Zurich Herald, 1915-08-13, Page 8actiTis. In All Lines of Summer Goods All Summer Dress Gods to be sold to make row for Fall Goods which are now arriving Silk crepe peg 35 and 40c per ytl now for 28o per yd Alt 26c goods now kr '20o a yd All muslius, and reg 15 :now 10c a yd Crianble cloths to cleat. at 12 1-2o per yd 2 doz Ladies Waists to clear .tt' 60c each e.Pvf" ;;;°'" Men's tweed Pants reg $1.75 and $2700 --now Straw Hats All Straw'ltats for vie.), \voweu and children to clear It 25% off. Dinner Sets I only 96 piece Dinner sett reg .$1100 for $9.75 1 only 97 piece Dialler sett reg $12.00 for S10 60 Fresh Grocevic-s always on hand. RUBY and GASCHO PITON 1. 17 See Our Lol New PiaBIllightB„.„ New� t and Sate F. lino Stock of Jewellery Just Arrived. ISS & eo. 113 FLOUR, FEED & SEED STORE Having purchased the t!,,tr=ness lately couducted by L 1-Iudson, I beg to notify the pub iu thee 1 have a complete stock of Fleur: FIVE ROSES, M1LV1t1 1 U\, ROYAL, HOUSEHOLD and EXETER BRANDS. Aire: 1,`,,ed of all kinds. All kinds of f'ie?d and Garden Seeds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods., Etc., Etc. Eggs taken in exchange for goods George McBride Telephone 23 1: CA Corrected every: Thursday, B liter L'gs..... .. • Dried Apples Potatoes... . ., ..... Wheat..... $1.00 Oats Barley l3ueicwheat Flour Bran Shorts Low Grade Live dogs fob .Hensall...... $0.22 19 05 80 $1.00 52 54 65 65 75 8.50 4.00 $28.00 82.00 88.00 8.25 More Time For This And This and This of Local News, See 14ferner's change of ad for this week. Mr George Douglas, of town, has purchased a new Ford touring car. Mrs Fitzgerald and son, of London, are visiting friends in town for a few. weeks. Miss Carrie •Gellman is visiting friends and relatives in Michigan at. present. Mr E Holtzman of Hanjilt n spent a few days at his home here this week. Mr and Mrs Oliver Johnson of Godetich, spent Sunday at the home of lir Thomas Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard and daughter visited relatives at Ripley during the past few weeks. Master Ronald Wilmer of Exeter who has spent two weeks holidays at James Green, returned home Tuesday. The Misses Alice and Frieda Taylor have returned to their home at Sarnia accompanied by their cousin Ward Fritz. Chris Campbell has sold his fine firm containing 100 acres, being Lot 9, Con 2, Township of Hay, to Prouty Bros, of the Thames Road, Usborne; posses - 8101 to be given on April hst 1916. Mr Gideon Ruttel and wife of Rips ley, and Mr Albert Farrell, wife and. two sons, and Miss Amy Farrell, of Royal Oak, were the guests of Mr and Mrs Wm Finlay, town line, recently. Miss Beatrice Rennie and Miss Greets, House, of Detroit, who have been visiting relatives in Berlin,D et- ford, Preston and Doon, are visiting at present at the former's- father, Mr Alex Rennie, Babylon. Line. Rev C C J Maass,” 'of. Preston, "a: fomer pastor of the Lutheran church here, and now editor of the Berlin Journal, conducted both morning and evening services here last Sunday. The church was well filled at both services. Electric lights have been installed at t'ne bowling bowling green this week and nightly the call of "run the eat" or'"that's. the picture postcard kind" may bo heard. A large water: roller has been purchased and the lawn will soon bt in first-class shape. The Detroit Merchants and Manus. facturers stake of ten thousand dollars for trotters was won in straight heats last week by Lee Axworthy, time 2 06i; 2.04*; 2,044. Worthy Prince got tl.irl money, he being also by Ax- worthy. Why not have one of this famous breed? For reference see the.' Revi:w or Sportsman.,. The following statement has been issued by the Ontario millers through the Board of Trade at Toronto "On ac- count of the heavy losses sustained by millets during the past year on fiour made from wheat togged with smut or cont lining smut balls, wheat of this description will baworth 100 to l5c per bushel less than No fall. Grain dealers should note this sarefully to avoid heavy losses. Any farmer whd', sows his seed A'ithout first treating it. is nob only injuring himself, but giving the Province a bad name. ABOUT NEWSPAPERS Miss M.'Fairbaien has taken charge' of the Teeswater News. W. H. Derr the presenrt editor and Proprietor of the Brussels Post, has passed the 35th milestone of his editorship of that paper. The Post is one of the brightest and newsiest of weeklies which reach this office. ,.A 'par. Saturday, The above recreations will be yours by .using a labor saving cook stove. . The Detroit Vaper stove works jiist. Eke a gas stove - simply light the burners and put cooking on at once. It is cheaper to bock with than wood or coal. Sen styles to select from costing from $10.()0 up. Come to see them. PHONE is qZURICH HUR®IIPS LAR 'EST COMBINATION STORE WO11IlIN'S INSTITUTE The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was hem in the town hall on Tuesday evening.' The evening was spent in a social way. A program consisting of in- sbtilmontals, vocal solos, and a chorus by : the ladies was rendered. The topic, "Reading," and "flow to make Country Life more pleasant," were read by Mrs W Iloy and Mrs J Iley, respectively. Duringthe even, ing an address was read and a presen- tation made to Mrs Miller who expects to leave Zurich shortly. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting, Isthe last day of our Big Sale lir stoa e changes hands next Monday. Your last opportunity to share in the Big Bargains /1111.111MIIIIIIMINNOMMUNIMINh. BE SURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BIG BARGAINS We are giving Very Special PRICES on All Goods The Last Day of ur acs enem IEREIENEMEMINIMMENVENEINMENMEMZINNO or ZUIC