Zurich Herald, 1916-07-21, Page 4DE LAVAL Cream Separators
Before you buy a separator see and try a De Laval.
The DeLaval has received all the
highest honors and first prizes at
e ver important Exposition, Worlds .
Fair eto, held within 'the past 30
yers. More than 1,750,000 De
Lav . machines, many „times all
oth s combined, have been sold to
e De Laval saves enough over
any gravity setting system in Utt-
er tat, quality of cream, sweet
skim milk, labor, time and trouble,
to pay for itself every six:months.
The De Laval skim the cleanest,
turn the easiest, are best construct-
ed and easiest to wash,
=Why riot buy a De:Laval now.?
We handle pumps, piping, etc.,
of all kinds.
S epten.ber.,$th to 16th, 1916,
A Fine Combination at London's Exhibition
A Real Live Program oir Afttaclions Twice Daly
Two Speed t.Eyents Daily'
Fireworks Every Night ..
N2�v Process Building Every Building ,Fall of Exhibits
SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto
PriLe Lists u
Entry Forms and nil ilafnL~��w'�iu.11
r6e0retary . E
r.; ,,EID,..rxesident, M. HUNT, Secretary
issued every Thursday afternoon from the SOLDIER
Here's F
OFFICE to the Front Line soldier
i FiLD PAINTIr(Chough fro= foreign, lands he
Victoria St. Zurich, by
' Z. S. subscripton $x,5o strictly in advance.
Rates for display anal cantract advertisements will Le
;given on appliat,an• cf
• Transient notices such as .e;al, carp teats oration, soC
Lubseme for each si
quento insertion i first tiro and 5
Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which
tdmiss Ion fee is charged or a special collection to a
will be charged for at the regular advertistng ra
'Notices of religious or other meetings, the object >i
'Which is thebenefit of the community and not for p •
'Mal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerio t /
asserted free.
.11dvertisntents without specific di' actions wTr u e
,naerted until' forbid and chargedfor in accordingly.
ingl .
%lent advertismenrs must ce paid
43stray advs, $t for three insertions.
No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid.
•-iitanges for contract advertisements mast be in the
itil?ica by 6 to tn., Tuesday, otherwise- they will be left
r,xuntil the to11owing week.
Address all communion ions to
THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont.
1Clinton's tat rates for 1916 is
'01 mills,
Bev. J. K. Fairful, pastor of C'in-
ton and Auburn, Bapt:ot churches;
'leas been appointed chaplain of the
361st Battalions ;with rank of
It will be gratifying n'e;tv's t
7many that Dr. Rollins, assistant sU
ierintenclent of the Mimics) liospil
dor the Itnsane, who some 'wer•.1;.
:ago . underwent a critical operati
on that threatened his life, has P1.1
improved as to"'ico::.fte
• ',the office duties of the In,stitntiol--
From nearly 200 pounds his weigh
jTtvas'reduced to that of 120 pound
'•{lint ,he is now about 1.10.
• •Word has been received in Hear
''sell of a 'fatal to idetn.t to Mrs.
Fin. Stoneman; of • Saskatoon,
` .t sit., formerly of Hensali. Mrs.
'Otoneman Thad ,made use of an
atpron in 'lifting a lid from her
kitchen 'stove. With the lid
li shot 17 mid
flane o
iremoved the ami p
.ignited the apron and her cloth-
ing,,. ; Pier son smothered the
.dames with a rug, but not before
the woman had been terribly burn-
ied from head to foot. She suc-
umbed to her bu'1'°iil,s in the hos10,44
Has braved death and perils of the
1 war,
To save old Britian name.
Here's to the Front Line Soldier
Wearily standing on the bay,
And thinks of loved ones dear,
Across the ocean far away.
Here's to the Front Line Soldier
Who bravely stands the strain,
He stays on guard both day and
In sunshine and the rain.
Here's to the Front Line Soldier
Who fills the sand bags at nigh~
But he stops dead still his bag to
When Fritz throws up. a light.
Here's to the Front Line Soldier
Who goes for 'rations at night,
Bully Beef, hard tack ,his sack
A load that is none to light.
Here's to the Front Line Soldier
Who cleats hia rifle with care,
For if orders come through raj
an /Attack,
We will be found right there.
Here's to the Front Line Soldier
Who lies beneath the ground,
A rude cross marks his resting
Somewhere in France, • He's
Miss Irene Douglas, who has been
teachim.g for the past two years
at. S. S. No 5, Statnley, ..tnd Who
Mr. John Oestreicher of Kenas-
'ton: Sask., is spending • the summer
severed chez' connections with that -s•acatian at his home here.
school at the summer holidays, wits •Several from here attended the
made the recipient of a presen
celebration at Clinton on the .t2th,
tation and an address expressive
Mr. and Mrs. N. Kellerman, Mr.
of the appreciation of her services and 11..is Jona. Flartleib and Miss
a teacher. The following i;3..
the address:— Agnes Kaercher, of Zurich, mot -
Dear Miss Douglas:— oi'ed to Woodstock, Thursday to
W:e< the pupils of: atttynd the races held there.
S. S. No, 5, Stanley; have learned Mr, atiiiel Mrs, Ed, F.rillert left
with sorrow that you have decided, for their future holne in, Detroit
to leave use . We, feel that we on Tuesday.
a're losing b'4t4.h a faithful'teache I Misses Elsa Patterson of Toronto
and a 'deaf, friend. s tiYou, .Halve E. Broughton, of Whitby, andendeared yourself to us a by` yerri p 'RTurtz, of Zurich, are visiting at
helpfullness unsGT'fishnese and. the.home of Mr. J. Kellerman, at
Miss',Mary Mcisaac, of Detroit,
spent a few days in town visiting
devotion to school duties
While we deeply regretpar
with you wo are glad that cure
lations as teacher ._d ptk7<i•:s Itav
been of the mnost ukin,clly patur
and we :would wis z ths.§ pieasan .,'Mies McDougal, cf Bayf'e'd, has
tummies of our happAllszolcatasS accepted the principalship of cur
should always cx'st, an,1 Oa' when sLlzoo1 for the coming terns.
ever or ;whereever you' may see M, A. 3 . Brunner returned to
any of us you may be tenab,,ed t Napei.z'ille, after spending his vac-
say with just -pride "That was an , atidn ;there.
of ms^ pupils" "I had a part ilii Mrs. Pope and daughter. of Hen -
moulding that ones character'',sally retuln'd home Sa''u:day, lifter
We just could not let you 'lea-ei visiting, her parents here. iss
us without giving you something Beatrice Graybiel accompanied her
the sight of .which will flash Nos honire'. .,
5 to your, mind,: so we would a.14 Miss Daisy Granger, of Sarnia;
you to accept this little gift, na s ant her vacation here with re -
for wblat it worth but' as a oken latives alnd friends.
of *our love and. 'esteem. S3tace,`
change is the order of't>zinge hese Mr and Mrs. •P• J. Seldom, and
we sincerely' hope . ytiul?s, Indy, h family, called on friends in town
.for the best and that, a k n^d Pro On Tuesday,
yidence. may guide, prosper an
bless you in all your future under.
takings, Mr. aid Mrs. Adams returned to''
Signed on behalf of you; ruri'8 their bOrne in Lindsay :after
Wilmer McLynchey, Wi lie Me spend' ^ ts% a weeks with re'atives
ti'nchey, May Pollock/ Pear here
Applications for managing the
Zurich Central of the Hay ToWn-
Ship Municipal '1 e:ephone System,
will be received by the council
cf Hay on behalf of said tele
'drone tiyltem, up to two o'clock,
ins :'r the 5th day of Aug-
ust, 1916,
Partir:ul.ars may be obtained
from the Reeve or the undersign-
By order of Council.
Fred Hess, Sr., Clerk of Hay
Dated. July 10th, 1916.
FOR SALE— Bake Shop and Con-
fectionery, situated in the
village of DashWood, consisting of
with shops u iiia up• -to -dei e
improvements, all in good eon-
dition 'with confectionery shop and
and business in connection. Will
be sold on reasonable terms, owing
to ill health. For'.particolars
apply to owner F. Dearing, Dash-
Misses Sdlitne and Clara Brown.
are visiting, in Toronto, at ptresent
Hensall will have a Chinese
A inumber a _hi -'la1st spent
Sunday at 't'heir homes here.* ;�y,.,s
M. 'E Rennie has retu.tued(
from. Detroit. where she visited
Hydro is anxiously awaited by
tike residents of Hersall,
Miss _a. Co"s'tt is attending the
summer school at Alma College,
St. 'Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bonthron, and
Miss H. McQueen attended the
wecldin,g of Miss Li'y Youngb:iat
at Waterloo; 4
Mrs• James Shn,pson, has sold
her residence and lots to Robert
Campbell, Saulls Lire, Hay.
Mrs. J. Lorine Scott, and children
of Toronto, are visiting her par-
ents here
Wm. Dougal,, of Hay Township,
has recovered from his recent il-
lness, {•
Mrs. John Mcsseau, a daughter
of the late Daniel S. Bell, passed
away on July 9th, She had beeni
in declining health for some time.
Her husband, two sons, and one
daughter survive.
Groeeries, Etc,
- Fresh Groceries and Fruits, Field
and Garden Seeds, Corn, Nlangolds,°etc.
Summer Fiats
Men's Stylish Panama Hat at popular
prices. Imitation Pon anus from
50cts up, for men and boys.
Everyday hats suitable for everybody
Fine Ne glegee shirts something
stylish for young men. Ties and
Tie pins
Summer Underwear
For men and boys. Men Worn-
on and children's hose
White Canvass shces just in, Call
and see our new stock.
Shoe Repairing of all kinds
on S6 Drysdale
store closed every Tuesday'and Friday
evening at 6 o'clock.
Exeter's annual bowling tourn-
ament^t>:ill be held on. August 9th.
and 10th,.
as ' Vise- slierl 'will be built on the
Main Street Methodist church
gxounds.•in place of the one re-\
cantly destroyed. by fire,
Word has been received here
that S. G. Bawbean, fo^nrerly of•
Eaete,r , ihtas eine i.• t"d at Eemonton
With the Engineers Corps
J. H. Scott,' who recently sold
his creamery, Chas received is
government appointment as of
fical butter grader with head-
quarters at Toronto.
Trueman H. Elliott and Miss
Viola Tucker were quietly 1n9r •
vied at Caren Presbyterian manse
on July Sth, by Rev. S. S: Sharp.
Infantile Paralysis, also called An
terior Polioroi'elitis, is a comm unleiibin
disease chiefly of children between the
acre totwo and fourteen years. ; (Miler
children anti •adults may also be affect-
ed by the disease,.
It is believed that Infantile Paraly-
sis is spread from one child to another
by means of the secretions of the nose
and mouth by direct transfer. Tt is
possible also that it is spread by flies
which have been in contact with in
tesiinal dicrlaarges.
(1) Every CA SF ninatbe quaran-
tined fora period of SlX Spells.
(2) All children who have been in
contact with a ease mast be gnaran-
tined and kr'rtruidder observation for a
period of TWO weeks.
(8) ..Adults members of the , family
who a,re wage 'earners may be allowed
to geabout their worlr subject to the
regulations of the Proviecial 'Board
and on the 'discretion of the Medical
Officer of 'Health.
(6) In 'houses where cases appear
all doors and windows should be
screened, the premises kept clean..
and no accumulation of garbage or
or waste 'permitted.
(7) Ail cases should be at once
.notified to the Medical Officer of
Health, and by hilar to the Chief
Officer of the Provincial Board.
(0) As Infantile Paralysis is most
serious disease and in the present
epidenais giving a high death -rate
the is urged to second the
efforts of the authorities in every
`way is order to prevent a severe
outbreak in the Provonce.
(10) All materials such as cloths •
et", carrying secretions and dis-
r<harges from patients should be
burned; boiled or dish' ecte:l.
A Handsome Car;
WHEN you pay several hun-{
dred dollars for an automo-
bile, why not get a good -1
looking ones -one . that you will be
proud to own, proud to drive and
proud to take your friends out in?
Maxwell owners have a just pride in
the handsome appearance of their,
automobile for Maxwell Motor Cars
have the same attractive lines, the
same graceful design as the higher,
priced types. .
.In addition to good looks you
want, of course, a reliable, sturdy and
economical car. But there is no
• doubt in your mind on these points
since the Maxwell a short time ago
established the World's Motor Non -
Stop Mileage Record. Any car that
'can run continuously for 44 days and
'nights, averaging 500 miles per clay—;
122,000 miles in all and without once
'stopping the motor—is bound to be a
well designed and well made car.
~Any car that can perform such a
'wonderful feat on an average of one
Imperial gallon of gasoline to every
2614 miles is bound to be an eco
nomical car.
We have such confidence in the:
Maxwell car and the company behind
it that we have staked our judgment
and future on the ability of the car toy
make good for you. It will; wet
know it. All we want is a chance to
prove it.:
. ts.
Phone us today, while you have;
it in mind.
Touring Car, $850. Roadster, $830
Prices F. O. B. Windsor
Completely Equipped
W E Ocsti'ti ci ell'°
M. Gang -min, liealer
Now is tate tiil:e to look for good
Massey=[1arrps Binders, etc.
A few secondhand Nh. ssey-U«r'r's binders for sale cheap
Agency for the w l a.t own Louden
ay track and litter carrier.
3fr u
3.ND- 171g• ILL
We carry large ,e of storm sashes s and stormdoors made ail size or style,
Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing Mil
Estmates given and contracts taken. Office
at planing 11.
mill. .
�,, .:....... -_. _ •. :, ......dam.
Wil" !tet 1.� I"' x t, c Irir
.w oo L.
'111• s VI16
Ew .L1' i "'19.