Zurich Herald, 1923-10-25, Page 4A
Its lovine memory Of our der- ge
Aifl' daughter; •Leriessee Illatchinson vet evl
'IoeValti, wit° departed this Begone ilerbeutiledeet.certnn001)4
,ear ago to -day, October 24th,192e1
ved,Only immedie
eseeee will be thy rest, dear Leuise Were present, Tile happy ootipte
ewt,,pt.. to breathe thy eaten' left COX' a trip to Toronto, Niagara
ltrt nre, W loved ,you, dearly, 'alle and cithee pointe, M d
In death woe do the same
Vhe incion and stare are shilling
4bn a lone and sileent grave,
ieneath •Hee ane we alwayelo vcd
'But Whom vve could not eave,
'There are sonie who always linger
the spot
ember 5th. at a o'clock, penewhen
where you are laid
Mr. Albert E, Geeenlaw, Detroit,
'Who will often gather flowere
, elieh„ will sing. Hi: irs a remark-
Mrs. Donnie will reelde at Chee-
ley where Mr, Doinm le a peosp-
era f erniture mart if act twee.
The eveent •of a lifetime is in
sto for you at a Fue Town Hall,
Crediton, on the eveeing of Nov -
tie grave th, Clues
A. precious, one from •usi has gone
A. voice we flow* is still,
placce is vacant in our heart
'That never can be filled.
Sedle missed by parents, sisters
And Brothers.
Mrs. john, McA.sh of Varna was
taken suddenly ill last Saturday,
eelth appenclicitia, she was taken to
.4101Inton Hospital and operated ou,
Saturday night by Drs. Gandier and
Little Dorothy Peck, daughter
eel Mr. Bert Peck, who was strieken
ewith Infantile Paralysis some time
sego. *We are pleased to state is
binproving nicely and is able to
lealle, around again.
Rev..De Witt 0Cousens of Luck -
able baritone soloist whose eroe
for volume, range, style, , shading.
The Monster Valid Supper held
in the Evangelical church property
oa Thesday eveniug', last, was in
every way a decided suceeas. The
,•ve•ather being fine for the Oceae-
ioe, consequently an immense er-
°eel was preemie The •proceeds
amounting to around $500. A fine
program was rendered which Com-
manded attention,
interpreetation enuclation• chef-
acterizea him as a rare artist and
he will sing to an e verflowind•audie
mice. Els numbers will be inter-
spersed With re.a.dings,, orations, di-
alogues, plays, addresses by the
•best of tlient, Monier Rodeheaveir
says of Mr, •Greenlaw that he sings
with outetanding. ability. Hiaeel-
ections are full of soul and sr
_. and heert power. All who.
`low took the serviees on I, erne. ea- • have heard him are enthurea.she
wait on. Sunday last and preached
very • fine sermons, .The pastor,
Rev. 1. Durrant was taking. annei-
easary serviceds at Ashfield,
• Mr. Calvin Dewsoe, who spent
Sit week on Goshen, returned last -we
ek to his home iu Seaforth,
• .
T-Iarvest Home services wore
eheld in the Varna Anglian church
• east Sunday.
Mr. Richard Robinson is loading
letiother ear of apples for the Weal
•ethis week, •
Mr, Boy 'Scotchinere and Lloyd
•Vgakins motored to Stratford rec-
seutly. •
Mr, Henry Rau has been busy
%eying a carload of beans,•
praise of him and will waetsto, hear
him at • every Opportunity, Best of
all his fine christiail &eta Cter f ter -
rashes the •I indespensible
ground to his sotel uplifting prod -
:actions. Don't miss him e Atha-
eesion—Adults 313c, Children ten and
Under 25c: . • .
A dispersion sale elf Shorthorns
fettle and Leicester sheep twill. be
held at Maple Lodge Farm, 2nsa
con, of McGillivray on Friday 0e-
tober 2t6h,
The 13th annual convention of
Mrs. Nicholson of the Sauble Inc the Exeter and Usborne Sunday
es at present is Seaforth seriously
Mr, Woe Talbot attended the pl-
wing match at WoodstOck. last
Rev, and Mrs. W. Y. Dreeier
School Assoc:. met Tuesday Oct. 111
in Thames Rd. Presby. church, with
the president J. W. Skinner in the
chair, The delegates were wel-
comed by the pastor, ;Rees 0.
ley, who coiaducted the 'opening
Burly Hodgins of Biddulph who.
ie '4 U1CH BEflI4e
and ot• the
ere oppeelt-
the villeee will
forte, sea Wal-
e, distributing
will commence iu
. '
Mr, and Mee. Bee Eisler, ad son
Mrs, W. Schroeder and son, mot-
ored from Michigan and vieited Mr.
and Mrs,. Wie, Kuntz,
The Womens" Institute of Exete
er packing a barrel of fruit to
be sent to the Sick Ceildree's Shel-
ter in Goaerich,
Rev, W, E. Donnelly coeclucted
anniversary services PtStanley
on Sunday last,
An Exeter man hes bought a horn
for his wife to aseests her whilo she
drives the -family or ,froiniebe been
seat. .,
Wire. John
Moir met with a mis-
fortune on Tuesday last when,she
fell and fractured tier coller bone.
She was walking across the- kit-
chen floor when ebe caught her .
Loot in a rug „ ands fell,
The.funeral took place on Thurs-
day Oct. 11th of the infant son of
Mr, and Jolene Tieebeer, of ilee
Tp, who died (Tuesdays, aged
inonths, The little fellow had eeen
ill only a few days, „
t .with aielte eual
Sohn. pedlar me u
accident on IVIonclay last when he
fell from his bicycle and was ren-
dered unconscietie. Althongh woll
up in years, he es a bicycle enthus , ool Fair • Grant 10:00; Grand Bend
last and usually rides ,whebehe coin ' School Fair e•rant 20.00; Creditor' e
ell members wore present, The
tuiputes of the previous meeting
•were read and adopted.,
• The Counell resolved itself in-
to a court of „Revision for the pur-
poee ot hearing lied determining
ally appeals • legidest "The Shipita
Menieipal Drain' , • Alter oa.eh
rnember siebscrihed and took the
oath of office, one appeal was
considered and the Engineer's re-
port was sustained and the appeal
dismissed, Dis Motioe of Sweitzer
and Snell, the court was declared
closed, ;
The Council then resumed for
meipal businese,
• The Build oi Thomas Trevethiek,
Tax Collector, be accepted as read
and filed in the Ceeeles Office,
Czar Wilson was awarded the
coetrect for digging' and plaeing
tile in that portion Of The Shipka
Municipal Drain from Stake 0 to
stake 28 plus 20 and the Tap drain
fronestake 0 to ,staket 6; as per pl
ane and specifications prepared by
Ge A. MsCubbin, tat 65c. a
red. The council to tarnish tile
and lay the same on the course of
• i
the drain and Mien. the exciesat on,
The Clerk be also instructed -to e'en
for tenders for the ' conetruction of
the open drain to be received up to
enenday, Oct, 15th at .8
The following orders were pasea
• Ge A. IVIsCublen,: survey re... Sh-
/like Drain $150.04; H. Either; By,.
exte .and•-peietieg • re Shipka Deere
• 76.00e H, Either; •Clerk's • fees re;
Shipka Drain 75,00; Dasehwood Sob
2,00; Jonah Kessell coroner lei. 6,
11,20; Ohae. Box and othereseep.
rd, 17 69.40; Roee Taylor lumber
for ea, 17, ' 83.40; $isodry peesoefe
rebates to owner, re; Viet, $t. drn
The counell adjoureed to mieet
again. in the Town Hall, CleiSediton
on Monday, October 15th at 8 pare
A, special meetine, of the Conn -
oil of the Township o IStepben was
helce in the Town Hall, Oreclitoe,on
Monday, Oct, 1,5th at ,8 pen. All
members were present
ny-taws No, 310 ad 311 being by
laws to provide for thee payment
f street lighting in the Poi, Vill-
ages of Centralia and, Crediton enol
issuing clebeentures for the pay
ment of dame in three years, Wavin..?
been read thvee times,- be passed
signed by Reeve •and Clerk and
Bi -law 'No, 309 to construct 'The
Shipka Dram' and issue Deeben-
tures thereof, havieg been read
three times be passed and isigned
and eedled, •' •
Tenders were opened .for the
• rr
..Threeely, 0 citeber 25th, ..1.0elee
conMenden-I of the ()pee Partial's
of The Shieka Drain and were aa,
fell 0 W.F1 gta ValtudV 3nd. 2nd
eestioe a $1920 00; Sweiteer e!ir; ' Geiser
$1700 00; Elmer La non $1$95,00,
The terele.r of S wei beer in• Gaillee •
were eneepted for the complete con "••
atruetion of the 1st and 2nd eectioo•
of the. Shiplea Drain, for the sure
of $1795 05. '
The following pi orcliere lvere
Pe5;eri Wenzel Widow in Halt
50; Thos. Wein, Gant% rd. 4, 8.20;
W, TI, Keetie CtOrnr rd: 5, 8.50; Ae
Neeb. iielecting :jurors 4.00; Je
tile for Sniplca Drain 81:40e Nelson
comirer yd. 5, 6,00; Paul Shenk',
:Eilber labor on OVict, Drn.
inHgy'rd71b1e61,' ditto;
J; og
Masan eontracts rd, 5, 43.80; J. Keee.
Guinan equaliein g 7 U.S.S. 35.00; ,
Bap Web's den 2.00; 0. MeCouile
Shenk. cont rd, 4, 18.70. •• s
The, Council adjourned efor the
regular Meeting in the Towe Halle
Crediton Mondays Noreeiber
at o'clock, p.m.• ••
•• , -Henry Eilbeer, Olerke
•4* 0 ,,.. .
•We have made arrangements
• uto ' Repairing
. '
+ 4.
theFordMotor Co. as well as with Z.
t 00 r()s. ensall, to handle
L. It
Genurrie Ford Parts
.,, -
f .• • 4-7 'fitkt,•
I. and always keep a good supply oi) ..r: '5, 4'
ham cl. - •..
* ' Ali® repair any make of ear I .
T. .. ,-
Mr. Peter Kroff,. mechanic
, +
L. A. Prang Zurich Ont.
es ,up town. On elonday ,las • he
was riding north of,,the hotel when
he fell and landed eni his head and
The funeral took place in M-
eter on Oct. 15th, of .tlie late Jos -1 1.0.20; Hy. Link cona'r rd. 5; 7.50; F,
eph Cobbledick, whoedied , in Cal- Adainis cont.' b'lk 8; rd. 5' 73.50; • W.
Scheol Fair Grant 25.00e Richerd
Davey Comeer Elks 3-1 13,00; T,.
Chambers st, labor 13.50; ditto cul-
vert d 16, 15,00; J. White contract
1311r. 4-rd.2 68.12; T. Chambers comt
gary, Alta, on Oct. Sth, Tee rem-
ains were -brought to Exeter • and
a service held a) Jamos At, church,
where the deceased was e valued
Mason rd. 5, 17.25; E. Disajedine ed
5 2,50; ;Clinton .News-R•ecord acct.
136 5,5; ON'.II, Express .7e; Hydro
Dower, acct. 1e.34; T, WC. Neil gra-
member, He was a •soe of ,the la I.75; Chas. Bolt, stat. labor
Siim. Cobbledick, • h' yea p• . - cutting weeds 5,03; R. Hill,
•gravel 7,50; Pay ,sheet, Victoria St.
Drain labor 125.20; Aaron Wein, tile
and te miner Veto it Str, d• an 99..62
IL 3. Kuhn ditto. 89.50; le. Kerr ditto
253,27; O. 'Wilson, contract re; Vict-
oria •St, Drain 151..00; E. Fahner, gr-
avel contract 254,95; Geo. Scott, ov-
erseer, -Scott's bridge 27:t0; Bo svlanel
Bros, gravel 28.25; ditto gravel iacct.
int cattlebliyen.
The Council of the Township of
Stepheen convened in thc Town
hall CCreditot:, on eitlordays Oct-
ober est, 4,23 at • 1 o'clock p, in
• •
Isere visitors at Zurich and Exeter was in London Hospital suffering
-u IVIonday• from serious injuries received when
The Village Trustees are having he was struck by sa truck suffering
Ikea 'sidewalks in the village rep- I a broken jaw an da clislocted shoul '
eleriel ' i der in the mishap and for a time
le •. ans. Mee. Tr. g,.•
Blither an 4 it was thought that he woted • clie
tssienlee have returned home after from the injuries,. s
•• eeisitiug at Lucknow. Clayton Prouty of 'Stephen is
i. se•e. ' . i.••''`Lretel• 1,04#2br 4704,,,,-.1444Siarts..,•...-,i0,;,',,x,p4. 403,41.40;46.y.,44*Z4,1„.„,.,Cqmpaaikt, -frac-
:-Ji-gAre; rotUrnecr Ito me ture of the right leg, tare result of a
'• loom tee West where they have r cave-in iil the gravel pit owned by
eirollseil for the past two monslise Dunsfoed Bros, Hay Tp. • He was
St eliay November 4th, will lee working in the pit when without
deserve 1 as Thanksgiving Day at
tele Ey. naelical Church, Crediton •at
'lee a, m .a•nd, 7 psm. It 'will be a
eerie to be remerabered since
dlr. Albert E. •Greenlaw, Deetroit,
&Dela., a Mich., a Chit-anis...mu Con- near Clandeboye was completely de
cert and Eva.nselistic •Soloist of stroyed by file with the season's
crop, onf thej en of Oct, 12th. The
fire started aboet 10.30 o'clock, in
the evening andwas soon beyond •
control. Mr. Darling was at 01-
andeboye at the time and arrived
home when it vas ,ablaze, Hcjstu
completed threehing at 3 o'clock
that day, In Addition to the sea-
sons crop a pure bred Reeked.
bull and several pig e ,were destroy
norning and evening. Come ed About 1,000 bushels of grain
early. • • • were in grainary, A new wooden
3LIAMIT—T3RA.UN • silo filled with ensilage was also
A very pretty fall wedding took\ destroyed, the loss- is estimated at
.,\.rter several months of siitic.r-
ing came last Sunday to Mrs
denehter Christine E. was united John U. Dempsey, of Clinton, a-
enuirlaee to Weieda Donne of eed 64 years, Her maiden nano
hese, Ont. The ceremony WaS was Elizabeth Storting, 'w'as a nut-
tonietted by Wni. Y. Denier, pas- ive of Goderioh Tp,, being a da -
of the Evangereical church, Or- ue,hter of the late .johe Stirling..
ditem. The home was beantifelne •By an overwhelming majority,
elecorated with autumn foliage The on Oct. 17th, Brussels vobed, for
warning the pit caved in and he
was partly buried beneath the fal-
ling earth and gravel
The -fine doub1e. bank barn of
„ Drling, 3rde Con. • McGilli v ray
• eeetional renown, will utterly de -
tight the audiences .•both mornings
eiud eve'.,ninZ, With hie' exeraottliti-
ry vocal excellence. Ho will give
sa Sacred! Musical Recite; in*conn-
esetion with • the . evening service.
chuyah .15 quite a specious, but
be too small Sor Nov. 4. The
es.stor,- Rev. Wm, Y. Dreier', will
!peewee Thanksgiving sermons both
lace on Octobeer 17th, .at 12 30 o -
ttlack at the home ot Mr, and Mee.
K. Beams, Orediten, when their
es- to
Prices tlk ilt your
Some of our Strong Points:7-
Suits and Overcoats to Measure FroirA
$23M0 to $45M0
mr, r Zurich
1.—A comfertahie corner of the Baggage Car. • 2.—Baterior of one of the new Canadian Pacific Mail and Baggage Cara.
3. --Another view of the Baggage Car. 0 4.—This is where the *nails are sorted.
width of the eat, and behind this are the hteadreds of pigeon holes into wh1eh-
A lmost every day we rely upon His Majesty's Postal service for the
delivery at certain hours of letters and parcels which are of value
and which would lose their value were they delivered tardily. Seldom
• have we cause to complain Of the service reedered in exchange /or our few
cents and we have come to expect the efficient regularity of that service
regardles,s of the naturel or economic disturbances which affect other
services. The letter was stamped and placed in the postal box. It must be
delivered, and with dispatch, rain or shine•.,
• Due to the inereasing use of His Majesties Mails, the Canadian Pacific
Railway' has found it rieeeseary to add to its rolling stock, twelve new Mail
and Baggage coaches, These; being bp -to -date in every respect, provide
every facility kr the handling of the mail, and a number of eon veniences for
the clerks which the older type of cars could' not boast of. The "All Steel"
care are some of the finest need byyostal authorities in the world,,and the
Company is to be eongrattilated, in that providing every facility for the
quiek handling of postal matter) it has kept an eye to the comfort of the
The forward end of the travelling Post Office, for such it is, is used
mainly for storage purposes. On one side, movable iron Stanchions separate,
• the bags destined /Or the various towns en route, and on the other is the gas
stove, for cooking purposep, ice water tank, lavatory, wash begin, and
Clothes clipboard --innovations which are greatly commended by the clerics.
The rear end of the mail compartment ie the businees, end. A 1 ong
*Able table, mining lengthwise allows the clerk to face tither side of
*in order to sort his arcels'into the bags which are supported by
tacks, and into the boxes conveniently arranged above the bags for
bsodation of newepapere, and which can be quickly emptied by
epedient of raising the front. At the rear end is a table, the full
the clerk must distribute the letters for the various towns, quickly, almost.
automatically. At his -feet as he stands at his table, the elerk has a tray inert,
which the letters posted when the train is at a station, drop. These letters he.stamps and distributed With thosePUt on the train at the terminal. Cord witb,.
which to tie the letters ieto btaidles is conveniently. at hand, and If some of
the bundles contain registered Mail they are placed into the pigeon hole '
at one side, over which a wire grating is fitted, and locked., Everything ie.
scrupulously clean. •-
The baggage and express end of the coaches is also the last word in ca -
construction. As With the mail section, the doors open in the centre of the,
compartment, One half of Which has a solid Poor, the other half being fitted,
with fish racks. In addition to the conveniences. afforded the snail clerks',
the baggage men have a folding table which fits tightly against the wall
when not in use, and which may be utilized as a dineing table and— but not
there is too much business to talk of cards.
The twelve new care were designed by C.11, Temple, Chief of Motive,
sPower and Rolling Stock, Canadian Pacific Railway, and were constructed,
by the Canada Car and Foundry Compatee Ltd, Montreal. They ara
designed to carry 80 tons of express matter :bid 10 tons of mail, a total of
40 toes; compared with 80 tons, the capacity of the old type of eoach.. The
Company has adhered to the six wheel truck, but heavier jeurnals have
been provided, 5Pi by 10 in Place ;of the 5 by 9 Inches. Another feature
of the new coaches; is the diaphragm ends. This eliminates the danger ot
people "ricling.blind". ;
• tYntil more are construtted, the ew coaches will operate between
Montreal end. Topnto, Montreal and Sault Ste. Marie, Toronto aelle,See,
John, NB., aea Wmnipeg, and Edmonton on Canadian racifiolines.