Zurich Herald, 1923-11-15, Page 8n z a ROI' ITS r nd ITEMS OF LOCAL INTER Larger Turnover, an ecial Ltiducernents the Oash ?er, our Mott,o for. ali ar Winter Trade WE REALIZE THAT THE BUYIV'7G POWER OF OUR CUSTOM- ERS IS NOT AS GEEAI' Ae IN YEARS GONE BY. SO WE WANT TO GIVE YOU LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES IN GOODS CONSIST- ENT WITH QUALITY AND SERVICE, HENCE OUR MOTTO The_ first t hint of cooler Weather stands the prudent housewife hurrying to the Store for watnlei Dress Material, Underwear, Sw- eater Coats, Cashniert and,Nool h,siery, Etc. We are sure You can make a very aatisftt story choice from our display of new Fa11 and Winter Goods Sweater. Coats At remarkable low prices. They come in all wool heavy weight, Pullover oz.+ button 'style, in great array of colors and patterns. Monarch Yarns Again in Stock in 1:;nj• colors. We carry Monarch Down; Dove and Silvertwlst y UNDER V E LENNARDS UNDERWEAR FO #t WOMEN AND CHILD ; ' J This line is giving ext,a satisfac- tion to our customers. It is a gar- raent of part woo, and cotton yarns well made and finished in lee, neck and short sleeve, or no sleeve, as °PLY well as in long sleeve style, Pr- iced from 85c. to ;];1.75 .i ee t,.rent xis OVERCOATS 12 only, New Mens Overcoats to hand. NEWEST STYLE, AT RIGHT PRICES. SEE THEM Celery! Celery! No.I QUALITY FRESH CELERY QPOR SALE, GROWN. "IN OUR X20 WN GARDENS: LARGE .OR, SMALL ORDERS FILLED PROMP- GAS :0 1 rodtice: 'F' a ,`,. 1t .. -- rie SIN Phone 67 Garage -BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are agaiD tndling the I.A. L. b L. Battery IF IN NEED OF A BA`I "FRY BETTER CALL AND SEE US WE 3VIAT E A SATISFACTORY RY ALLOWANCE ON. YOUR Old) ) BAIISERY WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY.OTHER L QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the faun TiT. famous . S. L. Battery - A' COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN- tINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON' HAND NOW IS THE ;TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. • OU1, POLICY IS FIRST HERE, PIi:1ST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG THIS LINE CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXY `ACTYLIN WELDING AND ) ' . BATTERY CHARGING L t wl BATTERY RERAIRING H. Mouseau Zurich 'ooseoce00000sooss0000doz0000m000000000000000co 0 'EVE \JI • t.A And ew Tinsmith Work o O As Ou ° Mechanic •• is -again able to = do all kinds ny._ outside' work; we are' in a position to fill youro 1equx><e- • tl j men. pis in all i, '.nds of even oughxng roofing and general tinsmith work° N(;v TS, THE frIME r10. HAVE THIS WORD DON9i, BEFORE 0 THE COLD leGlT .. i. -;,:. fi (wZI ..il,t +'vEA',i`TiER ,5E 1'S IJ . TIS P i A • TO THAT WE AL'WAYS MAIN- g TAIV". 1o s All A i c1! I 3 of 1 ea11f and Hea . o + Hr'dar. Ahvays o•n hand . 0 ■■■, ■ ■rtr 1r/v" pRE. TER L.r.O+ 00404,06 o ba tll o1►m••i io M + wo40 ! o .. • Mrs, Nicholson is 'srMisttin.g al,e Lanionee this ,reek. ,• ,`i Mr, rind Mre. ,li. F;. Stade' spent:Shop Thanks ;vine .at Deshwoo.d: ST ( c: s ti E L to THE Mise V. iePe be zt attended, ',the, Star) , Star)elbaur--1 raft nuptai's S AT YO U.I SERVICE; :Dashwood on ur Lar 1'ING MIL1 1.1V Mr. aaxd Ml" Sat1,', Kropf sand sonFOR LEY AT y 1r Floyd spent a` few daly^s:lti Kit- ZURJ H cizctnez's . Mr. J, Preetei (skipped 'n >yaa BY toad of clover. seed 'to Toecti tof this weer, Mise ,Anna Deters :and 14Iys gram of: London spent a wiKl? tl lei tch.ene• i .14r. and Mrs, Morris We)aer;t of t3ayfield were Sunday visitp.'s W. Hess; visit to our Showroom will Mx', J. Gellman, Dt: Smith, 1 r, you of tho Latest anti Artistic Sty- ., Mrs. C. V. Smith Sirele ,at God-, , tes we are.,sllciwin ariclx on; Monday, ,; f WE "ARE OFFERING • THE PUB - Mrs. Maggie McCornnclr, a1el son Albert of. Detroit are eisatang IC A SPECIAL DISCOUNT? OF Zurich :friends this week. : e Mrs. Ezra Ieoeliler and .Pa,lnily( <..e7 Per Cent• spent the holiday with her paiepeOe Mr. and lyra sJ O. :Kennel, Blake ..,. ON ALL TRIMMED HATS IN ST- Miss- P art and Miss G4rtie 0;0e,OCK, GET YOURS EARLY. weir left on Saturday for' Detroit who e they intend staying for Miss. Vera V. some time. Siebert Mr. and -Mrs; .Et. W. Stas1r4pf i f ZURICH--ONT. . Kitchener 'spent the holiday at I.he• hoarse of 1'rr. and Mrs, Thomas Johnson: t Mr. Oliver Johnson ' "of Godexicl spent the week -end at the• hoed of his brother, illi. Thomas Jobi sore a era Vs Siebert Our Trimmed ,flats are out of the oi'dinary in richness of ti]mtnino, and Pleasing Style Tuuehes, and a y n. iri convince Mr. Emery Rubs' and friend FOR SALE DEBENTURES asci Hay 'Municipal Telephone Tel - F. Reest of Kitchener, spent thieee eephone System,,. week -end with the former •:per For 'Sae], Debentures amounting ents, Mr. and Mrs!. WT, S' Ruby e to $1184.00 dated. December 1st 1923" Miss .McKenzie, nurse, of Brutes+ ?earing 5% interest per annum.,re- .field, is 'musing at the home of Mr peeyabli in 'ten ectual annual instal - and Mrs, A. F. Hese, who+se lazuli lits of principal and interest. are ill with (scat^let fever, Deb ntures are to provide for Mrs. Jas. Fowlie of Bayfiold, and Tel pt honic System,ex.tens ons. Hay ZVTuilieipal son Lawrence of London, ie,a1 and are guar - Sunday at the hotniEt` of -the foi atiteed by the T'atvn'shipi of. Hay: mer's daughter,. Mis, G. 'Koehler For patticu.i ,, apply to , Mr. and Mee A,. G. Edighoffel F Hess, t ..:. t and Mr. C. Ei1hsr visited with the Treasurer, Hay Tie tatter's daughter, Mrs. Wm. H. Frank, at Waterloo over the ;boll= day. • Miss Lydia Faust visited at Lon- don., Kitchener, Waterloo, and at tended the Ontario Religious .E3 - WANTED Keeper and Matron (Man and ifs) to take charge of the Huron, ueation Council Convention at se. 0cunt`y Hoare and fartn connected ratford. therewith, near Clinton. Applic- 1VIt and Apes. Oscar Miller 'and i.hone, persoiral .preferred, to be soli Lewis of K.itchneer, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. llowald and family of Owen. Sound wr're visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jacob Hwo= alc1 overt he holiday. The Lnthe L"r ie held their first social eel:boring of the season at the heirrn of Mr; and 1VIete. ^y, Klapp,. on Friday evening,. Noe - ember 2nd. Al present report a very Dodi o b tai (I Mr. Frank (z, av Mrs. C. Gray, Miss Queens Richardson of Lon- don, Mt,' Cla cls Ra,vlings Of Tor- onto were Thi }l;:sliving visitors at ;the home of Mea a'11 Mrs. Henry r3rown, 14th s xti, ' Postmaster W. u :Siebert ,advis- es us of the feilowing conditions re,• parcel psi ,4 r:. ''il ; Parcels may now be ;sent Gr^at Britian in nia:de to the undersigned up to December 3rd, 1923. No: Application necessarily ac- cepted.. John. Torrance,.° Inspector County Home, •;Clin,ton, Ont. • lY u ii, and Mrs. Gea.. Thiel are vis- iting friends at Kitchener. e - Mr. and Mist Geo. Thiel and family and Mr. 'end Mrs, Andrew Thiel were Sunday visitors at Lon- don.; . . SCHOOL t REPORT Of Sr S;. Noi. '11., Hay T'ownlship; Nanx:es are in order of merit. ' Sr. IV -Mildred Kalbfleisch. stared at the following Jr. IV -Rufus Turnbull, Alplion- sor ins at the Ininot g rate; -12e. I sine .Duciiarine.• •• , `'cceeding $50.00 I Sr. III -Millie Dis 30e. for insurance:- ren exceeding, $50 Cha'.rrette, VineentJ effrey. Marie and no teiceedie>; $100, beginning . Jr. JIT_ -.p1 ill Ducahrme, bor- on November 15th, 1923. At the :Fall issisti's in Goderich, the' past wee'. John Jardine, char- ged with atf1nt ii'erl rape was sen- ett., Charrette, Reyinond leading, tented to three years in. penitent -'Mary` Widecombe, Clarence Sch-ade :, iary; and ,Jonathan Bently was coli- Jr. II -Ruth Hendrick. Gordon eicted of indecent assault and wale othy Ducharine, Dominique Jeffrey Laura Kedirig. Urbain Ducharme. • Sr. II-Rhinheart Heckman, Ir- ,sentenced to 3 months in .jail. The father of the girl, who ins under. 14 years of age, was brought ate- the way from New ll'nnawick to give evidence ast 0, her age. Master Glenn Ce Walper, sola of nlith, Clarence Lafromboise. I-Arne1 Di jard ne:, Laird -Hendr- ick .Maxim Jeffrey., Sr. Primer -Dennis 'Charrette, Regis Due_haxnie. Jr. Primer Norman Sararas, Av- 'la,Duebarnte, Lucille Jeffrey, Mar - Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walper of the ie Seinem)). village in the hepny and worthy , ;., Teacher, V. I? Pepper recepient of a handsome Certif-'I, irate of Honor, for winning the g1 `' eatest number of points in Si. S(;, No. 7,Hay Township, ' T t ov . 1p, in the Rural' School Fair held at Zurich on Sep- tember 1.9th. The certificate is undersigned by Hon. ,J, S. Martin;.' Minister of Agriculture and by' Mr• S. B Strothers. A;;ricultural Representative of 'Huron County, B rB THOUGHT U GHT 1F0R TODAY. Fllbli Dr1 rtervgNe•d win Prove a The County of Huron M'othea is , Allowance' Board, has been -ie ale i '., Odd hath not ,given u:s the spirit (pointed and is composed :of the of. tear; but of power andorloVo, following; -Co .Clerk Holman of and of a, sound'rli ld.T'iuly 1;7, Goderich, Chairman; Mr. A. Ti Cooper, Clinton;, Secr.etar ; ' 1VXajoa: Godlihess with contentment is Hayes of Seaforth,, Mrs Dr. Pow.- great gain. i.:For we brought noth- ,lelof Clinton Mrs. W A, McKim,;. ing into this world, and it is certain Go 9elich, xneinbere. x111' coiutnurie we cant carry nothing out. And icetions for 'information or.:bktnl?i. having food, and raiment, Flet izs for information or blanks for tf- therewith. be content. -Tiny:. 6'6 x 8. plication should be tirade to . e+--+ i i , chairman or secretary. No ea Behold I stanithe door and ense is nee,:' ssar•y in conrectiou with 'lnloc .; if a,n'y, man ` tri voice, cl applications;" etc., las ;: the Beal. °and open the door, 4T will ne Dice, renders its 'ser'viceis free, , +It i coins id tel ]ilial, and will sup with him, a;ind. Ther Usborna, and Stephen Inn.. he vit'h tile,. Revs 3;2). rot Far.•merie Itnprovernent, Aseoei- ?`-n atton 'in five acre competition on H'°` `tlia,t kali n:a cit over his owners farms for a; X25 trophy eta osvit''spi it sat hke a city that is first prize, to be won three :'yeex bxolecll dei+tvn and lvitla0ut tcvalls, v in. succession, resulted a's fotlpt>e,; Irt' 5; 6' 1st year: won,,,Ab>y Elgin Retecliffll;' 2nd year won :by Harold J'ffit+i 3rd year wont by Oliver Rowclil'le; This year Won: by Victor Je'ffi ey, The other two prizes ore $1and'6 in cash,, won thi's year 'by Dart .Shapton and Milton Luther: The Judge 'grafi• Mr. McLear, .,ct , $ovens, merit judge, Great interest ;; wa 9. taken; by till ,boyis tied, It r,;oOd 4 al.. a h• ard wok WO r on e by thea;;, ,N Thou Opi+n;est thine hand, gntisfiest tItS desire of ever ug taxing e= -P 1. 145;16, Blessed 2e the man that trusteth 5'h tire, Lord, sand whoc,se liope tate Lord la. Jer°, -17;7. 1 Abhor that which'' evil; ily cleat G to that Which le good.--wRo1Yi1 12;9. and liv- rl tr Th,sday, dot The -store with 'tie Liberal Cash -Discount overalaer 15th, 102 ith Winter Comm Brings to Your.. mina the need of A GOOD STOVE' R . We have: gust what you want in e..follolit- ig popular, nal>ras:-=Doherty`, Happy Thal. ught, Harriston and ll cClar'y. Alio a full line of Heaters; good ' have Base .burner heaters g second' hand at a Snap. How about that fiairna,'ee you have been R en thinking of? We hive ' .t The Famous All Oast, Non . Bolted IDEAL FURNACE GOOD SUPPLY OF SHEL;Ii° AND HEAVY HARDWARE AL- WAYS ON HAND. Furniture to Suit your -Needs FOR LIVING ROOM,' DINING ROOM, . BED ROOM, PARLOR OR KITCHEN. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE, MELJeK& BRAUN PHONE 63 To Holders of 1923: THOSE TO THOSE WHO tiv:LS,E Too Ji?f: 'E .` ' . To CONVERT IFT:EI,w^ 1923 'VICTORY BONDS INTO 'IME .NEW DOMINION OF C. ADA REFUNDING .LOAN. •r: EEG' TO . Al.VNOUN,CE'THAT ALL ORDERS FOR THE NEW ISSUE WILL BE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO IF HAND. D TO MB Al'- MARKET PRICE., Orders also taken for fol:owine at market: Iiriceee-. 1924 VICTORY BONDS. 1927 'VICTORY BONDS. 1932 VICTORY BONDS. 1933 VICTORY BONDS. 1934 VICTOR v BONDS, 1937 VICTORY BONDS. Or any issue of the Dominlon•wor Provincial Also Huron & Erie Debentures and Canada anteed mortgage certificates, LET ME HAVE YOUR ORDERS. MY MOTTO; -'SERVICE AND SEFETY• Andrew F. Hess, . Have You MADE: YOUR Governments, Trust Co., guar-,, ( Zurich WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging 1 DR. JOHN !ARD I Am in a position to do am kind. of paper hanging, painting gra t :, l l ng and u•.c i • n caaol.g, Price for hanging •paper, 23c, a role H. Eickmeier,• 1 • ., Zurich .. - tf-37 Chiropractic and Electrical Treal,,d inents.-Eyes Examined Main t i St., EXETER, Phone 40 Consultation and Examination Free. AT WALPER HOUSE, LURK Every Wednesday, 10 aim: to 4p40., ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++e ++++++++++++++t++ HERALpcppjo Do You K ow?: THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE POR: •! THAT WEGOOD PRINTING +i CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINiT.ED WDDDING- INVITATIONS AND I.NNOU N.CEMENI'C +- THA WE S T PRINT CALLING • CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH 4 AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHZ ADS, ENVT•;LOPES AND +t .g. THAT WE ARE AGENTS F013 T () STA 7i MENT L' '.t DflrG MJA.NUFA.OT. - I'MU:RS OF 'COVNTE.It CHECK LOOKS, AND CAN, SUP 4. PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE 01+ cllJcK3ooxs ,. THAT r'WLC CARRY Y 1~ STOCK , ., R NPAPER SI WRITING 1 T.IN( ,. y OP:ES IN ALL SITE 11' P] r R 'ENVEL:. 01 • S CARD PAPERS 'CARBON .OR + TRACING 1 APEII S IIIrPING TATS m' . ArioNER!, NOTE .BOO _ r: • , 30085 N, WQ KS, RI,t.LIt T BOOKS IN ri`WQ SIZES, I,", .., P, ETC•, ETC, THAT WE PILL YOUR. ORDINARY . SIZE I.1'K BCi + WITH GOOD. FOUNTAIN , PEN .TNTC AILD GER QUANTITIES FOR tic: LAc`tC+ y+ Q dIES AT II/GOER nnntr +rt NS •' 8 TDAT WE ?.It.INT 'POSTING SI1LLS A TR1tS MI$ILC'A iThh , AUCTION SALE POS E POSTERS AND ALJ, 'd•,E 'ER.AL ,PRTN'I+TNG OVA SPEG'i14,11C w, •