Zurich Herald, 1923-05-24, Page 4Ke Fb
CT, 1920;,
ACT, 1922;
TAKE NCA'1,ICE THAT •sitting,iof
the ]Revising Officers for the p
Commodore Again SCHOOL REPORT
:pose of hearing appeals or
•'Taints with regard to the voter's
lists toe be used at the election of
a member of the Asseinbtric ea
r g for the Electoral Di
iSonth Hura'nl, will be ;held. at the
+ol1owing times and piaees,}lam 3'
the Town. Hell, Exeter, on the
-At .
4th. day .of June, 1923
its. hear complaints as to the vot-
Ws lists for polling 'subdivisions
"° Noise 1, 2, 3, and 4. for the Village
the Els Honor
Cr •01. Exeter, and Dickson, Goderieh
wurlge I;oh s H, Officer and
e. ' %ill be the . Revising ..
ibis Clerk` will be J'as. Senior,' whose
`Address is " Exeter; 1
A'L' the Tawnship Hall, Zurich, on
the 6th day of June, 1923
t, hear complaints as to the i lists
-et voters for.' polling i for
sol, 1, 2
', 3. 4, 6, 6, , and
dh8 for
the township
bonds, Judge! Lewis H. Dicksonevill
'Ire the Revising Officer and his
t'ierk will be Anclreve F. Hess,whose
:address is Zurich;
i t.'the Township Hall, Crediton,
• on the '8'tb. day of June,
to hear 'complaints a subdivisions
elf voters for polling d q , for
3, 5 6, 7, an
th 1w2' ip of Stephen. andthat
tike township Judge Lewis 1-L Dickson
iris Honor Duda Officer and
`�vl•1 be the Revising
:his Clerk -will be H. Eilber, whose
,address is •Credito'n
\.t the Township Hall, Elinnville,on
the 2nd day of June, 1923
"to hear complaints as to tliei ions
eel voters for polling
Nee. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 6 and 7, :for the
township of Usborne, and that His
',Honor Judge Lewis R. Dicksonl sl
be the Revising rer ran nd- h ise
'.;Clerk will be Henry Hansell; .
address is I'{•R!. No. 1, .
:il!t Holmes' Hall, Molest iq e, teethe .
6th day of June,
d hear 'complaints as to the lists
tot voters for polling subdivisions
Nod, 1, 2, 3, 4 .5 ands 6 for the town:-
•' +ship: of Goderieh, and that R. G.
Reynolds; Goderieh; will be the Re-
vising Officer, and his Clerk will
,,,ey,;; Cantelon, whose a tldress: is
'Following is the report of S.
iS No.. 4, Stanley for the,.lYlay. test
(21790)1 t E�.ams. held in the senior d1a!ss't-s.
Will 'stand for' the•improveynexxt V !Class --Lawrence Talbot 78%
o Stock for' the Season: 1923 at his Sr, IV --Godfrey :Gtue 75,
81;: Rebec-
ow°n astable, '14th eon. Hey. Jr. ZV-,:Victor Masse
. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE es Steckle• 7$, Clarence Masse 78,
Rudolph E:tue 58
o nod ee Again is gin five' 79 Lloyd
C xnz o g� r g Jr. III -•Mary Stecltle. 7 , .� Y
Baro old. If e is a beautiful bay !Rue 76, Louis Masse 76, Nola -Eicxe
with .white face and legs; Stands 71� Anthony: ;(utue 56.
17 hands high, is very. ,smoothly and I, M. Maisselman, Teacher,.
and compactly' built and will de- ..-
z'elop into a Horse .with size+ and
u q
. Nig, 3; tliinton.
At the Township Hall, Varna, on:
the 5th clay of June, 1923
` hear complaints as to the lists
polling subdivisions
' poi voters for 1 l� g
) os%.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, and 7, and for
he township of Stanley, and that
1'. McDonald, Goderich, will be
the Revising - Officer and his
herr; will be J. E. Harnwell, whose•
+address,is Varna;
.t W alker'�s Hall Brucefield, onthe
6th day) of June, 1923
to the lists'
,et voters foo hear rlpoll ng asaints •subdivi ions
o"f 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6,'for the town
e+hip of Tuckersmith, and. that Di
;McDonald will be the Revising
fefiicer and his Clerk will be lDe
' '. McGregor, -whose address in!
R. No. 3, Seaforth;
.1:t the :Town. Hall, Hensel!, on the
4th day of June, 1923
kei hear complaints as to the lists
et , voters for the village of. Hen-
11, and that D. McDonald will be
lee.cising Officer and his Clerk will
IA . A,. Murdock, whose address is
mit the Town Hall, Bayfield, on the
superb quality. ' His Sire is tl]•e ; Consisting of 75 aere�s�, being lot
good -breeding • hor*se "Commodore c ,Cos i flay of There is on the
irinp', 9596- (14633) is sired by the eel farm a goad bankpbar*ny 'with well
ebrated. horse s7.Baroi of Buchlyvie in barn„ oaly. water nought °t: ll
one of the most noted horses that in „barn" g, cement Roars, a.
Scotland has ever -seen and was t.ge everything in good repair, fawn
sold, at public avenge, for $47,000, wail dhainec7„ of a good rich
Baron of Buchlyvie rids red by learnt, in high state of cultiVab iso
the renowix Baron's Pride. Also a good. frame house with
Commodore's Dam was Evelyn soft and hard ~nater, bath ro .ay
Wood. -18385- (16053) by tliatl steel fiu•n`tce anal all conveniences. h-
size w innin horse Hiaw a
p ' g so 2v acres, being lot Si4 No,, •d,
Cohimodore Again; Dam is the well fezacedwiltb
imported mare "Buiston Jean" 5th eerie Hay Tp.,
,18789-• (22590) Her sire Lookout windmill thereon a real good Vas-
-7257- (12213) was champion horse tare ' farm. ;For further . partieul-
wars apply to A,. tiG ildfonge R. R,.
at Edmonton and Regina, and was 1 Exeter, Dhon,�i3r13, tf45
a horse of infe quality and iinnneees , .e
size, weighing over 2300 lbs. The AUCTION SALE
dam of Buiston Sean was Darling Of Household EfFects, Etc., at
273),,- (19622) by Lighthouse Lad ZURICH On Saturd.ay, May, .26th,
(21029, Grand Damy Jenny -16309-1923 �Corneencing at 1.30 . o'-
(21029) by Stanley -7146- (9354), 1
g-gdam Maggie of Darwhiliin•• clock,, p.m.
-16309- Buiston! Sean is the dans of Leaf Table, Mattress, pictures,
Princess Guinea -35999- who won pillow sham holders, dishesref,-
1+st at Western Fair London, one. iigerator, new; wash stand., 5
From the foregoing pedigree dozen of Sealers, frames, forks,pie
anyone evho is consersant with Cly- plates, 2 bed springs, toilet sett,
desdale breeding will see that carpets, iron( pots, pails, and other
Coivinodore Again's breeding is the articles too numerous to mention
very choicest and this coupled with Positively no reserve.
his splendid individuality should TERMS --,CASH
make hiim a very desirable 'stock Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
horse). Kenneth. Routledge, Clerk.
Registered in the Canadian ,Cly- Mrs. August Ehnes, Proprietoress,
clesdale Stud Book as No. 21790, ow DASHW���•
ned. by John C. Durst of Dashwood
foaled. in 1918, has been enrolled Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiildfong have
under the Ontario Stallion Act.. moved to their summer home et
TERMS -'T a $12.00, pay the Bnedf, -•
zra i.m
8th clay :of June, 1923,
2e hear complaints a'e to the lists
eat voters for the village of Bay-
Eileld, and that D. McDonald will
lee the Revising Officer and. his
`lark will be H. WI; Erwin, whose
Address is Beyfield...,$Each sitting
'AC commence at ten o'clock in the
*forenoon and will continue until
twelve 'o'clock noon, or until the
helePeals have been disposed afr ;
at any voter whcr desires to conn-
3:wiain that his name or the nacre
any person entitled to be en-
etered on the said lists has been o-
emitted from the ea e, of that the
'haloes of any. persgns who are not
„yititled to be voters, have been
'Centered thereon, may, not less than
liteyo clear days and not more than
live clear days before the days
-Tiled for holding the above sit
#rings,• aply, connplain or apr,eal.
le have his name or the name of
:Any other person.entered oa or re -
cove .from the lists,
i e. o
'gat such appeal grew t be bye
ita writing in the prescribed form
6kiyneeb ythe complainant
the Clerk
. ,CIit1,'nrra•te and given. to t
iot the Revising Officer, or left for
toe . hienat his address :as stated al-
;!gilt, KBrr'o1 the County of Sligo
Ireland, is visiting Fred Karr(.
Chas, Silber has bought a. lot.
from Gott, Brown and intends bu-
ilding in the near future. 0
Wm. Smith, who has been on
the 'sick list the past couple ,of
weeks lie able to bo out around
again ,
Regia'. Drier of Hanover ,moved
to the village the+ pest week to
take' up hie pastoral duties:, and
occupied the' pulpit on Sunday' •err.:
ening last.
Harold, Martin of the Bank of
•Commerce was transferred. to .
Dundas, Mr. Pearson of Guelph
takes the vacency here,
Work is being rushed on :Vic-
toria St{• drain which. will take
some weeks to complete.
The trees and fence . arrived for
the athletic 'field, when pet in
place the property will be' much
On Wednesday evening last,,the
pupils of the•. Senior room of the
public school held a farewell party
in the 'Forester's Hall for Her-
man Hauch.
Miss Agnes Love of Hillsgreen,
*iisited with her aunt, Mrs. And-
erson, Centralia, last weeek. •
St, . Marys tax rate for the year
is 42 mills,
The Kirkton 1Telephone Co.. has
offered a compromii�se to the '-sub
scribers. The company formerly
asked $18 but now they agree to
tale $16.50. A number of the'sub
cribers 'still hold out for the $15
Ed, Merner, BayfieId'hais gone
to Detroiit for the summer,` where
he , has employment.
The Bainton Bros. 'woollen milis,
Wroxeter, were destroyed by, fire
an May ;9th, with a lass of about
$16,000. Other buildings were bad
TERMS --To ins, , - ly 'scorched, The loss was partly
able after 1st,; of J'anuaryti 1924, Mr. E T' an and Mrd cover -el by ;insurance.
Jane Guenther are having thee' a Fox, on e of the oldest
JOHN C. DURSTI , houses wired for hydro. ,laents, passed away at his home
Preeter and Rev. Litt of in Seaforth, on Friday May 4th, in
Proprietor Dashwood, P. 0,t46
Zurich were visitors in town on
Here and There
48,000,000 bushels of grain awa't-
ed the opening of navigation .at Fort
William and Port Arthur this spring.
Flood conditions in New Bruns-
wick. and Maine this spring were the
worst since. 1887.
Damage to Canadian Pacific prop-
erty in Western Canada by floods
this spring amounted to approxi-
mately $200,000. .
Calgary is the leading telephone
•city on the continent with one in.
strument to every 4.10 persons. The
phones ih this city are automatic.
The per capita debt of Canada is
approximately $165, as compared
with $230 for the United States,
$750 for: , Great Britain, $850 for
Franee and $250 for Australia.
Canadian Pacific steamers "Mar
loch" and "Metagama" docked at St.
John with over . 600 Hebridean im-
migrants to Red Deer, Alberta, and
various parts of Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. •Otto "Restameyer
- and family spent the week -end in
Miss Bertha Russell of Exeter,
spent Sunday with Miss Alice Hof-
Miiss Pearl Kraft, daughter of
Mr. H. L. Kraft had the misfortune
to fall and fracture her right arm
last week.
Mrs. E. Atkins, formerly Miss
Hadder of Welland, called on Mrs.
J. K. Goetz on ; Monday.
Mr. and. Mra. S. Ireland and son
Orlando, of Stratford' were week-
end visitors in town.
There 'passed to the .gr:ea + t?o
- d on Monday,May.7th, o et, of
y n
Stanley'•s . old residents, in the per-
son of Mrs. Elizabeth Penhale,:
relict of 'the late Richard Penhale,
:at the ,„age 01,72 years: Deceased
maiden : name vas Elizabeth Wat-
son, youngest daughter of the late
Robt, Watson, :Sr., of Stanley, She,
was born in 'Yorkshire, England,
and came( with the family to Can-
ada in the same year she was born.
Living for' a time at Whitby, Ont.
after whichthe family ;cane to the
Huron tract and. 'settled on the
The 1923 camp of the Alpine C1"vb Sauble Line, -On. January 29th,
of Canada will be pitched in Lareh-"x•573, 'she' was united in marriage to
Valley, near Moraine Lake, nine Richard Penhale, and for ;some ye
miles from Lake Louise in the Cana-
dian Pacific Rockies.
Travelling 572 knots in twenty
four hours, an average of from 23
to 24 knots per hour, the Canadian
Pacific liner "Empress of Canada"
recently established a record for
commercial vessels on the Pacific.
ars after they lived on. the Sauble
.Line, ,but laater : came to the P•en-
hale homestead on the Bronson line
Her husband predeceased her in
September; 1916. One brother,
John Watson, of Stanley, and 'seven
of her children mourn the loss, Ro-
bert of Bayfield; John and Harold
at home; Mrs. Thomas Snowden,
The last link in the great 6,500 Mrs. Frank Hobson, of St, Thomas
mile, scenic tour 'through Western and Misses 11largzlet and Grace
Canada and the United States will at home'.
be thrown open to traffic on June
30th when the Banff -Windermere
Motor Highway dell be officially
Hay -At Roblin, Man., on May 19,
to Mr. and Mrs W. -J, Hay (nee
Myrtle Meyers), a daughter.
Southcott-At Dr. Hyndman es hos-
pital, Exeter, on Friday May 11th,
to Mr. ,arid Mrs. 3, M. ,Southcott,
a slaughter.
Mr. Ruth who has rented the
privilege in the Casino is on the
job getting things ready for the
job getting things ready for the
summer season. -
Four log cablins will be . erected.
011 Oakwood Park this season.
Dan Paxman is building three
cottages on Lake View Park.
A. fine tourist camp is toeing
Aced in, Lake View Park; camping
space, water, stoves, ete., supplithel.
N. N. Raver:te is busy with a num
bar'• of men renovating his store
Geo; Eccleston, owner of Lake
'View Park is moving a large bu-
ilding' on' the beach for ,the use
of a free moving' Octave 'show
and picnic • table.
The road in. the pinery south of
rri re is liking pet in g'cnod. condlt-
x;,n for tourist traffic, andsorirc
1,E%Z*IS 1Ic .I3ICl{SON,
,• :,, 000 will be psent by Langton
t:,ouuty Coundl this ,season gni this
the Election Board for High-
• ;, „
airmen, hof,o.' the 131w' Water Hi h
f. name portion. fb
i:lW 'Ccntinxty o
duof lila. I ;, ,: c) it , t.1 Scat Mate' allied ono day
, this l?I.li •. er �, I i
tilts week.
_ x
The Hensall Bowling Club will
hold a tournament on the local
green ono Wiednesday,, July 4th.
Our respected townsman,, Jf
MMcDonnell, still continues very ill
in London( ,
Mr. and: "Mrs.. (Rich. Pollick, who
.spent the; Winter months in Florida
and district, returned' home dur-
ing the past week, feeling much.
improved and pleased with their
Mrs. G. F, Yungblut, of Water,
loo:, who was here, aceompaniedby
her daughters, T,Lrs Hall, of Pen-
nsylvania, and Mrs Pepflee, of
Hanot er, visited Mrs. Yungbiut's'
daughter, Mrs. J. WI' Bonthron,
Mrs. Robt. 13onthron left to visit
members of her family in Detroit,
and. From there will (go to • New
Fork where she intends ,spending
the -•suin,mer months.
.. Mr. Evelyn :Broderick of the•Parr
Line;, Hay, Mot with: an accident
here on: .Tuesday last while,taking
a grist to the milk His Horses
took fright and ran away;, Ore
Brocl.erick held very pluckily to'
them for a (cpnne but was thrown
out, and rt,:he wagon passing over
his head,, but luckily no tee-10es
damage Was done, and.he is itapro-
Nies favorably,.
Mrs. Thome Sierrtt `Sx, old
dau ht•er, Miss Nora, eiuree, have
returned from, Het Springs, Ark-
ans:es, Wherd' they spent a mime
ber, of months in the interest of
Mee, Sherrittte health arid has re-
turned feeling . inuoh better.
It", Ar mold, manager of -the Mole
song, Bank, has moved for the sem-
met h
sem-rnnrir'rrtot,ths irit0 14i'rs, Jaa. Taylor's
,itw chin, at' the east anal of Kinea
his 80th year. He had been in poor
health .for over 3 .years, land had
been confined to his home formany
months. He was born on a farm
near St. Colun`iban, where he re-
sided until fourteen years ago,
when he moved. to Seaforth.
Thomas' Raney died at his hone
Hibbert, on Sunday last aged
7 years and. 1 month. He was
born in Ireland and came to ICan
ada when, quite young ,settlin gto
Bend Head,•.later moving to Blyth.
from there he moved. to London,
where he, resided for twenty years.
Seven years ago he was married
to his bereft widow and five years
.ago they moved to Hibbert`
r .�
The business men of Exeter have
agreed to hold. Wednesday after-
noon a half -holiday during June,
July and August. • .
'Drys. A, K. Kinsman and. G. F.
leou:iston are attending'the,Dental
Convention .in -Toronto.
R. E7-•Southcott, who has compl-
eted his course in Theology, at
Toronto University, visited at his
home, for a few days •
W. G. Golding, who has been
orgnaist and choir leader for two
years at the Presby. church at St
'Marys, has resigned to !acceeet a
siilnilar positioli; in Jaynes St; Meth-
odist dearth,
The remains ` 0l the late:Noxrnaaa
S, 'Lloyd,, who died at North 'Battle -
ford. Sask. ;on 1/ray 5th,, arrived" in
Exeter on Pri:iday last and the f 'u -
�0r111 With ,held 'on, Sunday from, the
residence' of Thos. Ello'itt.' l7ta:
w.a "s46 y'erars old, fifteen years agci
ha Moved £rom Ilxeler:to the west,
'Oesiides his bereft widow he is sur
vived` by one daughter..
Theraday, May 24th,
Division !oixrt was held in 1a<ie
titer on. Friday last before Hee
Honor, Judge Dickson. re a dente-
ege action, g.ainst an inusxeance So +,
ratty;,. by Mesa Bettie Sweet, the
reesult of -an atitamobile accident or
the Lalce Road last "summer, when
'riugy, Bros, ti•ixek, Loindee, crow-
ded, the plain.tiff'e auto stose to
tht,'edge of the road with"'the rye..
Felt that it overturned. iixto the,
ditch. The plaintiff was . calvarde -
ed $65 clania,ges and coats:.
E. E.
Yon Can Buy CHEAPER Clow
dies -and forget QUALITY
It i'sn't-wnxat yoti LATS but what
you receive that counts. PAT
for' quality here a'ed you get it-�
at the lowest possible price fore -
which good Clothes can be madee.
to order.
Piek your own to fi t you alone
Lots of Styles -Real Styles -=that's
tailored in to ettay; not ironed' ha'
for a day.
You Will Like Our Work
Berth, Tair, Zurich
•g++ g.•€•.g•+eei•'r ••1•,g+s•+++44+414 +•F :*++,4,•1••l~•g••1••1 e+e+'i•++++-teeeete +
r to Repairing
We'have,made arrange gents with
the Ford Motor Co. as we llas with t
Cook Bros. Hensall, to handle
ermine Ford ' Parts
and always keep a -good supply : on
any make f
Also� repair ocar
Mr. Po' r Kroff mechanic
N.- L. A. Prang, Zurich' Ont.
44++++++++++++++++++ g,•1,.1..1F..,+.,1+., .1•.g,or•1••1••3••1.11•+§,+++++++++++++++++++++
New Canadians Start For Canada. +
A. Busy+ Scene at the Liverpool Dock.
England, HE facilities for lnaridiilg outward passen�.ers
the Canadiltn� Pacific duck atLiverpool, 1"ng d,
aro as perfect and speedy as any in the world. As will be
seen from the picture above of future Canadian citizens
boarding the !'Montcal.m", the travellers pass from the
and railway station levelsto waiting roams on the.
ddck side, and crossing the bridged wharf,board the
ship ,by the saloon deck where .they, are. received and
assigned to quarters. Their baggage is handled from
Belo titand with despatch. A travelling belt earner
operated by an electric dynamo eliminates the necessity
of many noisy and slow moving w xqh Hoists whlth,
caber used and not 'too carefully operated, are the cause.
of many trunks and boxes being damaged, so tbat the -
baggage is carefully loaded and distributed almost as,
quickly as the passengers ar received. . It":is„us ally-
lanned to have all the assn ers aboard at least half
hour before time 'mid thegangway is own :
> c sailing , d,
for 'their,'ece tion:about;:three hours�•before that time
unless slecie trains are scheduled to arrve earlier,
As•f'or other stock -side facilities the Monteain coma
rammed to take on coal and discharge cargoe, 'mos*
package freight, at six o' loek of the morning of a recent:
arrival. B: 2,45 `n thea: 000 ours•:
Re i Cternooin.she had tartan 1, t
of coal into her side bunkers, and at the same time sh-
was uttleedinng 1,700 tons of freight; this being discharged
by 7.15 the stance evening,