Zurich Herald, 1917-03-02, Page 3ENABLING BLIND
Soldier Who Lost Sight at Gallipoli.
Tells of His Life in Various
I{ospit als.
"The only miserable people to be
found at St. Dunstan's are the visit-
ors who come for the first time to
pity and sympathize with those de-
prived of sight," said Sergt.-Major
Middlemiss, of the lst King's Own
Scottish Borderers, in addressing a
Toronto audience recently.
Sergt,-Major Middlemiss was blind-
ed at Gallipoli, when a Turkish hand
grenade exploded near him. After
graphically describing the brilliant,
but unsuccessful, landing at Cape
Helos, and the terrific fighting that
took place, with such a deplorable
loss of life, Sergt.-:Major Middlemiss
told of his experiences in hospitals
in Port Said, Cairo and England.
When discharged from these, after
many operations, he told what de-
spair possessed him, what a hell of
misery he went through when the
full realization came over him that
he would never be able to see again.
• As he had followed soldiering all his
• life, he. had no other profession or
craft that Would • enable him to earn
his living: He had served three years
in South Africa, four in Egypt and
the Soudan, and four in India, where
he was when war broke out.
'Work at St. Dunstan's.
However, Sir Arthur Pearson, suf-
fering himself from blindness, so in-
terested him in the training to be ob-
tained at St. Dunstan's that he went
in and took up the study of Braille,
learning to typewrite, read and write
Braille. He also took up massage and
qualified as a masseur, at which he
was working when induced by Sir Ar-
thur Pearson to proceed to America
• and, by lecturing, try to raise a fund
so that" all soldiers and sailors blind-
ed in the war, whether belonging to
Britain, Belgium, or France, would
have an opportunity to obtain similar
training to that given at St. Dun-
stan's. The great work being accom-
Viorl 'T with hand or brain,' Farmers of Western Provinces In -
in doors or out doors, under 'With the price of beef' and other
all conditions and in all atleai soaritxg to hitherto unheard-of
climes, will find in Shredded heights, and every newspaper carry -
Wheat the food that sup-ing stories about the future prices of
boots and a'ltoes and other articles
plies all the material for made of leather, there may be A
buildinghealth tissue and modicum of comfort to be taken from
y the fact that the (armors 7g
good brain — a food that ers of \estetn Canada are naw tnrn-
ing their attention to cattle and stock
nourishes every organ of raising to an extent that would not
the body and keeps the bow beon boleeyed possible a few years ago.
Recording to the figures given in
els healthy and active—the the Census and Statistics Bulietin is -
one universal cereal food that sued by the Department of Trade olid
appears on the breakfast Commerce at Ottawa, all three of the.
pj� western provinces show large in-
of most Canadian creases in the number of livestock
homes every day in the raised in 191(1, as compared with 1.918
the year previous to the war. The
year. It is ready -cooked and figures for hogs show a decrease, due
ready -to -eat. For break- of �vestexn packin
fast with milk or cream, for
any meal with fruits. Made
in Canada.
He Feels He Owes
His Life To Them
rl'It�l'~i•apheci 200 Miles for
i3odd's Kidney Pills, Zia and New Zealand, many of whom
Canadians Try to Teach Anzac Pale
How to Skate.
The unusually cold weather in Eng-
land in February and the consequent
revival of skating has proved a great
novelty to the soldiers from Austra-
tried to skate on the various safe
.San Goulette, Now Strong and stretches outside London. One man
Heert Tells How He Found Health with one leg and two rubber -shod
'AftertheDoctors Had (riven Hint crutches made quite good progress at
Richmond, with occasional lapses from
Ups, the perpendicular. At Walton-on-
Qld Fort Bay, Labradare, Que. -- Thames, where the New Zealand. Hos-
, ..
26th (Special.)—"DO I believe petal is, the men were Enjoying the
in Dodd's Kidney Pills? Well, I tele- sport greatly.
graphed two hundred miles to get two There were some Canadians who
boxes of them." The speaker was were experts in skating, and at Re -
Sandy Goulette, an old settler here. gent's Park one wounded man from
Nor did Mr. Goulette require to be Montreal gave a good exhibition of
pressed to tell the rest of his story. figure -skating. Afterwards he tried
"I was swollen out of shape from to teach a Queenslander. Both were
to the several large tear orders receiv- head :to foot. I was so short of in full hospital kit, and their blues
g breath I could hardly speak, The doe- and scarlet ties made an effective note
ed by some the of color. At last the Queenslander
firms from the allies. One firm alone 'tor
doe -
could do nothing for me. The retired baffled, contented to watch the
is said to have received an order for minister gave nee the holy sacrament experts, among wham was Princess
ham and bacon that called for 351,000 and a op 1.priest came and told me I Patricia of Connaught.
head of hogs. could ntit live much longer.
The increase in the lnlmber of "Tl & I telegraphed for Dodd's vfany New Zealand and Australian
sheep is one of the outstanding fee- I{idnE ,,'ills. I took three pills the soldiersce ice in lad hadtheir
areas. first On Sun -
tures of the government report. The night they came and I got relief be- en +there were many Australians who
increase, approximately 30 percent, is fore r );tem. Dodd's Kidney day's
wandered along the bank of the Ser -
very gratifying. Many' of the cured V.. I am able to do my
Ser -
smaller flocks of sheep as they have wort ;iiffie as well as I was ten years pentine gazing with interest at the
frost -bound waters. To the man from
found out that the climate was very ago.l r ' Queensland or Western Australia this
suitable to them, provided a certain M 'filette offers to answer anya rticularly a new experience, and
amount of shelter was supplied during tette ,"ritten to him regarding his p"
when the weather case Ile feels that he owes his very Christchurch the short periods when life, toDodd's Kid- fling from north of
might otherwise be too severe. heart . f not his h large areas of water
The report estimates that there are" hey iz,��'a
at present 2,048,364 cattle in the three
Development of Mineral -bearing Lands
in North Thompson Valley.
The following interesting letter has
been received by the Canadian North-
ern Railway Company at Toronto,
from Chu Chua, British Columbia, re-
garding the development of the min-
eral -bearing areas tributary to its
main line through the North Thomp-
son Valley: --
"There are about twenty claims
staked near here; the first car of gold
ore taken from the surface of the
Wind Pass Claim had a gross value
of $1,648.00, and there is another .car
load ready for shipment.
"As soon as the Spring opens up
so that we can build wagon roads,
there will be large shipments during
the coming summer. At present the
ore is being taken down the moun-
tain side by hand sleds. There is
about $50,000 worth of ore in sight on
these claims without very much
development work.
"At the head waters of Boulder and
Canyon Creeks, there are large
bodies of copper ore that carry gold
and silver values, and large deposits
of magnetite iron ore that carry some
gold values.
Western provinces, 565,709 being milch itsdvance in War Surgery.
cows and the balance beef and other In sargery, and sanitation the war
cattle. This shows an increase of has brought out many improvements.
nearly 15 percent over 1913, and also There,:=#ave been no great epidemics
the very large number of beef cattle such as'have marked other wars, and
that have been marketed during the England is greatly pleased with the
past couple of years must be taken in- work of the Royal Army Medical
to consideration, Many large war Corps, which has solved great medical
orders were filled in Western Canada. problems during the war. The Somme
The Dominion and Provincial Gov- d with `t death grappleof
ernments and the Canadian Pacific
Railway, through its Agricultural and
Animal Industry Branch, have all aid-
ed the farmers in every possible way,
and have published broadcast litera-
ture showing the best results that
have been obtained on the various ex-
perimental and demonstration farms.
The Canadian Pacific has several of
these farms throughout the West,
with an expert in charge of each, and
at every cattle sale these farms are
represented by animals of a very high
class, both for breeding, milch and
beef animals The. experts in charge
-•s see -e -es -es-gag—rm. -at all times aid
in any way they" aeaa s, n..,. ti..,. W .. , .
seeks advice with reference to the best
stock to go in for and also the proper
way to secure the greatest results.
While there is no prospect of an im-
mediate reduction in the price of meat
as a result of the increases' interest
displayed by the farmers of the west,
the prairies of the Canadian West
have unlimited room for the raising of
all kinds of livestock, and with the
farmers taking e. greater interest in
livestock than ever before, Canada is
destined to play a large part in solv-
ing the meat problem which the world
now faces, and which is likely to be-
come still more acute at the close of
the war when European countries will
be buying animals to replenish their
plished there was described. This "At Blackpool there is ore being
work included not only teaching many shipped that carries both lead and
useful things to the blind, which en- si-ver.
"" them to e self-su porting, but Froin the Fog Horn Group at the,
able5 1]e l� PhFad. of
Boulder (:reek . t1,Ara
also serves to bring these. through the shipped 50 tons of Galena ore with a
despondent days following their first gross value of $4,000.00. A further
shipment of this ore will be made
this winter.
"In addition to this part of the
North Thompson Valley being a fine
farming and ranching country, it is
destined to be one of, the richest min-
eral -producing districts in B. 0. All
realization of the extent of the calam-
ity which has overtaken them, and im-
parts gradually the confidence and
courage which fits them not only to
live, but to live contentedly, often hap-
pily. The speaker was a living wit-
ness to this. Such trades as weaving
basketry, joinery, making of chairs, it needs is capital for development."
etc., are taught, and for these latter -.es—a--
companies have given large LAND OF TRAGEDIES.
orders. Boot making is taught, also
1 farming, in which the men
armin ,
soon reach an astonishing degree of Switzerland is Overflowing Withthe
efficiency in distinguishing different Human Wreckage of The War.
breeds, etc.; telephone operating is ':StAritzer:land is a land of trage-
quickly learned. Secretarial work, to dies," writes Miss Madeline Doty, e-
those accustomed to such, is also the Nation. `c'1'hey hit the eye where -
quickly mastered, as is the massage, ever ane wants. The country is in -
though both 3'equire a severe examine- habited by trembling ,old people in
tion and test before qualifying. deep mourning. Their sons are all
Fresh Start in Life. dead. They have come here to forget.
A new and novel work is dicing --- These sorrowing aged ones bring tiny
one blind soldier has done a great deal grandchildren. The land is swarming
of salvage work in this line. Then with curly-haired, dancing -eyed, pink
many sports are indulged in at St. and white perfections in babyhood.
Dunstan's that keep the men physical- They are the prize children the belli-
ly fit, rowing being one, also swim- gerent nations are trying to save. 4,
ming and push -ball, while dancing is • "Besides this mixture of old and
greatly enjoyed. It takes from six to young, there is the awful human
nine months to become proficient in wreckage ee war. Soldiers who have
any of the trades and twelve to quail- gone crazy and walk with shuffling
fy as a masseur. All appliances to feet and hanging mouth, tubercular
pursue their work are supplied and a warriors, gasping and white, and men
good location to start in business is who are only stumps riding about in
'picked out. Then there is to be super- wheeled chairs.
v=ision of the work after the men
leave, so deterioration will not creep
in. All the teachers et St. Dunstan's
are blind and the old saw supposed to
describe incompetency, the blind lead-
ing the blind, is disproved there, for
the sergeant -major stated that this in-
spired the pupil and aroused the old
fighting principle that he could do
"All that is best and worst err man-
kind is here in evidence."
How To Relieve Catarrhal
Deafness or Head Noises
it you liz.re catarrh, catarrhal deafness
or head noises caused by catarrh, or If
phlegm drops In your throat and has
caused catarrh of the Stomach or bowels
rou will be rtlad. to know that these dts-
what another Titan had done. crmeiin symptoms may be merely over -
following cause in many Instances by the following
:A :friend of the Caseys. treatment which y0U 0x11 easily prepare
In your own home at little cost. Secure
The driver of a runabout had care- from Your druggist t ounce of rarnlint
(Double Stre g h). mins will not cost you
to it 3t pint7 c.Take
awattri5210 4 muitd cestof
granulated sugar; stir until dissolved.
the first day's treatniont. Breathing
lessly butted his vehicle into the rear
of a large touring ear. The big police-
man on the spot approached the of-
fender and, shaking his finger at him,
bawled out: "Now, see what ye've shooed, become easy, while the distress•
ing head noises, headaches, dullness,
done. Gilrime yer name.:'
cloudy thinking, etc,, should gradually
"Casey," was the shivering drivers disappear under the tonic action of the
flue hearing and mucus dropping in the
"Cosily? Where d'ye come from?
"It's S''Ive years since I left me na-
tive tower of Limerick."
"So, ye're wan of the Caseys from
Limerick? Wait a minute till I get
the name and address of this boob
that backed inta ye."-
Two ovens of the usual kind, and a
third on the fireless cooker principle,
feature a. T14W'W gas range.
reply , treatment. •
torts of smell, taste, defer-
' hn:ck of the throat are other symptoms
which suggest tho presence of catarrh
and which may often be "t•ereorlltt by cited. Wh.eli he measures his distance
this efficacious treatment. If nearly
ninety per relit, of all ear troubles are from town in minutes instead of miles
caused by catarrh, there must he many he will r'ealfze the profit of goo
people whose heerng may be restored by
this simple home treatment,coatis. -American Lumberman.
Any artiness eau sttpply you, or a. hot -
tie will bo Sent on receipt of 79c. postal
note or money order. Address Interna-
tional Laboratories, 74 tit. Antoine ,it.,
Montreal, Canada.
Italy prohibits export of cheese.
yfAsT cilk6
IP,434f 0OTtONre, 03e,.. a s.
l� 1,91/n,w.u�uu.pu rw.o9
1 he best
yeast i n
tile world .
9_ bread.
18..n. ..w......n,...+-..M„wv ........ rcnaA4F
Ireland's feat Deposits.
Peat covers about one-seventh of
the area of Ireland and the deposits
are estimated to contain 40,000,000,..
000 tons of fuel.
t¢iaard's Liniment Cares Distemper.
rote a.tli',.n.
"Volt SALE l t'l EAP—GOOT> re, A ltJD-
p' ing House in Owen Sound. In :rood
rep tit gn, d location. Near Depot .+u,l
Feu t' t,,s. ANAY P. Mct::rath. Executor,
'rranSc•ra0a. Harr.
nanwen.E.rn»s zost sans
ry fico, if any, New Zealanders Offices for sale in good Ontario
hurclt towns. The xzost useful a:nd ti to eting
of ale businesses. Foil information as
eve seen sue application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto.
oxen over..
�i internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before ton late. Dr, Beilman Medical
Co.. Limited. Collingwond, Ont.
This Simple Rule
aR Strengthens
A Delicate Stomach
Ir really is unnecessary to dose your -
its ea sett' tt'ith l+ep:in Pill9 or artificial diges
mighty armies lasting months was a tires or to 11re on a miserable nursery
diet If you will observe one easy rule
eat test for the medical service, you can eat the hearty, nourishing foods
with many and serious wounds to that tour appetite Crambet
and sour i
needs. That rule is to take tt teaspoonful
treat and the danger of infection of Disurxted tlagnesiain a half glass of
hot water with each meal. Hisurated .
Afagueste is owl -laxative and harntle,tt:i
Canada and the Monroe Doctrine. and „possesses medicinal '.1, lilies that
If the British nay were beaten,promptly arercome impaired digestion.
Y fermentation• acidity, catarrhal condi- ;
Germany next spring could land a tions of the stomach, gas. distress after ,
large army on the east coast of Can- nntgz a iadrs ,'hepar do Iii •ta 10UFlnay".be
ada and there would be nothing to certain to Insist on obtaining it in the Bi -
prevent it crossing the four thousand "orated farm, especlaily reoammritdeci f,r
g stomach purposes. 3oid ee all Ygst ec•.
mflesiof the continent, leaving a trlril
such es was left in Beligum, in • Pols For Wireless in Airship.
and, ii -Serbia and in Rumania. Part of a new wireless equipment
designed for aeroplanes is contained
slitria'a-Self tat°• ti¢fi`f::i ++ kensadsad ee,;, leen,
Minard's Lmimento:, 2,i'figtl
Yarmouth, N. S.
Gentlemen,—It affords me great
pleasure and must be gratifying to
you to know that after using 36
bottles of your Liniment on a case of
paralysis which my father was afflict-
ed with, I was able to restore him to
norinal condition. Hoping other suf-
ferers may be benefited by the use of
your Liniment, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Spare the Birds.
Birds have sometimes eaten half
their Weight in insects in a day. Un-
moleste.d they would save the country
millions of dollars annually. The na-
tural savage seems to be in every man
and is shown by the desire to shoot
and kill every living thing seen.
Thoughtless parents give boys air
Mrs. John M. Weaver, Blissfield, N. guns and regular powder and ball
B., writes :—"I can speak very highly rifles, aand accidents and deaths fro -
of Baby's Own Tablets. I have used quently result; scores of useful birds
them for my children and find they and animals are wantonly slaughtered.
are the best medicine a mother can Who will join the Let Live Associa-
give her little ones. I would strongly tion? No initiation fees, no dues.
recommend them to all mothers who Oa' agree to let every useful thing
have fretful babies." The Tablets Te- lila as far as possible, to encourage
gelate the bowels and stomach; break ot., es to do the same to lend a hand
up colds and simple fevers; expel chaitrfully to man or beast when help
worms; cure vomiting and indigestion is i ' ed. Wonderful how body and
and make teething easy. They are soul expand as soon as one becomes a
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at member of this organization. Mehr -
26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' leers are not restricted by location,
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Cost of Bad Roads.
A. company in Stanislaus county,
California, that buys skimmed milk
from the farmer has demonstrated i
to the rural residents in an emphatic
manner the value of good roads to
thein. This company sends trucks di-
rectly to the farms to collect the skim-
med milk, but it pays higher prices to
farmers living an good roads than on
bad roads. On poor roads the com-
pany pays 171 cents per 100 pounds,
but on the good roads it pays 20 cents,
Of course, the farmer always has been
paying this tax on every hundred
pounds he hauled over bad roads and
he has been relieved of it on every
hundred pounds he had hauled over
good roads, but that fact has not been
brought to his notice as in the case
"What is the distinction between
verse and poetry?" "'Well, if you can
understand it it's verse, and if you
ain't understand it it's poetry."
lifter the Tyro EYe1 Fara lifetime
Murine is tar;raed im-
bra elate - Rore ETes ts
pp, a ranulated rilrallds. Roots
inr ,o v i e 0 Seircahes- Restores.
wJ k9
TV MurinelsaFavoriteTreaa
most for oyes bat feel dm
and smart. Give your Byes as mach of your ioeing
care as your Teeth and with the same regularity.
Care for Them. You Cannot Buy New r yes' -
Sold at Drug and Optical Stores °r br Mall, .as1
eludes Eye Remedy Co., Chicano. for Free Boos
A surgical instrument has been in-
vented to measure the turbidity of
spinal .fluids to aid in diagnosing
mental diseases.
3tslsard'a Liniment Ceras Garget Ss Cows.
, • e1 i in the comm
7 erc,al Pouicry busi-
ne..s?Y '!ifyouhavea
1aSlagstsa:n. \\caedm1t
j our; to be the greatest
x3- P`t n` Poultry success in Csn-
oda Clrctlar of facts
'�' Yyl`t� 4id�i1'ree.ilatc:,inc;I:tdgslfKl
ria�, ' parcentferttilty }uuran-
ql • a:.s, i l v."' F 1 recd. Stack for ale.
The Soul of a Piano is the 1
Y Action. Insist on the
"OTTO H I -.� J,'
And How to Peed
..Yr to n Adt'ress worn
Pioneer fi..t;L"! ' "�"s"'i.'ni'
Dug Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New York
A fraternal and insurance society that
protects ita members in accordance with the
Ontario Govarnricnt Stead.a:d. Sit.lc and
funeral bonen aoptional.
!authorized to obtain members and charter
lodges in every Province in Canada.
Purely Canadian. safe. sound and econo-
If there 13 no local lodge of Chosen
osen Friends
In you: district, applyzny
following officers:
'Dr.J. W. Ed:sarde, M.P. W. F. Montague,
Grand Councillor. Grand Tlucordcr.
W. P. Campbell. 3. 11. Set. M.D.,
Grand Organizer. Grand hiedlcel
old weather aches follow
exposure. Soothe and re -
race,. creed, color or financial standing. ! Zieve them with Sloan'ss Lini-
penetrates without rubbing.Meaner
More Military Precision. than mussy plasters or ointments.
A colonel in the French army, who does not stain the skin,
had a great eye for neatness but not I For rheumatic pains, neuralgia,
much of an ear for music, took ossa- gout, lumbago, sprains, strains,
cion one clay to compliment. his band- bruises and stiff sore muscles, have
master on the appearance of his men. Sloan's Liniment handy.
"Their uniforms are neat,"said 0`"7 07 At all druggists,50c and $1.O0.
colonel, "and their instruments are ;> �vaswtit
nicely polished and kept in order, but
there is one improvement that I must
insist upon.
"What is it; colonel?"
1iYou must train your men, when
they perforin, to lift their fingers all
at exactly the same time and at re-
gular intervals on their instruments,
so ---one, two, ane, two
bltlaard=p Adriiardost Ottrea Colds, ate.
isanam ,a Lisislest Cures Diphtheria Ment easy to apply. it sickly
"The trouble with yon, sir, is—if
you will pardon me for saying so—
that that you think nobody is good enough
for your daughter," "Yes, sir, and
that is where we differ so radically.
You appear to think anybody is."
El). 7.
ISSUE 9—'17.
forms a smooth, slip-
pery surface on the aide
spindle. The ground
Mica fills the pores of
the steel a n d makes
easier turning. Dealers
BRAN, itP'i T1il11.C1i'l(iltlii7'
FYlri> 1.17011. Eg'7[Se;O XO,
at'tX8]3"n0n rrmvzs,
anal 0.0.TA=4mrrAS1 VIE VER.
Sites and positiveptetentt.'s n,� ,,actor Trow Ind Nits 51.
any age are afflicteor 'ea.1•,: 'r,t." • ateuise g1,v en en ;ha
tongue' acts on the blood and ggi +ndt expels tree noiseeens
gargle ZOOM the body. C ores l Intornpc,• In Dogs and Sheer,
and Cholera in poultry. Largest seiIlt,t;• live stook lnn„t}.
Lari pe among human 1 cit i l.. and is a lino 1£kin5y
remedy, Cutthisout. Kecri It Sht+•t t„ 1aua.
z dcur;iat,
who will got it for you. Frau twv,t1 a, ,>r..+ ntloH (71071,0111
and (lures."
SPOU • rake x0ATB C0141,./%211.7.
Qhemtdta and r tnoteriologists, C++oalt.en, Til., 'tr. 1, A.