Zurich Herald, 1916-04-28, Page 10cru
On Friday March Best and Saturday April 1st and following days.
All iite seasons newest sbapes and styles in hats and trimmings nn
display. Miss Theil is again in.ohar:•ge of this department. We
Oardially invite you to attend these openings. .
New Serges in black, navy, brown. eto. Glu.rbaidines, silk .toplins,
plaids, prides of these verions lines, are steadily ad vtrnoing, and goods
will be hard to procure in tele future. so it would pay to chase yeur
requirements e>:trly,
A line lot of new summer dress materals;on band, striped and
flowered vailas, silk crepes, marquisettes, piques, middy clothes eta .
No trouble to show goods.
N ; wLaces and EInbroidersies
A large range of laces all widths in white, cream and black. Floanp
ng and col set cover emhroiding in new designs.
Prints and Ginghanis
Our stook now complete in these lines also shirtings, galateas
a fine lot of crepe cloths at 17 ots, per yd.
Men's Wear
A fine lot of men's shirts just arriqed, Pricss from 80o to 1.75
Also new ties, collars, rain coats, snits, hats, 'caps, underwear, etc
Should you revuire anything in these lines we cep supply yon at right
prices. Extra prides in men's suites, oome and see.
New A Papers
New wall papers on hand, a -large assortmeet'of pipers to chose
from We have Oatmeal papers to different shades off reen and brown
with borders and panslin s to match also v trni' hed tine papers suitable
for bath rooms, kitchens, etc, . Come and have through one
sample books.
Fresh Groceries always on hand
see'Zt 3 Z8gM 3> as W2A0=03FEZO Of=ireaE2, Is
Cream and Eggs
Will pay highest cash price for Cream
and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich,
at any time during the week.
Woma rti3tm,F 3 i3t*o=ts3 `4x3 3»3f fro stw zzlit zx s
( j .i"'Riie' aaa>: eas ' .°„6 "'L'.:- - - ias = ess
iib- ° . ,.0 fag.¢' 42*.. AK 49.`Y.ti t
A -A-Link raceIets
A fresh supply of Gold and Silver
Add -a -!!inks just arrived.
We engrave them to your order.
EOR 3. HESS a. co., ,,;-;
+ e e 'o o ♦µeye:^s,�e •s,�e�o'� �. e4.d�s }:ye •.ia�►..'',exp : ��i,k..�� a � a_�c' izeoz wv..!.v.v40:
are ol3tEe 3+F E ''�F3 £' 3>c33F 343 3' 31QF3F3i
Standard Bred Horses and Percheron. Horses
bringing the Big MONEY.
fel The Pereheroli Horse best fills the demand
for Drafters. The Napoleon Stock Farm, St.
Joseph, Ont., offers the services ot a beautiful,
well-bred Percheroli Stallion, RADIG'JIL, JR,,
11 and also offers the services of three Standard
Bred Stallions. `of which one is EMPORER
McKINNEY, the best bred stallion living, in
America, For further particulars :and terms of
service write to
N. A. CCntita, Owner. -William W sh, tVlanager,
Correoted every T.htlrsday,'
Dried Apples
Wheat .03
Oats,. 40
Barley---. 53
Buckwheat-- . . ......
Low Grade
Live hogs fob Ilensall
1 25
8.00 8.60
Local News
Best quality Formaldehyde for
treating grain for smut for sale at
Zurich Drug Store.
Pune home-made Ice Cream every
day. Also fresh Orangeade served at
all times at ICipfer's Restaurant,
Mr E •I Hess, of the School of Pisa
tieal Science, Toronto University,
spent the holidays at bis home here.
We rave purchneed.a machine for
putting new rnbbertir•es on baby car-
riages. Work done at reasonable price.
C lartleib.
Pte Henry Siemon, of the engineer's the groom. The rest of the evening
At six o'clock p. „ an Saturday;
April 22nd, a vet ypretty event took
place at Sunnyside, the hone of Mr
end llrs I3, \V 1)elgaty, Stanley, when
their only daughter; Isabelle, was
united in marriage to Mr. Thomas
M. A. Westlake of the Bauble Line
Lisp, A, Macfarlane,l3, U., officiated
at the inerriage ceremony. The bride
who was tastefully and becomingly
attired ina beautiful white satin De
Ohene dress trimmed with pearl trim-
mings and wearing a belt boquet of
lilies of the valley, and roses, entered
the drawing room to strains of Men
.lelsohn's Wedding March played by
Miss Myrtle i4tinson, leaning on the
arm of her father, where under an
arch of evergreens decorated with
fines and Easter Liliesand banked
i h beautiful begonias, geraniums
and hya •inths, the two young people
took upon themselves the solemn
vows of irrr.trirnony.
The event was witnessed by over
twenty guests, n11 near relatives and
fiends of the contracting parties.
After the ceremony was completed the
guests together with the newly married
conele repaired to the dining room,
where a dainty and snmptuons lunch
was served. ThP tables were beauti-
fully decorated with flowers. After
lunch a toast wee given the bride and
groom by Rev Macfarlane, which was
raplied to in a few suitable words by
corps, sta'.iuned at Ottawa, visited his
mother and other relatives here for a
few days last week.
M rs McCormick has been presented
with a handsome display lamp from
the Neilson company, whin. advertises
their famous brand of ohuculates.
I beg to notify the public that th3
p urinetsbip existing between Louis
Weber andrnyself has been dissolved,
and that I am taking contracts forall
kinds of mason work personally.
Chas. B. Meyers, Blake,
One day recently while assisting in
sawing wood with a circular saw, Mr
Wm Jennison, of the Sanble Linn,
had the misfortune to cut bis thumb
qnise severely. A number of stitches
were required to close the wound.
The neiv pipe organ, built by E.
Lyle '& Sons, Toronto, will he installed)
in the Evangelical,rburch this week,
The•dedicatoryservices will be held
on Sunday, :April 30th. On Monday
evening au organ ret!•t will i. be given
by the choir, assis ,ed by Miss M.
Oestrei -her, Dasher hod, 'graduate of
the Consersa cry of '91esic, of N. W.
College, Nnaer'.ille, Ills.
During the heavy thunderstorm'
which passed over tbis section early
last Thursday morning, the residence
of Mr George Thiel, 14th con., was
again struck by lightning. The bolt
entertd the house by way of the chim-
ney, wbich it kuocked over. A. large
portion of the roof was ripped off,
windows were smashed and consider
able damage done to the interior of
the house. The lightning entered the
cellar and destroyed seventy sealers of
fruit which were stored on a shelf
along the wall. The loss will be quite
heavy to Mr Thiel although it is fully
covered by insurance in the IIay
Farriers Fire Insurance -Company.
This is the second time that this house
has been struck by lightning tine spring
and the fifth time that the buildings
on this farm have been similiarly
struck cluriug the last. few Years, and
the theory that lightn3ug never strikes
twice in the same place is entirely.
A well attended patriotic and re-
cruiting meeting was held in the Town;
hall heie last Thursday evening ane
der the auspices of the Women's
wasspentin music and recitations, in-
fey-ner.,el with si iial chat.
The groom's gift to the bride was
a solid gold ycndn•nt necklace set with
pia le, while the bride's father present -
e t her with a solid golrl bracelet
watch. The bride is a yonng lady of
exceptionally good character and is
held in high esteem by a large circle
of friends, which was evidenced by the
numerous and useful presents that
were presented. Her going away
dress was of navy blue serge with hat
to m n tch,
The gron n is a young man of en-
terp-ise and ability Riad is highly
respected in the commnnity in which
he resides.
We enjoin in wishing Mr and Mrs
Westlake all prosperity and happiness
and that the blessings of the Heavenly
Father may ever rest upon them as
they go through the journey of life to-
Institute. Reeve II H Neeb occupied'
the chair. Rev E F McL Smith, ' of.
Hensall, gave a very interesting ad
dross and held the attention of the
big audience during his remarks. He
showed plainly and conclusively why,
residents of Canada, no matter what
their uati,rnal;,ies plight be, should be
willing to fight for and it necessary
lay down their lives for the liberties
and freedon we enjoy as Canadians
and as British subjects. Miss Edith
Neelin, of Seafortb, who bas been nn'.
active duty as a nurse, spoke of the
experiences she went through while sn
doing her share in the big Eatoprap
war. In making her plea for name
recruits, she stated that the wurnen of;
('•anada were doing a noble work in
.fled Cross and other patrintie move -
men re,
ove•mance. lint that a re A,1 saeritice is need -
;ed to give the sums and bust -ands to
j•to wan the fight for freedom. L,acaa1.
talent a,sslsteciin the •i'ngr•.am. Dor
leg the evening.two quilts, made by
! . the'Worr erre Instituto; were, wail t.,y;
auction and over twenty d .hylas was
i 3 rivtgueli€'9 3it3 r R3 1143'4126d lay the Bale.
Subscribers NotXickind
We find that Ra hscrr bars re
not adverse to p ing $1.50 for a,
weekly newspap that provides th in
with the lace+ n In all br,r.," s
of business there have been increases.
A few years ago a man could bny a
suit of clot Lis for 115.00 to ,$18 00
Shoes.conld be bought for $2 00.
Dozens of other lines could be quoted,
but the public aro as conversant with
therii as the writer. The goods purch
ased in former days vivo good wear
and satisfaction. The purchasing
price of a doll„r wino n•t•PR,far• then then
it is to day. Everything has advanced
in price. CY ages are higher, farm
products bring more. In the face of
all these incicases the printer has
stood up and accepted the advance
nob only in tl'e commodities of life,
but in materials that enter into the
production of his paper, and tried to
-make ends meet. You know what it
means to try and make a short belt
inset. Well that's what the printery
has been doing. He Bees failure ahead
unless he increases the price of his
paper. This he is going to do and he
is optimistic euongli to feel that his
fe'low townsmen and country friends
will stand by him, We should all be
happy and the one way to be happy
is to try and make ethers happy.
A Regular Storm Period, having its
center on May 1st, and extending
from April 28th to May 4th, will be
in transit as we approach the end of
the mon',h.
Mimi) of the electric viciousness of
the Verus equinox will express itself.
et this period. The conjunction of
Jupiter and the Moon on the 80th will
increase stilt in melba bill tics on and
about that rlay, The Moan being on
the celestial egnator on the 28tli, will
tend grenti y to depress barometer read-
ings, to mai ketl tise of temperature,
anal ta'; the t;ettsratinn of starting storms
of lightning, thunder, rain and wind.
This period will reach its culmination
in the opening days of May.
Westleke--Delgaty---At Sunnyside,
Stanley, oh April 22utli by Rev Mr
Alacfa rlarrf, Isnh 11e, only daughter
of 1111 a;nd 19 rs R W 1)elgaty to Mr
nos Westlake, both etStatiley.
wlir .i�trtrff--A; Lnrrclt rr, • on. April
-;1iib„..hy. Rev 11'W..Norwe ?, kii<,q
Lillian Stir() k l.aaa,es Moir, both of
We have the most complete .stock of Furniture in. Huron
county, consisting of
Dining Room Sets, Bed Room Suites
Sideboards, China Cabinets, Couches
Iron and Brass Beds, Parlor Suites,
Leather Chairs and Kitchen Cabinets
Picture Framing also neatly done.
Also see our big stock of
Hardware, Stoves, Graniteware, eteae
And for
Harness, Trunks and Valises
we cannot be excelled.
Call and see and be convinced that we sell a little
cheaper than the ordinary run.
{,'ice"'`,. T .. I
Stock must be sold by April loth
1 have joined the 161st Huron Battalion and must QQD
Q) report for duty by April 10th. 0 0
Ve Funis. now until that time 1 will sell my stock of Qe
p at reduced prices. Get your supply now. Q!JO
:)3.) Terms — CASH `4, �4>11
le G. ZVI° RI
toxo Zurich
.. ^.' 4 .�ao �q c ooc�o oc�ocl
�•!7•l.%•!J' O'' O•ri•O'l! r! d 4.4•l!'G O•ri'•!7.4 o'•O O p; p
• .- ** * ,*** ***-. • ,O ,** * -****
We are proud of this department. Every bat, ribbon, flower,
and ever thing you look at in our shop is this seascan's style,
Spring & Summer Dress Goods
In Voiles, 147ncline, Crepes, Poplins, Silks, etc. Come and
look over tin; e goods before you buy.
Lace Curtains
We are showing a nice
range of Litres Curtains in.
Ecru and White, also Bunga-
low nets and scrims.
• Wall Papers
Now is the time to decorate
your home wire have a nice
range suitable far bedrooms,
dining rooms; parlors, eto.
We have a big stock of
linnleums which we bought
early, and we are girin,; our
oustcmere the•benffi.t,
Hats,' Caps,
and Neckties Ag.,
We home receivalanother
shipment of teen's Dir to (lute
hats in all colors. Also new,
neck tip s, Como and see the
Men's Suits and Overcoats
We are still taking orders for men's suits and overcoats. Fit`.
Gearanteed. Beautiful neck tie free with every suit or overcoat.
Fresh Groceries still tunas