Zurich Herald, 1915-10-08, Page 5THE CHURCHES EVAN. CHURCH SERVICES. Sunday, German 11.00 a, m. Sunday School 9.45 " Junior Y, P. A. 1.00 v: ,m. (Service) English 7.00 " Teachers meeting 8.00 " Mon., Tri -Mu Brotherhood. 8.00« « " Tuesday, Y. P. A. 00 " Wednesday Prayer Meeting 8. Friday Teachers Trainin7 30 `` Class choir practice 8.30. " riffles Aid meets 1st Monday of each month at 7.80 p. m. . LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES LOCAL NEWS New•ads--Il N Douglas, Gallisian 6: I{ropf, Auction Sale, Setts Wanted. 'Mrs. C, Fritz, aind son Wai'd, visited relatives in Listowel, over Stu day. P Lamont shipped a carload of cat- • tle to the Toronto market on Saturday. 25 cents pays for the Herald to the end of 1915 to any address in Canada Cranberries, and peaches in any quantity at McCormick's Restaurant. We pay highest market price for.. live • poultry. every Thursday forenoon Rube and Gascho. An enjoyable dance was held a the home of Mr P Farewell, Goshe Line south, on Monday evening. Mr Jos. Smith returned to Hatniito on Tuesday after a 'short visit at hi home on the Goshen Line south. Miss Ida Schwartzentruber who pea visiting around this vicinity, left fo her home in Baden. last Thursday. We have flesh, celery for sale ever Wednesday and Saturday ejv' ting. German; Sunday 10,30 a. m. English 7.80 p. in. Bible School ` 9.00 a. m. Men's Mis'n'ry S Tuesday 8.00.p. m. Luther League ' Friday 8.00 p. rn. L A S 1stWeds'y of month 8.00 p. m. You are cordially invited to take an active part in all these meetings and services. "Blessed are they --that hear the word of God, and keep rt. Luke 11.28, r. Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURAN9E PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSIIRANOIt PRIVATE FUNDO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. AO0OUNTs COLLE6I D ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich • t n n- s' 9 r Wanted—A good SOMAdriving horse. Will deal on farm machinery, ate. Apply to L Prang, Zurich. Mrs M Fritz and Mrs Wellington Fee visited friends at Grand 1.3end one day this week.Edgar Pattison, who bas been stag ion master at Brucefteld fair some years,; has enlisted. Pig' t Mr John Brenner "° loft for 6 eon, Mich, on Wednesday, after a Pleasant visit with relatives here. Fred Stanley, who bas conducted a produce business in Bayfield, has. given it up and will mote to Toronto, Mr Ohas Greb, of 13erlin, represent• ing the Berlin Shoe Mfg Co., called on the trade in towu on Wednesday, Mr G Holtzman returned on Fri- day last from a.few month's trip to Saskatchewan and North Dakota. He reporbes that -the crops in seetions' he visited were good and wheat will yield 50 or more bushels to the acre of No 1 quality. D AS1IWOOD SHOE STORE A large stock of, Slippers & Pumps Satin Pumps, reg $3 00 for $2.00 Patent Pumps, reg 3.26 for 2 50 Tan Oxfords reg 3.00 for -2.50 Patent: Oxfords reg :L25 for 2.50 High to *bite canvas 2 5o for 1.75 Tan lShoesr reg dies Pumps at00 for $3.00 Greatly Reduced Prices • Anumber ' of those good ladies' coats left which we are clearing out at eacli while they last. T L Wurm. r John Dodds, of Seaforth, was sitor in town on Monday. Mr ds has recently recovered from a ous illness.' Ir and Mrs John Witwer left this k on a visit to friends in Exeter, hti}feed gad Zaricb,—Hamburg ependent. r E 8 Hardie and family have yed from Guelph to Hensel], where y are busily engaged settling down their. new home, $M a vi Dod seri 11 wee Dag Ind D mo the in Classified Ads_:: David Pfaff . . Dasjiwood - Ont y MUTflp t� �a .4J.V.t3�+Fei, VdJe�•1,rLit A. new shipment just in of Bon -Bons, Chocolates, etc. The best that money can: buy_ -_- A large variety of Comic, .l Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post Cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Guth, Spearmint, Etc. Leading Brands of Cigars. N eilson's Famous Ice Crea m `t McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT 1915. COLLECTOR'S ROLL The following figures are taken from the 1915 Collector's Roll of Hay'Town- ship as prepared by the Clerk "'and which is now in- the.hancls of .the col. lector, Mr E Eiopp, who will soon start the collection of the taxes for this year. County rate and war tal, 7743.06; Township rate $4886,34; Telephone rates, $4678.09; Statute Labor, $230.- 90;'Dog Taxes, $888.00; ' Drainage taxes $604.20; Police Village722.0, $879.39; School taxes, The total amount of taxes to be collect, ea according to the roll is 532060 28, Stable E ume.t We handle the most improved Stable Equip- ment on the market. Farmers, fit your stables in a modern and sanitary way and you will be well repaid for the extra cost by the increased results, Get our prices on LEGAL ()ARDS. pttODUF00T,1fILLOBAN, & PROUD, I FOOT'. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on'the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Godorieb. Private ' funds bo loan at lowest rates W. PanUAFOOT, 0. J. L. KILLona . W. PsoUArooT, J. MEDICAL,. CARDS R A. J. MacEINNON late Hous Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N, Y. city. Late .of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. Now is the time to have your suits cleaned and pressed, Bring them in before. the busy season commences. E Appel; the clothier. Mr and Mrs Oliver Johnston, and family of Clinton,' have moved to Goderich to reside, where Mr Johnston holds an importaut.,government posi- tion, Mr Fred•Deichert, of Cavalier, N D, is visiting relatives and friends here at present. It is thirty-three years silica Mr .Deichert left these parts and he notes many changes in the village andthe people: The death took place in Tavistock on Sept 2,9th, of Dr Joseph R Zebr, in his 67th year, after it lingering ill- ness. He was of the Amish Mennon- ite faith, and was widely known in this district. The funeral was held on the following Friday 'forenoon. N otice To Debtors All persons indebted to the estate of the late Alfred Seruton, fiensall, are here- by notified to pay ;their accounts at once to John Zuefle, Hensall, Ont. John Zuefle t Executors Wm, Mackay Dated at Hensall, Sept. 29th, 1915. Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures Litter Carriers, etc. r N. F. Schram, Late House Surgeon and lloase physician „t' Victoria Hospital, London, Graduate of Faculty of bledieine of Western University, London. Main Oflive at Dashwood, Ont. Visits Shipka Monday afternoon of each week. The annual exhibition of the Bay- field Agricultural Society was held on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, The weather was very unfavorable and the attendance on the latter day was not large. The indoor department, however, was well filled and many fine exhibits were on display. .Several from Zurich were in attendance on Tuesday and assisted in the judging in the indoor department, HICKS' FORECAST A reliable man to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOCK IN ZURICH RIC13 and HURON uny Start now at the best selling time, S d for ltst of Spring Offerings and terns to agents Liberal com- missions, Handsome Free Outfit CIDER MILL Willoperate my eider_ every Monday and Wednes- day afternoons until further notice. • Menne Steckley 2 miles north of Blake. The First Regular Storni Period is central on the 7th, extending from the 5th to 10th, inclusive. Look for change to much warmer in western extremes as we enter this period, with south winds and rapidly falling barom- eter. This will cause warmer, threat- ening weather, falling barometer and cloudiness to advance eastward, in ad- vance of rain, wind and thunder storms These storms will reach their culmin acing crisis on and next to the 7th, 8th and 9th, each successive day adding strength and extent to storm areas, as they pass the central regions .of the country, and on to the Atlantic coast regions, Heavy , October thunder storms will center on anti touching the 7th.. 'The temperatfre will remain high, the barometer low, n,nd stories willcontinwpe in aggravated form over the Sth, and into the 9t1a, reaching eastern extremes about the 9th and 10%. , As the barometer rises in areas west of the advancing storm centers, cool to cold autumnal winds, with pos- sibly sleet and snow squalls ill the. northwest, will push close on the heels of the storms to the Atlantic coast states. Very cool weather, with gen- eral frosts en-eralfrosts over central and northern regions, may reasonably be looked for from about the'9th to the 12th. If rough, antutnnal stoims and weather should be the ,-i-de at this and following storm periods, it may be pnt down as a Stone 8° Wellington • The Foothill N, series (Established 1837) 'r0 ;.n 0 N T 0 The London Advertiser THREE EDITIONS M011100, NOON, NM . ' esiern Ontario's Greatest Daily nll 9 tics le certainty Decemberat , willl bo r : 411 l7U3 ,JV(%I1�•5' i i2o .the -i. b1 t?•C ,to a great extent of like chn,racter. TILE! All sizes of first-class tile on hand BR11k For all uses purposes BEST QUALITY SECOND TO NONE Prices Right St. Joseph Brick 'fails Louis Foster, Manager. Telephone No. 3 on 85 Zurich Central. Rate by mail, any Edition, $2 a year Circulation Dept., London Advertiser Clubbed With the Zurich Herald, ;2.90 a year., for both , papers. THE HERALD CLUBBINC LIST FOR 1915 Herald5 and Daily Globe Globe ....... ry1 75 " Daily Mail and Em- pire ... .............. 8 75 Wesly Mail and 175 Empire... .... ..•...... Toronto Daily Star 2 85 " Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star.. 1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition.... ,l 50 Evening Edition . 2 90 Weekly. Edition-- 1 85 London Advertiser 'Morning Edition.... 2 90 Evening Edition—. 2 90 Weekly Edition...., 1 75 Farm to Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1,80 .ltarntors Advocate:., 2 40 Montreal Family Seralcl and Weekly 1 85 tar Weld y Mon treal 1 85 Witness ,,Rouble on Rats" clears out Rats.. Mico etc. Don't Die in the House. 153, and 25c, at Drug and Country stores, iC « 4, ,t " {, 44 4' Y, 44 We recently installed an outfit of stanohions and fixtures for Joh Erb, Bronson Line, andparties interested are welcome to inspect azrn ZuriG6s Meet MARKET :DEA LETt5 IN! Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Fau:ege., etc CASH ,FOR SKINS & HIDES ''angliint & Beichert UNDERTAKING We also install equipments of every kind See us about it ZUP IC LOUIS PRANG Prompt Service Moderate rharges Tailor Shop and Laundry ....0110 Carload of ar Posts For Sale .LBFLiSC ZURIC PtiC,NEc in =Cal •mos W. 14. HOFF Zurich. - Ontario COUNTER Check Books For General Stores iE are selling agents for Appleford's } popular counter check books. Our priees are the same as city travellers charge you for iheln. Let us know your wants and we will cheerfully show you samples and quote prices. • Herald Printing Co, Phone3 ere eeme _. . eemeseeinegrornarigmminesamessmagmalanzg 'THEKNo .' a . 0101 !J' L ,1f5ili'� • li a hitW th! Pople A prnminefl, !cad emtat0,dealer do Torssto.S+iYAthrt;;helnets batter rrhd quicker results frons ighe Claitrlfled WeneAtitr:gthen ,from any pthoricindyni'„pubi101ty�. 'Ho ,etste'e;,th*t th � ssuitb are iiut, ot; prupertich� .. oho.,.amuli re xpenie'Inv01ved r et for au There Is O moral in th y 4. 0f ypu want til rdacil the peopaio ,,,,il,.d .,, t, n w 1,14`...f .„ ` ..I ,. iv‘ to sell want to r : cs de, Try a small ad. iiti the Herald, t pays.