Zurich Herald, 1915-04-23, Page 8•---e47,11..2esk + . IROMIllEaMilMENAMOMitemait tV[TLILTNERY -OPENINGS Friary tt.. Mil; i 1i 1 and wilt ':' IY 1 .:!I the k+p:ngsrl^: z'iiatiiii*Chity, I' 2oth and 27th f i Y'slarg.+ of wit 51.11ifnery Department tee latest ,r. iY s i.s i, idles frl.+{.ion{lhie lz its for :prints and.Ginghams The new Fonts and (afngbeix,s have arrived and we helve al large ass nem-nt ut oilers and patterns to choose from. We iso have tine famous stt'el clad t1»1.t'il, tail extra long \veering a�. . cloth. suitable .or hildren�s' dresseta, snits /41:111 ladies hoose dresses gJew Curtain Goods 0 it range of our tains ani curtain materials is now complete S'rnnf!l you require anything in the line of draperies; curtains, bltndi, etc, Po net fail to call -and see our lines before pur- chasing elsewhere. 1Va1.1 Papers New Wall Papers now to hand, in a large variety of.;; new up to date designs at prices that will interest you. Waalsooart' :I)1i3e.i'fii'r.in s, earl :is Linoleum3, Floor Oil Cloths, Rugs, Carpets, eto. N, triable ti glods at any time even if you are not just ready ti bay. We woad be pleased to have you come and see all our new lines of seasonable goods Fresh G-roceries always on. hand. Produce taken in exchange UBY and GASCI30 PHONE t7 MONEY' For the Farmer Make ]UQ;„)„ on your motley by investing ;+1O or $20 now: Yo.u._can du this by putting out .tin apple Urob:tard. OUR NURSERY IS FREE FROM DISEASES. WE HAVE NEVER HAD SAN .NSE SCAlJE. A Beautiful Home for Everyone may be had by plautingti few vines and shrubs, as Boston Ivy, Doughty -s Perkins pink climbing ,rose, and some ornamental :trees toad. ever- !greens, ver-1grleens, t t All orders sent in now, direct to will be in time for this spring's delivery. I AD D RES JOHN STEWART ESTATE B. R. No. 4., G.oderich, Ont. Godorieh Rural Phone 6 on 7. MRSEACIIYMO 71. A L -- is the most important piece of furuit: r. iu the )loose. We have the kind for the kitchen. fresh from the factory, at $3.50, Oak or Walnut, 1915 Model Moveineuts. Alarm Clocks, $1.50 ti S'3mOO We don't sell the 43 cent alarm clock, a,rlly sold for $1.00. s 0 io4. H -a �Fp " ! Thursday, May 5th. and 6th. Formaldehyde for Smut on Grain. Best quality there is. 2'5 and 50e bottles, A, IV. E. Hemphill, Druggist, Hensall. 'I he Post -master -General has an - LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter Eggs.. - ..• Dried Apples...... Potatoes Wheat Oats Barley 70 Buckwheat Flour , 3.75 I3ran.. Shorts Low G rade Live flogs fob Hensall....... -$0.25 1J 05 80 $1.30 55 55 70 folly, 4.25 Isaac Hudson. NEW LICENSE 13OAm) Tho On lie (aevern went has announced the appointment of the provincial' board of license: eon'inaiss- ioners who will. lioncefufth administer the liinor license law in Ontario, end will have absolute control of the 'reg- ulation and restriction of their. affairs. The commissioners are as fo5lozvs: Chairman, J. I), Flavello,,of Lindsay. Vice chairman, W. S. Dingman, of Stratford. Commissioners, 1.1'. Dano, Toronto; G. T. ,Smith, Ilaileybury, a.iu1 J, A. Ayerst, Toronto. COMMUNICATION. TO THE PUBLIC As no doubt many of the residents of this section are aware, I hacl dis- i posed of my flour and feed business I to kfr Louis Jeffrey, Possession was to be given on Monday of last week but owing to difficulties arising which were not looked for by me, the deal did not go through, A wrong impres- sion seems to have been created in some winds that the fault lay wiih me, but I beg to state that my part of the contract was filled and I was quite willing to live up to it,. Thanking my many customers for their liberal pat- renege and hoping for a continuance of the same. I remain yours respect - $28.00 30.00 88.00 8.40 Local News Autour Day Observance Should be General Arbour Day is not observed in --- Canada to the •extent which its Neav Ads --J Preeter,.L Prang, Es, tate of J Stewart. MMlr John Larmour, of Hensall, visited friends in Zurich on Sunday. P. Lamont shipped, a carload of cattle from Hensall station on Satur- day. • • Mr L. Kraft has the excavation completed for the new house he is building. Dr. Hardie, dentist, at Dominion House, Zurich, on Wednesday and Jewellers & Opticians COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes L.e�L.F. SCRUTON Hensall. Zurieli Feed Store Leading Pyand of' Flour, Slio L'3;, Blah and Feed C :un Prodnee of alI kint:- :Aken in exchan g \Vo a e ! ..:;ate tor Interna- tionlllland Royal Purple stock food. Also a frill line of• Grocer- . iei on hand. Isaac Hudson New B L ACKSM TH I have opened up a blacksmith shop in Brock', old stand, opposite Town Hall, .Ready for business Monday, Mar 1st. Horseshoelnng and Repairing A. W. IVIORLEY F I have a eerloed of Fer tilizer on hand Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity can secure it •from me at any time at my farm. have all kinds on hand, ranging from $10 to $40' ner ton. JO <N HEY Jr. Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co. -BEST BY TEST G. H Insurance 41 ~.stilt rich Ont High Grade -Copper and Aluminum Lightning Goan dutctors. . A very busy, please hand in your orders early, asI do the work i rnyseIf, Prices right on easy term,. Telephone 34. HOUSE FOR SALE. Brine 12 roomed brick dwelling, newly )milt, for sale, situated in Zurich 1+nrnaco and modern improvements are installed. Good now stable on premises and ono -half acre of land. Will be sold at reasonable price. For Particulars, apply to W II Bender, Zurich. nom -iced that warstarn'ps can be wig& for postage as well as the natal one cent stamp. The department of agriculture is issnie,g notices to the province that their regular fall fair grant will be paid this year as usual. In the fall the Government announced that it might be necessary to cut by 50 per cent the annual grant, but since that time the outlook has brightened and it is hoped that by July, when the grants become payable, affairs will be near the normal. Now that everyone is busy cleaning up abont the village, what about making the unsightly water hole at one of our main business corners -a more pleasant and healthy looking spot. The standing water will surely develop unpleasant odors and must be a lurking place for numerous disease germs. It is also a nuisance to the surrounding premises. Should not our health department see into this? John Foster has just completed a cement mixer which should do its. work in a satisfactory manner. It is very simple in construction, and the idea is Mr Foster's, who planned and completed it himself. He is thinking. of having it patented. The mixer is made in the form of a cylindrical drum, -about five reel long and three feet in diameter. Rods placed inside of this drum mixes the cement and gravel when the dram is revolved by moans of a chain and sprocket driven by a gasoline engine. Theeement and gravel are fed into one side of the machine and the water is led into it by iron pipes, and the concrete is taken away ready for using at the opposite side, per -tenets warrants. The people of Canada must ever keep in mind their dependence up on her. forests. With large areas suitable only for forestry purposes, it is essential that the value of trees and their protection should be thoroughly impressed upon Can adians, . While Arbor Day is observed in the rural schools, t+nd in sonie city schools, its recognition try the gen. eral public• is not as general as it should be. In the province of Ontario, Ar- bour Day is onlebrated to a limited extent in the soh:col's. This is not sufficient, however. The observan• ce of Arbor Day sborel'd be general, There: is need in -every part of Can r,da for the education send instruc- tion which Arbour Day rep're'sents. The day ahoulcli a observed as a public holiday, et a time mast suit ed to the climatic conditions of the locality. Public recognition should be given to Arbour Day, and the planting and protection of shade trees, the preparati'on• of flower and vegetable gardens, andthe thorough cleaning up of homes and surround ings should be advoeated as special duties for the day. Arbor Day has its fusti>5oation in the value of trees, from what. ever point of view they may be considered, Nothing contributes so much to make the world apleas ant place to live in as trees. The true home feeling in not satisfied without the presence of the trees, with their shelter and shade, their beauty of form and leaf, their bloss om and fruit, their varying shades with the passing of the seasons, and their fulness of Dolour in the autumn day3. They also afford homes and shelter for our feathered friends - the birds, during their annual visits to us. There is nothing which will add beauty and value to aborne or the schoolhouse more than the presen- ce of trees; there is likewise noth- ing which adds more to the com- fort of the pedestrian than shade trees on the roadside. The. way may be long and dusty, but under the cool shade of the trees relief is found. It is to be b.oped, therefore, that the celebration of Arbonr Day will become more general ; ,that the planting and care of trees and shrubs around schoolhouses, homes Public spaces and by roadsides may have the effect of developing a ke ener appreciation of the value and beatty of trees ; and that in thus enlarging the field of Arbour Dav activities, greater interest may be created in the protection of our Canadian forests from the reckless destruction by fire and the axe with whioh they are threatened. "It wasn't an Ontario editor, but a printer's• devil, who wasgoing through his first experience of malting up forms. The paper was late and the boy got the galleys mixed. The first part of the obituary notice had been put in the forms and the next handful of type mine off the galley describing' irrecent'fire. It read like this: • „The pall bearers lowered the body to the grave and as it was consigned to the flames there were few if any regrets for the old wreck had been an eyesore to the town for years. Of course, there was individual loss, but that was fully eoverecd by inurauce." The widow thinks the editor wrote the obituary that way because the lament- ed partner of her joy and sorrows owed one subserip,tion,—Selected, Fencin OE,n.SoAc_ - No.$ 1 75^ g 5 n rt n a t.0,0 w..¢14,q,0,4e,''.4444:4404 14116.4 r.44:4.rnunf •Y'AiYX1au6N The government has imposed a heavy war tax on wire fencing. We were lucky and had a car of IDEAL FENCING1' shipped before the tax otlmno into force and we will Sell it at the old Price while the car Iasts. First comers reap the benefit. No. 9 'G/fs.,✓F�,n,v..**kltr.,k�nts7,,�i¢iG.�/�(..w..,.......s,.(�..�:r o�.?r.�..ti.i.�.�,+faf�✓;–w. e. I-IARTLEI ` * zki -1 HUROP'S.LARCIEST COMBINATION Y STOII%E v=rte tut ..C1 tual.h ,,; "a . ,'rA;4....: T;.:fisJ.le; »:n... m.:ix si ?,tF .. J$J. ice' is n a Basi fess ern. ef Ilii *' and ale. torisio -A Sale that is, not meant to ii -ika money but to make friends Below we quote a few of the prices that have astonished all who have seen the goods: Mens' Dress Shirts, reg $1.00 for 50c House Dresses, regi car $1.25 for 75c Ladies' Wrappers; reg $1.25 for 75c Black Serge Dress Skirts Regular $6.00 for $4.00 LOOK Ui? YOUR LABEL `Cake a look at the label this week. We have corrected our subscription list, up to.Apr 14th and those who have paid their subscription account during the past several weeks - should find that thecorrection of date has been made. If you find that the label does not read as ib should call at. the office or write us and -we will see that the correction is made. And by the way, there area felt' who have nob bald any change made in their label in some .time, Those subeer'ip- tions should be paid at once, 4f 3.00 for 1.50 Remnants Dress Goods at Bargains There are many unadvertised Bargains equally as good. 61 Zurich ammearameatimaramosignam The Keystone one -wheel Tongue Truck For Harvesting and seeding Machinery The truck is gnaranteed to give satisfaction. ,It is easy on the horses necks, a comfort to horses as well as the driver, A conven- ience that every farmer should have for his implements. Let us show you sample, Many now in use in this section, LOUIS POWER WASH NIG Au G S operated by GASOLENE In difererit sizes, 3, 2 and 3 tub, Just what you have been looking for. Why not,save your wife or housekeeper some of the hared Tabor by adopting improved inetl.iorts Oall tend tee t achin in operation, ZU IcIx