Zurich Herald, 1923-01-25, Page 8r'. • • To 010:1 ex7 res s ',�app� �E �� i of our p )11i in 1922 vvout, lea Y .Lipc one of. ar prrnc i.p clAb d np aid. We wish you � 1 ryprosperous �. GASCE[O & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage AUTO "W"IRES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES and TUBES, All Sizes (Best on the. M rk.et). Also a ' few Second. to. Clear at (Extra Special Prices).' LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER •• li- CATING OILS AND GREASES. WF HANDLE NOTHING BIT 1" 1'' IR THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPr' ' t S- COSITY TO SUIT .YOUR MOTOR: Also stock a complete line of Gtiune Pord Parts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOST CALLED FOR PARTS OP VARIOUS AUTOS. I.X.L. Battery Sales and Service Station, Battery Charging, Axy- iA.cetyline Welding. EXPERTATJIO REPAIRING A S pECTALT Y. Get into the habit of Pat-•onizing us. We want to •serve you, . and Serve You Wwll. PHONE No, 193 H. Mouss.eau Zurich rq Ifierrg Christmas We most cordially wish all our friends a Merry Christ Inas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Good` Tinges beget Prosperity, Confidence begets Good Times, and Good Appearance begets Confidence. '` • '+' : I C" IS WITH MOST SINCEREST THANKS THAT WE CAN AGAIN EXPRE SS '1'0 OUR MANY CUSTOMERG 401i) FRIENDS. llt Y 1711 *IJ V 1 E AR BE ONE OF � .1 PI 111 REJOICING ANTU OF MARKED t PROSPERIT' i' 1'0 ALL, AND CON.TTNi)ED CONFIDENCE IN OUP 'lii'SCNESS RELATIONS TS OUR MOST VALUED DE SIRES. Stade 8c Weido Z .! i . ::seen er, Jr. was a Vi(i^' rpt the past we4k, Vollaud o Jeetroit, ;.. «e days over aute:tey'evith. a , ,'.:,. pix einp'ty ink bottles to theca and Mite them unl,y 5c, rd Kopp is at.ending sitting Qi the Huron M '.00..SETS e Or r e , , ti 10 0 V 0 It y V',retineaclay) ti1 apples per lb, ... . ... ' lc . siltcli setts per lb. ,.. 5c i'ialof; per bag , 75 .'E ii ei t per bushel .., ... .,. 1,15' s.) its . „ 45 ie air 'per cwt, 3.00-3.75 cued a:- l/edet•ich ,,:this i sera's per ton ._. ......-'..... 28.00 ...0D oliutiedge ivito spent i.., •,,; p•er lid ... 9-17. a. ells with irieii _,i • at '),s1 • 1L1) 3 lb, 6-14 tn..urned to nex ho.oe on ::110k: Lb. ... .., 46-18 aesday. Ile s , $10.00 'ilieic;l) er ton Mr. 4. J. Kalbleisch of Wind- �r spe is the eeeek en,d, at the hone a his pelmets, Mr, Ana 1v1rs;. 1' • Come! Canel Come! Kalbilei�sch. Mrs. J. a Gross, who spent the To the Box Social to be in ,.ast week alt the home of Mr. E. •i'own Hall, Zurich on FRI.uAY, sson berry returned on Satin. -February 2n,dJ, at 7.30 pent under i y to Y> ; rhome at Kitehengr' the auspices of the : Womens' In - The Oi;tario Leg'isiatuce opened stitute. A good mixed program us Tucs ia,y Jan; 23rd, for the has been prepared. ih sessio:+i of Ontario's fifteenth Admission 25c and 15c. Ladies iarliainent, almost a month soon- -with boxes free Gents on pur- than last year. chasing a box will be `given credit Mrs, Sadie West of Seaforth ha for their admission fee. iken a position as teacher in Un-! The Institute have recently pur- n School at Drysdale,..she was !chased; a piano, the proceeds of . successful teacher before her this social are to go towardisy pay iarriage. C ing for it. The joint consignment • auction We that wjas to have been held his Saturday has been postpon- 'al till some future date, full par- ticulars in next week's issue. The annual meeting of the mem- ',era of the Hay. T'awnsiiip Fire ;nsuranee Co: will be field injthe i'own Hail, Zurich on Mondalyaft- Kyle and Mr. Green made very accomodating ushers: A most en joy able time' was spent til tilhe wee small, hours. of the morning. Mr. Clarkson ' is busy splitting wood for Mr. J. Stephanl. • Several young folks from this 1rn..00n, Jan. 29th. Business of gee vicinity, were to :Dashwood on Satt- .ieral interest and benefit to the Company will be transacted.' We are sorry :to report that Mr. Theo. Mittleholtz of the village urday evening skating.Mr. 'Otto Stephan is busY these clays breaking. in colts, Otto Its hard to beat in the team,atering. rind plumber for Stade &'eidd, had the mifortun�e while cutin° tine.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green gave feed at hits home with the car, in. a successful euchre .party to their some way his foot got caught in Monday night, all neighbors on , clic belt and fractured his .leg at report a good time: -�� the ankle and is considered a bad Zrs Kyle is visiting with break, we ho'pe for the best. daughter, Mrs. Wm. C'onsitt: Mr. Ferdinand Hess, who had, notb een enjoying the best of health lately, having' had: severe STANLEY NOITES her attacks of pains, spnte the past wee.k at tal under The unusually stormy weather c ensu "t2 .o.noofaDr. Hadon let iTi'1'anis -f last week prevented your cor- of that city who took several X- .respondent from getting any news' Ray pictures •of Mr: Hess, ' buttweek's issue. So not able to discover the in time for last if the items seem old we hope you trough. ver Mi Hess- is r Will overlook it for this time. } back to workagain act his ,daily The recent thaw here has put work and . we hope Tor the ,bet- the roads ini poor shape as there ter. . C , / ' '1: 1 is so much ice and. bare ground. Some of the young people of nut vicinity attended the 'school- D ASHWOC)Ui: ,vaiming of the Fines new •school on i'vcdd.ng bells are ringing •e this side of Brueefield. They gain this -week. report a very good programme. Ir etc; c1 .Edighoffer .has, accep- Mr: Lloyd Scotchn er has purch; ted a position in Windsor.• asQd. from Mr. John I3ey the fine Mi. Clarence Yager is visiting driver formerly owned •by Mr, Joe 01 Kitchener.' 1 , :, 1 Feebler' of Blake. . Lloyd has niow Mrs. Moffat spent a few days a driving outfit for winter and -week. at: her home near Clintonlintonthis summer which may v ell cause the rest of us to stand up and take Mr. end. Mrs. 0. Atkinson spent. 'trotiee, the wee,t-tend in Exeter. We notice in last week's issue Be.elGraupner is attending Cori -of the Herald. that Mr. r tod `ilt- 'the .erence at Kitchener this week. son hadb een appointed Mrs 'Yager is visiting relatives "'Elite of assessor for tht3 Townf at Stratford, ship. We `believe the app we11 made., and. Claes of the Evangelical Sunday ie'ish P''Ir, Watson every' success in The .Bethany • Slater's Bible enc to have ,een School are serving lune'h at . 'the his slew posit' —• skating rink on Saturday night. �lr, Milton Pollock of Goshen Homer Guenther of the Bank of Lino and Mr. John oJr. of Commerce Crediton spent Sunday Sauola sine are Apel Watsonatso a, few Mrs. Ha deinan of Stratford vis ��'e are" very sorry to reeoa d the iced her daughter, Mfrs. Shenl:last We in Port P1�rry, of Mi Wil week, linin McKee of Toronto IThe de - Mir. and Mrs:, Ira Tetreau have craned ee*ias a broth,ei i'n-law_ of at his home here. weeks in Detroit, returned : from a visit in Starks- ille and Pontiac. • 1Ir. Robert Rowcliffe of Exeter is visiting friends in this vicinity; , (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Geot Koch visited: relatives in London last week. Misses Annie, and Miggie Sparks ;of the Bronson Line. , ;:1.s a bus- iness man he was closely a'ssoci; ated with the firm of the Massey - Hauls, being engaged, in the in- terests of that firm, at 'the time of of his death. lIRO eves a man of Mrs. Veneer returned to her home an exceptionally! tine characier,ancl in Ford, after visiting her parents will be ptionvery much by those ccill knew missed. hiss!. best. The sy iripet Mr. illissdAleh Witmert�of near Zu,r thy of this community are exten- ded to his sorrowing wife and son Clarence of Toronto. Coming Social Events The Zurich branch of the Worn - en's institute hat*e deided tohold ;a box social some time in February It is some time since a box. social MARRIED a as held in_Lurie1i, and it wi11 be Milleriery 2 rt—At 1)a:eWilll tone an iirterlesting event. January 24th, Levine Willem to Theodore Miller. icih -spent the week -end with Miss Mabel Schade. Mrs, A. J. Brunner and children left Friday for Kansas City, after spending the past sew months wick her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Oes- treicher. PARR LINE NEWS Mr. and Miss, Elmore Weioe'wo,- re pleasant visitors at the home: of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Schlundt, as hwood west. • Two sleighloads o\young peo- ple fon this `vicinity pleasantly sp- ent Thuesday, evening with Mr. and Mrs. EnrLnerson Smith; Kippen. Mr. W re Consitt and, Mr. Jno Sherritt of St- Marys were callers at the home of Mr. and :Mrs. ' g C. Stephanf on Sundays Mr, Sam Walker is buiiy these day's hauling gravel for a,found- ation under one of his barns: ('I o late for last week) Mr, and Mrs. Elmore Weido eel- tertainied their neighbors and fri`- ends tof a dance on .Wednea hiy,e•V ening with Mr. Green and Mr.Smith df Exeter furnishing sp.endld mu- sic. The varlet being all deco)'- ated with etreani' rs and Chinese th:- o cas nn. Mi'• BIBLE THOUGHT —FOR TODAY Bible ThonghT memorised will prove a pricelas erltate in alter mare. 7r--- ---1,_�f C,.... ................. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.. If' any man love the world the •love of. the father ,is no` In him. To be carnially n:. ,. w•d is death, butto be spiritually' Minded is lift: an,d, peace. 0 give thanks unto the Loi,d, for the is good; for his. niercy endureth fox ever. Neither shall they say, Lo her, or lo theree for, behold,, the king- dom olf God is within you. The Lord shall preserve thee from alb evil; he shall preserve thy soul. 1 cans do. all things through Christ which 'strengthened me.. The Lord is thy keeper, I the Lord 15 thy shade upon thy right ii an,d. Tilr..„. 27, .,,,,,',1'«:,t • The store with dha Wara1 C3311 i cuiat .nd see e 'Wonnde`riul Val- seein 'i»Irninum now Wing . our window., dere are 'j..u. _ a few sterns. TEA KETTLES $1.98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR 9. DISH PANS $1.98 SET 3 SAUCE PAN.,: s • +i 8 &ND 10 QUART Sl'E,' 1. • '.:these are AVt. i.. We carry LES $1.98 aft fail teed Heavy i'{d.,t• line of Furn- iture and 1 } °. I AT vv. Your ennfid- en : ry 1.2 solicited. MEL! "C'P %„.4,,,,,; toe PHONE 63 •A1sN.unRMY, '.4 -41-24:•++,++++++++++++++.+++.•:+144+;:4:4;14++++++.44++++++ .r� HERALD OFFICE '' Do You Know?Kir THAiT WE'ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR •SERVICE FOR . • i'r; +3+ •1' GOOD PRINTING ' M TJIAIT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING I T'HAIT WE PRINT ,CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH •. AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND A �. STATEMENTS ,r THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAOT' I URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTIiiT LT AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVETI- T. : OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SIIIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM SST- .n ' •ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT 1100KS INITWO 4L SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. ' -.•• THAIT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE' ' .,, WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c. LARG- 4 4. GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS ,rt • •HIT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- 4'•TER�'.E MERCANTILEPOSTP1%S AND ALL GENERAL • . PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY i ` . •1••43•+++ r•; •3• -'.4.. + d+++4 44+614 i 3•+•A-r++.4-1•4+.3•.g•.l..l.i;..;. re i;.++ : gt` INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENiTS Ready -to -Wear Clothing DENOM Sr BROS. GENTS FU RNISHINGSS Ordered Clothing r,Ys�r THANK YOII ree tefee)81 FOR YOU RLIBERAL PATRONAGE THROUGHOUT THE YEAR 1922 ANI) FOR THE CONFIDENCE YOU RAVE SHOWN IN OUR, LI. NES MAY YOU CONTINUE IT0 FIND OUR MERCHANDISE ANI.) OU SERVICE AS DEPENDABLI:..THROU(i1HOUT trim- NEW YEAR AS IN THE PAST -0N OtTR PART WE CAN 'ASSURE YOU OF TRE BEST ENDEAVOR TO GIVE 'Y'OUR ESTEEMED ORDERS ,°E1E PROPER ; ATTENTION GOOD $TYSIN-FSS DEMANDS, C. (rt :nos. 'roauce falcon in,ezoheago for G'ra0a5 1/4