Zurich Herald, 1915-09-03, Page 4TILE HERALD issued every Thursday afternoon froze --ire 11tE Ai ID PRINTING °PEA41 victoria St. Zurich, by t' aV$i]2EW F. HESS and CHESTER L.. -SAI fl'H lsHGEla;'T•1Qlht News eto`t1,YEAR it•S" subsoclptor_ till,60 strictly in ail -recce , Ai1rVERTisi NG TEEMS. ' Rates for display and contract advertissetneut:.•4111 be given on appliation. 'f'ranalent notice'_i such as legal, cot poratianLsociet et4 , to cents per line fen first i••sectirn and 3,wntsper the for each subsequent insertion. Notices of antertainments, socials etc. at which an ladmiss ion foe is cbargedor a special collection •tak en will be charged for at the regular adv,-rtastng rates Alines ofreligious or other meetings the obiatt of ch is the benefit of the community and not 'for per - oval or sectarian interest or gain, wilt be .dheertkill l nerved free. Estray advs , µ1 for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arorarages.areva id. Changes for contract advertisements must be ,imtl',e peace by 6 p. ut.. Tuesday, otherwise they will b,rleft „over until the following week. } Advertisments without specific directions will 'le laserted untitl forbid and charged accordingly, ltiaar. ,saenradvertismenrs must be paid for in advance. Address all communications to TETE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, SEPT. 2,1915' 'STANLEY TOWNSHIP • Atte last meeting of i he cannel held at Varna on Monday, a delegation was present and asked that the council levy a tax of $1000 for the purpose of purehasiug a machine gun or other article of war equipment. The coun- cil would .like to receive communica- Ins from .the ratepayers regarding the .itdvisabilitv,or lasing such a tax. ' "Pathmastees should return their road lists as soon as possible. ST. JOSEPH The farmers in this section made fine progress the last few days with their harvest. A few more dry days will enable them to finish. Mr James Overholt has ptlrchased the threshing outfit from hie Peter Eropf of Zurich. The farmers in this district will welcome a machine in their neighborhood. Mr R Roth of New Hamburg called on friends here on Sunday. Mr and ltrs J Wright of Seaforth 1 at J Baechler's on Sunday. ere business visitors here or Monday Mr George Merner wears a smile, o'er the arrival of a baby girl. Mr and Ed Restimever and family visited with lir and I1rs Hy Resttmey`- er on Sunday. Miss Fern Wolper spent with Miss Freda Kreuger. Miss Miranda Brown has commenced her duties as teacher for this section. Mr and Mrs L Kraft were visitors at G Merners on Sunday. Mr and Mrs V Gerber visited Mr and Mrs Dan Gingdrich on Sunday, Miss F Walper is spending a few days this week with her aunt, Mrs 11 Taylor, Mr Ed. Ratz, wife and family, of Berlin, were visitors at the home of Mr John Gascho, Bronson Line, one day last week. CORRESPONDENCE BEAVER MEADOW The farmers on our ling have all managed to gob their grain in at last, and threshing is the order of the +day. Our school has reopened with Miss Beacons, of Goderich in charge. Miss Freda Krueger has left for Berlin where she will spend a &eco. months. Mr and Mrs Ernest Rader and Mr and Mrs Duncan Snider of Dashwood' ,SEN SALL 11 Arnold, manager of 'the Molsons Bank here, has been under thedoctor's care for a few weeks. Miss Florence Reynolde',has return- ed to Calgary to resume heeadu ties as school teacher. Wm Bonthron of Grand forks, N D is visiting friends and relatives here at present, F Carlin and family home .moved were visitors at J W Horner's l it into the cottage vacated by G Brooks. Sunday. .1 Charles Moore will continua the Mr Wes Surerus spent last Sunday'`business formerly conducted by Moore ,at St Joseph. Bros. Rev F C Berger of Cleveland, Ohio,i, Nelson Blatchford and wife are rrasit ave an eloquent and inspiring address.''ng relatives in North Dakota glad the on Sunday School work, in the Evan western provinces at present. ;gelical church last Sunday. Wm McKay has returned froze a ?rand Mrs Chris Gascho and Mr: few week's trip through the western sad Mrs Sam Gingerich .were visitorsa' evinces, at J &ascho's last Sunday. The ladies of the Patriotic society Mr Wilt Smith of Detroit was a guest ,a 0 Trueinner's fast Saturday. Quite a number from here attended the 'graduation exercises of the Teach- ers Training Classes at Dashwood and Zurich. Mr Albert Gaiser of Shipka called on friends in our burg on Sunday. Mr Wm Pfile of Bad Axe, Mich, is spending a few days at the home of his uncle Mr Ben Pfi1e. BRONSON LINE Mr and Mrs Wm Bieber were the guests of Mr Wm Becker on Sunday. Mrs and Mrs:Rich Baker and fam- ily of Dashwood spent Sunday at Art Weber's, Mc Dan Oswald had the telephone installed on Friday. Mr and Mrs Sam Gingerieh visited ast. Mr G McGinnis of Wallaceburg zp„s engaged to teach 5 S S N o 11 r the coming term. Mr Ed. Brisson and cousin, Master rthur Brisson, left on Tuesday last or Saskatchewan, where the latter's `ether, Mr Geo Brisson, resides. Ed ntends to stay for two months. Mr and Mrs Joe Ravelle of Grand 3end spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs ouis Jeffrey. Mr and Mrs Frank Wiltse and two slaughters of Seaforth spent Sunday ,+t the home of Mr and Mrs C 0 l'32nith. Mr Louis Jeffrey has haded in his zesignatton as book keeper for the St 'oseph Brick and Tile Co. Louis says ie has too much work at home. Mr Samuel Neff returned to Park - lin on Thursday last after spending–a iaonth with Mr D Smith. 'r While Mr Ed Brisson, son of A Irisson, was on uesday last, one iZurich of the front wheels hale off the wagon. Luckily Ed got „he horse ell filer sou_ frogs before any ton age welslone. Saturday DASH WOOD The gaduation exercises of the Teacher's Training Class held in the Evangelical church last Sunday fore- noon were Largely attended and proved an inler85ting @Yellt, , Ql�l s of t II 1'AAF9 is` a';u� has disposed of his i nice .., ;,uu ttave been training for Mr Lou ey p 1 the past year, were duly graduated by ere of land, east of, St Joseph, to Rev P 0 Berger, of Cleveland, Field 'aul Masse. Secretary of the Evangelical Sunday Schools. Rev Berger is a forcible arid,) entertaining speaker {end 1io address EXETER. e. The Public school will re open next [WO f i� A ease cif Caroline Siekitli ve Herbert itiEth of Grand Bend, a charge of ,ton -support, was dismissed by Magis- xrate Sanders one day last week, was highly anima �-eciated. On Monday eveni,^~. ..,6' ne deliyered another interest- ing address on "Missions" to a large audience, After the address the mein- bers of the classes from Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood were entertained at en enjoyable social. Richard Murphy had the misfortune o fracture a couple of his ribs while 'epairing a binder a few days ago. IJrs Earl Hardy and children, of Winnipeg, are visiting with Mr and Mrs Solomon Hardy. Rev A Schroeder and wife, and the latter's mother, Mrs 11 Rahn, of Pem- broke, are visiting the former's brother' - m Schroeder, of town. They will also visit relatives in Dashwood before iithey return home. Roaming dogs killed fifteen valuable p Karakul sheep belonging to Eli Bice a near Clandeboye on. Thursday night 1 last. This is the third hook that has been attacked in this district during 3 the past couple of weeks, and if the l dogs are not caught no doubb other rn:ide will follow. 'Routh on Eats" clear amt, Bata "Mica etc. hasn't Die in the l loose. 15.:, told 23c. at Drug and Con try hetes. 0'n Wednesday while Miss Schroeder was tying a colt, she had been driving, to a hitching post in the village, the animal got away and ran down the street. In its mad plunge through town it threw itself and fell on an express wagon occupied by three small boys. Little Eddie Hamacher was pinned between the horse and the fence, but when the animal inacle a second plunge he was lucky enough to free himself. He sustained only a few bruises. School has re -opened with the per. sonal of the staff as follows. Princip- al, Mr G Shore, and assistants, Miss Finkbeiner, of Crediton, and Miss 1Reid of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs Jos Verinann and fam- ily, of Windsor, are visiting friends b?re wnrdtr, at :making another canvass fox sub. ecriptions for relief of the Allies and death 'was paralysis. The greater are meeting with good results. part of his life was spent in Clinton, but a decade ago he moved to Seaforth and two years later to Hensall, In the commercial life of that stirring yillage he took an active part. He carried on the foundry business and a repair shop and subsequently a hard ware. The latter be sold last May to go into manufacturing in which be was engaged, inassociation with his brother Charles, when he was strick- en down by illness. The business life of Hensall is the poorer because of his departure. He was a Methodist and a conservative. He was unmar- ried and is survived by his brother Charles and three sisters. COUNTY NtEWS Kirkton wilt hold a big patriotic plea nic on Labor Day, The Easb Huron roach s Conven- tion will be held in Sea'toi,th on Ooto- ber 7th and 8th. Mr Roswell Dougall sof avail. Hen- sall, has taken charge of L S S No 1, Hay and Stanley, near, D,ryaadalo. Charles Pratt, who has been working for Charles Beaman, Goshen Line, Stanley. has enlisted'an•d wall join the overseas contingent at London. , The large 250 acre farm in rtisborne township, known as the George Moir farm, has been sold to A D Ethering- ton of the sane township. Mr Ethor- legton now owns 350 acres, Robert Elliott, reeve of Gilderich, passed away at Hamilton after an operation, on Saturday. He was one :of the prominent citizens of the county town and was interested in the apple packing business. Mr John A Moore, who was born at Clinton forty years ago, died in. Hensall on Sunday, Aug 22nd. For years a weak heart had given him trouble, but the immediate cause of Wrn Craig has left for the west to assist in the harvesting. Mae and Mrs McGuire announce the engagment of their daughter, Olga Victoria, to Robert Fordwich, of Usborne, A Whitesides, high constable, sprained his wrist a few days ago and is unable to work. Ab Johnson bad one of his fingers badly crushed by a cement block fall- ing on it on Monday. CREDITON Harvey Hill has joined the 33rd Battalion at London for active service. Ice cream and lunch will be served by the ladies of the village on Labor Day, the proceeds to be given to the Red Cross fund, Mrs ''John Finkbeiner, and two daughters, have left on a trip to western Canada. Ben Eilber of tipsy, Mich„ relatives here last week. Rev Jefferson underwent an opera- tion at London last week. The Zurich baseball team defeated our team last Thursday by a score of 8 to 2. Rey E G Powell delivered an inter- esting address in the Methodist church last Sunday. BLAKE Picking plums in this vicinity is the order of the day. This fruit is quite plentiful in this neighborhood. Mr Wm N Finlay has purchased a new piano. Mr Gilbert Freckleton is smiling these days—its a boy. Mr H Zapfe is staying with her mother, Mrs Lehman, who is seriously ill. Mr and Mrs Joe Brennerman are home from the states on a short visit, Miss l Lossie Capiing who has been visiting friends in Stratford, has returned home. Master Align lJouglas, ybo,has been visiting his grand parents in Hensell, has returned home. Mr and Mrs A1e2 alitrrks left on Tuesday for theft new hone in llen- sall, Mr 0 Schrag's many friends will be pleased to learn that he is recovering rfom his recent serious illness. The Zurich football team came over and played a friendly game with our boys on Monday evening, "A Man's Ability is his Passport' Frank Weaver Professor of Music London, Ont, Teacher of Organ and all branches of Piano Playing; Voice 'Culture and Artistic Singing a Specialty. Sixteen years practical experience. Fair4ei ms apply at the Herald Office. warjramw A reliable man to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOCK IN ZURICH and HURON County. Start now at the best selling time, d for list of Spring Offerings arid terms to agents Liberal com– missions. Handsome Free Outfit. Stone & Wellington • The Fonthill Nuserie;e (Established 1837) TORONTO Mr and Mrs Wm Sparks visited et the home of Mrs P Douglas on Saul - day. Mrs Thos Di,* of Hensall is visit- ing her dainghter, Mrs R N Donelr s. The Misses Stevens have returned to their Schools after spending the holidays under the parental roof. The Women's Institute intend pack- ing a box of fruit for the soldiers at the borne of Mrs H C Zapfe an Tues- day afternoon, Sept 141h. The fruit must be jam, jelly, marmalade or. honey, and must be labled to indicate its contents, Anyone wishing to con tribute may do so by handing it in to any member of the Instituto on or sir Wilfred Cl'r "'lfs'sl cef'1'oorl4tncl; is hr`tore Sept 14t.li and a cordial mvirati- visifia g ,rt t1 a lxtyrlrt- of his tfarcnls illi, ou is extended to all ladies to attend and Mrs 1 W lir•eybiel, at present. 1 the meeting, We s r n{ opt a 1 r .) /44th n l S t h Canada 19 1 $3O,OOOOO in prizes and Attractions Prizes increased this year Two Speed Events Daily. by $8,000.00 Fireworks Every Night. Excellent Program ul At -New Steel Grandstand. tractions Tweiice Daily Midway letter Than Ever. lVusic by the Best Available Bands— OINGLEmazia OVERALL RAILWAYS West of Toronto, and Fare and One -Third From outside points Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary. A. M. HUNT, Secretary W. J. REID, Presicent What About Your Vacation? If you intend taking a trip we can supply your wants in the line of Travelling Goods. Pre carry a nice line of Trunks, Suit Cases, oto. to choose from at reasonable prices, We also carry a full line of Harness, light and heavy, Dusters, Fly Nets Etc. Light Work a Specialty R. F. STADE ZURICH CREAM WANTED. I have made arrangements with Silvery oods Dairy, London, to take eream at My Residence, Zurich, any time during the week, Cream is tested when brought to my store and paid for on delivery. Price paid this week was 27 cents par pound. I. IIUDSON, = ZURICH FALL FAIRS Zurich Sept 22-23 Exeter Sept 20-21 Seaforth Sept 23.24 Toronto Aug 29.Sept 13 London Sept 10.18 Brusse i October 1 Bsyfi eld October 5.6 Goderich Sept 28-30 Blyth Oct 5.6 COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. CANADA'S NATIONAL 'NEWSPAPER P.S.—Abcording to Loris Kitchener, the big tsar has Willy beggar. °The War Summary" Almost from the very day the great Europa ie war began in August lost, the outstanding feature in Canadian journalism covering the conflict Nits been "The War Summary" daily on pages 1 and 2 of THE GLOBE. In the coneiseat possible form the writer has given his readers a pen picture of the developments In all parts of the world. While the details of the movements along the extended frontiers have not been overlooked, the readers of THE GLOBE have been enabled to follow intelligently and with confidence the general outlines of the stupendous conflict. "The War sutnmax " of THE GLOBE Is reproduced daily by mama papers throughout the Dominion. The Editorial Page THE 'GLOBE on its editorial page has striven to place before the public in proper perspective the broad background of the titanic struggle. this series of articles Las attracted the attention not only of the Canadian people, but of leading men and journals in all parts, of the vrorld. The causes leading up to the war, the elements enterialt into its conduct, and the results likely 'to flow from the cessation of hostilities have been dealt with in that bold and clear-cut 'form charac- teristic of THE GLOBE'S editorial page. News Service The abo'g�C features, an addition to a cable and letter serine feoaae the front unlnatehed in Canada, have placed THE GLOISE far in the dead of Canadian papers, and partly explain the phenomenal increase of 531-3 per Cent, in THE GLOBE'S circulation during recent menti ri. . Other Features The sporting pages, the financial and commmrroial pages, the vvomeiell paces, etc., etc., with the additional pages in Wednesday's issue devoted to "Perm and Country Lite," are maintained, at a high standard of excellenee, a standard that has justified THE GLOBE in its title of Canada's National Nowspaper, and has given it by many tbouttands t'ss largest circulation of any morningspaper in the. Dominion. Local anti City Papers By all means take your Local paper, bot in the field o3 metropolitan newspapers THE GLOBE unquestionably offers you the greatest value to be had in Canada. Order it to -day. SSS costa per Month ---one dollar for four months—threat dollars per sear. TlIE GLOB °a vi"fr<i to.