future. The "New .Minister" will be giv- en an Exeter to -night by loclal talent. 111TY TOUR SEEDS FROM ME Mangold Millet Sorghum Corm NOW IS !THE TIME TO BUY LOUIS BRISSON Drysdale DASHii'OO1D Milford, e.+on of Mr. and ldrs Geo, Merrier, underwent an operation for :appendioitis on Sunday. He 0s doing an well as can be expect- ed. Miss Fanny Preetter of Stratford' is visiting ,relatives here at pr'es- en{t. Mrs. Geo, Kellerman has return- ed after visiting with, her son Rev. A. Kellerman at $'enw,i 'k. Mr. Andrew. Musser of Sarnia at- tended ,the funeral of his father - it -law, the bate F. Schroeder of Zurich., on .Tuesday. Mrs. A. Ball, who has spent the winter in Detroit, has returned to her .home here. Mahe Young Iadiels' Bible Class of the Evangelical church are giv- ing a pla'y e,n'tWed "The Minister's'' Bride," on Friday evening May 4,• in Zianmee's Bail, See Bills) for particulars. Dr. .Broughtem ofToronto vis- ited at the home of Mr. J. Keller- man 'over• the week -end. Mrs. Percy Humble and family of Sarna are viaiting her parents, Mx. and Mrs. 'C. Finkbeiner at present. Mrs. Meyer is at present visiting with relatives in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrsl. B. Stade of 'Zurich were visitors in town Sunday. Mrs. E. Flynn of Seaga spent Saturday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Keller- man (Spent Wednesday last in Iiolndon. „ t t t i . Mass +Thllie Miller of Crediton spent the week-ned alt her home here. Mr. and Mrs. ;Herman Eidt and family of .Forest visited wit'heheir' parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade over Sunday. BLAKE Mrs. Geo. Grata: and daughter, visited at the home of Mrs. Quack- enbush one day recently. Mrs. Edighoffer has returned home after spending the winter with her .daughter at Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consitt of Hill green spent Sunday at the home ,of Mr. 'X. C.IZlapfe. Mr. Chris Bechler spent a few days: with friends in Zurich. 1 'ss Lr1te Meyers sp ens the week ei .brier "fhd .p{ardntaLroof; fIhe irn{any ifrie+ndts of Mr. Nel- aon Mta.sse. wig bei pleased to learn that he is recovering nicely after his recent serious illness. The local branch of .the Blake Women's Institute will hold their annual meeting .at the home of Mrs. Peter Douglas' on May 8th All me.nibers are requestted to at- tend. L. K Why not use fbe best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. G. F. CASE & SON PEE 35 HENSALL EGGS FOR HATCHING Settings of Eggs of thorough- bred white leghorns Young strain 50c a setting, Juluis Thiel,Zurieh EGGS FOR HATCHING ,Guild'is strain of Barred docks eggs for hatching. $1.00 per setting. Lee O'Brein, Zurich, EGGS FOR HATCHING Regal strain of White Wyan- dottes eggs for hatching. $1.00 per setting. Also fancy pigeons for sale, — Ward Fritz, Zurich. We have 5 used Forel cars ranging in price from $250 to $375. These cars have all been overhauled and are guaranteed to be in good running order. Call and see them. COOK BROS., Ford and Studebakerdealers Hiensall, Onto iHaye you renewed your sub acription to the Herald or 1,917? Classitjed Ads •�—..g._ ., ..„ :::w -_,::.moi le GAL. CARD .. i'ROU11k'OOT, lill,t,()'1cAN & COOKE, Barristers, Seltettore, Notizie, Pablic aco, Office, on tbo Squire, 2eul door from Hamilton St. Goderieh, Private funds tolott>zat lowebt altos W, eoueroo•r, E Q. J. L. KiT.LOrtaN, H. J. 12. Cooro Mr. Cooke will be in Bengali on Friday and otunrday of each week. r .R i Hess Co. JEWELLERS ��i Rt D OPTIGIA ES .1-eoairzng a ,SSeczal/y THE CELEBRATED DELDWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. LI KAW :We Have a full stock on hand, all sizes, CHESTNUT, EGG and • No. 4. Secure your supply early thin season 'while the prices are low. D A. Cantelon iensa.11 TELEPHONE Office NO. 10. House No, 10, B HOUSE ti'OR SALE Fine modeiu new Brick Dwell- ing for sale in Zurich. Newly Built, and a desirable home. Will be sold at a reasonable price. For further particu'ars apply to Win. S. Ruby, Zurigle, FOR SALE Good frame dwelling house and three lots for Salle. . Good stable on premises: (Situated in Zurich For piarticu1atne ;apply( to A. F. Mees, ?Zurich C 'SNAP c.)* .F.7arrn Wagons !I PURCHASED A NUMBER 0 P FARM WAGONS AT A BAR-, GAIN AND AM GOING TO GIVE THE FARMERS OF THIS SEC- TION THE ADVANTAGE OF TH IS PURCHASE, IP NEEDING ONE CALL EARLY AS I HAVE ONLY A LIM- ITED NUMBER. Two De Laval Separator's at old price TWO DE LAVAL SEPARATO ORS LEFT AT THE OLD PRICE. Take ,advantage of this ALSO TWO NEW BUGGIES FOR SALE AT THE OLD PRICE, Bargain on low-down manure spreader LOW DOWN MANURE SPRE ADER AT THE OLD PRICE, DO NOT MISS THESE SNAP•3 We handle pumps, piping, etc. L. 1 20,®33 MS RADS WANTED Also all kinds of junk. HIGHESaT CASH PRICES Will call s0oon Phone No. 35 okiiitelhdtz t Cress Fertilizer Co. BASIS SLAB Am now taking or. era foe winter, delivery. +The past season has ..gain shown that Ba'i: S aggives best satisfaction for grain and ichbeans. For re'eeence as': farmers in this locality who have used it. FARM FOR SALE Lot 8, con. 4, Stanley, 'Oe acres 80 acred cleared. Good 12 roomed frame house with kitchen and Woodshed, frame barn, y0'60,ba,n) 10x50, on stone foundation. Two good wells, orchard, • an :i small fruits, This farm is 3% mi es f -oat Brucefield and Kippen an is 6 miles from Hensel?. Easy '.erins. Apply Will. F. Alexande.", R. R. No. 2, Hensall, phone 6-8' Ontario Ferlilizer I also sell the above brand of Perti'izer male by one o! the larg- e: t Canal:an Compa••.i s Agency for Comincr-.ial Fertilizers for every purpo:,e JSEHij R R. N 1. 2. Zurich. numal. mmnn: n.r„murtm: yOU can't "touch up" worn-out spots in the linoleum or carpet. When it's worn, that's the end of it. A Painted Floor can be "touched up" whenever it shows signs of wear. It's bright and cheery—sanitary—easily cleaned and the cost of painting is a mere detail. (Made in Canada) is the old familiar, tried -and -tested, reliable Paint for the floors 'that wears and wears and wears. It's ready for the brush— simply stir and spread. Dries quickly with a high lustre, and free (of stickiness: Anyone can make a grand job 'of it with Senour's Floor Paint. 14 serviceable colors --something to suit every room in the house. "Floors, Spic and Span", and "Town and Country Homes", arc two books on home beautifying that you will enjoy reading. We have copies for you—ask for them. 101 CHAS. HARTL I , ZURICH. RICH. :4 1• : 4 4rti •h4•.4•r' 1. ♦.4 i' 'r4:. tilt•: