Zurich Herald, 1916-01-14, Page 4r,.
-rag flURik..1433
}sued every Thursday afternoon front the
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Address ail oommunicazions to
THE HERALD,. Zurich, Ont.
THURSDAY, JA.N. 18, 1916
The newly elected Council of the
Township of Stephen met in the Town
Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the tOth
day of January 1916 at 11 a. no.
After each subscribed tohis declarations Smith performed the ceremony.
of qualification and office, the inlnrates A pretty wedding took place .at the
home of Mr R Drysdale on Dec 28th,
Miss J 8 Murray, of the public
school staff; broke her arm by slipping
on the icy walk, while visiting in
London recently.
Thos Collingwood has severed his
connection with E. A. Folliek as baker,
Exeter hockey tears has been re-
organized for the season.
The officers of Exeter lodge, No 67
L 0 0. F. were installed by the in-
stallation team from Bea'forth last
A. special week of prayer and evan-
gelistic services were held in Main
street Methodist church last week.
It is expected that hydro power will
be turned on in Exeter in about ten
On Wednesday of last week at the
manse, Miss Ann Mud Madge was
united in marriage to Wm B Elder,
of the 2nd on, Hay. Rev E McL
of the previous meeting were read and
Love—Neeb: That a Bylaw be
passed appointing Charles Zwieker
and Thomas Trevethick anditors;
Joseph Guinan Assessor and Truant
recorder; and Sheep valuator; Alonzo
Hodgins member of the Board of
Health; William Lewis, Ed Broken
shire and William Oliver Sanitary
Inspectors and H F Either, truant
officer. Carried.
Webb—Mawhinney: That By-law
be passed to appoint officers and to
borrow money to meet the current
expenditure until taxes are collected,
each having been read three i Imes be
passed and signed by the reeve and
clerk and the seal of the col iteration
attached thereto. Carried.
Neeb—Mawhinney: That By-law
No...... to authorize the borrowing of
$1768,00 by theissue and sale of de-
bentures to provide for the cost of a
;plant to distribute Electric power to
be supplied by the Hydro -Electric
Power Commission of Ontario for the
• -e l: ..alice Daehtvosse
provisionally passed and given its first
and second readings, Carried.
when his youngest daugnter, Miss
Elizabeth, was united in marriage to
William A. McLaren, hardware mer-
chant of this place. After a +short
trip they will settle down in a residen-
ce on King street. Many from ,a
distance attended the wedding.
Thos Sherritt, Jr, Hiram Johnston,
Roswell Dougall and Clarence John-
ston have enlisted.
The remains of Robert Taylor, who
died in Moosejaw, Sask, were interred
in the Union cemetery last Friday.
Miss Flossie Bonthron has left for
Toronto, where she will take a course
in one of the hospitals.
Nominations for councillors were
held on Monday.
Nominations for the position of
councillors on Monday resulted. asfol-
lows: J W Ortwein, 0 Geiger, G
Petty, F Bush, A Smith, W Pfaff,
T Neelands and G Brown.
Mrs D Pfaff underwent an operation
for appendicitis at Victoria Hospital
London last week.
Mr G N Shore was on the sick list
a few days last week,
Miss Elda Wein of Crediton is a
visitor in town this week.
Mrs J H Grenzebach spent last
week in Listowel.
Mr Dan Schaeffer spent a few days
last week in Michigan attending the
funeral of a nephew.
Mr Sam Schroeder and family of
Saskatoon are visiting relatives aronnd
here at present.
Mrs J Routledge is on the sick list,
Mr Harry Guenther of Exeter spent
Sunday at his home here.
Several from here were to Exeter
Friday night.
Dr. E B Balfour spent Tuesday in
London on business.
Mr Wm Brown is on the sick list,
Mr D Pfaff spent Tuesday in Lon-
The folios -611g orders were passed:
Jacob Querin, gravel $3.20; Muni-
cipal World, supplies $19,70; John
Woods, gravel $4.15; Jacob Wolper
Grading N B $8.00; Alonzo Hod-
gins, collector of taxes $82.00; Henry
Yearly, wood $11.00; Treasurer,
Sick Children's Hospital grant $5.00.
The council adjourned to meet
again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on
Monday, he 6th day of March 1916
at 1 p m. Henry Eilber, Clerk,
Official figures issued by General
Sir Sam Hughes show that Canada
has sent across the Atlantic 118,832
men. In addition, 1,290 men were
sent to Bermuda and St Lucia, making
a total of 120,122 men who have been
sent overseas.
G. Spencer, of the Bank of Comm-
erce staff, has been transferred to
Prof. Reitbdorf of Woodstock will
lecture on Germany and problems in
the town hall here on Friday evening,
Tan 1.4th.
Miss Leya Wilhelm, who has been
,out west for the past five years, is
`isiting relatives here.
'The 1lrstmeeting of Stephen council
for S;91t6 was held here on Mondoy.
100 acres, Lot 9, Con, 3, Township.
of Stanley, 8 acres of hardwood bush,
24 acres ready for crop, the balance is
seeded down, 20 acres of new seeding,
8 acres of Alfalfa, 4 years old, is well
underdrained and well fenced, two
good wells, one at the house, and one
at the barn and water in the barn and
a good spring that supplies stock all
summer with water. A good frame
house 26x36 feet with furnace, kitchen
and woodshed, 18x40 feet, both hard
and soft water in the house, bank barn
50x58 feet, shed 26x52 feet, horse
stable and implement shed, 26x52,
all in good repair and on stone walls,
hen house 12x26 feet.
The farm is one mile from school,
23 miles from Brucefield, 34,- from
Kippen, 6 from Hensall, 9 from Clin-
ton and Seaforth.
Apply on the premises, Lot 9 Con.
3, Stanley Township, Co Huron or
address. Robert Morrison, Brucefield
P. 0,
Special Values in Horse Goods
Owing to the mild winter we are compelled to re-
duce our stock of winter goods at almost cost.
Here are a few values:
Rewulav 80 SO ,jute,. fP11 $8 00
72x7G 4 E
for $2,25
tt E
2,75 for 2.20
72-x7duck " i c 2.55 for 1.75'
All wool blankets reduced.. Mitts and gloves will
be sold at
A Patriotic concert will be held in
the Town Hall, 'Varna, on Friday ev-
ening, jam .ldth. A good program
will be given including choruses, read-
ings, solos, instrumentals, also the
laughable play, Waiting for the. Trot-.
ley, Admission 25c, Proceeds of the
concert to be donated to the Patriotid
The Patriotic Society at Varna,? `Pias,
struck a rather novel method to raise
money for patriotic purposes. One
person is chosen to represent a year.
This person gets 12 others to represent
the months, who pay 50e each. and get
4 persons each to represent the weeks,
who pay 25c each and get 7 persons
each to represent the days, who pay
10c each and get 24 persons each to
represent the hours, who pay 5c each.
The whole chain if unbroken will
raise $450.
Goshen Epworth League took charge
of the service of song at Varna Meth-
odist church last Sunday. The pas-
tor, Rey, A W Brown, gave a very in-
structive and helpful address on `The
girl of my heart."
The debating club of the Bayfield
Road school held their weekly meeting
at the home of Mr Wm Bothwell on
Friday evening. The subject under
debate was, resolved That a person
will do more for loye than for money."
The negatiye side won.
Mr Robert Pollock ann Miss Annie
Pollrck of Pilot Mound, Mau„ are vi•
siting friends in Stanley.
Mr and Mrs Robb Metcalf of Virden
Man., are also renewing acquaintance
in this vicinity.
Miss Roxie Palmer of Goclerich ha
been visiting friends around Varna fo
tne past two weeho,
Mr Wm Wiley of Whitewood, Sask,
is visiting at the homed his uncle, M
'Thos Wiley.
Mr and Mrs Davidson from the wee
are visiting the latter's uncle, Mr V
Deihl. On Sanday evening Mr
Davidson ',sang a couple of solos in th
Methodist church which were ver
much appreciated,
Get "Morse Money" for your Skunk
Muskrat, Raccoon, I oxes,White Weasel, Fisher
and other Fur hearers collected in your section
'Ouse in the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS
a reliable—responsible—safe Fur House with anunbletnishedrep-
utation existing for "More than a third of a century," along suc-
cessful record ofsettdingFur Shippers prenipt S4TISFACTORY
AND PROFITABLE returns, Write for "M'.;2 fi'l bpNbert iS,bfp#ter,"
the only reliable, accurate, nark et report and pricelist published.
';'''trite for it—NOW'—it's FREE
A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. saurAcasc i u's as
Four out of five of the munieipa
ities in Middlesex county, whie
voted on local option, carried• tl:
measure, They are: Lucan, Bi
tiulph, Parkhill and London townsh
The Huron Expositor has nig
its subscription price to $1.50, begi:
ring on Aprillst, 1916.
Henry Ivison, of near Kippen, w
barfly gored by a bull a few days a
One of his legs was fractured.
Seth Brown has sold his 100 ac
farm on the 8rd con., Stephen, we
of Centralia to Dan Hodgson, for $8
00, possession givenMay lot.
a -
Mrssrs Frank and Fred Papineau
ave returned to Detroit after spend-
ig a week at their home here.
Mr Leo Desjardine of Brewester
isited at the home of his uncle Mr L
Mr Remote Denomme of Chatham
3 spending a month's vacation with
riends in this vicinity,
Mr D Smith was a business visitor
a Dashwood on Tuesday.
Mr John Mosseau, of Hensall paid
business visit to our line one day
1st week,
Mr James Overholt is busy drawing
;ravel, He intends to erect a found -
,tion under his barn next summer,
Mr Joe Cantin left for Montreal on
Cuesday. He intends to stay for
eine time.
111r John Charrette is all smiles
hese days. It's a boy. _
Mr Irvin D Smith is spending a
week on business in London.
A very enjoyable dancing party
was held at the home of Mr James
NIasse on Monday evening. All re-
port a good time.
A very large attendance marked the
opening meeting of the Unique Club
last Thursday evening. The interest-
ing part of the program was a debate
resolved "Country life is preferable to
City life. The subject was well dis-
cussed, Mr Alvin Surerus filled the
position as critic and Judge and gave
the decision in favor of the Negative.RumsMr Ss also gave an eloquent
and appropriate address on the theory
of debating which was enjoyed by all.
Mr and Mrs Wm Beaver of Hensall
spent Sunday renewing old acquaint-
Mr and Mrs Wm Truemner and
Mr and Mrs Conrad Truemner spent
Monday at Shipka,
Hensel] ratepayers w:11 vote on the
hydro by laws on Jan 24th. The es-
timated cost is $10,000 . trd the am-
ount of the debentures .;;688.05,
1 Classitied Ads
Barristers, :Solicitors, Notaries
Public &c. Ofce,. on the Square, 2nd
door from Hamilton St. Goderich.
Private funds bo loan at lowest rates
H. J. I). CooKE.
NIr. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday
and Saturday of each week.
BR A. J. MacKINNON late House
Surgeon, Erie County Hospital,
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi-
dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity
Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the
House Staff, New York Polyclinic
Medical School and Hospital. Drug
store in connection. Office, Zurich,
Jr \. F. Schram, Late House
Surgeon and House Physician
of Victo is Hospital, London,
Graduate of Faculty of M3dicine of
Western University, London.
Main Office at Dasbwood, Ont.
Visits Shipka Monday afternoon of
each week,
Cross Fertilizer Co.
s I am taking orders for the above
O celebrated brand of Fertilizer for
' delivery next Spring.
I handled this brand last season
and bad splendid success with it.
Basic Slag has been used with
greatest success on beans, etc.
l Prices. Cash $20.00 F. O.B.,
b. Station. $22 on 8 months time.
30 Sydney Basic Slag can be sowed
l' et the same time as the beans and if
P be fertilize comes into contact
3d with the seed it will not do it the
i. slightest harm. Basic Slag is dif-
ferent in this respect to other fu-
ss, tdizers which ought not to be allow
o, ed to touch the seed, othewise there
is great rink of germination bein
re destroyed.
R. No• 2,
AB SEY-HARRIS Implements
Call and see bests models of
utting Boxes and
Root i pees
uple of new Gray gasoline engines, latest models:,
W1 will be sold at a big reduction. See them.
Coot my Priceseffooro g.
axwell Service
o the People of Zurich and vicinity:
I wish to announce that I have opened a Dealer's
ency and Service Station in Zurich for the season of
16 for Maxwell Cars.
Do you know why the Maxwell is called the
Here are some facts:
More miles per gallon of gasoline
t < " cylinder oil
set of tires
Lowest after cost car
Do you really know this car? Do you know that next to the Ford,
Maxwell had the largest increase of sales in 1915 in the United States
d that the American cities are full of Maxwells?
Let us tell you about our
hock Absorbing Radiator
Special Steering Device
Rear Axle, Special CIutch
nd steels and materials used in it.
e wish our many friends in Zurich and vicinity the Season's Compliments
. Gellman Phone 25 Zurich
E- Oestri�ker, Crediton.
Let Us Arrange Your
Clubbing List.
Our 19I6 Rates are as follows:
Hares i and Daily Globe $3 75
" " Weekly Globe 175
tt Daily Mail and Em-
pire 3 75
" Weely Mail and
Empire 1 75
Toronto Daily Star 2 85
Daily News 2 85
tr Weekly Star1 75
London Free Press
Morning Edition.... 3 50
Evening Edition.... 2 90
Weekly Edition..... 1 85
London Advertiser
Morning Edition.... 2 90
Evening Edition, 2 90
Weekly Edition..... 1 75
Farm & Dairy 1 75
Weekly Sun 1.80
Farmers Advocate... 2 40
Montreal Family
Herald and Weekly
Star 1 85
Weekly Montreal
Witness 185
Canadian Country-
naan 150
t{ tr
We can give you rate on other
papers not on above lisi,
The Herald Zurich