Zurich Herald, 1915-07-30, Page 4ors an ' a and, a playing wellknown olc'l mtgs. Thirty thousand people d this celebration. e visited the Eden Museum, ,rah contains many ` interesting ights. -- The discovery of Canada by Jacques Cattier is fully shown and many other incidents of historic in- terest to Canadians can be seen here. The death of General I1lontcaim and General Wolfe after the battle,of the • of Abraham are also faithfully ed. tndingof the city of Mon - the history of Joan de Arc o of great interest. The murder laden in 1897 by McNulty is ainly shown besides many other us murders, such as Dr Crippen. ile in the ciiy we visited Chateau ay, in which many old relics French-Canadian habitants are This was very interesting as ms are furnised in the same was the custom 300 years left Montreal to visit Joliette e surrounding parishes; St Paul, hotnas, Assumption, Barthier. t St Paul we were the guests of Lan- reville Bros, brothers of ' Father andreville, a former parish priest at Drysdale. The farmers are very pros-. perous, the pripeipal industry being dairy and growing hay and the most modern farin.irtg'inlpleneents are ,in use. Stahlas are also fitted out in moder,er yle with water and ceinent a fTc, Theland i5 fair but not ag d as we have it on the Sauble Line Grandfather left this parish , in. 0 to make his home on the Sauble Line, I had the pleasure to go into the house and on the farm where my grandfather was born. The parish where the Denommes conie from is the parish of St. Thomas. The land is very sandy and poor, in fact this is one of ,the poorest parishes I seen While travelling through Qne - bec. We took the train for Batiscan. We crossed the river to St Jean de Chilli - on, where we met a number of our friends, and where we stayed.for four or five days, visiting a number of parishes such as St Jacques, St Phil- omena, St Croix, St Edward. Lot- biniere and Desehanbeault, the mayor Mr Ulderic of Paris of Deschanbeault, being ene of our cousins. These pars 1, is crowdedwi.t11, tQurist Blies are governed s. a: by sevell1is1 eietei W8, also vrstted on r ienov by the people and-the:church by three 'li' lie '' 74 fee£higb half waiy be' `. tween Montreal and utreal. ugston the next 'clock, and Prescott at ,30 a. in. We changed bats here to go through, the rapids, as a shorter boat is used for this purpose. At about one o'clock we range to the Tsousand Islands. While passing through -these islands ` a man explained the history and present owners of many of them,' also by whom the grand summer hones were owned, mostly American milioniares. We, passed aithin ten feet of some of the islands. Before coming to the rapids the passengers were notified of their near - nese. The'first rapids are the Sou - hinges Rapids. The second, the Lachi- ne Rapids. The water at these rapids m.0 e ie sea of about sVee °high and -the boat is guided between den- - gerbils rocks. However we made the journey without an accident. We arrived at Montreal at 7 p. m. While on the boat, "Toronto", in Lake Ontario, I sent a wireless tele- grani to Mr Stens Brisson, at Mont- real. The cost of this message was y5'9 Bente for ten words. VG were met at the dock by four of our friends and while in the city eve bars are closed. Out side of the chute. tale city of Quebec for Montreal going were the guests gf 1\Irs Page, at! aunt. Zn every parish can lee found a busting b'y LOtbiiiib"re, where a number of ,stir e visited lit Royal, a mountain 1 'which -La used by spealiai at ail kinds friends reside, the pilot of the boat, about 500 or 600 feet high, sleet" the of elections, The primary schools saluted them at our request with city. We journeyed to the summit are paid low salaries, but in each the searchlights on the boat, We on an inclined railway where we visit- parish can be found a college for the. arrived at Montreal. Monday morning, ed a chapel where relics of Joseph are boys and a convent for the girls and took the train at night for London, kept, and where many cures are made. by what I could learn about 50 or 60 arriving in Hensall Tuesday evening At the foot of this mountain a menu per cent of the children attend these where our children met us. We found ment in honor of Jacques Cartier is higher schools, The young ladies them all well, and we thanked God for nearing completion. The inscription have a refined and modest training giving us health to enjoy our beautiful' on the ornament is as follows: Le and the politness of the people is very voyage. After passing through Zurich Canada, mon pays uses amaurs. (Can- apparent. I often heard that the we felt the breezes of Lake Huron ads my country and my love.) We French people were noted for their which made us feel at home once more visited a number of churches, amongst poliness and refined'manners but I the home we love so well and the land- which was the Cathedral, which is never experienced this until I met where we have received so much bap - built on the same plan as the Cathedral these French-Canadian residents of piness, and inay it also be the land- of at Rome. We also visited church .the Province of Quebec, our grave. • Hochelaga, St Viateurs, St Louis De All' the country chur rhes are • srviv llt�iv uta much more seriously in the Provi- nce of Quebec than iii Qntario, for in every parish they ave sons sere wing the country. We then took the eleetri'o oars for at Anne de Beeupre The origin of the shrine of what I could learn, is that some Breton Mar- iners while navigatiing the St' Law- rence were overtaken by EL,. violent storm. In their youth and manhood they bad been accustomed to St Anne Patronessof Brittany. They.aolemn- ly vowed that if they were saved from shipwreck and death they would build her a sanctuary where they would land which they did. The old church is well preserved, built in 1660. The new church is a very large edificerich- ly decorated. The new pipe orgsn which was installed last May is one of the best and most modern in. America at a cost of $30.000. It also contains a large number of Chapels. One of the most inteeesting is the Chapel ST. JOSEPH IYIr and Mrs Daniel Becker and dap•-` f liter' Miss Exuma and Miss Anna Seh afer of New Hannuurg called at Pesach Grove Farm, on their way to spend a week with friends at Southaniptoi:i: They ni.ade the trip by autp. Dr. R. R. Ross and family of Sea - forth called on friends here, Wedges day' What might have been a serious con- flagration was averted on Wednesday' by the timely appearance of. the neigh- bors of Mr and Mrs Remie Jeffrey. It seems some childeren were playing with matches around the barn and ignited some straw, 'But luckily the fire was extinguished before any darn - age was done. Dr and Mrs Jacobs of Berlin were business victors in our burg on • Mon- day. of St Anthony, a massive silver altar Mr and Mrs Jacob Weber of Moue crucifix, given by Pierre Le''aalloane ton called on friends here on Sunday d'Iberville, the conquerer of Hudson's My. N. A. Cantin received his seven Bay, the discoverer of the mouth of the passenger car one day last week, Mr Mississippi and -the first governor of Cantin can boast of owning the. lar - Louisiana, One of the Relics of St gest car in this section. ' Anne de Beaupre was obtained from Mr A. L. Screenan, our veteran fish- Mouseigneur de Laval on March 5, ermae, has purchased the 25 acres 1670, the second one in 1880 by Tat- frons 11I'r' R. Denomie for 'x•1'500.00 her Charmentant the third in' 1.891 by Mr'Soreenan will haae• a fine home the'l3isbop of Ceraal�sonne Fralme :and the fourth in 1892 by His .Holiness, when settled. Leo XIII. This relic is a part ,of the Mr and Mrs Rudy Roth • and , two wrist bone of St Anne. In the Cyclor- daughters of Maysville spent . Sunday ama, opposite the station at St Anne, at the home of Mr 0, 0. Smith.' may be seen the wonderful oil paint- Miss Mary Spencer and friend 'Miss ing, considered one of the world's rias- Murry -of Landon are spending two ter pieces of the holy city of Jerusalem, weeks vacation at .the home of S. J. This celebrated picture is 45 ft, in hei- Spencer.• ghth by 80Q feet in length and is con- Messrs Leo and Jerrie Badour of sidered one of the most beautiful and Courtright are' spending a week .at Mr realistic works of art on the continent .Joe Badour. f America.Th Crucifixion scene o paihte a ru Mr Frank Papineau and sister Mary was painted. by Mr Grover, the camels of Detroit ales ending their holidays and horses by Mr Corwin, the north• t their home here._ ern landscape by Mr Mege, the tents by Mr Mege the tents by Mr Gros and Mr Walter Jeffrey is drawing brick' the city of Jerusalem by Messrs Aust- to Clinton this week for the St Joseph en and Gros, the whole being under Brick and Tile Co. They have a large Mr Philippoteaux's direction St Anne order to fill there, de Bearpre is a town with about 2000 Mrs P. Baker of Toledo Ohio, is inhabitants and every train coming in spending a month with her brother Mr J, Papineau and other friends in -this vin:ini:ty. • CREDITON St Anna 'de men also .elected by the people. At Beaupre. This is a beautttril.sight, the first meeting of the parish officer"s On our return ;to Montreal we a prefab or chairman is elected who crossed Victoria Bridge, which represents the parish in the county connects the city. with Levis. The council. No licenses are granted in bridge is 3 miles long and* has as the parish except by consent of this oomodation for two street railway board, and I did not see a licensed tracks, also roads for autos earl hotel outside of Three Riyers, Quebec rigs and two steam railwaytracks. and Montreal, and on July 1st all Sunday night, July 4th, wee left w Piizesilcre,se,dt by S3,Q00.04, Excellent, Programa tractions Twice Da •Mi ,Sl.c by th re's of Toronto; and Fare -P•1'1ZC' LSCS, - nti ' fr'on W .: J. REID, Presice What About Your Vacation? • • If you intend taking a trip we can slimily your wants;ia line otaTravelling Goods. ;,;V e'oarry, a"nice line of Trui.k,It Cases et pto Choose from at reasonable `.ices, We: also carry a full lit Harness, light and heavy, Dusters, Fly Nets, 1 Light Work a Specialty R. F. STAD E : _ , Zt RI C CREAM WANTEI I have made arrangements with Silverwoods Dairy, London, to take eream. `at My Residence, Zurich, any tin during the week. Cream is tested when brought to , :my store and paid for on delivery. Price Paid this week: -was 27 cents per pound Mrs D Link and daughter, Miss Ella, have returned from a visit with relatives at Ubley, Mich. Flax pulling started last week. The township clerk has received notice from Goderich to levy $8558.75 on this year's assessment for county rate. This includes $2738.80 for war tax. • B. Brown has improved the appear- ance of his dwelling by the addition of a verandah. Miss Ila Silber is recovering from e operation she recently underwent = for appendicitis. Mr and Mrs Thos. Wind and Mrs W. Finkbeiner of Detroit are visiting relativees here. -r- attend; which all the wealthy people targe atone edifices that would do .HENSALL attend; St Jean Baptiste, St Sacrament honor to the largest cities. Massionnetive, Notre Dame du Bon Two miles from St Jacques on Securs, the oldest church in the city the river Duchene there is a very built in the year 1657. Inside of large saw mill which employs 137 this church a boat of solid silver is men, and outs 100,000 feet of lum- shown made on the same lines as the ber per day. The. foreman, :,Mr one used by Samuel de Chatnplain, Pierre Laoasse informed the that the great explorer. This boat was 18,000,000 feet of logs, consisting t presented to the church bythe Kings of pine, tamarao and cedar, had p' g been landed on the river 30 -miles of France. We then visited Church from the mill last winter, so timb- Notre Dame, the largest in the city, er is yet very plentiful in the Pro - which will hold 12,000 people and has vinoe of Quebec, accomodated 20,000. The roof of this We then took the train to the church is copper. The erection of this pity of Quebeo, accompanied by church was begun in 1820, We went Mr Evangelista Paris, one of cousi tip into the spires to seethe big•bells, ns. At Quebeo we were the guests one of which weighs 25,640 pounds of our aunt, Mrs Pierre Pelletier and was made in England and put up who is also an aunt of the ex in 1847. It stands over 7 foot high posttnaatergbnoral. Quebec la- a very unique city, going down and and takes twelve men to ring it, and uphill nn the main streets►. L'i om' is supposed to be one of the largest C;rateau Frontenao you look dowse belts in the world. On the other spires 100 feet .on,your next floor neighbor are ten bells of different size and these After visiting a number, of places take- 16-naen- to ring' them; - `Toe rims . ,ort-•klie-aftettontenrthe-t'atsof anly all the bells in this Church at once • it I with Mrs Laporte was granted a takes twenty eight men. short private audience Willi the On. the 24th of June the great gel, 1 d he con `stns»ted us ebrati:on of the French•Caniidians, Fete St Jean Baptiste, was "held in ' the city and of which we witnessed' • the preepesion, nearly three miles long l cf ii : totN ar de ,alt Royal a`.• tie fogt Chi %shish open air services were unlit'; Cardinal an r t at Bell's grove next Monday. Moore Bros have moved into the house at ; the corner of Brock . and Queen street, C. Jinks has moved -in- to the rooms in the Potty block vacat- ed by Moore Bros. Mr Chas Grassick and wife, of Ott- awa, are the guests of Mr and Mrs, D. Grassick at present. Frank Mousseau, of the Zurichroad, who is a patient in -St Joseph's hospital, London, is improving, Percy Wiggins bas moved into' the house vacated by J. V. Milson, Mark Drysdale's new bungalowis now completed and is once of t handsome hones in` Hensel'. Will Dougall:, of"the Royal 13n1t, STANLEY TOWNSHIP Wm Taylor shipped a load of cattle and bogs from Brucefield station last Saturday. The Garden Party at Varna last Thnrsdey was very largely attended. The gate receipts amounted to about $140.00, The entertainment was furnished by the Clinton Band and the McBride Orchestra. Toronto; is spending lig ;.frolidsryg?, at his home here. Emund Geiger, wife and child,' of as" ale visiEin''`the "`Enroll' r- �ti:"Tkioin g parents here. A• unin'Sunday School will be held. both onspeaking snob good French*, He received ns very kindly which will' be a- worthy remensbrano e through our 'lifetime, During this time our friend obtained passes for nit to visit the Citadel and the camp ,,t VU`OaIlni•. The war is taken h on Reds" clears out Rats Roup Mice etc. Don't Die in the House. loc. and 25c. at Drug and Country sures. The Quarterly sacramental service of the Varna circuit will be held in the Goshen church next Suuday at 10.30. A. M. Mrs Richard Robinson, who has been on a visit to her friends in Man• itabo, returned home last week, Miss Mary. Shaw of London is visit- ing at Chas Roman's. Mr Dewar and daughter of lincard -ine are visiting friends in Stanley. ;DRYSDALE. TILE! All sizes of first—class tile on hand BR1CIU For all uses purposes BEST QUALITY " SECOND TO ,NONE - Prices Right St. Joseph Brick Yards Louis Foster, Manager. Telephone No. 3 on 85 Zurich Central. 11"(r and Mrs Alex Denomy of Wind- sor are visiting relatives around here. "'Mr JoseP h aDuclrarine, our 400al: blacksmith is now able to work again` Mr Leon . Bedard is -working at St Joseph, het your harvest shoes at L. Brisson ,S�Ef to riser. _ o• uitle4a4a'tge i uinrbernf.farmers have .k their wheat cut.' 'They all re'.ort- p very good crop. - COAL! C Deleware, •Lacicaw -Western Coal Scranton All sizes ALF. SCR Herisal Wararl rell - 'HARDY STOCK IN ZURIC County Start now at the bes 5 d for list of Sp and' terms to agents missions, Handsoi Stone & W The Fontbill (Establishe TORO EXETER. Engineers and workmen will comm- ence work at once on the hydro.. - elect- ric line from here to St. Marys, It is expected the lines will be completed before winter setsin. Pte, R. L. Herm, son of Philip Hern. of town, who was reported as wound-. ed, is now reported as missing. J. W. Powell was, in Toronto last week attending the funetalof hie uncle, Joseph Abell. S Hicks, who had his barn,destroy.. ed by fire last fall, has raised- a,. -new building.. a. Mr -and MrsW. Hodgen }ta+ra left for Detroit'Where'.they will- make their 'future home ., sl, ttna'itoiii eal.te"a, Dr �IEtee� a 7. W. , A3'' , Roulston and clerk Jos, Sonata atter) 4} ed the opening of the £srsit hydro -radial ralway from London to Port • Stanley last Thursday.'' :' { 'Miss Annie Dow has been :engaged toteach the primary room ins Exeter school after vacation,, Miss'Ida .'Atrn- strong'having resigned! BRONSON. Mr. and Mrs Chris day with the latter's Mrs Joel Baechler. Mr. and Mrs . Qua Sunday at the home merman. 11rs; l:Ienry, W aIpee day with Mr and Mrs Miss Luoy I{aeroh visiting under the pa Mr Chris liaechler -with Mr and Mrs 3.(3 141t and llfra Sok Re ed:the gvato p tty,,l# of Mr anal Mrs.td.• Ri nesday of: Last Week. • - lcft`Sa in our burg. ';• Mr and,. tMrs ' Loi spent ,$Ianday. with 141r B,estenrieyer. Mr l:+" Tentan, who With Mi and alas . left for hie hogs onn