Zurich Herald, 1916-12-15, Page 5La.assitied Ads LEGAL CARDS. pROUDFOOT, KILL01iAN, & COOKE. Bacri4tors, Solicitors, Nobarwr Public roaon i1tSginl • door 'fm Hamilton S,Goderi Private funds bo loin Jt L west e t rates. W. pxoun>!ooT, K; H. J. 1). Cooicx. Mr. Cooke willd Saturday of each week. e in Hensel]. riday M'MEDICAL CARDS libR A. J. MacIaNNON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich Ont. 41. . leer LiiiiiiiiKEV Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc 7707:7 7a771-7- Price for Wool CASH ; FOR SKINS & HIDES TwJamb11 L t & Deiolint The Horne insuarnce Co Paid -un Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177.25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 8 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for 5 years. No premium note and no extra assessment . guaranteed. G. { LT Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods IIIESIMBEZINagegilr UNDERTAKING w,. w Prompt Service Moderate r'harges Tailor Shop and Laundry W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich - Ontario REPRESENTATIVE WANTED At once for Zurich and district for "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' Spring 1917 Planting List now ready, Splendi 1 list of Hardy C'anad'an a; n iirnamemital Stock in- cluding McIntosh. Rcd 9.pp1e, SI. Regis Everbearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent On application. Start now at best selling time. Liberal Propositions. Stone 6' Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1637) TS0R0NT0 ... 1LOCAL NEWS Millinery below cost at T. L. Aurins. 11'ghe3t price nail for hides and raw furs. D .Koehler, Zurich, Will the t'at'ty who has qty wire stretcher return the same at once. J. Preeter. Henceforth we will hake live poultry on ;Thursday only instead of twice a weeke T. Preeter, .A. large number from. the village and vi in'ty attended the Weido- Decher we3din,g on Wedi:e-da . Miss Cli`ton, who has had charge of J'. Preeterls imillniery dep.a.rr- pient, has left for her home in Streetsville. LOST -In Zurich, on Saturday night, a. purse containing some duty coins and sbine cash. Finder return to the Herald office. The Christmas ender:ainm:int in the 14th con. Evangelical c' -u -ch will be held on Wednesday even i�ng, Dec. 20th. ,Ad•mtssl.on lOe. and 20c. Thr. De Laval -Cream Separator Co havedecided to ee1l their cel- ebrated separators at the o'd prig- es for 'one month. more. See the local agent, Mr. L. Prang, about that one you need 'at once. In a letter received a few days as'o Lieut. E. Holtzmaiut who is now in the trenches in France, he states that he has Ueein in 1 the fighting line for seventeen days. At ipreseint ;he ism in the hospital with a slight attack of appendic- itis. • Mr. Louis Prang recently in- stalled one of the famous T'. -T, litter carrier outfits for Mr. 14Iose's Erb, of the Bronson Line. He will also ilukall a similar ou'fit for Mr. C; Scbrag, of Stance;; town- ship. This is a great labor sav- ing device and no modern farm is complete without this equipm-nt. While returning from mak'ng a call at !Helnsell legit Thursday ev- ening, Dr. B. A. Ca1mpbell had a narrow escape from serious injury when.an auto, drived by a Mr. Lawson, of Exeter, caus'ed his horse to jump -into ";he ditch and collide with. a telephone post. The 'Dr. was thrown with great force against the .post, but a. heavy fur coat which he wore broke the severity of ,the impact.? fl'lre seat ,anld top were torn of the rig and the horse ran away, but was( caught before it reached Zurich. At the next session of the 'Legis- lature steps may be taken to seeu re an addition to the Ontario Tem- p-eiance Act giving the Ontario License Bogard 'the right to plc{s. ',upon the merits of invalid port wines and othere o the merlica''erl valijielty. IThe board has So far decided to c;onr ent to any appeal for an "0. K." on particu'ar brand's that the Ima1J'ers cons'iider come within the provisions of time Prop- rietary and Pa'.ent Me.dicinic Act, largely upon the ground that they, have no legislative authority for such a sltep• even if it appeared ad visable. STORES OPEN EVERY NIGHT The stores in Zurich w"il ' be open every evening next week to accommodate the rush of Christmas ehoipper;s. outs, F. tC. N. A PROMISING CAMPAIGNNT The Xmas Seal Camra: aign of the National Sanitarium Association, now in full swing promnise3 to be a greater success than ever before. Already thousnads of seals have been sold, and a large number of repeat orders are being received. Buying these little Sea's' is such an easy ,way to help, They may be had in any quantity from one tip. Every Seal sold aids' in, the ,maintenance of Need, Consumpt- ives, Surely you can, *are a few, ciente' for this great cause:, 196 PREP. [MESS Thera are cold days corning Prepare for there now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated. D. & H. Laclia- wana, Atthratcite Coal We have a supply of all sizes; Egg, Stove and Chesnut D ,A. Cantelon l� ens ll Phono 10, House Phone 1Oa 114.e Chucrhes EV:ANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, German • -' ""` ;1 45 a. m, Sunday School 11.00 a, an " Service, English. --.7.00 p, Tuesday Jr. Y. P. A. - . 1.20 p,an Tuesday, Y. P. A. -- .-- 8.15 p. m. Thursday Prayer Meeting 8.00 _p.m, Friday, Choir Practice : -- 8 30p. m, Lae:i: s' Aid, First Wednesday of each Month. --- , .... 7,.o p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool --. •-- --- 2' .m. German Services, Sunday 30 30a.m, English Service Sunday 7,30 p.m. Luther League, Friday 8. p. m, Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month !at 2,30 p. m. Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING:, ETC. FIRE1NSURAN OE PLATE ULASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN Co. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich HONOR ROLL 161st BATTALION, C. E. F. "THE - HURONS" Andrew Price Thos. Davidson i. } Ho, fro bat, Cnl, 4] i �S Zug jecti I kin; ed lit +4" Am now taking orders for winter delivery. The past s"easoar has again shown that Basi S'aggives best satisfaction for grain and. beams, For reference ask farmers in this locality who have used it. Ontario Ferli lizer I also sell 'the above brand o2. Fertilizer made by, one of the larg- est Canadian Companies. Agency for Commercial Fertilizers for every purpose. JOSEPH MI R R. No. 2, Zurich. FOB RENT Premises in Zurich owned by V'1'sF McOorinicli For particulars apply talo A Mittellaaitz or A Films. HICKS' FORECASTS A. Reactionary Storm Period 1:i central on the 22'nd to. 25th, 'Phis period €inds the moon at Ls grcat- Ost south declination on the 2'rd, in tenpincti,ri tai, h Far:h n•ISua at an eehipss node, on the 2.4sh, and in iperigee on the 25th. •Wat.:h your'barometer on and a':out .;Sin- day, Monday ;Tuesday, the 24th, 25th and 26th, 11 ii oho ild.fall to very loW readings, a thing most likely to occur, you inmr•ay depend UFO)) it, as blizzard! is in store for you, in all northwestern to central harts of the country; Ii' a' y r.. i a •i:ay be expected over th.e south- ern states, followed by gales and, .hange to :very, cold from thee toit ani tvee., IT_le Mer fury Os • 1,u -thence being cen'.ral at ti;is time continue. threatening and stormy conditions will hold over into the regular storm period following. This period is almost sure to bring excessive and destructive sleet storms, Mercury being as we have Lor forty years dubbed him, a veritable sleet god. MARRIED Weid.o-Deccher-At St. Peter'sj Lutheran church, Zurich, on Dee. 13th, by ,Rev. H. Rembeo Miss Laurette Catharine, ,youn- gest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, T. Decher, Sr.., td Mr. Wi'fred F. Weida, of ;the Parr Line. BORN I Walper-At Dashwood, on Den. 8 Ito Mr. and Mrs, Edmund 1I'a'.per, ca son, Cantin-At Si. Joseph, on Dec. 11, Ito Mr. and Mrs. Na' -o -eon Can in, la daughter. Ducharme-At tho Bronson Eine ,Hay, on Deo. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs,. Ed. Du:harme, a son•, New arrangements with the Far- luer's Advocate compel us to raise our clubbing rotes for tha magazine and .the Herald Iti2.5u per year. +++*÷+++++++++++++++++++++++ to WATER BOWLS Litter Oarrlers STANCHIONS E 0,, STC, We Landle and install all the modern convencierlces for your stab'.es, See our lir-es, B --T Hay Tacks and Cars Let us install your hay track for you now, Terms are same at if installed next spring, viz: Sept. 1st, 1917. We handle pumi s, piping, etc. ZURICH for Foxes, Skunk, Muskrat, Raccoon, Mink, Fisher, Marten, Beaver, White Weasel, Bear, and.other Fur Bearers collected in son: ZediDU SUIP YOUR FURS DIRECT do "SH flR ER^a"ft:e xergest house In lice World desling exclusively fn PIMP.a..Ir awaW RAW MRS a reliable -responsible -safe Fur Rouse with an unblemished rep- utation existing for "more than a third of a century." a long suc- cessful record of sending Fur Shippers prompt.SAT1SFACTOl AID PROFITABLE returns. Write for' ebt flobubextValuer." tbe only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. 'Write for it -NOW -it's FREE A. Ba SIL1EER°II°, Inc. Icy AUSTIN AWEVE. -++++++++++++++++++++, I++ + ++++++++++ ++ i 4.1:-.s:`'>°'++[[ s a , a , .r.• .e r , 4.4.4..5..2.4....a..a..«.a..a„a..s.w . •l..4•4..a..a.,a.s..,t..s.a 3 OF ZURIC H, DASHWOOD, BLAKE AND ECIDED TO DO AWAY WITH THE OLD ::LVF MONTH'S CREDIT SYSTEM, WHICH ISANCF IN THE BUSINESS WORLD OP TO - WHEN THF FARMERS HAD NO OTHER 2 PRODUCE BUT THE STORES, THE SYSTEM IN A FAIRLY SATISFACTORY MANNER, THE FARMER CAN SELL EVERYTHING HE 'ES AT ITIS OWN DOOR FOR SPOT CASH LLEN DOWN BADLY, AS THE MERCHANT U3 'IRE PRODUCE AND HAS TO CHARGE. ADE AT HIS STORE FOR 12 MONTHS OR FAI3 INST ANCES OF THE ABUSE OF THE. 'EM MIGHT BE QUOTED. TO OVERCOME NT A THREE MONTH'S CREDIT WILL BE NUARY 1STNEXT. THAT IS ALL PUR- FTTLED 13Y SPOT CASH OR A CREDIT OF' LL BE GIV EN TO RELIABLE CUSTOMERS. FRE ,'THREE MONTHS, OR FOUR TIMES A PRIL 1Sr.; JULY 1ST.; OCTOBER 1ST.AND ACCOUNTS WILL BE DUE AND /UST 1;F: SETTLED BY CASH OR PROMISSORY NOTES. THE SYSTE1'J- iS PRACTICALLY TL a SAME AS'HE OLD SYSTEM. ONLY THE LENGTH OF TIME FOR CREDIT IS REDUCED FROM TWELVE. 110 THREE MONTHS. 'THIRTY DAYS GRACE WILL BE GRANr- ED FOR SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS, BUT IF THE ACCOUNTS. ARE NOT SETTLED IN THE THIRTY DAYS INTEREST WILL. BE CHARGED FROM THE DATE WHEN THE ACCOUNT WAS DUE THE SYSTEM SHOULD WORK OUT SATISFACTORILY BOTH TO, THE MERCHANT AND THE.CUSTOMER. Ir SHOULD BE RE 1EINIBERE D GHAT THE PRODUCER CAN SELL ALL HIS PRODUCTS FOR CASH, HE DOES NOT HAVE TO WAIT SIX, EIGHT, TWELVE OR MORE MONTHS POR HIS MON- EY. AND THE MERCHANT, WHEN HE BUYS A BILL OF GOODS FROM THE WHOLESALERS, MUST PAY THE SAME IN 30 DAYS, IN FACT, IN THESE DAYS OF STRENUOUS FINANCIAL STRESS, ITHR BUSINESS MAN MUST MAKE .ARRANGEIVIENT;S TO MEET HIS PAYMENTS PROMPTLY ORGO OUT OF BUSINESS AND IT IS HOPED THAT THE CUSTOMER WILL HELP THEM IN THE NEW PLAN, THAT IT MAY BE PLEASANT AND PROFITABLE FOR BOTH PARTIES,.,. .." ++++441'41•4•41444'4":4.-1.-14-1-H4+ � •:' i, « , �"� 'i r " P �,�..�r.� �. � r�..',,�. '..«4 •4 44++ .i..4.0.ii,