Zurich Herald, 1916-05-12, Page 4DEL
L Cream ytsprcatot�
Before you buy a s eparator see and try a De Laval.
The I)oLaval hats received all the
highest honors and 'ii st prizes at �c
every important Expesit70n; \Vorisle 1' lilill
Fair, etc, held within the past :16 lint'
years. .A1ore than 1,750,000 De
Laval machines, many times all
others combined, have been sold to
The .De Laval saves -enough over
any gravity setting system in but-
ter fat, quality of cream, sweet
skim milk, labor, time and trouble,
to pay for itself every six months.
The 1)e -Laval skim the cleanest,
turn the easiest, are best construct-
ed and easiest to wash.
Why not buy ,. De Laval now?
We handle pumps, piping, etc.,
of all kinds.
Add -A 'Li k 'Bracelets
A fresh supply of Gold and Silver
Add -a -Links just arrived.
We engrave them to your order,
• a 07off+ ..4r.
Mr and Mrs Fred Turner of .the
Sauble lino spent Sunday with-frien Le
in the village.
',kir and Airs Fassold and family of.
Dashwood spent Sunda',' at the home
of Mr Sam ',ley.
IYIr and Mrs Wm ]Douglas spent
Monday with friends near Hillsgreen.
Mrs C Haugh and daughter of
Brucefield spent a few days,last Weelf
with friends in this vicinity:
11Ir and Mrs Wm Hey spent Sunday
-with friends in the' Tillage.
Mr Ford Sparks of Seaforth spent
the week end with friends in the village
Quite a number attended the re-
cruiting meeting which was held in
the church Monday night. Very- in-
teresting addresses were given by Rev
Mr Smith of Hensall and Officers of
the 161st Battalion.
Mr and Mrs Robb Boyes and family.
called on friends in Seaforth last
Groceries, Etc,
Fresh Groceries always on hand.
STOOK FOOD, Pratts and Royal Purple
Regular 50o pkg for 350
1 eguhr 25c pkg for 20c
Calf Meal, be alb, 20 lbs for $1.00
e ;) Corn, Mangle, Turnip and carrot seeds
e:l just in.
and SOCIIS for men and boys.
Fresh Fruits and Candies always on hand
;fact in, white canvas shoes foe men and
women. Also a full line of glves andmitts, Al few more pair of women'f pumps
and slippers at a bargain,
Elephant readymixed paints, all colors.
The paint that stays on.
Agent for Crown Tailored Clothes, made
to order. Fit guaranteed. All prices,
Hardware, garden rakes, forks, sweat pads
I handle the Puritan Oil stoves, latest and
best at lowest prices.
Black wire, brace wire and chicken wire.
Shoe Repairing of all kinds
1 on S6
l A Cmc A' S CALL
Cti�' luLi �3 Gl '}.; all 0 IY
Pr sthuce More r : Savo Mare
The Empire needs food. If you. Are not in the fight-
ing line you may be in the producing line. Labour
is limited—all the more reason to do more than ever
before. Grow food for the men who are fighting for you. The Allies need all the food that
you can produce. Every little helps. You are responsible for your own work. If you
cannot produce as much as you would like, produce all you can. Work with the right
spirit, Put fighting energy into your effort and produce now when it counts. The more
you produce the more you can save. Producing and saving are war -service,
aftA�� LabourEfficient In war -time do not waste time and energy on unim-
portant and unprofitable work. Economize labour.
Put off unproductive work till after the war, and, if
possible, help in producing something needed now. Let us not waste labour. Canada
needs it all. If possible help to feed the Allies. Make your backyard a. productive garden.
Cultivate it with a will. Make your labour count for as much as possible.
Do Not Waste Materials
There should be no waste in war -time. Canada could
pay the annual interest on her war expenditure out
of what we waste on our farms, in our factories, in
our homes, Every pound of food saved from waste is as good as a pound of increased
production. The way for a nation to save is for every individual to save. France is strong
to -day because of thrift in time of peace. The men and women of Great Britain are not
only " doing " but are learning to " do without."
�v lu Practise economy in the hom1e y eliminating luxur-
pelx� Irl } Log, ivks ies. Wasting our dollars here weakens our strength
at the Front. Your savings will help Canada to
finance the war. Save your money,: for the next Dominion War issue. there can be no
better investment.
,rill Brvine 11Icfseao made a trip to
i11 il- t:'t°11 Gn Satnrdlay with the car.
Mrs 1' IIun°bio relairnti Ito Sarnnia
Saturday after a� 'pit wiiJ� her 1 'i11ts
lir Walter Fassold is on the sick
list at present.
Rev Grenzebach and family left
for their home in Walkerton this week.
Dr Schram, E Otterbeine anti ru
Willem received Ford cars and. Ezra
Tiernan a Chevrolet this week.
Rev Meyers and family of Pembroke
arrived this week.
School was closed clown a few trays
last week owing to an outbreak cf
11Irs ArtDoan returned to her home
in Port Huron Saturday after visiting
here father here. She wasaccompan-
ied by her cousin Miss Nettie Broken -
Miss Cora. Schroeder spent Saturday
in Exeter,
Miss E Brel:ensbire is visiting re-
latives Lem this week.
The funeral of the late Wm Walp-
er of Exeter held here on Tuesday
afternoon was largely attended,
Alex Foster and family have moved
into one of the houses in St Joseph.
Frank Bedard of Zurich visited at
A 13risson'e on Sunday.
Much ice is still to be seen on Lake
Huron. The old saying seems to hold
good that there will be no seeding un -
MI it disap ears.
Capt•J ('antin was home for a few
days last week,
Mr and 111 rs Remi Jeffrey's home has
been brightened with a charming Laby
Mr S Brisson of Toronto Medical
Hospital, visited his home here last
Saturday. He expects to complete
his course in November.
Franck. Jeffrey is working at the
brick yards.
Jos Donoinme of Chatham is ren-
ewing old acquaintances here.
Mr and .Mrs Frank Rumpf of Grand
Bend were the guests of Mr and Mrs
0 Duchairee, Sr., on Monday last.
The council of the Township df
Stephen convened in the Town Hall,
Crediton, on Monday, the 2nd of May
1916 at 1 p m. All members were
present. The Minutes of the preyious
meeting were read and adopted.
The clerk real the report of F W
Farneomb C E who was appointed
under a man damus by G F Hender-
son, K C the Ontario Drainage Referee
to make a report on the drainage of
the Mud Creek end Seuble Milner Im-
provement t0 be -constructed by the
Township of McGillivray.
Love-Neeb: That Bp -law No, 228
being a by-law to appoint cow -tag in-
spectors, pathmasters, pounds keepers
and fence -viewers having been read
three times be passed and signed by
the Reeve and clerk and tho seal of
the corporation attached thereto.
Neeb-Webb: That the assessor's roll
and truant book for the year 1016 be
accepted. Carried,
Neeb-Love: That the Township
(Joint of Revision for the assessment
roll be held in the Town Hall, on Fri-
day, the 26th hast at 11 a. m. Carried
A number of accounts vele passed,
The council adjourned to.meet again
in the Town Hall, Crediton, for goner -
al business on Friday, the 26th Inst at
11 a m Gravel contracts will be let at
2 p m. Henry Eilber, Clerk.
Cross Fertilizer Co.
I beg to thank the farmers of this
section for their liberal patronage dur-
ing the past. I am now taking orders
for fall delivery and will be pleased to
quote you prices.
Sydney Basic Slag has made good,
It was first introduced into Ontario in
1913 when 230 tons were sold. This
year from Jan. lst to April 25th 3108
tons were sold, This speaks for itself.
iii . 2,
R. � •w 'Zurich.
ons is e'ncy
IFOU want a motor car that will
A.serve you consistently. Youl
want to know that your car can:
he relied upon day in and day out,.
You want high mileage per gallon of
gasoline and freedom from repairs)
and readjustments. And you want
these • things, not occasionally, but
continuously—day after day.
On these qualities the Ms Jell has
made good. It has proved its worth.
When the Maxwell stock touring car
set the World's Motor Non -Stop
- Mileage Record a short tirne ago it
travelled for 44 consecutive days and.
nights and its performance was con-
It went about 500 miles each and
every day. It went a' fraction more
more than 26 miles to every Imper-
ial gallon of gasoline. It wert the
whole distance of 22,000 z
probably further than you would
travel in two years—without any
repairs or readjustments.
Every one of eight tires (two sets)
went just about 9,800 miles and the
others finished in good shape. For
consistency and reliability this record
far excels anything we ever heard of.
You can get a lls.xwell, an exact
duplicate of the record breaking
stock car and if you order now you'll
have it for the fine, early summer
days. Don't put it cff, as we can't
get any guarantee on future 'ship-
ments from the factory.
Phone et for demenst cd on
Touring Car, $850. Roadster, $830
Prizes F. 0. P. winc`.sor
Completely Equipped.
W. a Oestreicher
Cred ton
1r� .
aliman, Deep
Now is the time to look for s•'ecling i111plenieuts.
Call and inspect our new Di -se Drill with the all
steel boot.
gency for the weldknowD Louden
Hay track and litter carrier.
RIMEME31 1=1.4
N MllL
We carry large sock of storm sashes and storm
doors made all size or style,
Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mil
Estnzates givers and contracts taken. Officeat planing mill,