Zurich Herald, 1923-11-22, Page 5Page' W Vann O1uum iei,r�a sresoa I ma onuiouumWi, d trti Pt NOM II II mN m� �� imhnnumwuMmowlo '!T►iriX0Fieia y 69STO ttNedi610 AVeeetablel'teiiin aufar h' sifaiiatingtliel'oodby1ielu ' fing_FA_t machsand$welSo, 1°lrAN izS' 011LOPY,' TherebyPmmotingDigest40 „Gheerfufness'andRestCon`.ains, jneither Op!ium,Norphine no IMinerat. 1V oT NAGOTiJ; j . Regime Oldi rgia "Val Owe Sand Arhelh welts 'hag sea Apparmia 8 arkaraleSadit Farm Sad arttrWSIvar liffifrt Rarur _ AbeipfdRemed3'for tonstipaiionaidiiraritoea, and );everiisiwrtess and Loss of SLEEP fan reS.Uttln�titereiYara'�!n �'•. • TaaSimtleo aMPANY. TIM Ca<zvxnu�.G . IF 'i�1oNTREA„ tnolOtfo1'S e s1444.Cl.: Exact Copy of Wrapper. 'For infants and Children. others Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of 111 Use For Over Thirty Y,rs: THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. 1 IP`u' • • 1�a 41'hurglail, November 2200. "$9. 8UStNESS CARDS Proudfoot, Killoran & HOLMES, Baxr&ters, Solicitors, Notaries, Pa hlie, Etc,- Office on the Squat's, Ind door from Hamilton St, God- *rich. Private fends to lean at lowest :rales, Proudfoot, LC, J. L. Killoran D. E, Holmes. air, D:olmes will be in Hensel' on Friday of each week. Andrew F. Hess, TownshipClerk )inner of : marriage licenses, Notary .?ubllc, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- •mobile Insurance, Representing. ixron and Erie 1VIortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trust Co, Zurich, Oatariq. fi i tth r. G. L. L.D.S. (Toronto.) D.D.S4Cliicago), err,,r DiENNITI3T AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY '.WEDNESDAY. bgAIN OFFICE „ -- HENSA.LL• A•U-C-T-1-U-N.E-E-R " OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M, Jones Nat- tonal School of Auctioneering Try, me for Registered Live •Stock; (All Breeds), Terms in keeping With r-^" mens' prices. Choia41 ;aVY 'Milo ler sale, Will sell anything iiraiywhere. Zurich. ' Phone 18-•99 or write, Fop 'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron, In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless as to size or articles to sell. solicit your business; and if not ratistied . will make no charges for Services. •.e:Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. phone 31 r 151. • Zurich' -.Meat MARKET , Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, Highest Cash Price, for Woul(,a CASH FOR -SKINS & BJDES Tuligbluet SL, Reichert ZURICH 1 E L RY r/ 7 ain, in a position to accomo- date all requireinents in the Livery Bine, have Auto for bire. Any- thing 'done`in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 58 Zurich at. S ATKLNSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College Of Dental, Surgeons of Ontario and Of the University of. Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every TUESDAY AND • FRIDAY front 10.00 a.m. untir 5.00 p.m at the Com- mercial House. Main Office at Exeter, Ont., Phone 34. -19 VE POULTRY WANTED taken every day till 3 ()clock p.m. Do Dot feed fowl same morning Wheal brought in. !Highest hest Cash Prices --CASH FOR-- Cream . and Eggs, W. 'O'Brien Phone 04. Zurich :Fall &Winter Deliveries 1923 NTI•i'R•AOZTE LACKWA.NA COAL COKE—Just arrived ear of very high grade Coke -for Ranges and runraces 'SOFT COAL—Now in stock, car of 'ugh grade West 'Virginia . Lump. I3OULETS--1 ow on the way, ear of our ]3oulets for Ranges and Fern- tces. These are Well 1•tnoWn and give good s"atisfaetion ALBERTA COAL—Expect goon, Two Oars of Alberta Coal :,.E ... CCio ltGiCD it OLTI tk :?RO1)li7CE MERCHANT Probe • 'Office 1,0w, Muse 1ej. Vilma:Coal dards, Brock Street, HENSALL ONT. PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN WA RNING Warn1rg as hereby givenn that any' person tampering with or damaging any meter ewnwd by the Zurich hydro Sylenteru ie liable to a heavy fine. ' ZURICH POLICE -TRUSTEES AUTO OWNERS Try our antadreeze for your radiator," ;saves draining every 'ev- ening foor all winter. It is not expensive.—L. A. Prang. -19 LOST On Sat eeday •evening, No vem- ber 10th, between Hillsgreen and Hensall, a single bieast collar with traces: attached. Finder please re- turn to Samuel Walker, R. Et, 1, Zurich, Phone 20-99 Zurich. FOR SALE • A .good Ford Oar at Louis, Pranlg, Zurich' tf-18 WANTED LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR ZURICH And district, to sell the "Old reliable Foothill Nurseries". Spring selling season DOW darting; Lar- gest demand for stock since the war: exclusive territory; Highest commissions; Free equipment; Stone & Wellington, Toronto. t19 STRAYED Unto my premises )about .four weeks ago, three head of young eat tle Owner ,can have same by proving property and paying all expenses Wm. Hey, Babylon Lade Hay Tp, Zurich, P.O. • tf16 WANTED DUTCH •iI+.T'I`S Wto are in' the market CO buy good clean, dry clutch setts, fon which we nay ingueat market pr- ices.—J. r-ices: J. G eseho t Son, Zurich DUTCH SE7' I`S "WANT ED We are in a i esit,bn to • bey. Dutch` Sett onic+im at present•sens_ be dry., cle.iii al.d e•ioci etra.iity, for which we pay the highest mar- ket. prices. --+3 .i'z'atlez, Zurich. f -et NOTICE In future we will operate our cider mill and apple buttercooker every Iucsday and Thursday each week, until .fuathee "notice. Make arrangements by phone to have your work dune F. C..Kalbflciace, Zorich • tfla In renewing your subscriptions fox. your "daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most of them arid„ in some cases can save you as inuch as 50 cents on a single , subscript- ions NOTICE I have taken out License . for Auctioneer for the County of"Hur- on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction. Give the a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. tf-29 James Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone. No. 10-.r33' Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU ARAN'TEEr]) TO STOP THE CHAT- TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tf18 COAL ammo Supply Of Chesnut and d Furnace On Hand Case & Son PHONE 35 HENSALL -17 Dr H H. C d W E N L. P. ,8',, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON t McCormiek block, Zurich, ev-' ery Thursday and Saturday. 40 Main Office .71 1VIr. N, CI, Milliken spent the tx'Qekeand at Stratford. Miss Alice John'son is visiting fr- iends in Kitchener. Miss Mabel ` Procter -ispenit the week -end at Kitchener, Mrs." M. Ayres and family are visiting at Detroit this week. Miss Maida Routledge PN,'spend-, Mg 1t he week with friernde at Dashwood. Mrs.. John Preeetei" who" visited at Kitchener the past :few weeks, has returned home, Mr. Chas, Fritz was out on a duck hunt on Tuesday and cap - tared some, fine 'specimen,. -Misses Mildred Hoffman and Pearl Pfile have taken. 'positions in J, Preeter's General Store'. Mr. 'Con`rad Stock and Mr. Philip Stock of Tavistock were week -end visitors in "town. Mr. " and Mrsl. George Thiel of the 14th eon. 'visited" at Kitchener and other points the past week. Mr and Mrs'. Edl, Challis and faun ily of Detroit, spent Sunday with the lat ter's parents, Mr. and . Mrs. J. Schnell, Mres1, Fritz ahy'1 son Wa"d her brother," Mr. John Freid and hies daughter, Florence; were Tuesday visitors at Listowell. Mr. and Mils'. Ed. Wurin. and dau- ughter Kathleen,. of Markham, vis- ited at the home of Mr: and Mrs John Fuss. . Mr. Wm. Liebold of the. Baby- lon, had a very, good crop of cel- ery 'this. season and made his last. deliveries this week. Mr. T. LL Wurm has taken over the agency of the Parisian Lane- dry-harm anndry-° front Mr. Omar • Denomy, who hes recently left for Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. _John. Gaseko'and family, Mr. and 111rst Jos. Gaischo, were Sunday. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Erb, Bronson Line.. Mr. an,d-Mrs, Wnz,, Finkbeiner and daughter, Miss Hazel of Stratford. Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs( -W. H. Hoffman.. The members: of the Ladies' Aad and Young Ladies Bible. Cass of the Evangelical Ohurch are hold- ing a bazloar in 't he Town Hall, on December 8th. Fite weativo is a -lain making ev- erybody snii'<s these days. The out door work is nearly all completed and a few. week's of this will cer tainly ishorte-i th' winter. Mr. an.d Matra Davis and Irene and. Mr. Charlie Herman all of London, visited 'a. th? home . of 11Ir anal Mrs. Te McAdams,.., Bran son Line, over the .holiday. Mr. John Freid and daughter, Florence, of Toronto; spent the week -end. at the. home of Mr. Chas tile roan :doing the work: Fritz. They being on their away (1)- Slave the posts.clean, dry and to+ Arizonia, where .they . intend. 'to free been 'baser reside in. future. Oinror19 Puffs In Twenty Milli,fi 1rp11G'd Posts Y•;,'tlr yr llriaite Cedar posts mu Soon kie U n` olat;ugixtbie..;-Uoa,l Ter Creosote tree Best Wood 1're,erraatiae,--. alairec'iatraa for Application— Co'ts tease Jess :a Easy to Make, .OQntribrr;tee by utitaari,i Depart east of as -res.: I% l ctrua;,u.) Every you the decay of Amoy posts on Oratarto farms regeires a menace- inent of not less• than twenty million posts This reirair hill of five minims dollars each year could be very great- ly reduced through the use of wood Peeser'vatives. A white cedar post coeLing twenty -'nye rents may last lif- . teen years 10. the natural condition, but treated with creosote it will last thirty years. It should be good busl- ness• to treat all posts, saving ntahey, Poste amcl labor, W:'laite Cedar Posts Soon Unobtain. • Fabler, ;• White cedar posts will soon be ue plied:11 1e. Other woods can be used; .woods •with a reputation for early de- cay, put which can be made very ancient by the creosote treatment, Por instance, soft maple or willow posts will last but four years, in the natusaf condition; treat them with creosote and such will be serviceable for tvvointy. years. It Casts about ctveety cents per post for ,creosote treat:eerie. If the post will last now bre or five times as long, throngs, Ins lag cteoseted, surely the twee'': cent irtl estinorrt is a pz•efii;able o ?, Decay Cansedby Irungi and part rris . Liecay or rut in fence puts is caused byfitngi'and bacteria. Wo.,' cissa •being largely cellulose is_ a good food for bacteria and fusee. and the moist, away trom Lille, C:7,•-• dation just beneath the surgeso o1: Les soli is also suitable to their cso el teen'. -Hence we see the boas i;..ie. • off jest below the surtace cd tile sett ,1 tan which such are set. When a Pln)c is soaked with creosote it bet.nu.:s a poison Medium to the fungi aai,i Wisteria thiat may :atL oil aed alas gtowt als:-greatly retarded.. Coal ter creosote le the most satisfactory l,, „- ervativt, that ae, eke use girl tee farrlis Tea 1,oets to be Li'oatednlas. thoroughly seasoned and .dry lu ahs&X incient creosote, Tee er.,e• lice of serayiaig or brushing on 'u t, oreoboto is not a very profraabie o;it', as the wood,does not absorb ennugh or the preservative to be of rutted use, Row to Get 'lest Results. To "get good results, an open tank with fire place beneath, or other heti t• ing arrangement, should be set up. The coal tar creosote is heated in tae. opentank, and then the posts are tlalri'tersed long enough to permit ri s - ; hith.Lhe hot'oil A'area F l 1 one ena- remeverr•--amt... (set "over: a fireplace makes a cbeces and'efficient tank, if nothing larger is at:hand on the farm. The foell,:tii- ing points should be kept in ivied tty Mr. Harry Y ungblut, who has been vi i. i rig at. Kitch aner and Neto F t.natab,t he oast week, advises ue that he purchased 21 finely bred Shropshire sheep, which he in- tends to use. for breeding peep - trees. tax.-Yurlglalitt has isoern.,.ye- ars ago made. :t decided success in .sheep raising and it is our wiioliru that he will falso oe succees'sful with this flock. WONDERS NEVER CEASE Oue of the representatives of our paper just returned home yes- teeday from Hei salt, after he had registered at the hotel there, he overheard a conversation between four mercantile travelling men. He 33•- ,stated :that this conversation should be of interest to the people of our town] and in this distriet.The travelling men were discussies Zurich, and after giving their vi- Zews about the progress of our dis- trict, J. Preeter'.s store was being fixed up by a gentleman who ap- peared to be a very en;ergeti Mer. chondise man,. He explained tie his three associates. about his visit to: J, Preeter's store • this week He appeared to be very, .excited re- garding the terrific sacrifices 3, Preetev was making on his entire Stock in peeparing for the Big Retiring quit -Business Sale that op ens on Saturday. November 24th .at hie store. This travelling man ex- plained to his a:ssociatees that he actually witnessed the manager of this store marking $18.00 and $23.00 Suits and overcoats, at $11.75. Why gentlemen, he +said: 1 'saw the fin- est line of allwool dress goods that sold for $i00 and 0.25 and ,$1,50, marked 69e, a yrarcl He told us that in his entire experience of fifty, years on the ,road in the mer- ehautile bulginess ha had never in all hie !life witnessed •sdeh-' a bonna- fide slaughter of prices as theism - Eiger, was making. The other trav- elling ` men asked the reason, for it. `Is he busted, or are the creditors after hiin`t But he explained Mr. Preeter was retiring from business. Ile Isidd he (w.�s going to take ,a trip to Zurich before the Sale was over and ge ,ta couple' lief these $10.00 and $23,00 Suits for $11.75, We would advise people for miles and miles and miles around to take act'- vantage of tbivsale .and stook up for future use as see feel that never in the history of this 'community lute a 'sale been p'ttt on for the ben- efit of the ;people. 1'very one is assured: eI a 'sqt are deal by atteri- ding J. Preoter,'s Retiring from bus•. HA TLEfB'S BLOCK,' f,ASl1WOOD ;mesa Salt (a) Heat ' the creosote' to 130' F., and maintain 'for 2 to .,6 hours, ac coidieg,to condition of posts.. (3) Imnierse.the postsln the creo- sote deep enough to 'give a treatment that Will extend •six inches above the ground line after posts are' set in fens. row. (4) Leave the posts ie the -hot oil long enough to permit there to' cool after the .Ire has been drawn. ,(5) . Add mere creosote to the tank to take tee -place of that absorbea. (6) •'Use 'small posts; 4i, inches in'diameter 'and .round are to be pre- ferred. (7) Do not let the:tenperaturc go above 2000 Stevenson, O.A.C., G-uelph. 'Cottage Cheese Easy to intake.. On most farms there is produced consip,erable skimmilk. ' 'It is fed to calves", hogs or chickens, while little thought is given to its value as hu- man food on the farm: One foriri of utilising this valuable food in the household is as cottage cheese, or. Duteli cheese. Cottage cheese contains all of the proteins,,oimilk and a .little fat. It contains . more protein than most cleats and the cost is very slight. Each pound of cottage cheese con- tains about one-fifth of a pound of proteid; most of which Is digestible. Tlris food alone is delictotue and palatable, acid it may be wade more so by adding 'a little sweet,,,or sour cream, salt, chopped onion, anti me yti~a, It may be used in sandwiches and salads, and served with fruite, jellies and mss. As a meat subeti- tute eottago cheese rolls make a pleasing 'dish. Cottage cheese may be made in shy home by permitting the milk to sour naturally until it curdles or clabbers. Cut the curd into line pieces with a knife and „cook slowly over a slow fire, Preferably at the back of the stove, " until the curd .contracts and wheys, off. Remove the whey, wash with to d water l wa i to firm the surd and wash out Some of the acid taste. Place in colander or hang in a cloth sack ''to drain, After cooling and draining it is ready for the table. It re litres no caring. An one who likes game birds to eat, such as quail, grouse and pheas- ant, can have a supply of meat just as good as any of these by raising a few guinea fowls, Guineas hunt their own feed nine tnanths in the year, and are as good as a wateh dog to raise tan alarin when something goes. amiss. It is a hardy hawk that 'will take 'a chicken w'r'en there are gni• neas around. Do not include the common greoib or the ptirplo barberry in your list of shrubs for this season's plantdiig,. Both are a host plant for the wheat rust and tntist not be planted near wheat fields. The 'Tliesherg's or Jap a.nese barberry is, much more satis- factorr 'tor orflgtltlelutal pur'»oaog, If Yor cannot afford a Ford why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sells them REPAIRING Painting Fo: d Car, One ^oat, $15.00, Two Coats .. ... $20.00 'Covering Ford Top Good Material $27.00 1.4 ..ClinKc'tivisto, ... Painting Buggy ,•• ••• X8.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUB1IEi: YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. Zurich +++++++++4'++,4..4. r... •.. f Lumber • Laths ,++++++++++++++++++++4 Bhingles Everything in Combination storm and screen dors made to order' Lumber and BuHding Material Custorn';',Worki'cutfl Erccialty Always in the market for..saw logs a� as t PHONE 69 +++++++++44+4.4444.144.4.4..t.+14 44+44444. XALBF1 ZURICH 4, 3. 4. 411. -'r ✓r WI'IY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM +$11) TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS. 11. 1...1. •1+ We stock our own goods. Our Suits are made by work- manship, second to none. Have only one price for mak- ing Suits, The very best linings pat in. all our garments. We guarantee rsatisfaetion tir money refunded, H. HO KI: 4 .1, 4 - TAILOR AND FUNE t i• I. t' 1 i DAY AND NIGH x ,, -°R :.4...4-4.4. w , '1"."''�' .. + .... 9 MANi RAL DIR CTOR+ Plat,: NE No, 88 1 4*4, + + 4 -h+ + 1 * a ,�1 .41