Zurich Herald, 1923-12-13, Page 4ra 414 •F Z Y?4'I 1'R RA. ' HERALD PRINTING oPI iCE ADVERTISIN at RATES . rood Wednesday n oon frora;..the iNdlleieriPtion 'Terms; $1,25 per year Its advance ; $t00 may he charged if scot's° paid, D. S•: aubseriuti•+ bbl 11.75• strictly isn ,advance, No paper ;discontinued until all ar- rt.airsa are paid unless at the option •X, the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid em denoted on the label. iiseelianeoias articles of not dlikeie than five Tines, For Sale, To '*eat, or *mated, Lost, Found, etc., -leash insertion 25a. Address all communications to Display Advertising -Made known i>5er application. -Stray .Animals—One insertion 50e Video lima rtio,ns-.$1,00. Poria or Real Estate far sales 'tor first month, $1 or, each sub- quent insertion. teselessional Cards not exceeding 4 stitch, $5 per year: es., reading matter, 10c a line for -Card of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50a. Local and Legal advertising not- Itiraat insertion and 5c per line for teach subsequent insertion. AUCTION SALES -'$2 . per single arertionn if.ebot over line inches in length. iBtfeetive after Jan. let. 1920 THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT. • LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) *otter 35 kgs ?..:. p.. 45-65 Thickens, 5 -lbs, "'" s .:1;i 'lsckens, 4 -lbs. 12 'dfhder 4-1b$ 9 *Mick, light breeds ... ... ......... 7 teems 5-1b. 12 4117INVs, 4 -lbs. 18 liens under 4 lbs ., --4 • ,i3+xcks ,. 11 eirtseltereeeeee ya _._ 8 dilleried apples per lb. ... ... 7c betels Setts, per lb, e. Ishtatoe.s per bag .. 95 '41Plteat per bushel ... .... ... ..... 35 'Barley 55 -j cl wheat ...65 'Oats 40 dour per cwt. ... .. 3;00-3,75 $011ortsp er ton 30,00 *ran per ton 25,00 725 16 itrav The season for moose hunting '1pened in New, Brunswick October Wit, and the chief game warden ex- cts one of the best seasons' in the tory of the province. Game is **ported plentiful in all sections. The drydock at St. John, New nswiek, is now an accomplished ark. It was opened October 29th. e largest drydock in North Amer - it is capable of accommodating be largest ships of the British Navy. E.peaking, in London, England, on tober 19th, Sir Lomer Gouin, anadian Minter oe Justice, stated t Canada's exports per capita mere three times more than those ;ab1 the. United States and her imports er capita four times more. The 'stish Empire was Canada's second west customer. There are more telephones in Can- arde per 100 population than in any 'esehee country except the United 4Ethies :.cis I:, :tr esti in a zeresie Issued by the Dominion Burezp of Statistics, in which the proportion lief telephone lasers per 100 population la set at 10.68. A diseetch :iron London states that a number of cattle from the errietee of Wake ranch 'was included lila z lar re c t''dhe ere of eg nneian mottle which reached Cardiff , ccently, 'liege appeared to 'be a keen dee-land tearthe consignment and 150 head Were despatched to Norfolk fanners, Itly special. . -cin. i tDlleznbers of the Bread and Cake 12akera' Association of Canada, at the closing session of their Toronto 'tenventioe, pledged subscriptions totalling $16,000 towards the launch+. Beg of a permanent institute of bak. tog, in connection with the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. It is «expected that tree school will be Opened early in 1924. Oaeadian Pacific Railway figures octavo remaekabls increases in the ahipme:nt of geale for the ten week days presetting and including Octo- ;ter 18th, this year, as • compared with 1t22. leering the ten days there -"�overe loaded for shipment over the whole system a total Of 16,195 cars, 14 the rate of 2;3501000 bushels a «slay, in comparison with 12,000 cars colt 1,1.53,000 bushels a day last year. It is ezpeeted that by the end of the present month trackeaying on the branch of the Canadian Pacific trameng fent IC,ipawa to the Gov- Seste tent dam on the De Quinze Deafer, a distance of 09 miles, witb as 'spur from Gaboury to Ville Marie, as distance of as mics, will be toms eted grid that by the end Of Nevem. Let the whole line will be ready for saeeitatioe, PORN Thiel -At Zurich, on 'Deeennb'er 10, to Mr. and Meel. Fred Thiel, a sort. x Overholt—At Sauble Line, Hey Township. o.n. December, let. to Mr. and Mre. Melvin Overholt, a eon, Prouty—At Stephen Tp. on Nov- ember 30th, to Mie and Mrs, Cl- ifton Prouty, . a son. DRYSDALE. The it arria,g, s took, place at Dry- .sdele R. 0 Church' an November 27th, of Miss Theresa'. Meidinger, daughter of , here. A. Brisson, and Mr. Dennis Ducharme, son of Mrs, P. Duc:harme, i3ron'son Line, Rev, Father A A. Rondott performed the ceremony. On Sunday afternoon, Decem- ber 2nd, the Sodality of the Bles- sed Virgin, had its annual meeting find election ,at which the following officers were elected;—President, Mise; Eugenie Denornme; list. Vice - Pres., Sara ,Ducharme; 2nd Vice- Pres. Mathilde Papineau; Secretary Dora Denomme; Treasurer, Gertr- ude Ducharme; Sacristiner, Misses Elnelie Denman*, Dora L)enontlue,. and. Irene ,Corriveau. Bearers;— Lauvetta Denorre a and Mathilde Papineau; Advisers—Misses Cec- ile Laporte, Euuna Etue, Albin•a Ducharme, Anna Geoffrey, Germ- aine. Massa; Nora Geoffrey; Choir Leader and Organist, Miss Lena Denontnie; the fo lowing composing the f';hoiz+;— Misses :Dora Denomme Eugenie Denomrne, Beatrice Den- °name, Mathilda Papineau, Gertr- ude 'Dueharixve; Blanche Rau, Rita Geoffrey, Cecile Laporte, Dorothee Bedard, Agnea Meidinger, ,Cecilia Laporte. On the feast of the Inn. maculate Conception of the Bles- sed Virgin, new members were re- beived, and thestatue of the Im- maculate Virgin wee carried around the church in procession, all sing-. ing Her praise.—Dora Denomnie, Secretary. DASHWOOD. Mrs. Jacob England of Thedford visited with relatives here last we- ek. Messrs. Wilbur Graybiel of Wo- odstock, Oliver and Miss Beatrice of Toronto, attended the funeral of their grandmother, the late Mrs. Graybiel on Sunday: Mr. E Beaver and sister, Mrs. Wm. Snell are attending the funeral of a relative in Hespler this week. Miss E. Guenther entertained a nnumber of friends at her home on Monday Everting. Mr. and Masi CL.Frite and fam- ily of Zurich were in town on Sun- da • A number of our people are at:tending- the--:F7vartg'eli'sti,'c lueet'' Ings;going onin tie.Orediton Ev- angelical church, conducted by Rev A. Jordan. The general store of J. 'C;Reid es, Co., are holding a Big Reduction sale of mercliamdise commencing on •Saturday, Dece.rnber 15th, and end ing Saturday; December 29th. This le a real :sale, and the buying pub- lic' cannot afford to let this oppor- tunity ' go' by, es such bargains acs these one only gets once in a long time. Tell your neighbors about it, and bring (them with you, and tel will.: rejoice through these benef- its. SCHOOL REPORT Of S. S. Not. 11, Hay for the month of November. Sr. IV—Mildred lealbfleisch. Jr. IV—Alphonsine Ducharme, Rufus Turnbull. Sr. 11I—Millie :Disjardine, Marie Charrette, Vincent Jeffrey. Jr. III—Precille• :Ducharme, Donn- Ii' -.tui Jeffrey, Dorothy Ducharine, Laura Ending, Urban Ducharme, Sr.—Irene Charrette, Rhinehart Ileckman, Raymond leading, •Clar- ence-sheade. Jr, Ueadrick, ;Gordani Smith, axz A.ihxith, Glarence ICJafzasxibpise; I --Maxim Jeffrey, Laird l'exxdr- ick, 'Arnel Di Jardine. Sr, ;Pinner-- 13ennit. Oharlette, Regis •Duchareze, '.IVIaxie Lefr'amboise Primer—Avila Dueharm'e, Nor- man Saralee, Lucille Jeffrey, Ma- rie Sei:non. V .,Ii. Pepper, teacher HENSAILL Quite a. number from . Iles -lean are attending the cheap lealee go-, ing on et Zurich;, A W. E, Hemphill has purchased a new - Chevrolette 'sedan,. Elva Shaddock` left on Monday on an extended visit with relatives in Chicago, 111. Mos. D. Paisley . and 1>tl,~ dau- ghter of Montreal, are visiting the. 1rnmer'is paruies, Mr. and Mre. E. Rannie for a fewdttyie. n ^ Mr, and Mee Owen Geiger last week attended the funeral of the former's sister, who recently died in Detroit. Roy Weber has purchased h half intereet in the. Creamery bus - Mess operated by :L•t.obt. Higgins. A new place of business has been op`• ened up on Main ,gt. in Mr. Weber's harness shop, • where it will be, muck more convenient fore.�t,e�erm- ere bringing in their produce. A very unexpected death oc- curred at the hotne ,of Mr. and Mre Wan', Glenn, of Usborne, when Sam. Horton, aged 69 'years, suddenly dropped dead,t he cause being het - art failure. - He' was attending . e eociai evening at the Glenn, farm. and had been entertaining the gee este with music from : his =violin he 'suddenly took ill and cued. The death oceured in 'Hensel! on Tuesday last of Andrew Morrison; izy his 56th year at the White of hie sister, Mrs. A. Swann, The, deceaas ed ha dbeen in poor health.'for a number of years and the end4bame not unexpected. The ninefilwais held on Wednesday at 2 pe ronin the home of A. ,Swan;; internier 1 ing made in McTaggart's e,.rc..t- ery. CREDITON Miss Matilda Oestreicher•has be- enl forced to retire front her school through illness. ' Paris Anderson and fancily, have moved from our :village 'to Ailsa .Craig to reside with Mrs. 'Ander- son's- parents being quite ' ill. - Mrs. Chest Zwicker and ,.siozr Gerald, attended the funeral. ol" Mrs. Witzei at New Hapsburg, Mrs Witzel was formerly the widow of the late Henry Wing 'storekeeper at Shipka. 0 Great interest is being taken, in the Evangelistic Meetings 41. held in •the Evangelical Maur %h- iti:'h rare being cendueted Jordan of Elgin, Ill. Many new con' its are being made and many renewing their volts in keeping up the Master's work. . EXETER • Harry McArthur, accountant at the . Bank of C'onztnerce ,here, has been, given a'• leave of 'absence from duty owing to ill health. L. D. Fultonof the Boundary rented the residence of Frank Delbridge on Union A. and moved to• town. . T. R. Ferguson, accountant et the Moisons Bank here for feta-Ye- ars, ear years, received word of his transfer to the St. Thomas 'branch Re has been interested in all kinds cf sports, being an enthusiastic ' sup- porter of hock and baseball' and was de ^good bowler Winninermuiy prizes. Rev. J. A. Turnbull died i t Tor- onto on Nov. 26th after a. brief nese at the age of 70 ye:i rs, born near Exeter, ' he graduated gee, sil- ver medalist in arts in Toronto Un- iversity, at the age of 25. He pre- ached in Goderieh, St. Marys,' and Toronto. Your Christmas Suit Will look better Will fit better Will feel better Will wear better If you get it at Wuerth's. We are very busy reeneern with Christmas orders of course-, but not too busy to show you our swell Suitin's and Over- coatings, and take YOUR orderfor a Christ- mas outfit. 11 YOU CON COMM HERE TiO1VIORROWn DO, SO, AND MAKE A snixCT ION EARLY, TF YOU CAN'T COME TO -MORROW, COME AS SOON AS YOU CAN, AND WE WILL D0 OU.R BEST TO GET YOUR SitTle' OR COAT READY FOR 'CHRZSTMA,S, WE 'ALSO D6 DR zLE ., I C` AN NG, PRESSING AND R`!J'P.c1l~II:TNq. YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK E. E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich ed es ,nth ()geared oz til'' n Thi e d ov t f s Br ee wife day, �' . 26 lz o , A.gxru� u , of Richard Murphy, izr' ter 53r4 year. She lead for man•'Y year be - ens troaablesi with a'stlzxna, but as in .her: usual health .until a.n'ionth ago, When. ''Slee became ill of pleuro .plaeunonia,' and underwent an op- eration, but was unable to etaitd the sl'train of the illness', Another of the aged and reap- eeted residents of Exeter passed ae way on l'ridasy, Nov. 30th; in the -pexreoxu of Eli. Snell, alt the age of 74 years, 2 months. Some five years age hie became afflicted with cancer, grid after Long and pain- ftd , treatment he WAS 'apparently direct of the trouble, Tb add to his trouble he experieneed a fall a 3°ear ago'hihcw laid hi!er upl.. STANLEY TOWNSHIP, Win.- Armstrong is attend- ing the U. R. 0, Convention at Tor onto this week as delegate for the Goshen Club. . Our Schools are preparing for their Xma'S, entertainments. Gosh,. ezv ,school intend having theirs on Thursday, December 20th and Bab- ylon on Friday eve. Dee. 21st. The Goshen, Women's Mes'sionary Society are packing 'a bale of cl- othing. this week, which they are sending to Mrs. Margaret Erratt at Edmonton. , Mr.' George Lilley' of Seaforth', called on friends on the Goshen on Sunday. : (; . Mr. and. Mrs'. Ed. Lowden of Ham ,ilton lepeht Sunday at the home of the latter's mohter, Mrs. Robinson, • Mr Willie Joh iiston of Babylon Line, has rented his farm to Mid. John Becker for a item of yearsc He initend's having an auction sale in January next, after which he and his mother intend going to Flint.: Mr. John ilIcEwan left for h. s home at Hillsdale, after spending the week with his mother. youn,g `people of this dis- - ere bury practising for a con- cert on. Dee14th in Baird% :school livuse: Mier and Mese, John Scotchmee of the Bornson :were recent visitors to Goderich. Mr. John Watson of the Sauble Line, had a very painful accident Monday onday last, while drawing out scrub trees and 'Btu(mps in clear- ing a piece of land, which will lay him up for some week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Snowden- oeethe Sauble Line motored to St. Themes recently. Edward Hobson of St. Thomas is visiting his uncle, Harold Pen- ale on the Bronson. COUNTY NEW • Forest has laid •a street paves, ment 1200 feet long and 18 feet wide this y.eat'. The new bridge at Verne has been completed and is 'a fine:nriod- ern concrete 'structure. After January`l'st, next the Plark hill Gazette will bpi $2 per year he advance,; instead of the $1.50 as for merle*. Nearlyall the eveeklies are no'w 2$.00 per year. t Everett Lewthwaite, a t 'former manaerg of the Bank of `Montreal at Mitchell, Who pleaded (guilty be fore Police Magistrate Makin tan Stratford on Nov. 27th, -.to -they theft of monies;; from the bank was taken to Mitchell in charge of two con- • stables ,Lethwaite confessed that the 'shortage would amount to a- bout $14,000. t C. Ontario made another clean w- eep in the !sheep awards announ- ced at the International Live St- ock Exposition:, Chicago. Janes • Snell of Clinton, `and Wan. Clarkson of - Weston, cleaned up, in the bre- automobiles about Parkhill and the magistrate thought a lengthy term might have a good effect upoin .op,-.pF... ,. nil rsflan I?eceTnlaer 15th",'` then n Richard Portico of Bruce Comity e beteg.Ttriod for the theft of : tepee teen head of cattle from;es 14I' ax.s.: Malcobri .Bros, of near .Vizi oue%; The (sattle were taken: from the owner% field and !they,hearing that they had been shipped trona Rip- ley station to Buffalo, went over and identified them). Night watchman. Greralle, ,Clinton discovered fire shorty* after f our o'clock, last Thursday morning the News -Record printing office.; and alt once gave the alarm." The firemen poured; water into the i?ires which was upstairs in the istock room, which Will be a total lase, fortunately the linotype was coy.. ered and escaped injury, the lova loss will 'be made ,good by insur- antes. " WSn. Qoz;nieh' of. the Lonond rd - wee charged with having in hits po'sseesioir a ply -mouth. Rock . cock- erel the property of Wr F. Abbott, wait tried before Magistrate C. A. Reid of Goderich; in the Town 'Hale` Exeter, on Saturday last The mag istrate in. •sumniin,g up , said that it ;wee Blear in; his mind that the defence had no tproven to. hie ,sat- faction how the bird had gothe to their possaelsionl, consequently he, ... found that the bird belonged to, Abbott, and he suspended 'sentence on Cornish, who was tp pay the costs which amounted to about $50.. e++++3+++++++++++++++++++++II++'o+++II++3++i++€++II++I++II++++++++++++++1+ + + + Auto Repairing We have made arrangements with the Ford Motor Co. as well as with t Cook Bros. Mensall,''to handle Genuine Ford Parts and always keep a good supply hand. Also. re P air an.. make of car ., .Y Mr. Peter Kroff, mechanic; AGENCY' FOR ALL FARM IMPLEMENTS, PUMPS SOLD Vim REPAIRED ETC., ETC. L. A. Prang, Zurich Ont. ++++++++++.:.+++++++++++++4.40+++++++++++++44++++++* Canada Lu - .. res. World faans us Stars eSehe ELSIE JAN IS (centre JASCHA eleiFETZ. Ott .the. S S."Emyr ess of Russia" P VLOWA on the S,S. `Empress of F MARY PICI(FORD and DOUGLAS FAIRDAMKS at .'Ixaftff. hat the two -fold attraction of Canada's audiences and y i Canada a scenic; and climatic allurements, eslseciall at. Deal, is proving irresistible' to many great concert, theatrical and movie stars is well brought ' yr of photographs reproduced above, which represents some of theartistswont Out visitede'tCo oda. The majority of the originals of these pictures need no inodilctionaCanadians,, Sophie B sluCanada. limit contralto singer, who is shown about to start -her tour of C nadlhe Canadian Sophie Br cifc that brill Whulsor Station, Montreal, made a great hit ever where. , tela Clara utfrom thrleItPacific Xif Brit 'Ik. audiendes. Galli Curd's golden voice has enraptured millions. Elsa Butt internat place the hearts t antis, internationally and gotta known impersonator,. 110t and her Moinrna foregat eyed. with the Mountie et the C. P+ lt. station at Banff and got a big thrill. tach.-lilolt', fanaouss movie v a star,s na e d off duty among n the a T adios , g sat g Ranh, is nad.al on chic subject of Canaidiali erennia►; 1'avlt> a err tz twos on his way to the Orient when he posed for the` Canadlian T'ncific cal'itier'a-man; The perennial nacho Ileife presses her appreciation' of •services rendered aboard the 'Empress of France'. Doug and Mary had the - lime p .time of their'ybung lives holidaying at the Canadian, Pacific hotel at Banff, where the picture reprodticedd•was taken.