Zurich Herald, 1916-09-01, Page 4estern Fair LONDON, ONTARIO Se1)temb e r 8th to 16th, 1916 WESTERN ONTARIO'S! POPULAR EXHIBITION ART, MUSIC, AGRICULTURE . AMUSEMENTS A Fine Combination at London's Ex hibi on. A Real Live Program of Attractions Twice D a Two Speed Events D a Fireworks Every Night New Process Building Every Building' Full of Exhibits ,SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto SPECIAL EXCURTION DAYS Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary W. J. REID, President A, M. HUNT, Secretary) THE HERALD issued every Thursday afternoon from the HERALD F'RINTING OFFICE Victoria St. Zurich, by ANDREW F. HESS and CHESTER L. seam. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR CJ. S' subscripzon $1,5o strictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERMS. Rates for display and contract advertisements will be given on appliation. Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soci etc., ao cents per line for first insertion and g cents ee for each subsequent insertion. Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which adnvss ion fee is charged or a special collection tat t will be charged for at the regular advertistng ra Notices of religious or other meetings the object which is thebenefit of the community and not for p Deal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerfu . e erted free. Advertisments without specific directions will be Oserted untitl forbid and charged accordingly. Tran - tea advertismenrs must be paid for in advance. £stray advs. $1 for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. 'hanges for contract advertisements must be in the of5se by 6 p. m, Tuesday, otherwise. they will be left qv..c until the following week. Address all communica ions to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. AUG, 311016 i home "Obi. A light touring car in which EXETER. H. W. Doerr, hydro engineer of town, was united in marriage to, Miss -Grace, eldest daughter of Mr. end Mrs. G. Vivan of Mitchell on August, 22nd. Miss Addie Morlock has sold her millinery business to Miss McDon- ald, of Woodstock. Mr. Joseph 'Wambold has pur- chased a grocery business in Lon- don and is :moving .to .that city with his family!. Nine young men of .this ,.•section appeared berore Reeve Taylor and Magistrate Moir the other day and were fined $4.65 each for (fast) striving .on Main Street. Mims Margaret Yager was .united. in 'marriage to E. J, 'Malone of 'lil- 6onburg on August 23rd by Rev. W. J. Yager sof S.ratford. They, will reside sin Tilson•burg. Jas. J. Reilly, proprietor of 0' Rei11y's Cafe, Detroit, visited•fri- ends here last week. Pte. W. J, Russel, who was wounded at Yepres in July, had to have his left arm amputated at fbe shoulder, He is expected, NOTICE 3F DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP Notice is hersby given that the pear.nership heee:ofore subsisting between us the undersigned as General Merchants in the Tillage of Dashwood has this day ;seen dissolved by,Mutual Coresienti." All debts :owing to taste s(a!id partn;ar- tship are to be Laid to Norman Kea Ierm.an ,on 'or befjo1•,ei Sep,tt..26talSA. pr .; 1;910 at the village of ,,Dash- wood aforesaid and all claims ag- faints't the said parrt esshlip' alfa t o be ;presarnt rd Lfo the said 'Norman: .Kellerman by whome the same will be wattled. ' •Pritle'd lc ,Dashwioiol1 thria 2r:tt se ,duty of Augusl4j, A. D. 1#i6. )George Kellerina; Norman Kel- lerman, Witnessed by E. M. Brokemi4hire. SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Notice is hereby given, that the 1st of lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared, .that cop- ies thereof may be had at this of- fice, that the list is being publish- ed in :the Ontario Gazette of ..ug - past 12th, 19th, 26th and Sept., 2nd 1916, and :that in default of the pa yment of the taxes and costs the lands will be sold by public aucti- on. at the Court House in the town of Goderich on, Tuesday the 14th day of November, 1916, at 2 o'clock !p- m. A number of lots in S. Joseph in Hay are in this list. County Treasurer's Office, God- erich, August 12th, 1916. ,Wm. 'Holmes, Treasurer. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture, at Zurich, on Saturday, Sept. :ad at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Lydia Bender, pro - larietoress, 1. Bossenberry, aucti- oneer. FALL FAIRS Bayfield Myth ... ... Exeter Goderich.• -- Seaforth Lotndanl- .. ... ZURICH ... es Oct. 10-11 • O et. 3-4 Sept.18-19 . Sept. 27-28 ....t Sept.21--22 .., _Sept. 8-5-16 ▪ Sept.' 28-21 Nelso.i Baker and. two companio- n:e .of ;Exeter, wt.re driving roiled down an 18 -foot embankment near that town on 1 aesday and :sake: had hi,.: arm badly fractured, •an- othe: pian his leg fractured acrd the other ease suffered serious in- juries. The steering gear broke and caused the accident. Zurich, Aug. 23, 19.16. If the farmers of this commun-• itt• want any fertilizer for fall wheat, I always iieep some our hand at my barn. Later on when the ground is mor( suitable to p,ow you should gel' fertilizer to sa v With the wheat to give it a good healthy start, JOHN HEY, Jr., Zurich. HE WESTERN FAIR September 8th to 161h. The platform attractions at the Exhibition this year will be of a very High class. The very best acts ,obtainable have been peens.- _ ed. ,There will be ants of 81411 and comedy and ,plenty of ,them,.. Dio's Dog and Pony Circus will be worth the whole price. Some two or three Bands each day will provide the best ,of music, while The International (Fireworks Co. of . Lotndon will put on a special programme of fireworks each and every night. If space is required applications should be made to the Searetary at once. Entries should be made as early as possible. Ins - formation of all kinds from the Secretary, A. M. Hunt, London, Ontario. PREPARDNESS There are cold days coining Prepare for them now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated D. & H. Lacka- wan.a. Anthracite Coal We have a supply of all sizes: Egg, Stove and Chesnut. Dr A. Cantelon l-lensall phone 10, How Pions I0a CORRESPONDENCE. FRUITS Fresh stock of Oranges, Bananas and Lemons. We always keep all kinds of Fruit in Season, Fresh Groceries Get your supply of Binder Twine, Binder Whips, Hai. - vest, Gloves and Mitts. Har- vest Shoes here. A large var- iety to choose from. Harvest Tools See our lines of HAY FORKS, FIELD HOES, HANDLES, WIN- DOW SCREENS, SCREEN WIRE, ETC. PRICES RIGHT • Fruit Jars And all necessities for the canning season can be bought here. Shoe Repairing of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. L. BRISSON Phone 1 on 86 Drysdale Store closed every Tuesday and Friday even'ng at 6 o'clock COUNTY EN WS i DASH WOOD Miss Marie Schroeder of lYliteh- ell, visited with friends here dur- ing the past week(. Mr. and Mrs. Herinaa Zimmer, .left Friday forStratford where they ;will resides. Miss Grace Reid' of Luckniow, visited friends here for several days this week. Rev. land Mrs. P. Graupner have returned, from their vaoativn which they :spent in Fort Wayne. The Evangelical Sunday School picnic was held at Grand :Bend on Tuesday. , Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan and family spent Sunday in Thedford• Albert Boyce has sold his '80 - acre tarns, Goshen Line, Stanley, to Peter McGee of Vann. 'the Women s rastii:uto of Exele_ seta_ two bales of clothing to the fire sufferers Ln Northern, Ontario, Dr. Rogers, who has been, prac- ticing in Brucefield for 13 years; has sold nut and wi.l leave in, a few weeks. 'Orville Cantu of Usborne, wdtilx the aid of his dog, captured. a live. fox in a ditch; on his farm' : the other day. Clinton Model School openea on Wednesday 'of last :week. The attendance is only 21, although?+ • is .the only Model school in W ern Ontario. The Clandeboye bridge'• sp,au; nag the rei , e: 5aua.c on the main io_tn be_w�t r e_antiebuya and La- teen. a-t en. has Lein opts led for traffic; user being closed fur eight weeks nor 'repand. the _i..ie sear old c..i_d of Mrs, see o. lir au,...i —, of near Illitcnc.i crank sono puison:ea \vaier off a fly pad which was placed in a lacer on the window sill and al- though the hes incdi..al skid was summoned, the cord succumbed, taeorge .Less, prupe1i-or of the oolen alias at Lucaniw wad found in .tne bush near that town with his cnrout: cut. A 'woo:— stained razor was found by kiie side. Elis Brien' 1s cannot account for the svlsil beela. Heziakia aton-r, al Parkhill was. accidently aiue..l near Araona un Thursday, the result of belag thrown from his buggy when -his horse shied as ase was erivilig in- to the barn on his old homestead. He was aretired farmer. A sun rum's a jewe.ery store at Parkhill. At apub.ic ,meeting in the towu hall, the V one soldiers were .pre- segted with wrist. watches jaeiore their aelurin to Camp Borden•afi.- er their iur.ougn, The following soldiers were tine ones honored by, the citizens: Privates Will Mc- Naughton, 1Vlalcolm Keys, Alex. French, James 'tMakins and Serg- eant Seeley. While driving stlongi the Lon- don road the other Day with a load of creamy Rob:. liggins met with a pecu.iar accident while south .of Jas. Dick's. One of the front wheels of the wagon broke at .the hub, causing the wholeload to tun lover into the ditch. iMIr, Higgins escaped .unhurt but sev- eral cairns of cream were spilled over the ground. In the Police Court on Tuesday Harry ,Miller, of Walton, was fined for' keeping liquor for sale con- trary to the provisions of the Canada Temperance Act. He pleaded guilty .10'. the offence. At Clinton on Monday Harry Schaer- er, was fined on pleading guilty to taaimilar charge. Both werii first totfences _sunder the C. T. A. Ai t. Coii'stables Pellow and Wallis made the searches last week .A.nrotther ;case was settled at Clip- tom. yesterday, when• A. Mitchell pleaded guilty to bringing liquort into C. rr. A. territory by, the "ouatease" (route. Mr. H. Willert shiped a car load of cattle to Buffalo on Saturday. MT, and Mrs. Geo, Koch and! daughter, Roselle, left Tuesday for ra trip. to the west.. Mr. Czar Kellerman spent sever- al days in Guelph this week. Miss Ramsay of Hyde .Park is visi•ing friends around hero at paeseavc. lir..ainel Mrs, N. F. Schram and family of London visited with J'dr. and isIrs. L. Hamacher over Sun- day. , Mrws. Ed, Rupp of Detroit visit- ed with Mrs. Fred 'Rinker, last week. Mr. ansa Mrs. F. Witwer of Ex- eter spent the week end with Mn and ihirs. Wim(: geld. Miss Lily Hoffman left for her home ina•avistock on Wednesday anter visiting here for some time She was accompanied by her cous- in Miss Mynta Hoffmans Mrs. ,Adan Birk and daughter? Verna are visiting in London at prese_:.. Mr.:(ennith Routledge is spend- ing a is holidays at Hyde Park. Mr. Will Willert left for Pincher; Sta., .A..1., Wednesday, after spend- ingss.. t'emal 'weeks at his home here Mr, Ezra Nieman spent Monday in Mr . an'd MTs. G. W. Shore left Thursday For their new home iu woodbrige, where Mr. Shore has ac cepted a position. HEIN bAiL Mr. Paul Boa and sister, t1VIiss Ella, left last 'week on a trip to the western provin:es. John D. Buchanan, of New York is visiting his parents hero at pres- ent. • Nearly all the stores .and many houses nave been wired for hydro. Miss Mabel Cudmore, trained nurse: of ,Stratford, visited her parents ,here last week. She has left for New York to take a post- gracluate ,course, John Lorimer, the courier 'on rural email route ;number 1 has purchased an auto to make the delle ery. Mrs. C. Wilson, of West Super- ior, Wis., is visiting her brothers, William and John Caldwell and other relatives in this vicrnAy. T. Mit telholtz underwent a suc- cessful operation for removal of his tonsils last week. 1Y1r. wtri Myst v5, B, Maxwell of :St. John N. 13., lanunonince the en- gagement of their daughter, Janet UYL, to Dr. John Wi;iner Peck oi; Hensall. The marriage will take place at an early date A large quantity, of beer and whiskey was seized by constables pel.ow and Wallis at Hensel), the other day. Interesting develop- ments are expected regarding the matter, CREDIION • Rev. and Mrs. Kelhofer and rami ly have left for China to resume their missionary work. '111:x. and Mrs. R. Nicholson, of Al- vinston recently visited the for- mer's brother heBe. H. Silber,'iM. P. P., has returned from a business ttrii) to Manitoba;. Herb h?ahlnier is visiting relati- ves in Pigeon and Elkton. Mies Mabel Wenitzel ,attended the Toronto ;millinery openings.. DIED Scott—At Vagina, on Aug. 27th, Henry Scott, of Chicago, Ills., aged 57 years. Quackenbush --in Htay Townshipon Tuesday, Aug. 28eh, Jacob Quack en+liusih, hi his 53rd year. , A Handsome Car WHEN you pay several hun- dred dollars for an automo- bile, why not get a good- looking one—one that you will be proud to own, proud to drive and proud to take your friends out in? Maxwell owners have a just pride in the handsome appearance of their automobile for Maxwell Motor Cars have the same attractive lines, the same graceful design as the higher priced types. In addition to good looks you want, of course, a reliable, sturdy and economical car. But there is no doubt• in your mind on these points since the Maxwell a short time ago established the World's Motor Non - Stop Mileage Record. Any car that can run continuously for 44 days and nights, averaging 500 miles per day - 22,000 miles in all and without once stopping the motor—is bound to be a well designed and well made car. Any car that can perform such a wonderful feat on an average of one Imperial gallon of gasoline to every 26M. miles is bound to be an eco- nomical car. We have such confidence in the Maxwell car and the company behind it that we have staked our judgment and future on the ability of the car to make good for you. It will; wet know it. All we want is a chance to prove it. Phone us today, while you have it in mind. Touring Car, $850. Roadster,•$830 Prices F. O. B. Windsor Completely Equipped -1 W E Oestreicher Creditor DISTRIBUTORS FOR • • a 11. Galin-lan, Dealer MASSEY-HARRIS Implements Now is the time to look for good Massey=l-larris Binders, etc. A few second hand Massey—Harris binders for sale cheap Agency for the well -town Louder Hay track and litter carrier. r i fiN HSI IN MILL 1We carry large sock of storm sashes and stor m doors made all size or style. Shingles, lumber. laths and all planing • mill products. 1Estmates given and contracts taken. Office at planing mill, 7. .. 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