Zurich Herald, 1923-05-24, Page 5"Thr .i.;44 ' flay 2J 92.3 U$INESS CARDS .rqudloot Killoran '6I"'HOLIVIES. Dari rd. TN91,4zrit0,', iprts�fin. ►,ri ). e. •,u:the j,ufai• dad -cluor troop Sa>Guilton St . God riekt i`t'ivste farnds to Van a, lnweat rates, ;J$ollriaes; crl�ifxk yell b� ,lu T email or f+rida' ,f each 'week Andrew F. Ejess, Ttikunaliip Clerk Mauer of marriage licenses, Notary l"!nTilie; Conisyioner, Fire andAut Ipmobile: Insurance, Representing Duren and Erie Mortgage Coi+pora- 01ola. The,The,Ca�.nada. Trust Co.' Zuriela; Ontario. t. i V Proud( oot ,: 1 C. , xinora 'n PUT 'i(01111 ',`L Wants, For Sateast, ii dad • •.� a �', I�tt�. Ads IN • TTiI` COl4JMN I1T i '' . 4 tEDITOi s ] In ,the matteirof the Estate of Christine Volland,, Deceased.... ,. , All per`bons havin4 ciailars 0a - gait • nst the Estate of Christine Vol - I) I) land, elate of the; 'Village of Zurich, au the -County 'of :Huron, afro died I the'siicteenth day of Marela,1923,•are required to send full; particulars.of their claims, bully verified, ro the aundersigned Exectator, on or be - ,fore the 1Jst c ay 'of 'June; 1923. After the said date the Executor tiW rill proceed; to . di'atribute the Es- tate among the , parties entitled tll,ereto,, ha Vit g 'reffereaice, only, t�. the claiiins of which he shall have receivect notice, anti after .sucedis- tvibution he will] not be, aeeountabie for any 'part of the Eatate to any one of whose elait i he shall not .have received notice. Dated'at Zurich, this 155th day of 11Iay, 1923. Samuel Deitz, Exeentor. Dr. G. LSmith' (1T.orelitO:.) D.O Saiehieago) Dladl' l?1ST AT WAL' PER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY - M.t',,.IN OFFICE }IENSAL1,'. OSCAR KLOPP � Graduate Carey - M. Jones Nat-_ 'tonal School of Auetioneering. Try, me for Registered Live Stock; (All Breeds). Terms in keeping With prevailing prices... Choice h #arms for sale. Will sell anything Itnywhere. Phone 18-93 or- write, Zurich. 'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for• County of Huron. , In a position to eon - duct any auction sale, regardless ass to .size or articles to sell. I uolicit your business' and if not satisfied will, make no charges for eer=vibes, Arthur Weber, - . Dashwood, Phone 31 r 13. • Zurich µ Meet . MARKET :Eiresh and Salt Meats " 13okogrsa Sausages, etc_ Highest Cash. Price for Weal'," 'CASH. FOR SKINS & BIDES ra,uglaint 6z, Doiollert ZURICH .:'LIVERY 11- ant in a position to accomo' Sate' all requirements in the Livery Lille, have Auto for hire; Any- thing donein the teaming line. GEORGE 3. THIEL Phone 53 Zurich, 6, •S, ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and sof the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- Itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday,, Wen'day and Fria] ay' 10.00 aria until 55.00 p.m at theiCom- niercial House. Main Office at T;xeter, Ont., Phone 34. -19 VE POULT RY `ANTED Taken,every day till 3.Ocloek p.m, Do not teed fowl came morning wh n. brought in • . Highest Cash Prices C9 3H FOR-- Cream' and ,,Eggs., W. O'Brien Zurich Phone 94. PCOAL G SEASON 1923 timer' Deliveries ' e "' Oeleware & Hudson Co'•s. LA,CA.WANA ' COAL • W;e have • now in otock, car bf Heigh Grade Soft Coal, ,Also oar Pea `COA'L- try a load of this for banking,, your fires and for general . use, Arriving ,soon, car Bullets. Get 'otrr order in for a ioa'd cif .these they 'Wali' go• ';i"tdackl. • Prices for' the carr only ,;13.50 per Tong OAU sz FR,.ODU'CR C to t'T roue' Office ,low. House 10•i, fiiteCoal"ards, Drocl . Street, N;T WANTED General cook in Bayfield for the stlinaner. Good wages: Apply to Dr. Atkinson, Commercial Hotel Zurich. -. TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will be received by the Council of the Township o Tl:zy, up to two o'clock, Tani„ of Jane- lst, 1923, for the ekeavaaing and the cement work of the culv- ert to be constructed opposite .Lots' numberten and. eleven in the Second Concessiion of the Town- Fhip of Hay. Plans and speciificationys may be 'seen at the office of the Town- ship Clerk, Zurich, 'Ont. Sated this 14th day of May, 1923, A,. F. HESS, Clerk, -Hay , Township WANTED` FOR. CASH -1000 tons of scrap iron, .zags; • rubbers, old stoves, horse •hair, wool', •lead, copper and brass, geese and cluck feathers, and all kinds: of Junk,• If you have any junk to dispose of Kindly Phone 1-51, Zurich; or write, I. Cohen, •Enter, Ont, 41-2 Painting ' and Papel Hanging kr gr ainriing AT: deewratang_ II;. ,Elaine Zurich �Walper„ i o,i6se o tf 37 I .4nn• in a position to do ...any n. of `paper .hanging, ' pa]Sitirag- • EGGS FOR I-IATCH'ING . BRED -TO -LAY ROCKS Eggs for hatching at live cents above market price. One..< pen of. Superior BredBirds. These pul- let shave laid continuously since November, eggs at 50 "cents per dozen. Phone 85-1, E, G. Krue- ger, R.R. 2, Zurich. ' `.tf-37 FARM FOR SALE FARM—Fifty_ acres, more or less being south part of Lot No. 17, Conl. 7, Hay; ',On faun is 11,! story frame house, With kitchen and woodshed attached. auoke,ho- use, bank barn 30x36 on, cement wall with , g a+ivanized roof. ,shed, pig pen, hen house; driving shed and other outbuildings. Theire are a variety of fruit trees on the farm. This: farm is all seeded ex- cept about two or three acres. Farm would be suitable for a truck faun :or forraisin celery oe email fruits. Also good for pasture as itis'well watered: • For further particulars apply to Chris. Schrag, Zurich, Administrat- or Estate Menno . Kipfer. WANTED • Dressmaking and 'home sewing of all kinds, ' A11 work neatly done and isatisfaction guaranteed. Mrs: J. A. Meyers, ea. Mr 11/orris Weber Zurich. tf-36 !"s, 'Reddiiagerof Dotroit AVIS rtiang with itxrs. FI I{upj( ]Tial. and Mrs.' A. Melia*. were oxr 1.4r5iuess to SI'ratford 'on ';3(10ia- t11e., and 1t'Lre.,H. ;ff Little'of liet. mall were ,callers or Sued/a y in': t'h Mr. Fred, Papineau of Detroit,, was a Sunday visitor+ with friends, at; the Sauble;.. Mr;. a'nd Mrs. Ed, Wurin and dau- ghter Cathleen, of •: Markharn,were week -encu visitors, in the village, I EI.00 OE6. agile' anent a in •' Mat. -r. o a � • +~ ts air lair• Approciatioa. eh' "„St .trill pried Forest IAea s s re !titer hteulators,Than Wood ;Shavings or Sawdust—k4.01).Ten . *.r the Hive iwportant. A uteic1(v b„ePtut•Ozxtcj,a.rTorontio polvto,)i .xtinezt of 110 results of the relative non -conductivity of some bee - Wye irienlati.ng materials are given below as ttae result of Mr. and Mrs, tFred. paters •, of a1,,. (00 lienar; the standard; fiensafl,' were Sunday visitors'at v;+' (vire: Mitek reg ra r k the home of Mil'' and Mrs,' g ntlated cora Sclaiilbe. � C 31i.? ormj, 100. , bl • Bonar LAW, the Prime Minister„ Ck Pea straw, c86• Ctr e black rtrgzanulated cork, 85, of England, a Canadian by birth, has resigned that high office, in Cp i leaves (well dried), $4. late, - owing to i41' health. Vii'+ + Mated cork, light or natural color. 11 is the grade usually used as • pace the about imported Malaga grapes tor• instance, 84. 8-3• 0 grade gra.zxulated cork (nat- ural color), It looks sizililar to pre: ceding one but a is a little coarser 4004 •Mrs. Jacobs, and two children' of Chicago, wereweek-end visit- ors' with the foaner'0 •mother, Mrs Cath: Wilma. • • , Messrs. Omar Denorny and ,F Papi'n'eau,. who visited the ' .palst ii,cek at Detroit, returned on Sat- in grain and lighter in weight, 8 urdays a,ud'Sunday respectatively;.: Sawdust, Very thy and from Whit and seasoned and clean lumber, 68. Excelsior—grade used in pee boxes, 60. Planer shavings, 60. The lesson of this table is that fine black oork dust is the poo conductor• of heat or the best 1 latoi'''so far as the resistance of passage of heat is concerned, Planer shavings is the best condu of heat, and therefore the poorest sulator of the nine, substances tee The. fact should be emphasized t these results do not tell us myth about the substances except th power to conduct heat. It may that if they were tilled out as ins tion. for bee -hives we would arra them. differently than as given abo There are other properties besi conductivity of heat that figure pi z}ctice, and a consideration of th is fay second purpose as announ at the beginning. A good'insulating material net sexily is a poor conductor of heat, b all non-conductors are not neecssar good 'insulators in practice, or, at a rate, not always desirable or sat factory. .h; -ext to non -conductivity ,low inostur'e absorption or the abil {o k - enniparati''e1y dry In mo .-. °o.iditrons, !experts in be keeping say that high moisture co. tent in the hive is fatal to the be since it valises dysentery aino then tLet us assume that the air a hiye is very moist, say at a no mal temperature, and the temper ture, goes down several degrees o ing'to inadequate protection or 1 :solation about them, and see wh happens. The result is exactly tl same condition we all have often o served on the outside of a water jl Hlle&with cold water and set hi war air. Moisture congeals on tike oats'. -tit the jug, aritl it become;; old e,. clastinay, and,, the; water drips'::froth •tzt`x }rias a lirything else it touc:lr ivet �I ikewise. the. dery 'Is' forme The. physical reason for these ph noinena is the fact that cold air ca not 'hold In the invisible or vapo form as much moisture as warm a can,: Some of the moisture held at hig temperature must appear as drops o water at the lower temperature, o in other words there is a, rain, and rain in a bee -hive is a serious mat ter, but it .can be prevented' by con trolling' the temperature inside th hive. Herein exists one of the mos iiiiportant uses of •the insulation about the hive. Other reasons wh an insulation should not absorb mots ture are that moisture increases th conductivity of the insulation fo heat and also makes it more liable to deterioration and decay. .A good ofd maxim regarding success says, "Keep your powder dry.” With equal emphasis it niay be said: "Keep your insulation, dry if you would protect your bees'well and give them a fair chance . to succeed." Of the substances listed. in the foregoing•list granulated cork, forest leaves (if dried for one year ahead) and 'inner shavings are the poorest absorbers of moisture. Sawdust us- ually is too green and dirty to be very dry at the very best, and decay sets .in rapidly, and chopped straw unless very well ripened and cured may be objectionable in the same way as sawdust. Then, too, rats and mice are apt to bother 11 seriously, The insulation roust be odorless, else the bees may leave the hives. It rata:: be eadily available and reasonably cheap, and in these particulars for- est leaves, chopped straw and planer sh• i tr .ta• n s•are 5 foremost. It also should be easy and agreeable to handle and pack in position, and not subject to spontaneous combustion. Thirdly, the main reason for insu- lating the hives, especially in the winter season ,under outside condi- tions, is to conserve the bees own wallnth so that they can live com- fortably and not have to eat an extra- ordinary amount of food in order to maintain a normal. temperature, The• bees get their warmth and energy from the food eaten, and it is the funotion , the, hive and the extra insulation to keep this heat from be- ing- wasted in cold weather in the s,rirrottntling atmosphere A second reason 1.0 to .maintain an even tern- oirat.ure in the chive, and this per- tains Doth to Suiatnier and Winter, or to any season in Tact. The insulation assists in preventing _ extremes of temperature in the hive as a largo body of water does to the adjacent. land: areas. Another reason, and not the least because rnentionect last, is thata good insulating around' the hives provides a drier, and therefore a healthier and in all respects a bet- ter atritosphere for tho bees : than could. be possible otherwise, .Surely tltesa% •al•e suflicientiy good reasons why a hive should bo protected by an ef1hl1ent instalatioat. Max chaff and a, fine excelsior known as wood wool may -also Prove good"lnsulatior 'for hnr=•Ili�i�q .R. 1 , Graham, O. A. Col Sunday" was ,Sunday, 'the 'saying goes, if it rain's on that day the following iseveri Sundays Will also have rain( The Provincial Elections have been set for Moriday, June 25th, and the nomination for Thursday., June 14thi, ti , Maa. and Mrs,. Hy. Daters New Hamburg, spent the week end with relatives here. Mrs. C. Colosky ,who has not been ,eaijoying good.. health lately. is in pro\ed, and ,spneding the llirs, Elmore N. Wi1le,�t :of. the 14th coil( and her father, Mr. ,Geo. Eisenbach of Grand. Bend, were visitors at Detroit the past week. week on the Bronson line. Mr. Kenneth Routledge hays ae- cepted a position 'With T. L. W'urm'' as clerk'' i'n, has• department'a'l stores. Mr. U. Pfile, who held this position has again( resumed his former pos- ition as bus driver, for Mr. W: C. Califas, t c One hundred and forty thousand, Canadian boars have been organ- ized by the Canadian Forestry As- sociation into a Young •Canadian. Forest League and will be on the alert this 'year to, prevent forest fires in all parts of the Dominion .Badges and detailed instructions are being 'supplied and the 'entire body will! act as an, auxiliary force to the fire rangers when occasion• titters,. -Ma G�earge Layton, of Br ueefield 'has been•;., appoiinted..retuvning of-. ,(icer fa33 •South..Hur.on:fer the 1'ro roiilrralg enera'i •-election an June 251;,h:. Alden iVresav�ip,: of Walton :has, been.; .appointed in Centre Huron;Jamieson, J'oh•ni Janu..son; R•. R. No: 3 Luckn)ow, ii.; North Huron and Geo. Grant, ;susseldaie in South;Perth', 'Ilr annual' district meeting 'of tha M•ethodis't church was held in. Ontario street church, Clinton, an Thursday and Friday of .last week }with ,a good repTesen,tath n .of ministers and laymen from the var- ious !schurches‘ '01 the Goderich Dis trict. ' The annual ,statistical re ports were incouraging and all the churches : were able to show a de- epening interest( in the work of the Kingdom;. Then a telephone wire, which he was 'stringing across the main street at Exeter, became entang- led i.ni.some way' with a high ten- siion hydro wire, Wm.. Mailing, an employee of the hell Co, ;met in - stint death by electrocution on Fri- ndaya. The voltage of electricity was carried with such velocity: that young Mailing dropped without the slightest warning' from. the pole on Which he was working, It was thought by' those .who wiitnesse :l. the „;accident that he had merely lost his foothold, Young Mailing was an expert lineman, having be- en engaged in the woi'k.�since leav- in j (school. A . particularly sad feature of, . the accident e the ,fact that` the deceased was only mar- ried six months ago to Miss Annie Fleming, a ,St. Thomas gir'1, He was in: -his "30th year and. prior to. corning, to London'• had spent most of .his life in Sts, Thomas, N. W . Trewartha, God•erch iTow- rship,, is candidate of South Huron In renewidg your ,subscriptions Conservatives as Via' result of the for .your daily and weekly papers convention atj Hen'Safl oo.Thursday ren ember the Herald Office is it 'was moved by W1r R. Elliott.of agent for most of them and in' Stephen and seconded by Wan. some eases can save you as roiacli Co r�sitt of `Hi11sgreen that "thecon- as 50 cents' on a single ,.suibscript- ven.tion he , unanimous. Abo:trt ionw .400• electors were present. ' "' The chief speajter W -was W( H. Barnum K, 'C.; of Aylmer.•; The nozninee;Mr. 14OPtE Trewartha. was ferr:,severr years .. .I have taken out License for clerk of Goderich Township; then A.uctioneez+ for the County of I/l'• 'four years 'its t reeve, zn.1c son, and am in a ' position to edn-�varton of;IItroz'County.,,, He is duct sales by auction, ,Give axe a high 'school radgtiiiie with com- a trial and I will assure you satis.. rnorcinl tri ring, and taught (school faction or nu' , charge. tf-+29 •,ton some years, but his vocation, is James renoney, R. R. 2, Zurich, agriculture, and he operates' two Phone No. 10"'93 fairies' one on the•Hurolaroad west .1 of (Clinton, and the other on th.o 0th concession ,pr ' Goderich Township, Sonne time :ago , he took over the, Some talalio ago he •took; over the former' Government poultry stat- ion at Ilo.lmesviIle. Among : the speakers were 4lenry Either, nk- M P P representing the riding for 21 ,Years. Ey( T3or, torn ; Ex -1.i.?. J, J. Mornay, as well as Nelson •W, l'rekvartha, the candidate. DR,JOIN WARD Veil make: a" complete test of r:�pfi•aotivp co.nilifion •af, the eye, and of fine;niuseles.' Spectacles* seientif- scally fitted. Services at reasonable charges, Will i)e Zirk mer's Plotel, 1)ashwond, • VVaipor Zurich, 0. well king the rest nsu- th.e and ctor. in - ted. hat ing err ulbe nge ve. des in ese ced es- ut ily ny is - is ity ist e- n - es ng in r•- w- 0 - e b•• at 1d it es d• e-' n, it h f a e y e z•, Pl.etcher's Castoria is etricmi t remedy for Infants and Children.. ,Foods are specially px lac: • i :tor babies: A baby's � x'exr+ ,.b e s even more essential .,:a' ,.. (av, Remedies primarily`prepared for grown-ups are not Salt..: rehangeable. It wast ' e a remedy for the common ailine. t e need o n s of Infants and :Childxehn, that brought .Castoria before the public afteryears of research, and no claim has been made. for it that its use for•over-30 years has not proven. "34 What is Co ST R1A? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor .Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance, Its age is its guarantee, i?'or :more than thirty years it has been 111eonstant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a,.d by regulating the Stomach and Dowers, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep,. The Children's Comfort --The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ti*T1 RIA. ALwAYs Bears the Signature of onnarmomewanameaesse n Use For Over. 30 Years THE CENTAUR COM?ANY, NEW YORK CJ TY 1 la- ease aa,ahaf!a'.;:laasas �f Yor cannot afford am a Ford why not' buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy ':ESS sells them REPAIRING Painting FoJ;d Car, One 'oat, $15.00, Two .Coats .. ._ $20.00 iCovering Ford Top Good Material -... __...._ ............... $27.00Cianrrng Ford Curtains to-open with Doors ._.... .... $5.00 Painting Buggy $x8.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBI3ER YOUR: BUGGY WHEELS. � s F. Gar • 4.4.+4 3++i•+3++i++..E.'t4++4++4+d++'r+f•+,i+•{+.g+:g 1 i++,+,W- 4'rr+++++II++A+++++1.1.fi1++4x3+'£+4.9 t6 LumberLathsJ Shingles �a ` Everything in + Combination storm and screen doors made to order; 3+ I Lumber and Bu• m � _ ��dir�t,, d' a�er� 1 • �r4. �c t� �t C l�� .... �,,VV,9rk cur fecia1iy $4. . 4. 1, Always in the market z k et I �L for S cI,�V 1 Qb � ��•'. 'Y• k (' 1 4. 'F. XIL1pLFJSC:L 4 4. * 4.3+01.4.4 +3++ +> .44 4+44 +3++ +1++b�+3+44+ ++ ++3+.1.1 +II+^i+3>+k.4.14 +�+3+++f+3+•f+,i+,t�,r4.11 1. PHONE 6 - ae ZURICH .1. 4 WHY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM $1.0 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS. .„.'' 11. We stock our own goods, 1' -----5555-- 4�-•4 —dr -4 -, +—+-+4+- +3'—+f•—+4+-_+4+ 3+- 'r—+3+-- + .g . yJ—.4.� a. -.4,_ �;: Five Goo 2. Our Suits are made by work- nauship, second to none, w ave only one price for nak-! ing ,Suits, very best linings pat in +g+ o all our garments, 5, We guarantee satisfaction o money refunded, +l, NIa tOKI+ Reasons 44 'TAILOR T a .DAY AND N'IC*I'IT PITO"SNE No, 86 4 4