Zurich Herald, 1923-05-17, Page 5Thar ay, May 11th, .1923 BUSINESS CARDS PlOOdfoot, I£iliorau & ROL]IHZR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Ltc, Office on the Square, Mod door front Hamilton St, Gott- S -fish Private funds to loan at .Qwest rates, Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran D. E, Holmes„ lr1r. Holmes will be in Hensall on Friday of each week. Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk Issuer of marriage licenses, Notary ,Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut. •'mobile Insurance, Representing l$uron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- lon, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario, t Dr. G. L. Smith L,D,S- ('Toronto,) . ID.D.$ (Chicago) • DENTIST AT WALTER HOUSE, 7ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY &LAIN OFFICE — HEl`TSALL A -U -C -T -I -O -1V -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPF Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School. of Auctioneering. Try qne for Registered Live Stock; 4All Breeds). Terms in keeping vreith prevailing prices.., Choice terms for sale. Will sell anything anywhere. Zurich. Phone 18-93 or write, 'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. In a position to con - tiled any auction sale, regardless las to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business; and if not satisfied will make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood: #'bone 31 r 13, ; Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bpkog'na Sausages? etc arm" - Highest Cash Price for Woul Ll CASH FOR BRANS eL H1DES Tangb1ut & Deicloiirt . I ami in a position to accomo- idate all requirements in the Livery' Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 53 Zurich, i!. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., .D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College Af Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto, Late District Dental Officer, Mil- Attry District No. One, London,Ont ' Mice hours at Zurich: every Tuesday, Friday' and Saturday from 1e.30 a. m. until 5,00 pm at lite Com mercial House. Main Office at Bayfield, Ont. -19 LIVE POULTRY WANTED- Taken ANTED Taken every day till 3 Oelock p.m. Do mot feed fowl same morning when brought in. 'Highest Cash Prices ---CASH FOR— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich COAL SEASON' 1923 Summer Deliveries The Deleware & Hudson Co's. LACAWANA .COAT, W have now in Btock, " car ,of High Grade Soft Coal. ,.A.leo car Pea Coal, by a load of trice for banking your fires and for g-0neral ttse. Arriving eoons car, Bufrlets. Get dour order in for a load of these they will go quick., prices for the car only $13.50 per Tan, IOAi & PRODUCE MERCHANT bone- Office IOw, E1owse, 10+ ifiee&Cot 1�,, r Yakds, Th oocktt Street, HENSALL ONTrt PUT ,YOUR Wants, For Sale,,, Lost, Found NoticeEtc Ads :11 IN THI.9 COLUMN WANTED General ceolt: in Bayfield for th sullener, Good. wages, Ap1il l to De, Atltinsoe, ' Conan 'e' ez ral Ho.t. e y e 1 TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will be received by the Council of the Township of Tlay, up to two o'clock, p na, of June let, 1923, for the excavating and the cement work of the cult'- eel to be constructed opposite Lots number ten and eleven in the Second Coneessiion of the Town= ship of Hay;: Plans andciifications may be seen at the/office of the Town- ship Clerk, Zurich, Ont. Bated this 14th days of May., 1923. A, F. HESS, Clerk, Hay Township WANTED FOR CASH -1000 tons of scrap iron,, rags, rubbers, old stoves, horse hair, wool, lead, copper and brass, geese and duck feathers, and all kinds of Junk. If you have any junk to dispose of Kindly Phone 1-81, Zurich, or write, I. Cohen, Exeter, Ont. . 41-2 NOTICE. , 1 Ain in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting graining and; decorating. Can al- so supply wall • paper if ordered from my esamples. H. Eickmeier, Walper Holdse., Zurich •_. tf=37 EGGS FOR HATCHING BRED -TO -LAY ROCKS 'Egg's for hatching at five cents above market ` price. . Oi a pen of Superior Bred Birds, — These pul- let shave laid continuously since November, eggs ,_at 50 cents per dozen.. Phone 85-1, E. G. Krue- ger, R.R, 2,, Zurich, - tf-37 FARM FOR SALE FARM. --Fifty acres, more or less 'Ring south part of Lot" No. 17, 'Colli. 7, Hay. On farm is 1% story frame house, with kitchen and woodshed attached. Smoke ho- use, bank barn 30x36 on cement wall with galvanized. roof. Shed, pig pen, hen house, driving shed and other outbuildings. The_ ire are a ;_ variety of 1rtnt, trees on the farm.'. IThief''farm is all seeded eg eept about two or three' acres: Farm 'would be suitable for as truck farm or for raisin celery or small fruits. Also good for pasture as itis well watered. For further particulars apply to Chris. Schrag, Zurich, Administrat- or Estate Menno Kipfer. • FOR SALE Eight acres of land, opposite Zurich Fair Grounds. Suitable For pasture or cultivation. For particulars apply to Jacob Dei - chert, Zurich, Ont. 4t-35. WANTED Dressmaking and home sewing of all kind's. :All work neatly done and satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. J. A. Meyers, co. Mr Morris Weber Zurich_._ _ .•...., , tf-36 NOTICE VOTERS' 'LIST 1922, Municipality of the Township of Hay, County of Huron. , NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at' my office at Zurich, on the 31st day of March, A.D. 1923, the list of all person's entitled to vote in the said munic- ipality for members of Parliament and that such List remains there for inspection. And. I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate preceedings to Have any errors, or omissions corrected according to law. Dated at Zurich March 31st, 1923, ANDREW F. HESS, Clerk, Township of Hay. In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for niost of them and in some cases can save you as inuch ,as 50' cents on a single subscript- ions NOTICE I have taken out' License for Auctioneer for the County of lur- on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and 1 will assure you satis-. faction or nb charge, tf-29 Jaynes Denomey, R, R. 2, Zurich, ]drone No, 10-e93 DE J o1 N WARD Make a colo etc test o Will zua pl t refractive condition of the eye, and n1 the muscles Spectacles scientif- ically fitted. Services at reasonable charges, Will ire at;-- 8422 Zliltlirler's Motel, Daslytvaiod, Walper `Houwe, Zurich, Mrs, C. Heyroclt' lis Is1 ' .s4Sr1g the week at "London'. Mrs. W,; 0. ,Calilfa's ins e ;the week at Kitchener, 141rs: J. 'WgI'tz ofPigeon,; Afaah,i, visited her brother, 'Mr, 4,''71ie1►ek arc Monday:. Mrs. G. Po1Qo0kt whfr had tar en treatments at London liespital; for. a few weeks, rias returned...4010. Miss Pearl W'urtz., who'ha'dl L*ei for several weeks at. Toxonto, re'- turned home last week. ,• , Mr. and 111s, e.3'..3 Meriie and! fancily of Seaforth Were Sunday; '+i•sitars at the home of Mr+ ;WF C. Callfais. Mr, Ed: Gingerich and Mi Roth of St. Agatha were week emit vis- itors with the former's parepta, Mr,. and Mr.s. D. Gingerich, Broseon,line Speci'al for Saturday May '19th Women's Colonial Pumps , »grey trimmed. Only a few sizes clear at $3.48,. C. Fritz 4r, Son General Agent, W. Larnont,,and the various Directors, attended: the Hay Mutual Fire •Instrance,,:Co's. meeting at Dashwood,,, on Satrir day..YW Messrs. Dant. Miller; of the. 54th con., Wm: Willer, Chris, , Anderson and Fred Wiililert of Dashwood, were week -end viisitors at.. -Lon- don. Miss Dorothy Trueinner, nurse, who 'spent the winter at Florida„ returned home on Friday„ and re- ports as having enjoyed the southern trip immenselyF Mrs. Barrie, of Chicago, who had been visiting her parents; Mr.' and Mrs. Jacob' Howald, left on Mon'd.ay, foil London, where :shewill visit prior to returning to her'honle Mr. Ted. Mittleholtz, who some months ago had his leg fractured and also left for Kitchener 'to have same examiined by an X=ray. and: as a result it was discovered that the 'smiall bone is not Joined and is taring treatments to have same put into right place. NOTICE -In; future all ball .play - ors are requested to leave their cars at the north:side of therace track, ancI not run over the track thereby injuring - same( Any par- ty found, doing damages to track with care, will be held responsible for such damages. Signed by the horsemen of Zurich'. A. new organization has been formed in Zurich. namely, The Zur- ich ,Dramatic Club. The. main; of - iota at }.brut NPw'aaid Most e"siruil i' Penne " " Sec n reer lliene West. id :eri(r d i`1`.'.•a IS alle Acr ip- t .,,.a 4� TOG �']" .i; t§ —• :`rinLliOdS 1,, r •trt, ()er>.i,I nent of ;..ys a le 4'r t1' concern ,, new p,r,;: r.j i srroduced s country r0 .l ecially r >t rnsl f' irt4cs,s an im- po t , + such a;. ':in, In August t,lfr T' 37 ":,..'•F'u' Corn-hopper—a Euro- pean iris,+ct--was discovered in On- tario' tame, extensive scouting by ento- mologists revealed the unpleasant tact that it was distributed over about three thousand square miles, being 'found in the counties of Welland, Halid,mand, Elgin, Middlesox, Oxford, Kent and Huron, In some of these counties only small areas here and there seem to be infested, but in others the infestation is much more extensive. The worst infestation is in Elgin County, between St. Thomas and Port Stanley where several cern- fields showed from 50 to 90 per cent. of all the plants to have been attack- ed. There is no doubt that the insecr could not be so widely distributed or abundant unless it had been here for several years. It seems strange that no corn -grower reported it, but the explanation doubtless is that they thought it was some old pest that hacl become abundant for a year or two and would soon pass away or become of no importance. It is impossible at this stage lo say, how great a menace the insect will be; for no one knows, not even the best informed entomologists. Judging, however, from what we have seen this fall it cannot be ex- terminated and will eraduaIly spread throughout the province and prove a greater menace than any other corn insect o£ the province. Yet, there is very little doubt that by the joint co- operation of the Dominion and Pro- vincial Entomologists, together with entomologists of the United States (for the insect occurs in New York and Massachusetts), a practicable method of control will be discovered and corn coni:inue to be as success- fully grown in the future as in °the pwst. , It may be of interest to know that ever ••e the insect has been dis- cos c . vigorous efforts have been t iide by the Prev ,jriel and Doinlnion Depaititien:s of Agriculture, through their entomologists to find out every- thing they could about it by scouting expeditions throughout the south- western Bart of the province and by studying the insect in the field. They have also brought the Agricul- tural Representatives to see its work and discussed with them, methods of control. Plans are moreover on foot freers. are, • President;; Nesbit Wo- e a very careful.study ,of the insect ods{. Vice -spies., Mxliikeil` 17 .r h- I�inlirtinents next ear in - See y s a ul ai su o;:, E. E' Steele r•• With this trong executiive aid the talent vailable,;;it 'should be no diffie- ty to be . able to supply Zuriich id the neighbroing towns with iteble entertainment. P ogled jVi1 moto:•cars .show"d ercis s the greatest vilio•ence es - x o 1 sluding methods - of„ control. • Valu able information of any kind as soon as discovered will, of course, be fur. nished to the press so as to be avail- able to every farmer. Brief Description and Lite History of the Insect. Th"c borer, full grown, is a moder- pedally }lien 'n t :hely stout caterpillar about one inch 1 ou ns. In sortie c l se the fair ser. like to show that long, pale brownish to white in color they can also driive, and evidently on, the upper surface and white loose their heads when traffic is neath, with:a brown head and several a little heavy. All should bear in'brown spots on each segment of the body. These spots are not very con - mind„ the other person's life is just spiottous to the naked eye but can be assweet as yours, and that the seen easily with a hand lens. The icing's highways are also made for winter is passed in the larval stage the other fellow as well as yourself. in burrows inside corn -stalks or cobs, If wifey or daughter, perhaps wish- and.:sometlines in weeds. In the } es to take a turn at the wheel, be s pT ug the larvae feed to a slight ex - sure and let her haveiit out ,in the tent and then pupate in their bur - country roads, in town is no place rows. In June the moths begin to for anybody' to learn to run a car. aipear .ande lay their eggs in small Have a heart, 'make the roads tt 'shite clusters on the leaves. The safe place to be on. larvae hatching from these feed for a time on the leaves or 'developing street oil for Zurich has tassels and then begin to bore into The arrived s applied on Friday the stelks sed ears, making holes and and Saturdaybythe oilingtank tunnels in the forurer and eating the kernels in the latter. As the cold owned by .the Couiity1 • The co- weather approaches the larvae all unty roads,;that is the Gcishen Mine tudke'comfortable burrows for them - north and the Zurich Road, as selves in the Stalks or inside the cobs well as around the village burin- or in. weeds: There is only one brood ess bl ock have aa11 received their a year in Ontario as far as is known. coat of the starve, which looks to Nature of the Injury. be a good product and the recent Injury is done chiefly by the larvae rains have helped- to settle it burrowing into the canes end caus- considerable. This is the first ex- ing^.them. to break over with the perience Zurieli will have with•.st Hind; ' tassels especially break over reet oiling, and the citinens must sa.sily. A further injury is clue to contend 'with the fumes of the larvae feeding' upon the kernels in oil, which is not any too pleasant 'he ears and by 'disease, especially in at first. But by having no dust 'vet, warm weather, •entering through flying, one can leave the doors and the holes, both in ears and stalks, and windows open, or sit outside and satedrot.. Although all kinds of not be choked with the air loaded oral. 'rue att accred, table and flint wwith nee road dust. And we va,rietree stiffer "most 'and dent least. hope' our ci.tizeiss will like it, as • Iktothods of Control. every other'" town that has onoe 7'he Methods of control that flatus. - used it ,would net be without ally.: suggest themselves are as follows: LUTHERAN CHURCH NOTES 1s Sow dent corn unless theme is 8001e' Special reason for preferring Thursday, May 17t12„ at 8 o'clock flint. pin's., the SLS Teachers meet in 2. Cultivate well in the early sere,' the schoolroorul Subject to be lis- son to keep down Weeds so that these cussed.; Satan the Tempter. may not,h;trbor the pest. Friday May"18th, at 8 "o'clock le 3. If you have not a silo build in„ confirmation instructions for one if you can because all' borers in adults Ott the parsonage:cote put into the silo are killed. Nett Sunday May 20t1i, at 10.39;' Cut the`corn just as low as pos- rwie 'or -lack a,tn(. the feativatl of Pentee- be left lir thees stubble, bumant iorers will f cut very ost eviil be celesrated, Holy low over 00 per Cent. will be taken Comniunibn ., too, will be administ- into the silo. eredl. Preparatory service fat 10 6. ?tit the corn into the silo as o'cI'zoek, , t (, • soon as 'pbseible after .cutting to pre - A. 'special .Service will be held in, vent, :borers ,coming out of the cut the evening,' at. 7.30 o'clock, to marls stalks and entering the stubble, the',seventh anniversary of the pas- &, If there is no silo and the borers t•o,,a le . of Rev, I . Rezrtbe The young people end adults who have been confirmed hi the past seven years by the .pastor, will ettenid.in body and occupy reserved. ,seats;, The Zurich Jubilee Band, under the able leadership of Mr+ 11', Eckiilefey V�rll render the sacred music during the service. ` 'The public is crdo 'ally invited(. . ICorne early if you wish a .seat are present It will be necessary to buziir;the stalks and cobs or to run. then'—'through a "shredder to kill all borers present, Inon I 1 C c its on we request any per- son outside of the counties referred to abeee; on finding a borer in his corn, :to put it hi''a tin box and send it'elthet' to Me. Arthur Gibson, Dense beton De - beton. Entoinedegist, Ottawa, or to L. Caesar,. Provincial ,Elmtoinolbgist, 0. A, Ctrllege, Guelph, This will help us in''ellt wet,+it against the pesf,.— i Children Cry for Fletcher's 'e, Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and. Children. Foods y gods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. What is "CATQ IA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, avid by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CAST° RIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature off n Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY If Yor cannot afford a Ford why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy EL HESS sells them REPAIRING Painting Ford Car, One 'oat, $15,00; Two Coats ._ $20.00. iCovering Ford Top Good Material-- ChatS+rin F -•---.-•---•_ $27 00 �' . , Changing Ford Curtains Painting Bu to open with Doors ..- --- 35.00 gg5 38.00 Ii+ YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERU1313ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. F. I.. Ness s& o.' • o • Zurich !Lumber Lathst Shingles • i4. Everything in �' Combination storm and screen doors madeF + to order, I Lumber and Building; Material i.4. iCustom:Work cur recialty iAlways in the market for saw logs + s; 11. ,n, C. K i' LBF LEIS° y,4 ,P" PHONE 69 - ZURICIHI I "k 1.i--t-t..++++++4+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++34944 .l —`i - °9 D'< F —'€'— f•— E'— -'i —'1'^'t,-•-'g'-"'j«--'II'—OL—'F-^'i'_-•i'—�4"•-•`i'- ,y (LOOK, EN LOOK I Five Good Reasons i, T ••' W 1•:[I WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM t 1 4. $10 TO 315 LESS THAN OTHERS 41. 1 I. We stock our own goods. +i,• rR '� ÷3, .Have only one price for mak �• ing Suits. 1,4, The very best ,.linings put in all our garments, Our '.Suits are made by work- .tnanship, second to none. 4•- • 15. We Tuar;tittee tri.. z, satisf action or ' tti ^t a. +s I money. refunded, sHOFFmAN +1/ H H. i+ 1 AI LOR AND FUN RAl..' is DAIS AND NIGHT P110;11VE No. 86 I s :c .:;,.¢t,, + . „' '•'.,'l„^'.',yt„- 4 -...."-+ -�ia*1 . w— e1, + :.,,lf-- „j+_...,1,.-4 ---+—;l;,.:-' +a, „��•„