Zurich Herald, 1923-11-07, Page 5Thursdays .1SiormAber dtb, I92$ BUSINESS CARDS ,Proudlo•ot, 8illaa'an & HOLYIE f. ilarraete`e, 'solicitors, Notaries, Plisilie, Etc, Office on the Square, Ind door, from Hamilton St, God- gxicb. Private funds to lean at jgwest rates. i9ta kroudfoot, K,C, J. L. Killoran E, llalmes, Mr. Holmes will be in ,Hensall on Friday of each week. ,Andrew l+', Hess, Township Clerk Issuer dt marriage licenses, Notary ttblic, Corumissioner, Fire se t ng d Ant- *Mobilo Insurance, Huron and Erie Mortgage Corpora. 11004 The Canada Trust Co. Zurich. Maeda, • "; "til ' van Dr. G. L. Smith L.D.S. (Toronto,) eD.D.%('Chicago) EIZI=.r DENTIST AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNE DA.Y L MAIN OPPICE A.0 C -T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones 'Nat- ional School of Auctioneering. Try fine for Registered Live Stock; (All Breeds). Terms inChkeeoice ypith prevailing prices. farms for :'sale. Wall sell anything anywhere. Zurich. Iphane 18-93 or write, h, Licensed Auctioneer. roIn aAuctloneer fposition to County coof Huron. regardless duct any auction sale, reg yin to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no .charges for services. Dashwood. Weber, Phone 31 r 13. Zurich , Neat IN ARKETs t Fresh and Salt Meats Bokogna Sausages, etc slight*% C4Eh Price for .Wool' 1 CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES rozghlut` Teichere /4I ZURICLIVERY H , I am in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 58 Zurich S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST draduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late ,District Dental Officer, Mil- Itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY 10.00 a.m. until 5.00 pellet the; Com- mercial House. Main Office at Exeter, Ont., Phone 34. LIVE: €POUL.TRY WANTED Waken every day till '3 Oclock p.m. Do not teed fowl same mornings Vahan brought in. 'Highest Cask Prices CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Pholoe 94. Zurielf GOAL Fall &Winter Deliveries 1923 ANTHRACITE LACKW ANA COAL COKE—Just arrived car of very high grade Coke for .Manges and Furnaces SOFT COAL—Now in stock, carer hogs grade West Virginia Lump. ROULETS-Now on the Way, .ear of -our Bonlets for Ranges and Furn-' arses. These are well lnoWn and gyve good satirifletioii '413Eh`;TA COAL—i♦1xpeet soon, Two Oars of Alberjta.Cdaarl•y el 101111. & PRODUCE MERCHANT "'None ' Office 10w. Eotiie lel. Daren&Coa1 'Verde, Brock Street,' H ENSALL.' ONT. r. „,.. PUT YOUR. Wats, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc, Ads IN THIS CQ,LYJMN FOR SALE A good Ford Oar et :a isntaps tf-18 Louie Prang, Zurich' WANTED LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR Z'URIC'H And district, to• sell the ;'Oid reliable Fonthill Nurseries", Spring selling season now starting; Lar- gest demand for stock since the war; exclusive territory; Highest commissions; Free equipment; Stone & Wellington, Toronto. t19 STRAYED Unto my premises 'about four weeks 'ago, three head of young eat tle • Owner can have same by, .proving property and paying ilil expenses .Wm. Hey., Babylon Line Hay Tp,, Zurich, P.O.. tf16 WANTED DUTCH SETTS Wiss are hi the market to buy good clean, dry dutch setts, for which we pay highest market pr- ices,—J. Gascho (k Sou Zurich DUTCH SE'rPS ':LAN's ED We are in a rvsaton to buy. Dutch Sett onions, at present.Must be dry, clean as.d ewer quality, for which we will pay the leg best mar- ket prices. --.1 free tet, Zurich. f -i t NOTICE In future we will operate our cider mill and apple butter cooker every •Tuesday and Thursday each week, until fu_ the. r -notice. flake arrangements by phone to have your • work doue 1?, C`. Kalbfleidc4, ZiAr tlt .tf1,3 ,er RIOFRAlt;.]1 LOCAL NEWS Mrs, J, Preeter is-.'speh;di>pg tx>K week at Kitchenner, Mr, iz)d Mr'i . Meliek were Cr- editor), visitors on Sunday, Mrs, T. Mittleholtz, who visited at Detroit, has retureed home. Miss Vera Siebert made u bee, inees tele to London On Monday'.' Mrs, Annie Bender, who ,spent a t.itrie visiting frinede'heree, returned to Thedford. Barrister D. R. Holmes of God- erich called in the village on bus- iness on Saturday. " Mr. 0..Fritz ship ed a carload 'of Potatoes to Toronto from Hen - sail 'station on Saturday, > S x Batteries est f all Columbia Dat 0 Telephone and Ignitldn work, • Al- ways a fresh' stock;•at W.G. Wee, Canada now occupies the proud and gratifying' position of being is a very large measure the granary of the world. Dr. Woods and Mr, D. E, Woods of Highland Park, Mich.,, were vise itors• at the home of Mr. and Mrst T. L. • W'urm,, a few days last week • The fall assizes at Goderich op- ened on. Tuesday last, with Judge Masten presiding. There were 3 cases for, the grafi d jolly and in tw cases true bills were returned. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eidt of Aegis 'Graig, Mr. and Mrs. Louis &liner ma cher of 14th cont. Flay„ were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr and l_VIrs Louis Kraft'. Stitt more cases of Seaialet fever are breaking out. People, should u ie all vrligence to prevent . this epedernie from ,spreading. Our local Board of Health' are co-op- erating, ,see their Notice elsewhere.. The root crop this year is ,said to be exceptionally good. Mi 11 Castle of , Stanley, Tp., the other day when digging sugar bets un - '0 BY MICE Preventing injury to fruit Trees by field Vermin, k"oisoxiorl (own the Cheapest Method ^--Preparing the Breit—.ijo'w- to Place Jt -•--Bee Colony WVintei' Sup- pliiese--iPoeding Facts —A lic:t'hee:- 4ator di'itlrc?tat Xce. (Contrioutee sv °noo a .locprartmeo of 4grIcuII ora 'i"CPon to.) With " the prising of snow each spring, the destructive bark gnawing ref small rode,,ts is in evidence in loo many orchards. Peeve) the Best and Cheapest Method. Poison offers the best and elaeap- .est method of preventing arouse in- jury. Should there be any evidence 'Of mice before freeze-up, or should there be an abundance of feed and 'Shelter for mice in the youngorchard tl,•rrouge the presence of weeds, seeds, and' fallen fruit, it is advisable to institute a mouse -poisoning campaign ,before sUOW covers the ground. An it cellent poison bait can be prepared as follows Make a clear starch paste by mixing one tablespoon full 'en gloss starch in 'one-half cup of curd water, and stir this mixture Into a" pint of boiling water; then mix one 'Mince of strychnine sulphate with one ounce of -baking soda, and stir shrto the starch until a smooth ni.,ss h formed, thea stir hi one-half ctn.) caS 'heavy corn syrup and a table- rpoonful of glycerine. Apply this mix - ire to 40 pounds of clean wheat ,..ed mix thoroughly to coat each k=ai- iel. Put the poisoned ,grain i t a ,4trong papersack then bu:n the .time yo!u used for stirring and scald erns vessel, being careful where tee wa„:a watt goes. 'Where to Place the Poisoned Grein. -The poisoned grain can les 111.,o.' 1 in:: containers of some sort such ; as tier cans, or open -.necked betties• lUnall drain tiles and such like. Teese containers can then bo placed ret: any likely place where ti.i.re is earthed an uniisaally`1are pne and: pkotection or near the trunk ?i r.!:+ g tree. With the poisoned gruff is .1 putting it on the 'scales it weighed container so placed as to be iho.cc.;,i 14 pounds. from rain or standing water, it will always be on d'.tty should a hnner' The' 50 -acre farm being east half bark -eating mouse approacu a tre lot five, con!. 17. Hay T.ownship,and' The container with any unused. pee the estate of the late Fred Heck oned grain 'sleeted bee taken rep a.: 1 man, has recently been sold to Mr, p,_; • .. .i harm's way gas soca as t.: Henry- .7, Becker who ha's' already mouse danger is over in the e _.'l; -�— passeesioii FOR SALE For quick sale, a Waterloo sep- arator with cutter 36x48 ine. In exeefent•eondition. Formerly ow ned by Jas. Overholt.- Must • be surd. at once --A' real Bargai.1tFoe further particulars and terms ap- ply to J. Preeter, F.. C. Kalbfleiseh R. F. Stage., Zurich, Ont. In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most of them and in some cases can save you as inuch as 50 cents on a single subscript- ion, NOTICE I have taken out License for Auctioneer for the County of'Hur- on, and • sire in a position to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. '0-29 James Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-43 IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Alice Amy Wilson, beloved wife of Mr. Andrew Price, who passed away one year ago, November 91h, 1922. A light is from our household gone .A. voice we loved is stilled, A' place is •vac':int in our home • Which never can be filled, Her loving Husbane::c Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU- ARANTEED TO ST' OP THE CHAT- TERING OF BANDS.' Sold By L. A, PRANG, Zurich: t118 COAL Supply Of Chesnut and Furnace spring. Put ' ae poison label Ian -" on9ugh for, all liunians to see en ell The regu'ar•monthly meeting of poiboe grape. Beeks. When tee sa 1.a the Women's Insti lite will be held are empty burn them. Beep on Wednesday ey,ring, November Poisons, out of the reach of children lith in their new quarters in theMe read animals. -L. Stevenson. 0. A. le, •Coi'iniek blue:., where Dr., -Cowen; Guelph, hes his den`.,tl o'fics.• This will be the first meeting in the new rooms; and a apec':11 good program, :es prepared, and all ladies ere requ- ested to be present. SHORT COURSES= -T tn. Agriculture and Hoene Econoiu- ics The- Department of Agriculture is completing arrangements forthe short courses to be Mild inExeter Nov. 231h, Feb.Mr. E. • le Wt dmaee'who is with the Depart - teen!: et present has been in the district the past week and reports prospects are excellent. • It is hoped eo have the Hon} J. S. Marlin, B. A., Minister of Agric- ultural for Ontario, attend a meet- ing sometime previous to the open- ing of the course. Announcem- ent well be made through the press when definite arrangements have been made. These short courses offer a ,yp- lcnctid opportunity to the young men and women of the farm, who wish to improve their educational standing. Calanders giving an out line of the course are being prep- ared rep-at' d and will be ready for distrib ulion by the end of the week. The Department of Agriculture' will be glad to send you a copy,. $. B. STRU:THERS, Dept. of Ag- riculture, Clinton, Ont. BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leitch have re d from Detroit. • E. Merner, who has been work- ing in Detroit, the past stunmer, has returned home. Robert Penhale left on a; trip to the Northwest' taking al shipment of apples and .honey. There was a special, cihidren'h service at Trinity church on Sun- day morning. Thursday evening Nov. 8th,there will be a fowl supper in the town hall, under the alispices'of theL!ad- ies' Aid of St. Andrew's church(. The main art of the programme will be given, by Crediton Male Quartette, assisted by local talent. There passed away Mrs. Sarah Towette, of Jowett's Grove, Bayfi- old' relict of the elate Thomas R. Jowett, in the 88th year of age, , The funeral was held on Thursday On -Hand afternodn of last week to. the Bay- field cemetery. 'Deceased was Case & Sonborn in'Goderich Tp. and was the daughter of Chas. Middleton, who PHONE 35 HENSALL -719 were the first settlers among the early pioneers: of the townshire - She wale first inarried to C. Robson who died earl, iin elife and resided Dr" H. H. C Q W E N oil the Bayfield line, and iafterw- and married Thee. R. Jowett, of reverend mewmory„ who predee-. ,eased her about 13 years ago, when, they removed to her late beautiful home, a ,veritable portions of eat ure's paradise widely and favor- ably, known ae Jowett's G rove.Dur- ing life deceased was u constant cnmmuiievnt of the Anglican EiAft'1'Ll1tI3'S BLOCK, DASt1WOOU cho'ch. L. D. S:, D. 7). S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick Block,, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday. Mains Office Bee Colony Requires 40 Pounds of Stores. Success 'In 'wintering bees : depends -u •n (1) the strength .cif the oaken, ) the quantity and quality of wan- ,eie stores, and (3) the temper etii and humidity of the air in the cellar. Every colony must possess au aborad• ance of young bees. If some leo failed to rear sufficient bees in th Sall they should be united with eacii other until colonies of the requisite strength are obtained, It is useless to put away weak colonies in the fall and ;expect to take out worth while colonies in the spring. ' Equally'lmportant is the quantity and quality ,of stores, To be on the safe side every cislonyshould have 40 pounds of stores, either white honey or sugar -syrup. On an average beeswinteredon natural honey lost twice as sleepily as those wintered on sugar syrup. Given strong .colonies with good stores, there is yet required to insure perfect wintering a good bee cellar. Usually a cellar under a ,house Is used . and if the temperature in it does hot run below 36 degrees F. or above 45 degrees F, and it is neither top a damp not too dry, .good results are -,obtained. Plenty of ventilation. will ,relieve either an excess of mois- ture or, an extreme of dryness, In addition, the part of the cellar re- served for bees must be always dark and Must never be subject to jars and such disturbances. • Feeding Facts. Silage is indispensable for cheap milk "production., It is a succulent feed. The hay should be a legume such as clover or alfalfa. $ila•ge and alfalfa or clover hay are the+,`,,best and cheapest" roughages. Feed all the roughage a cow will clean, up. Choose grain mixture to balance clasp of roughage available. Breed . grain in accordance' to milk yield "of each cow. Fort Holsteins or Ayrshires feed one pound grain for each four pounds milk. For Guernsey or Jersey's feed one pound grain for each three pounds mills. • t71Ve access' to salt daily. Feed and milk regularly. Supply an abundance of pure, fresh Water at all times. Ills -Refrigerator Requires No Ice. A refrigerator that will keep food .products at a temperature of 65 de- grees[l.+'ahreiiheit can be made easily at lenses It consists of an open. framework of shelving around which is tacked canton flannel, burlap, or ,someaitnilar material, which is kept motet; T, he evaporation of the mois- ture holds the temperature down. A aeries of w1cka, or strips of cloth, extpedieg from a pan of water on top of the refrigerator to the covering of the rofrigerator, provide the mois- ture., Such a refrigerator should be kept in t.he.• shade where there is a good euenetkt of ate'. The • potato grower lobo gives thought to labor, seed, and fertilizer t� taeltiing the potato problem in the rig t Zak , Seed's, Tike talks', like a good bed, Prepare it well and make more �o�l�l�I��ris sw.s L:.,. enummume` mei T e imuiumwuoume ulmumnoo aaem�uumme m Ne - a !I INI; U' 11111 IIIm1IA 1!,���-'sa +i�l ,^� ��;=�s iiinmgitthaet iSn figofurl m b'os o u dn dbyw• i•� wet teal slap- ,Io ,1:, AVedet(4lePre artratfoM, idIiteititer Opiuu,Morphine ao'1 -,1 IIILDKET0a Ie ,o flexesyPxom0 inia¢StiITelleoetaryooriP•oac9tMedind� CheerfulnesSa11RestCostain i eMIiinefPmraoli.OYdODre're:s11�C1OciaTi; cpf�ddr�'aardrt is:ialTlass ar Senna Alielpful1emedyfor GuahnSdpFeverisluiessra dea6 Loss OF SLEEP "t¢sliitifl$ther'e�fro�•w-�i �' ac•5imile TuE CONTAUR COMPANY MONTRLAL+p'Q Ate o'roonthsod. prrs 35 DasEs_ 4 U Exact Copy of Wrapper. For .Infants and Children,. Mothers hers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use for Over Thirty Years CASTORS THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. If Yor cannot afford a Ford why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sells them REPAIR11NG Taunting Ford Car, One '''oat, $15.00, Two Coats ..- $20.00 iCovering Ford Top Good. Material -.. ---•.. $27.00 Changing Ford. Curtains to open with Doors Paintitto 13uy IF 7011 WAA'T�Sf;ftVTCE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBI3ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. leikiesanease :,F1 M. Fess & e. $5.00 Zurich *Lumber Laths Shingles � 4� Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order" I Lumber and Building Material Cuoslcm`,Wors 'curl FeckaJIy fAlways l. w logs I1 the market for saw 444 i F. 0. KALBFLEISC I PHONE 69 ZURICH I • r++++ f' +44 '+t ++++++�4.4.4.;- • _ ++++++++++++++++++++++++4.4 + +—+ + + + + + + +—+ + + + + + + + +-' N,4.00K+ E 'Five Good ,Reasons +WHY WE, CAN SELL SUITS FROM 1$10 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS. 1: We stock' our own goods. +2. Our Suits are made by,..z.921.:- 1 + manship, second to none. +3. Have only one price for utak-'•;E + ing Suits. +4. The very best linings put in • all our garments: � e 5. We guarantee ,satisfaction or t money refunded, • 1 H. HOFFMAN t. 4.TAILOR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR """"' DAY AND .NIGf[ T PHOUNE No. 88 ► +- :- —+^-+ ^i, '^ .g.w-'t+r^-'H�--+--+--4 '-4 '-+.:.. t,.,.`+ ,1,.....+_ .'+—+ f,�. el a t 4.7