Zurich Herald, 1923-04-05, Page 7Ammoimmainaki
Now is the Time to Invigorate
Your System and Throw oil
Winter's PS.
An unusually trying wi'nter'iet almost
over, but the spring will find many
whops etrength,has been sapped and
systems uu.dermiued by winter colds,
influenza, pneumonia or close confine-
ment indoors. Recovery from this con-
• ditien is often slow, but it can be has -
toned by the use of a true tonic utedf
eine, Strength and energy can be re
shared; the stomach toned up, head-
aches banished and nervousness over-
come through a fair use of pr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, , nese pills have a
direct action on the blood, enriching"
and purifying it, thus bringing new
strength to`every organ and nerve in
the body. In this way this medicine
has brought new health to tlhoueands
of weak and despondent people.
Among those who ,awe their present
heaIth to Dr.Williams'Williams Pink Pills is
Mrs. Clarence E. Misner, Chipman's
Brook, N.S., who says :—''I had a very
Severe attack of influenza, but after
the characteristic symptom of that
trouble had passed, I was left in a very,
'weak and depressed condition; I could
not keep on my feet for half an hour at
time, and words can scarcely tell
how badly I did feel. I had been tak-
ing the medicine my doctor gave me, '
but it was not helping me,• and as I
bad used Dr, Williams' Pink Pills on
tt.former occasion with great benefit I
decided to try them again. I got half
a dozen boxes, and soon after begin-
ning their use I could feel my strength
returning. .By the time I hid used up
my supply :of pills, my old-time
strength had come back, "I could do
my 'housework and keep on my feet all
day without -feeding used up as form-
erly. I feel tlhat these pills have been
Worth their weight in gold to me, and
strongly. recommend • them to other
weak, run down people.
You can get these pills through any
'dealer in medicine 'or by maid, post-
paid, at 50o a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Failure -maybe quiteas important
its success in character -making.
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
There is one attempt in. which fail-
ure is unforgivable—the attempt •to.
Compelled Belief,~:
So'beautiful and charming a. girl
you should . believe I am telling the
"I believe every word."
April Promise.
April, you've a comely name,
What may be its root?
Latin smooth as cherry bark
Must have borhe such fruit. •
Who'd have thought,,"aperio"
Gave the • sweet degree?
Open windows, open brook%
Are its prophecy.
Open eyes'to loveliness
Of the' bridal spring,
In a midst of emerald
Shyly burgeoning.
Open, souls to greet the gifts
Of a heavenly hand,
Touring glories without stint
O'er a radiant land.
Open bird throats, rending buds,
Add their jocund share; -
With such lures the open sloughs
We can surely dare;
Unafraid of sucking boge
thelyeoodiand Lanes,
' Tramp we home. with mired feet,
Proud of our campaigns.
"April, April," how it lilts
• With the bubbling stream!
"April, April," thrushes call
Through the shower and gleam.
Your Job Is Your Key.
"I will never get ahead Ahere. There
is nobody hero that cares a continent-
al whether I get on or not, It doesn't
make any dil?'ereece how hard I Weesk
for, how I do my work, nobody pays
,any attention."
Now, I often hear remarks like' that.
!Employees say, "What's the use? :I
don't propose to wear pity life out for
;nothing;; I am just going to do enough
;to draw my salary I will 'look .for
something better."
„My friend, do you realize that that
'something better waiting for you de-
•pends on how well you can do your
work where you are right now? Your
present job "is the key that will spell
.the door to the place above you, and
:the door is not likely to open until'
13,ou open. it Success doors don't open
themselves. They don't open very
`easily. -0. S. Marden. ,
Winter, then, our open hearts
Shall no more annoy;
Thee shall greet the April dawn
With an answering joy. •
-Eliot White.
Fiction as: she is wrote—"She gave
him a'black look.and he turned white."
urnarnes and Their Orighi
Racial Origth—English
, Source—A place nanie.
You mightseepect from, the en ding
'of this family name •'that it had been
originally the name of a ,place, used
first to indicate the. place of residence
of softie sally bearer,
Andso it was; "Is" is a Better word,
for. the town from which this name
came in the vast majority of instances,
so far as the available' records indi-
vete',''is still in existence. Denton is
the ,name of a 1hce in the county of
Buckingham, England.
The manner by which the commie
nit,' got its Name. 'is a simple one.
"Den," in the speech of the Anglo-
Saxon, had a slightly different mean
ing from that which now is commonly
ascribed to it. In the days before the'
earning of the Normans It indicated a
depressed section of ground or valley.
Naturally, such places were likely to
be wooded and to become the refuge
of animals; hence the modern frequent
figurative meaning of the word. Den-
ton simply
en-ton"simply meant the "town in the val-
r l 'Y #.,, ytc, . ..ies%!►
Racial Orifin 'English,
]ere Is,anpthe:r-faniiiy name which!
fee simplyethe development of a 'sur=
na;itia indicating originally that' the
person bearing•it,had" cionre from the
place -referred to. •••-• e
The pd'aoe name, Like the surname, is
spelled Farnham,' and It is located in'
Surrey, England,' '
The, name ratter clearly rever lSi the
method by which' it originated, and the
fact that it is a combination of Purely
Anglo-Saxon words. The latter fact
indicates, aside from Historical _ re-
cord, that It was an established com
munity'"before the coning to England
of William the Conqueror and his Nor-
man hosts.' , -
"Fearn" in the speech of the Anglo-
Saxons means "fern," being in fact the
parent word of our modern English.
word "ham," as has been explained in
other articles, of this sleriesi, le an ele-
ment frequently found in English
place names, indicating a village, a
word which is obsolete' in the language
to -day except in the farm of one of its
diminutives, "hamlet." Farnham, there
fore, bears literaily the poetic name of
"the village of ferns.' •
The.Canadian Spring westh
day mild amd•brightt;.the next -raw and
blustery, is •extremely , hard:, _on' the
baby. Conditions are such that the
mother cannot tape the little' one out.
'Por the afresh• Air so much to be de•
sired,' He '1 confined to the house,.
{which is often over -heated and badly,
ventilated. He catches cold; his
little stomach' and bowels become die
ordered, and •the reenter soon has a
sick baby to look after. Toprevent'
this an occasional dose of Baby's Own,
Tablets should be given. They regu-;
late..the stomach and bowels, thus pre
venting or relieving colds, simple.
fevers, colic or any other .of the many`
tmince' ills of childhood. Title Tablets are
t sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams',`
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Owing to lack of fuel 'and 'capital',,
20,000 miles of . railway under the
Russian Soviet has been closed.
t, It is always safe to send a. Dominion
Express Money Order. Five Dollars
costs three cents. '
The highest trees have the most
pointed leaves.
Minard's Liniment ,fonsale everywhere
The season •of forest- fire danger i
approaching and the, forest ; seryices
federal and provincial, and'forest pr
tective 'associations, are making pr;
parations to combat this great
stroyer of forest wealth. F,ver
that evident science has -de •
be used in' the . ca
lookout' to
pumps; gasoline' ru
railway speeders, ;and ae
These are all valuable aids, but ..
great engine for fighting forest fire
is public opinion.
i Nearly all forest fires 'are caused by
human carelessiess, therefore when
public opinion' sets itself 'solidly
against this carelessness, and holds it
to be a crime 'against the,•natioe, a•
large part of ,the cause of fires will
disappear., Patriotic citizens ,can do
a .great service for •Canada- by being
scrupulously careful with their, own
use of fire when in the woods and by
helping to build up, whether they live
in the city or the country, a body of
public opinion about fires which will
deter the careless and strengthen the
hands of those who protect the.forests.
Mrs. Cooper Declares It Re,
stored Health of Delicate
Daughter---7-Gained 11 - • .
"Six months ago Ta.:Mdae brought ro
bust health to my datightp' Stella, who
is• seventeen, •and. I wisp• I could tel
every rnotTier what a wonderful treat
Event it is/' declared Mrs. Lillian
Cooper, 24 Saulter St;, Toronto, Ont.
"Two years ago Stella, began l,psing
ground. Her cheeky faded,''she : was
.dreadfully lain -down, and; so thin sh
was ;just a frame. • Her nerves were so
exclt~ed I Reared 1,would have to take
her out of school, for while doing her
lessons site; chuld hardly.keep', still and.
at tines ecj'aidn't write' et' all. Her
appetite was.- se poor'slre scarcely ate
enough to sustain life, and�::her •sleep
was so restless she was always tired
and . torn out.
"1 Weiss the day' thought the first
bottle ':of ;`Tanlap ' • Mya, daughter has
gaited el d t I til
e . The Tandac treatment, is
I. efrae44•FAH44++4* •f.rrocf.+4+a+,M!'++++*+'+ 4•4+
Cascarets" 10c
or Sluggish Sluggislx Liver
or Constipated.
. Boowels
Clean your bowo]gl heel lino";
, Whet! you feel dick, dizzy; . upset,
when your head 'dull or 'aehink, or
your stomach ie sour :or gassy,' just
e take one or two, Cascareth to relieve
oonstlpation. No::griping--nicest Taxa=
tive-oathartic on earth. • for grown-ups
a�td �hiidre p. . 10c 'a boi. 'Paste like,
•;The'eapital of the Bank of England
is ;$72;b0o,OQ0• " `,
R fr Site3 i Cc2 E es,
ityhen Your Eyes feel Dull,
and Heavy,"tfse Murine. Te In
• 6tantiyRelievest1 atTiredFeeling
even noun s, ea s; ,.,ear .,y, ; -Meller them epr, l3righc. ander y
Sleeps,- soundly, 'and hes stndles' are ;Spari�ling. Har,pless. sold, nn , zt ,•,�
Reegti,tttei; ed b •All pens"leis. � �� �•''�'
and-• ar_Cl
d •I' believe eYe should' .•in:?� t2v-Y` uom. Yay b, J1iUR1NF
. EYES ,moi
,. n ,,� P rug —
Panda. is for sale by ail • cad d
gists. :Over 30 million bottles sold:' •
lift amomenmomroln 41 P. 11111111. •• •• •• •• •• •• I ••• sie
How. to Purify
the Mood'
"Fifteen to' thirty' drops of Extract
of Root, commonly called Mother
Seigel's Curative Syrup, may be •
q. taken in water with meals and at
bedtime, for indigestion, consti-
•il pation arid;bad blood. Persist-
ence in this treatinent'will hive
permanent relief in nearly every
case." Get the genuine at
druggists;' $Ae. end $1.09 bottles.
�nu.r.nn��o j,nogno.nn-%-:on�a
MOTHER! move
"California Fig Syrup "•
:Child's .Best' laxative`"•
Heal :Skin 'Trou1bles
With Cuticura
If'yctu are troubled with pimples,
blackheads, redness, roughness,
itchin• and burning, which, disfigr.
tire your complexion and skin, Cuti-
: eura Softie', and 0.1M:tient will do:
much tolaelp you. Always, include
the-Cuticura ,Talcum in. your toilet.
Soap 25e. Ointment25 and 50e..t1•alenm25c. Sold
throughout thepominion:tenailianDepott
L,,.y�mans, Limited, 344 St. •PaWrSt.,34., Montreal,"
tCut•cura Soa :shavesivithotit mu"
las i
til*�*,t1 tr•P tato,
• I,Y cardettt .uzid >siuftY, 1.'intlray frerr.
tr0in oil or urease.' J,ezrge tipm le, ��ptteugts
for comforter. on«, rloP ' Woolietl.
y Uls trnoreetown, Ontarito. - --,--.
i( t1SE TBir "TC? TIIII1TY DQ;v1a : •ld
A (Jelly rrizlu>;rlalx Tires, ¶irne,.';learn..
taa 2seJps;Yay
for avJ�irie: Write .Ander..
son Vulceiaizifsg': o., d67 King Wert,
Toronto: ,. ,••
all enJa raZO^vER
1:54,,45 i i+V V t Rt. 1"k17s1 (" !OAT'
annos:l. •Write for; iztertost lag
farrnation .D ',Fraser. R.R. , ;Iderge4R,'Ir,
Ontarlo. •
America's ltoaoiiar quo >ne t:at.r
goofs on
ting Boar• to, 1i"A i m
Mailed tor,. to ,ant A.4t'
R.•b lite Anatol:
01%i y Qiover .Q#!t
229 .West 14th trti.t'
' new. Xeric, U.h,A, -• .
' •Bind 'the' neck. with #lann'el,
Liiment It ...penetrates, etr tesl it
soothes; lt relaxes the muscles,
•clears fhe • pii,ssaa es, • brings
"f back'•easy •breathing,
': 1VIxnard's
Lin, nt
Tire Family Medicine tahest':'
, n
Instantly! 'Ta.pe'sDiapepsin"
Corrects: •Stooiaicly so
Meals - Digesf'
• The tioiiigut yo ''eat a tablet of
"Pape's Diapepsin" Your indigestion is
gone ith : more diatr?sis from a sour;
.acid,- upset stomacji -' No flatulence;
heartburn, -palpitation --or misery -mak.
ing Rases. Correct your digestion for
'a few cents. Each package guaranteed,
by druggist ,the pyeeecene etoinacb'
A Letter from Mrs. Smith Tells Now
Lydia Eo •PiikkaiVe Vegetable
Compound Helped Her
• Trentop,,_Qnt -"I am writing to you;
inregard to Lydia E. Pinkham s Vega,
.,,.:......:: ...'na -table'"Coz pound J
would not, be with -
Out it. T have taker! . .
it beforeeagh of ivy'
children. 'was born.
and afterwards and
find it a: great help.
:]sefore'my first babby
was born I had short- •
nese `of breath and,
ringing, in my . ears.
I fele. as, if I would
d .throw h
One x pyiIl, g .
Osie day, a friend of
y husband told himevhat the Vegeta-
ble •Compound had done for his wife and
• 'adelsed him to taken bottle home for
tile. After the fourth bottle I was a
different woman, : I'hareToth' children
;,nowoand I always find the Vegetable
C-"omibund a great help as it seems to
' take `confinement easier. I reaoammend
it to my friends."—Mrs. FRED R.
SMITH, John St., Trenton, Ont.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Come
pound is an excellent medicine for ex-
pectant mothers, and should be taken
durin the entire period. It has a .gen-
eral effect to strengthen and tone up the
entire system, so that it may work in
every respect effectually as nature in-
tended. Thousands of women testify
to this fact.
In proportion to its size a fly walks
thirty-five times as fast as a hiunan
The Arctic Ocean is said to be get-
ting warner, with the result that ice-
bergs are getting scarcer and herrings
are beingfound in the old seal -fishing
It'samain highway.
The way to satisfaction, comfort and
health through Instant Postuin, has
become a world-wide way.
This famous table beverage which
has stood the' st:ef twenty five years,
611s every requirement of taste for a
hot' and invigorating mealtime drink.
Unlike tea or coffee, Instant Postbox
seraeitate� eS
• ref ISM? Four euNcts
. GS�
:4=aldif(.rant pada of Who • �-a,•,, ..
4 sea porton Qf lloiass
tato Cera'aTCom�an
contains .nothing' that can irritate
nerves or disturb digestion. Even the
children may safely enjoy it.
Wouldn't it be well for you toavoid
the harm which so many have found
in tea and coffee? You can protect
healthwhile pleasing taste,with whole-
some, satisfying Instant Postum.
At your Grocer's In
sealed, air -tight Pacts
Instant Postum FOR IlE ..,TIL
A generous sample tin of Instant Postura
Sent po se -paid, for 4o T stantps, Wrlfea
- al' Limited, 45 Front St, LT,, Toronto.
Canadian Posture Ca,o C."0., , , :
"There's a .Reason" •:
Factory; Windetir, Ontario
1• Hurry 1Vlatihler!''A teaspoenfud of
"California Fig 'Syrup ''ynow 'will, thor-
oughly cleali :the littleb�owels and Ina
Yew, linitis . veil have. at.
weld, plaoflil,
child again. • Even Iterase, feverish,
bilious;'" constipatel" ,pi;' fell 'of cold,
children love its l'qruity" taste, and
mothers can rest`easy because i't never
toile to work all the souring food and
nasty bile right out of the stomach
and bowels without griping or upset-
ting the child. '
Tell your druggist you want only the
genuine "California Fig Syrup" which
has directions for babies and children
of all ages printed on bottle. Mother,
you. must say "California." Refuse
any "imitation.
allay Are Negroes Black?
There have been many theories as
to why there should be black, white,
yellow, • and 'red people in the world.
It has even been asserted that Adam
was black.
The latest theory regarding the
color of the skin is that it turns en-
tirely upon the question of salt. The
writer of an ingeniousbook brings to-
gether a mass of evidence to show
that the darker the dace the more it
lacks salt as : an item of diet. -
It seems• that in solve parts of
Africa Balt is such a luxury ;that the
Negroes . suck rock salt sae We would
confectionery. They describe a rich
than as one who eats salt with his
The author of the salt theory states
that oath Briton eats about sixteen
pounds, of salt every year. In India,
however, salt is taxed, and the aver-
age consumption per head may not be
more than three or our pounds. As
everybody: knows, the datives of India,
although; they would resent '.being
called'e"blat,k men," are certainly not
rt is rernarkeble how wide is the
differenee in complexion, say, between.
the natives Of Samoa and those of
New 'Britain, Anthropologists would
say they were of different races, and
probably they are, but it semis that
x`itecess to salt" is the Cause of the
difi'ereuee between the blacks and the
Iight` browns
So scrtrceds salt in Tahiti that Cap-
tain Cook,• the great ua.'Vigator, de-
st;ribed how salt water was a royal.
chink, taketa with great •solemnity, a
gip at a time: on 4er01210Mal occasions.
Tho writer finds, however, that people
tvho live near the sea in that part of
the World'. tend" to grow ligitte.r. in
13w - 2.h
The qukkii, '.thuten
with.which Sloesssh' $e ! Brings
lief e>f lays ni 1
t t est°nda"
• 'remedy for rheumatic -Palin...:,.
Apply' S'loan's:. to..thab
sore,:stiff joint•.Qr.achift;-'
muscle. %pain: that dna
• seen -id So unbearable. cl:i.siap�
pears with amazing rapidity ;t,`
C.Sloan's breaks up the inflam-:
mation behind most rheu-
niatic pain. It goes to the
source of the trouble. It
scatters the congestion that
causes the i ain.
Madc us Canada
Moan's Liniment-kills/OW
For rheumatism,bruises, strains, chest colds
',UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you.
are not getting Aspirin Wan
Accept only an NttiStoken package'" ,o1 "Payer Tablets' of
Aspirin," which contains directiolis and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and ,proved: safe by millions for
Colds Headache • ,Rheumatisr
Toothache Neuralgira : Neuritis
Eara.ehe Lumbago Pain, Pain
Bandy ".tila:yee" bones of 12 tablets --.Ase bottles of 24 end lO0•-nruggiste. -
Aspirin le the ttode .nark (reststerad. lr fittneda) of nayar lrasnutttrtero of melee
ttcettt"aCides(cr oC Selioyiloaa1 h While It is well 'mown that Aelrh-It menus 'Buyer
Manttresture, to Assist the public egatt st it}tltatione• the '1"eblste of l"tee. eteneenr
Will ha Stempel with their general ts'etto marls, the "J3aror Mom'
42 g