Zurich Herald, 1916-09-01, Page 1• f . VOL XVI I ERALD ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1, 1916. NO Automobile Rugs and Dusters " We have put in stock a fine lot of automobile rugs and dusters. 111any pretty patterns. Call and see these goods, Langford Collars For horses inclined to sore and galled shoulders. Highly re- commended by those who have used them on their horses. A fine line of Single Harness. Prices Right. Sw eat reef, Curry Combs, Axle Grease, Gall Cure .,R. F. STADE = ZURICH 4111/1811 Clearing of Men's and Boys' Summer Wear All woollen , serges, clothing, in fact all lines of men's and; boy's wear have'greatly increased in price, owing to the war. We are giving special discounts on all lines of Summer Goods to clear. All our goods are the best that money can buy and are •fully guaranteed in style and quality. All at the old prices. Just now we are showing Straw Hats, all styles; Men,s and Boy's Clothing, Underwear, etc., (At reduced prices.) Butter and Eggs taken in exchange -for goods THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES 4 4.4.41•41.1.441:444++++++++++.1449+4. +++++++++++9944+4944444+ g LOCAL NEWS. sr �►a�ase�eaKs.s. Mrs. B. Appel is visiting fri.encde And relatives in Montreal ihas ek,. Miss Hems. 1Schilbe, of Kitchener visited relatives here for a few we eks. Miss Florence• Hartleib fs.'apend- img two week's vacation( with her sister in Toronto,. Dr. B. A. Campbell, wifeand children visited relatives at Shed don, Ont., over Sunday'. Mr. Norta;a+n 'Iruernn,er., of Tor onto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. EL IT,ruemner, last week. Thanksgiving Day will likely be fixed for the second Monday In in October, as usual in otter years Mrs- E. Siebert and son, sof Dei troit, visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. ;W. L. Siebert, •che past week.. Dr, E, S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wednesday, and Wednesday of the following week. Mrs. McCormick's sale on Mon- day was weal atten•ded. The prop: erty was mint sold ,the- bids not bei iing high enough. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ehnes, and. Mr. (2, L. Williams and sinter, Misr Ethel, visited relatives living near Stratford, over Sunday. Mr. Ed, Harness took Thos. John's place on •the egg wagon last week, on account of the death; of the former's little son. 'Gasoline will fall to 0 cents a: gallon within ten days or taco we eks. ,Standard 011 officials said •.on Thursday in New York. • At: the Socony stations about town the gallon rate was 23 conts, ,which xepresented ,aithree ,ce ti dxo' e .try ul the:.''last .lveipgh the Middle 'West states were sell- ing gasoline to -day for 1736 cents there is little Iiklehood of this re- diced figure striking New York before a imont;h, if at all, experts said, s, l'irtzgerald and son .of +SP3f M0ft 10ift1110+Arii10 4110.1. 4effel* .t**• ;•« • Bargain in Working Shoes .A lot of ladies every day good working shoes, tan, worth from $2.50 to $3, while they last 1 1 ,dderavisited friends and relatives bore during the week. hiss Lizzie Truemner of Detroit sN ,".it9tiug her mother.. and4, her. 'Oster, Mrs. L. Prang, at present. John >z41i. Tohn Albrecht's new home is be.ing rushed along. The roof as miow pro' and the interior is .be 1.00. tput on. Mr Louis Weber has taken, the 4. co it ract fox the masons work of ''' lei finie new dwelling Mr. James. Johnston is erecting, in Hensalk ,Rev. Mr. Meyers of Dashwood .� eolo,ducted the services in the Evangelical church on Sunday,the pastor, Rev. F. R. Meyer, conduct- iin,g quarterly aservines at Crediton. The total enlistments for all t a7tada during ttbe first two weeks •o1*!;l!August numbered 3,524, •tho ,., Tb gston Military District, cover- ing Eastern Ontario, lead:ng again With 69'4. Fifty thousand automobiile licen- ses have been issued in. Ontario his year, as against 235, HO in fills The great increase is due 'to the large number of cars •purchased by farmers. rt Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS SANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada tt Genera. Banking Business Transacted t*tRCCTAR LETTER OF CREDIT r: 73 MONEY ORDE S ings Bank - µllepartme Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Only $1.75 Big Reduction in Prices Of all Summer Foot wean. It will pay you to see our goods. and get our prices. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter a,atd eggs taken in exchange for shoes: e. RITZ, Zurich The Home of Good Shoes +sIONStit sa601er+at• a.i.s►t+•ifsbalet+44-110111011114 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111112111IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIII111111H1MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111ll1iu111M111111111111111111111111111111!IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111HIIIIIIIiiL';! 11111111111111111111111i110111IHIH11111A= DO YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A BEST? Of course youdo. Well, we sell only the best that money can buy in all lines we carry. This week we are reducing our prices on Canvas and Spring Shoes, Straw Hats, Dusters, Fly Nets and other lines that you will require for hot weather Highest prices for Farm Produce Store closed Tuesday and Friday nights at 6 R. N. DOUGLAS .L,au I PHONE 11 on 82 BLAKE. m 111111111111111H11111111111111111111HI1111i111i1E111I11111;II1111111i1IIHIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIII11111111111111111111111111HH'IIHi!II!Ilii:ii1111111111111111111111H11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;11iIIII11111111111H1 4.++++++++++++++++++4+++++4 *++9++++++++++++++++++++++ &444++++4++43: +4+++++++,+++ +999+++++449++++++++++++9+++++444++++++++++++++++++4 -14+44++++++++++++++++++++44 - .4 .4 -4 4 -4 .4 ..1, --8 •.1. 4 _ 4 .4 THE GREAT AUGUST CLEAN-UP SALE sesasannasraESMOMaIMINS Of Ladies', Children's and Men's Summer Wear, A remarkable series of sales that will continue throw. ghout August with bargains in reliable wanted goods, that will make present purchasing a (natter of greatest economy. Preparations have been made to give !the biggest bargains this store has ever known. , Men's & Boys' Clothing Men's Summer Suits, sizes 36 to 40. regular $8.00 to clear at $4.00 Boy's Suits, regular $4 and $5, to clear at $2 Men's .,.fancy Summer Vests to clear at 75cts Men's and Boys' Straw Hats to clear at HALF PRICE 1. Middies, Etc .1. 4' Girls white middies, trimmed with blue, 6 to 14 years to clear at 50e 3 Girls all white middies from 6 to 12 years to clear at 75c .1. Girls tan middies, trimmed red and blue to clear at 75c Ladies' middies, all white, sizes 86 to 40 to clear at 75c regular $1.25 for $1.00 4. Children's rompers from 2 to ii years 50c ' ]3oys 2 piece, wash suits to clear at 75a :.,,,_+ Children's linen summer coats, regular $1,50 for 75c Ladies' cambric drawers, regular $1.25 for 50c .4 4. GROCERIES ;4 8 lbs best ginger snaps 25o 8 cakes oatmeal soap 1Oc 11^ 2 bars Home'soap 25c ' Frig Cream baking pwdr, with sealer reg 25e for 20e ` ' 5 Ib bag Moody's odorless Ktenzine 85 '" Pura cane' granulated sugar $8.50 per 100 lbs. 1111111111.01111.11. a �toLadies' Ladies' white cambric under skirts, regular $2.00 for $1.00 lawn and voile Waists, regular 1.00 for 60c 4or roc ,, a 4 4 2.00 for 1.00 regular $2 50 and $3 for 1.25 A nice line of house dresses with dust cap to match for only $1.00 Also a nice line with cap . and apron to match, very special at $1.25 2 linen wash suits, sizes 14 and 16, regular $3.25 for $2.00 1 only wash dress, size 16, regular $2.50 for $1.50 1 " <' 6L " 12, $1.50 for 98c L4 4 4: L 44, 4. . 1�4 150 f 75 4. ' • 40 4. 44. 0:1.414 4 .3 * •t^ 41"4-1• +++4'++++++++444^&4++4 , '4 '4 Ladies' Hose Line of colored hose, regular 25 and 40c to clear at 2pr for 25c Job line of black fine ribbed cotton hose, all sizes to clear at 15c a pr Job line of black plain ladies' hose 8f to 10 2 pr for 25c The new shade of Champagne hose, silk boot, 50c a pr GIRLS' TERRY HATS Line of girls terry bats, regular " " " " and felt hats regular 75c for 50c 50c for 25c J. PREETER Highest Prices for . Produce A4+ . .4441. +++++ 4« 3 + 'r.. +3•++++ 4+ Children's Dresses, Etc A line of children's dresses, dark patterns, sizes from 2 to 6 years to clear at 25c 50e 50e 75c 85e 50e 75c $1,00 10 only print dresses with belt to clear at Girls' wash dresses from 4 to 12 years 8 to 14 year regular $1 for Children's white lawn dresses, embroidery trimmed at it it 4 r and lace trimmed at " " it to clear at Children's white all over embroidery skirts to clear at ii i, It Zurich Phone 9 Ametogspossalwoommerlorramemensmossemstiin CORSET COVERS, ETC Ladies' corset covers at 250 " Corsets regular $1 for 25c Fine white dress embroidery regular 60c for 65e $1,25 for 75e " •" " " `` $1.50 for $1. Niuslins and Vestings, reg 25c to 50c for 10c a yd 40 yds I(ina,ona print regular 15c for 10e a .yd ,{ ,i i1 i< {1