Zurich Herald, 1916-09-15, Page 4WP-.��.....•.1....e.m«w+.wn.neros,m.o-.......�.... Western LONDON, ONTARIO eppter. er 8th to lGth, 1916 ' esir ftN oNiritRicesi POPULAR EXHIBITION ART, MUSIC, AGRICULTURE \' AMUSEMENTS A Fine Combination at London's Ex hit) ion . Real Live Program of Attractions Twice D Two Speed Events Ea Fireworks Every Night New Process Building Every Building'. Full of Exhibits SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto SPECIAL EXCURTION DAYS Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary i THE HERALD issued every Thursday afternoon from the HERALD PRINTING OFFICE Victoria St. Zurich, by ANDREW F. HESS and CHESTER L. SMITH SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR 1.1.S• subscripton $r,5o strictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERMS. Rates 1o`r displayLand contract advertisements will. e given on appliation. Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soci etc., 10 cents per line for first insertirn and 5 cents , .r ne for eat is subsequent insertion, Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which admiss ion fee is charged or a special collection tak will be charged for at the regular advnrtistng ra Notices of religious or other meetings the object which is the benefit of the community and not for p onal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerio ./ •nerted free. Advertisments without specific directions will b uaerted untitl forbid and charged accordingly. Tran tient advertismenrsmust be paid for in advance. ]astray advs. $r for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, ..lhnnges for contract advertisements must be in the •ice by 6 p. m. Tuesday, otherwise, they will be left (mot until the following week. Address all communica ions to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, SEPT.14,1916 LEEK ADVERTISFME.NT OF COURT IN NEWSPAPER Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario ;Voter's Lists Act, by His Honour the. Judge Of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall, Zurich ,on the 29th clay of S.eptember, 1916, at 10.30 o'- elock in the •forenoon to hear and det,r;nvne. complaints of errors and loneissions in the voters' list of the Municipality of the Township of (Hay, for 1916. Dated the 14th day of September 1916. Fred Hess,Sr., Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of HAY. e ; NOTdCit Or DISSOLUTION OE PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned as tGeneral Merchants in the village of Dashwood has this day been, dissolved by Mutual. Congent/e Ali debts owing to tege Said partner - Ship are to be paid to Norman Kel 1erin ate tori 'ol' bef)or(e! S:ep'tt. 15t3zrAl Pf ., 1916 at. the village of &Dash- wood aforesaid aind all claims ag- ira nst the slain peetsreership axle. Uo 2ee presented OD the setid Normaaa Kellerman by whore the same will be erettle'&. Dated at Dashwood this 21st. dray of Augue A: D. iris. iGeorge Kellerman( Norman Kel- lerman; Witnessed by E. 1M. Brokens"hnre. AUCTION SALE Of Household' Furniture, in. Zurich, on Saturday, Sept., 16th, at 1 o'clock. R. Bossemberry, aucti- :orieer, Miss Ida Ortwein, propriet- •oress. Of a carload of Mixed Cattle, at the Dominion House, Zurich, on 'Saturday, Sept., 16th at 2.30 o'clock E. Dusenberry, Auctioneer, Jesse Stover, Proprietor. FALL FAIRS Bayfield -.• -•• Oct. 10-11 Blyth ,.. ..:..:...... . Oct.3--4 Exeter ... ............... Sept.18—:19 Godez•ieh .... .. Sept. 27-28 Seaforth Landon..-. .. ,., ..Sept. 8-16 FURIGA ,,> ......................Sept. Sept. 20-21 STEPHEN COUNCIL The council sof the township of Stephen convened in the TownHall Crediton, on Monday, the tth of September 1916 at 1 p. ,m. All n uinbcre were present with the exception of M.r. Love , The min- utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The following orders were passed Herb Ei.ber, for framing Honor Roll, $1.75; William Nichols lamb killed by dogs, 6.65e William White teaming, 2.50; Fra nk McKeever, gravel 23.70;'F. W. Fanncounb Eag- leso'n's & Carruthers' Award 64.51; T. Oliver and others culvert L. R, 32.00; Ed. Wilds gravel end tree 43.40; Ed. Allen and !others; cone Crete culvert, 13.50; James Ziler, gravel 34.60; Wei. Oliver re. Ilsie's lieensa, 6,.16 Thos .Webb and Rothera grading N. B. 13.00; Thos. Webb and others grading 41.75. The Council adjourned to ,meet again for general business in the Clerk's office, Crediton, on Satur- day, the 9th of Sept., at 7.30 p. an, Henry Eilber, Clerk If the farmers of this commun ity wani any fertilizer for fall wheat, I 'always keep some on hand at my "barn. Later on when the ground is more suitable to prow you should get fertilizer to sa v with the wheat to give it a good healthy start. JOHN HEY, Jr., Zurich. Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAG RAW MINERAL PHOSPHATES USELESS AS A FERT1ILIZER ,The introduction • of Sydneyl Basic Slag into Ontario and the phenomenal success with ;which it Ins met has led the disappointed sellers of other fertilizers to look for a substitute. Some of theme are now recommending farmers to use raw mineral phosphate in con- junction with ground limestone. They say that it contains twice as much phosphoric acid as basic slag and . that it is much better value. They are distributing lit- erature emanating from interested sellers of mineral phosphate in the United States, whence it comes, claiming all sorts of merit for this material. The advocacy of ground mineral phosphate (is a fertilizer is a very old game'bcing revived. In, reply we would ask the farmer to refer to the Bulletin, issued by the Canadian Government show- ing the working of tthe Experi- mental Farms Tor the year 1910, in which the following statements are pnade: Page 27: --"Manny 'years' experi- ence has shown that mineral phos- phate untreated is practically of no value as a fertilizer". And again on page 28: '''After ten years' experience had demon- strated that finely ground, un- treated mineral phosphate was of no use as a fertilizer, its use was discontinued in 1898." Now are you going to believe the mon who is after your money, or the Canadian Government who are tabsolutely disinterested and whose sole desire in the matter is to protect the interests of the Can- adian farmer? If On face of the above the Ont- ario farmer is foolish enough to buy ground mineral phosphate he deserves to lose his money. I have also the Agency for the Ontario Fertilizer ---anyone wishing to buy same can dee so from rte. JOSEPH RAU R , :. Not 2 Zurich. (JORRESPON 1 NCE FRUITS Fresh stock of Oranges, Bananas and Lemons. We always, keep all kinds of Fruit in Season, Fresh.: Groceries Get your supply of ` Binder Twine, Binder Whip's, Har- vest, Gloves and Mitts... Har- vest Shoes here. A large var- iety to choose from. Harvest Tools See our lines of HAY FORKS, FIELD HOES, HANDLES, WIN. DOW SCREENS, SCREEN WIRE, ETC. PRICES RIGHT Fruit Jars And all necessities for the canning season can be bought here. Shoe Repairing of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE . TAKEN., L. BRISSON Phone 1on86 (� Drys dale Store elbsed every Tuesday and Friday eveh'ngat 6 o'clock COUNTY, NEWS Dr .W, iGvinin, of Clinton, Who has been overseas .for some months, •tis, 'o'w in charge of the. Springburn Red Cross Hospital, Glasgow Everything was found satisfact- ory at the (House of Refuge by the committee which met at Clinton last week. There are 83 inmates 'at the .present timee The tmembers of the 161st Batt. from Hei sill, .who were home, for a few days, were entertained to et banquet and .social in the Town Hall last Friday evenCng. During a recent thunderstorm lightning struck aflower stand at the end of Mr. William Delbridge's house in Usborne broke the pots flow : er ots and killed 16 chickens t ry had taken shelter underneath the stand. Mrs. Delbridge and dais :.,�a ghter were :mot ten feet away at the time. That lightening was sur- ly close enough.The programs are out for the ,Thirtyeninth annual meeting of the S West Huron Teacher's Association which will be held at Victoria School. Goderich on Thursday and Friday,Sept, 14th and 15th. Take iprogralm contains a list of helpful subjects to be delt with by the teachers, One of the princip- al speakers will be E. T. W.hite B. A,, B. Flaed, of the Normal Scho- ol, London, The president of the association is Mr. J. B. Hume, B.A. of ,Goderich, and the Sec.-Treas., Mr. W. Johmiston, of Kippen. DASHWOOD Mr and Mrs, J. Pr. Grcybiel and Mr. and M rs.Wes. England , at- tended the weclding of the form- er's son at Wooc'stoek last week. Miss Dora Kraft of Clinton sp- ent a few days at her home here last week. Quuite ra Inumber from here la tee tended London Fair this week Miss Ainna McDonald of Exeter was the guest of Mrs N. Keller- man over 'Sunday.. Mrs. Ed. Nadinger is very ill at present. We wish for a speedy re- covery. Mr. Jack Eidt left for Berlin on Monday where he has accepted a position. Mr Oliver Graybiel aind bride rare spen`'ing part of their honey- anoo:n with the form,er's parents here. Rev. F, Meyer atnd family are camping at Grand Bend this week. Mr. Win. Held moved into his new residence this week. Mr. Bert iStattion rspernt a.few days in London this week. Mr. and Mrs. R Schroeder of Mitchell visited relatives here rover .Sunellay. .'Miss ;Elsa Kienzle of Crediton spent Sunday with Miss Letta Guenther. Mrs C. Buivneister, who hasbe- en very ill, we are pleased to say is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Win, $'owdetj ,of Coopertown N. Dak., renewed old acquaintances in the village Mon- day. They found quite a few changes after an at)se.nce of 30 years. Mr. o'n'd Mrs• Win. Kleinstiver and fa:aily are spending their vac- ation: le Yale, Mich. &Ir nd Mrs. Bert Statton have 'moved into the house vacated by tMr aiul Mrs. Ge W. Shore. • Mr and Mrs. Stone of ;Greena- way vi i ed Mr. and Mrs. Wun.Iield n Sunday. L. .Adams, 31. Br:ikenshire, Ed. rokenshire and dat.giter, Nettie ,Rt i Mrs, R. Adams attended the t nierai of .a.relative at .Atwood ane clay .last 'week,. R.•Schatz, L. Edighoffer and L. Goetz, are attending Collegiate at eaforth. AFTER SEPT. 16TH. Referendum after the war with- in a limit to be set sone futuredate w Creation of separate legal mach- inery for the enforcement of pro- hibition. Ontario License Board continu- ed but reduced to three mehbers. Druggists licensed to sell up to six ounces of liquor on prescripti on. only. No sales to be made between 8 p. un. and 7 ranee or after 7 p. ni. on Saturday. Liquor roust not be given to min- ors, excepting by parents or guar dians, or on physicians prescrip- tions. All liquor sales must be for cash. Right of search at 'any time is given officers of the law. Burden of (proof rests with defen dents where liquor is found in his rpossessianl. Private importation of liquor is not forbidden by the act. A HENSALL Nelson Blatchford has returned from a trip to the west, aind is much improved im health. ' Mrs. Clarke of Detroit is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Hagen, Parr Line, at present, John Glenn and John McAllister Fare taking a trip through the 'western .provinces. Mr. arl,d Mrs. Mark Drysdale hal*e•returne1 from a irip to 13uf- falo and Brockville. Our station was !a busy spot this eek owing to the large numbEr .who went to London fair. Jino. D. Buchanan has returned to New York after visiting his par ants here for some time. On. Wednesday, 23rd of August at St. Jiohtte N. B., Janet 1M. naught er of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Maxwell, was married to Dr. John Wilmer Peck, of tHensall. Rev. W. H. Barraclough, of Centenary church performed the ceremony. The bride, who wore a travelling suit, was attended ionly by her little niece, Miss Alice Maxwell, as flow- er girl. Dr. and Mrs. Peck left by C. P. R. for a wedding trip through UpperCanada. PREPARDNESS There are cold days coming Prepare for them now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated D. & H; Lacka- wana Anthracite Coal We have a supply of all sizes: Egg, Stove and Chesnut. D. A. Cantelon Mensal] Phone 10, House Phone 10a EXETER Preparations are being• made for the annual fall fair to be held here meet Tuesday. .Pte. Loftus Henn of this place, who has been reported missing fox some months, is now officially reported as dead in the casualty. list The anniversary and Harvest Home cervices held in Tri vitt memoral church on Sunday ra week were very well attended. Millinery openings are the order of the day, W. Earl Spackunan of this town was married to Miss Maud Arm- strong of Burford on Sept. 32nd. They will reside i iG+ eDplh. The ceunent blocks for the new Methodiat chiurch shed an Maine 'M'eet have been laid. • • ii 4 Handsome Car •..: 2 e, :, WHEN you pay several hun- dred dollars for an automo- bile, why not get a good- looking one—one that you will be proud to own, proud to drive and proud to take your friends out in? Maxwell owners have a just pride in the handsome appearance cif their automobile for Maxwell Motor Cars have the same attractive lines, the same graceful design as the higher priced types. In addition to good looks you want, of course, a reliable, sturdy and economical car. But there is no doubt in your mind on these points since the Maxwell a short time ago established the World's Motor Non - Stop Mileage Record. Any car that can run continuously for 44 days and nights, averaging 500 miles per day - 22,000 miles in all and without once stopping the motor—is bound to be a well designed and well made car. Any car that can perform such a wonderful feat on an average of one Imperial gallon of gasoline to every 26 / miles is bound to be an eco- nomical car. 'We have such confidence in the Maxwell car and the company behind it that we have staked our judgment' and future on the ability of the car to make good for you. It will; we{ know it. All we want is a chance to � prove it. Phone us today, while you have it in mind. Touring Car, $850. Roadster, $830 Prices F. O.8, Windsor Completely Equipped W E Oestreicher. Crediton DISTRIBUTORS FOR 1 • H. Oallman, Dealers MASSEY-HARRIS Implements Now is the time to look for good o Massey=Harris Binders, etc. A few second hand Massey -Harris binders for sale cheap: Agency for the well-known Louden Hay track and litter carrier. r - 1111111111111111111111111 MD PLR MG MILL We carry large sock of storm sashes and storm doors made all size or style. Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mill products. Estimates given and contracts taken. Once at planing mill;. F. C. KAL'*-FLEI6CH � PHONE fl -frau now ti•1•i a ROW" it r1111. ZURICH lk:,4411.