Zurich Herald, 1916-07-21, Page 5Classitied Ads
Barristers, Solicitors, Noterie•
• Public &c. Office, on the Sqaare, 2n0
door from Hamilton Sb. Goderich
Private funds to loan at lowcat rates
W. Pnounrooe, K O. J, L. KILLORAN.
IL J. D. (10003.
Ildr, Cooke will be in Hone).11 on Friday
and Saturday of each week.
' . •
LIR A. J. MacHINNON late Hons..
Surgeon, Erie County liospital
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant reel.
dent Physician, Manhattan Materna)
nospital N. Y. city. Late of the
liaise Staff, New York Polyclinic
Medical School and Hospital. Drug
store in connection. Office, Zurich
r N. F. Schram, Late Howe
▪ Surgeon and Hose Phys'iciati
'of Viet° ia Hospital, London,
Graduate of Facility of Aled,oine of
'Western University, London.
Main Office at Dashwood, Ont.
Visits Shipka Monday afternoon of
each week.
Zurich Met
Fresh and Salt Meats
Eofogna, Seusal: Es, etc
Highest Cash Price for Wool
Dai cher
The Home
Insuranze Co.
*QOM t*.
Paid-up Capital $$,005,000
• _SuipIus to Poliqyholders
$19,536,177, 25
insures your barn against damage
by wind or tornado for 40 cent
per $100 for 8 years, and your
house for 30 cents per $100 for
8 years. No premium note and
mo extra assessment gliarenteed,
Eat Zurilth
•Pealer in Lightning Rods
Prompt Service
Tailor Shop
Zurich, - Ontario
at one for
and District for the
FARMERS! Why emain idle all
Winter when you, can take Up it
• Paying ag4ency?
Choice of varieties for Spring
hinting. Liberal Terms Hand.
aozne free Outfit. Exclusive Torr
Write now for particulars
Stone & Wellington
•he E'onthill niseties
(Established 1837)
T 0 fi ONTO
, r
A case of infantile paralysis is
reported from Varna.
New, Ads - T. L, Witroa H.
Gellman,, F. Dealing, C. Hartleib.
The big July ,Clearing Sale
starts at 'T. L. Warne's: store to-
moreoW. Do not 'miss the bar -
A union picnic of the Sunday -
Schuole of the Evangelical church-
es of Zurich, Crediten, :Dashwood
and 14th eon, will be hetet at
arand Bend, on Thursday, July
21th. •
The July issue of god and Gun
1.8 replete with Material of . in-
terest to .the sportsmaiewhether he
be fisherman, hunter dog fancier,
gun crank or what not, Boe-
loyeastle Dale -contrubites the
lending article "The Pursuit of the.
Masknonge"; F V. WI Lenz gives
a aha • tee 1 1, the a v: nturous 1.f
of a Seal Pup ; Geo. H. Sarver re-
lates an exp erience in which.
British Coltfli sportsmen, are
attaekel by gr:zzl3s; 'Edward T.
Martin describes a fight put up
by a wild goose when attacke 1 'by
a retriever, Other stories end
arti:leks, irn addiaon to the regular
Ceea tmenas are; In ns of Ben -
well, A Good Friday Visit to Jack
11/finer's Preserve near Hirgev'l•e;
Yachting in Cape Breton; Mis-
eries F'shing; A Tenderfoet lost
in the woods of Cloud 13ay ;
Port Arthur, ete. etc, The July
issue is a good one to tuck into
the 01,Z:el.'s kit when setting forth
on his vacation.
Mrs, Nicholas Deichert, late o
Cavalier has passed to the great
Beyond. She had but teecentl
returned from Los Angeles, Cali
fonnia, to spend the summer, ano brought to the aid of a eriminal inves-
while at Graced Forks. 'where sh•
tigation throngh the great laboratories
had suddenly been called on ac in Berlin and other German cities de,
count of the serious illness of he voted to the 'uses of the detective de -
son Louis, who proceeded her. partments of the imperial police.
ate...th 1-.0 a :?e c ays, she sesta re The whole postal system is at the
a paealy i s'rolee, from wlich sh service of tbe German police. Tbey
have the right to open and exnmine
anything passing through the post
which may seem to tamm to be impor-
Science, System and Patience In
Hunting Criminals.
How the "Murder Board'? Works to
Solve a Mystery and the Resources
at Its Command -A Clever Swindler
Who Worked a Daring Game.
Criminal investigation In GerinallY
follows the national poly of eb ex-
treme centralization: Evere IJhIiBe uf
deteetlee work le litiderlakee ?A ij'i-
oiuflsb a pnrUQuIar 1311e,
rCtitlat!')13h not 01111',104 oat by n
ere] litireerle cem.itable, as at Scotland
Yard, :It Is conauttea by an utfieer ea-
comptinted by a corps of experts, The
"murder board" Is an original German
Idea. A homicide mystery is investa
gated by one of the murder boards
frum the detective center. This bonrcl
will consist or a photographer, a sur-
geon, a chemist, experts on blood stains
and linger prints, eome one having ex-
perience in taking molds of footprints,
marks of burglar tools. and so forth.
These murder boards, commissions or
squads are always available under the
Gemini system. Each of these squads
is given a single criminal mystery to
work out. It cannot be put on a sec-
ond mystery until the first is either
solved or abandoned.
The advantage of such a system is at
once apparent. It menus that a thor-
ough, minute, scientific ,examination
will be made at the theater of a crime
and that each succeeding step will be
The German ilea is that a mystery
should be examined from the center
out. It is an ever widening circle. and
if the iuvestigation moves outward al-
ways in an increasing are rt. solution in
the end is inevitable. The thing is
merely a question of scientific exami-
nation. Every resource of science is
did not . recover. The middle
last week she was taken worse an
finally passed away at the hom
'of her sone Leu's, in Grand Fork tanteo their criminarinvestigation cle-
at 1 o'clodk. Friday morning; Jun pertinent, The are able to•ditt.this so
23, happy that the time had coin cleverly that the average person does
when se could lay aside the bu 4 not discover that his letter has been
dens of life and go to her Savio tampered with. laowever, when the
whom she lovedso much. police wish to know whether one of
Condeuna Happel was horn in their letters 1108 been opened a number
Germany, January ,15, 1845, wher of devices are resorted to which will
she lived until 18 years of ag at once indicate any effort to disturb
when she carne to ZurIch, Craari the euvelope. Among tbese is the de -
In this latter place .she was onited vice of putting a certain chemical in
in marriage to Nicholas Deicher the gum ou the envelope flap. If satin
three years later. She rtmovel wit an envelope is subjected to the least
beat in an effort to steam it open a
her husband and family to Cavalie
stain will appear along the line of the.
1..% D. In 1880, the balance of he
children having came to thi gum border.
tountry previously. Here sae re
sided until about two l ands, a ha
over Scotland Yard or any American
years ago when she went to Lo
detective center. A complete record of
Angeles, California, on 'a
everybody is nlways available in the
and liked the climate of that local
ity so well that she decided German emeire. If one changes his
place uf resiaenve or travels from one
nake it her honee.
Twelve children were born, to M
Ina Mrs. Deichert, eight of w no
are avow living as follows; re It is not to he concluded. bowever,
NI. Deichert, of this city; 'Nelson that all dangeroos crooks; are by tide
of Wallace, Idaho ; William, o4 means excluded. Some of the most clar-
et 11 o ,ni 1.; The der e, now in ]3ranc ing and ingenious Slmrpers of which
wit h ehe Canadian: troops ; •M's• we have any knowledee have carried
Andrew Johnston ; Mrs. John Cran out thole frinuluieut tleviees in spite
ley„ of this city; Mrs. C. 511. Burgof tho elaborate protective system.
ess of •Grand Forks, and Mrs.E. A fanioes international crackeinan
Thompson, of Bow Island, Alta. I one night looted the office of 0, besi-
Deceased also leaves eight grand ness house in a Gement villtege. He
children. TWO sisters survive her expected to obtain a considerable soul
w he live in Zurich, Ont. Twof of money iu cash, but he got ineteed
her children died in. infancy; Cie; small sum and a sight draft on a bank -
Her husbandand one, 1 ing
house in a neighboring city for
daughter, Maggie, passed away some 8,000 marks: The ordinary ern eke -
some fourteen years ago 11) this Marl, W011111 11/11-0 gone 110 riarther.
ld have known the robbery would
city, -and her son. I;u!s, of Grand /"Ti
be diseovered in the morning and the
Forks, preeeedel her in, death cnb banking house telegraphea to stop pay
a few days ag a -Cava ier Chr zi c e
meat on the draft.
But the German swindler was a per -
on of greater resourecie He disguised
bimself as a pollee commissioner, went
in the night tn the reeldence of the
owner Of the business house, awak-
ened him, told him that his -office had
been robbed .and inquired what the
robbers could huve taken. The man
gave the snip af eeaey 013 himd. The
false commissioner inquired if .there
were any papers. The man replied thnt
there was a draft for '.,,4-4:1("E marks. and
gave the eddresti Of the banking house
ou which It was drnwn. The swindler
called for a sheet of peeee and wrote
out a telegram ler telex eeier of police in
the city in WlliC11.• are iAtiking bange
;was situated directina him to advise
the bankers to stop pa,ement on the.
draft and to take the ;Toper preeatr•
tions to meat anybody who presented
it for payment. Ile reed the telegram
over to the num. Ile directed the
tradesman to say noteiug about the
robbery initil the elee authorities
Could lay their hawk ou the swindler,
When be tangs .preeeut the draft for
payment, _
It must be remembered tbnt the Ger-
man police have one pent advantage
point to another iris tleeart tire rola ar
rival must be registered with the po-
September 81h to 16114
London's ponulat Exhibition prom-
ises to Le bettcr patronized than over,
this year. The management is plann•
ing larger and better things for Sep-
tember next than have ever been un-
dertal%en before. The new Process
Building promises to be a hive of in.
amities and considerable space is al-
ready taken. A new system of ad-.
mission ab the gates will be adopted
by mea ns of new coin tint:styles
Change booths will take the place of
ticket booths and the public will be ad
mated by depositing twenty•five cents
at the turnstyles. Children and those
bolding tiekets will be admitted tbrou
gh a special gate or the purpose, If
space of any hind is required applica-
tion should be made to the Secretary
at once. prize Liste and all informa-
tion on Application to the Secretary,A
ir aunt, London, Ontario.
Tbe tbieg was so cleverly done theft
the tradeeman believed 'he had been,
Visited by. an agent of the police. He
did PreciSely as be was told. It was a
day ,or two before his suspicious were
aroused. , Filially, not hearing from
the pollee, be telegraphed the bankers
and tecetved a reply saying they lind
beard nothing about the robbery and
that tho draft, properly inclorecel, 1311t1
been cashed. It was a bola Neve of
Strategy Impossible to any but the
aeutest order of erlailnel
,I)ci,issun Post in Saturday
Evening Post,
He Wes the Ancient Sun God as Weil
as the God of War.
' Poor old Janus: Do you know how
shaniefully posterity has meligited
111111'f You have ilearti 011 your life teat
Jointer.), wes named for the alneall
god Janus and thin. Janus was the god
of war, bate° the first month of the
year mast be turbulent. Or perhaps
you have gone deeper into the signal
eance, of.thearst month's name and
have been told that it was given the
honor of', heralding that' gory god be-
cause he bad two faces, one looking
into the.past and the other looking illt0
the future, as the first month of the
year naturally would do. But through
It all you have held rigidly before you
the fact that be was the patron, the
devotee, perhaps even the instigator of
As a matter of history, Janus was a
venerable and thoroughly established
deity before the little band of Trojans
carried eastern culture to Italy, when
the prienitive Italiaus had not begun to
suspect that war was an institution
which called for a "goat." War needed
no justification or escuse. Men fought
because that seemed the only thing to
do. As for Janus, he was their great-
est sun god. He presided over the ris-
ing and setting of the sun, and benee
he was the god wbo looked after the
propitiptie beginnings and happy end-
ings of nil undertakings. He was rep-
resented with two faces, which looked
to the east and the west. Eris temple
in Rome was closed only in time of
peace, and as there seldom was peace
it was usually open. Hence be was
trailed the god of war.
Cross Fertilizer Co,
Thera are cold days coming
Prepare for them now by sec-
uring your supple of the
celebrated D, & H. Lacka-
wana, Anthracite Coal We
have a supply of all sizes:
Egg, Stove and Chesnut.
D. A. Cantelon
Phone 10, House Phone 10a
I beg to thank the fanners of this
section for their liberalpatronage dur'
ing the cast. 1 am now taking Orders
for fall &livery aid will be pleased- to
quote you prices.
Sydney Basic Slag has made good
It was first introduced into Ontario in
1913 when 230 tons were Fold, This
year from Jan. let to April 2,5th 3108
tons were Eold. This speaks for itself
R R. No. 2.,
.Zuri ch.
Job Printing
Commercial and
Society Printing
T/Tre Prii/ 1 Aftanziram„
:Letter hea c7s, 1.1;71Z' el Op e s , State7/2ents,
1-3i 1 th eads, CilVlbarS , ''.1..
811 i pui 71 1 2((.'S, Posters, Pro sv nn Ls.,.
1 l/7 (1 i 7 lg 171.1:itat7On .9, CC/ ids,
Check Books, Sae Bin s, Et 0.
e guarantee careful workmanship and our
charges al e, moderate.
wing to tariff changes nearly all lines are
advancing. Order now and save money.
To new subscribers in Cenad
we will send The herald from
now to January, 191'7 9 for_ OnlY.ripmErezgliestE
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In the deep
on the hills
16.6 ".0.'HAlstoi,,,,cf6
sana or g• ravel
soft mud.
where quick acceleration is needed in traffic
driving; on the smooth highway where speed
is desired -these arc the riaces where the powcr of the Gray
'Dort motor can. be reZy appreciated.
Your appreciation of Gray Dort sturZiness
grows as you drive your car,
The price, P50.00, with electric starting and lighting, puts
the Gray Dot -t within reach of the average family for every
member to enjoy and use.
• '6 6'
-.4 f ."
'1.Y0-1 4.-
tee, Flt e /
li ,a
r..peci:-cati 0113
l',10,f'd IA.
Tout ing Car
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