Zurich Herald, 1922-06-29, Page 3NEW STRENGTH FOR WEAK STOMACHS, Indigestion Disappears When the Blood Supply is Enriched. The urgent need of all who, suffer from indigestion, and who find the stomach unableto perforin its usual function, is a tonic to enrich the blood. Pain and distress after eating is the NNW the, stomach shows that it is too weak to perform the work of digesting the food taken. In this condition some, people' foolishly resort to purgatives, but these only further aggravate the trouble, New ateemgth is given weak stow- aches by Dr. Williams' Pink .Pills 'be- cause these pills enrich and purify the blood supply. This is the natural Biro- cess of giving strength and tone to tate stomaeh, anZ it accounts ...for the speedy relief in stomach • disorders that follows the use of Dr: Williams' Pink Pills. The appetite revivess,'food Ganbe taken without discomfort, and the burden and ' pains of indigestion are dispelled: •«Mr. William. Johnson, a prominent business man of Lequiller N.S.,'beors testimony `to the value of. these pills in c•aVes;,.,of this :kind. He says:- "I' was attacked with dirges - tion accompanied by.;s�evere'eramps in the stomach. I;wasepreseribed for by the fa:mdily doctor, but got very little benefit. Then I tried some of the ad- vertised remedies but'yvith no better result, Indeed my condition was grow- ing worse. Then I read of theease of a man who Trois:ed Dr. Williams' Pink Pills whose condition was similar to My own, and L_. decidedto try, this medicine. The result, I think; was amazing, as the use of s•ix boxes re- stored me to my former good` health. I can ,therefore -warmly recommend the use of this medicine for ,stomach trou- bles." You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer. or,by mail at 50 cents bex or'•six 'boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Wiiliamns' 'Medicine Co„ Brock vide, Ont: The Industrious' Wasp. The human view of wasps seems to be lacking in breadth. -Because they are given to stinging us we fail ;to' do justice to their` virtues. One scientist who has given much study to the mat- ter says that the main doctrines et the wasp are, "If any wasp 'Will not work neither shall he :eat"; and' "Every wasp to labor- according, to his capacit y,"and receive according to his needs M. a free 'community." Division of labor, r bo , it is believed; goes a long way in. the nest..` Some of .the workers .seem to he specially employ- ed as mployed'as ers • foragees and sial others g di , t ers ap- be. told off a i nurses and guard 1+ ' 'le et others +.ar engaged I?i y eas papermakers and masons: , Wasps are at:•alI times particularly fond •• of honey. • Indeed: they have .a very sweet" tooth for sugar in any torr, Toward the end of summer, 'therefore, as• bee' keepers well know, they will' force their way into • bee hives as open robbers and carry off by main'force as much as they can gorge of their winged neighbor's honey.. The drones of the race instead of being idle,and luxurious creatures, are sober, _industrious and well behi vel members of the community. They. clean the streets of their town with exemplary diligence ;• they act. as pub tic scavengers,;or sanitary: officers. And; they have their reward,;` forunlike the doomed bee drones they :live ."their al- lotted life in peace and quietness, till winter involves both thein and their spinster sisters in one common cata- clysm of death and destruction. When we are old, we pretend to be- lieve tl.at we are still useful ;as our excuse for living too long. HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR, J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ogtario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat• ters through this column. Address him, at Spadiva House, Spadlna' Crescent, ,Toronto. If ever there was a live 'conference held in this city it was the recent annual meeting of the Ontario health Officers Association. There is no longer any valley of dry bones in connection with that organization. It fairly bubbles out with enthusiasm; and the health vista of the future is one of ,assurance, of confidence and of hope. It was a pleasure to attend, the meeting and .,hear 'the discussions so ably presided over by Dr. W. J. Shaw of Clinton. Dr. Shaw, has got ' the tweivtieth century. -viewpoint. He wants something done. He is not con- tent with a mere rehash of foibles, failings and shortcomings in public health work. He insists on finding a Solution. "I have heard this same list' of ;adversities, of barriers to be crossed, for years and years. No- thing, or ,next to nothing, has been done to remedy them, but now they must be remedied." That is the way to talk. When Medical Officers of Health say "must" they mean busi- ness. And they have the Public Health Act at their backs. `Dr, -F..J, Farley of. Trenton, Presi- dent of .the Ontario Medical- Associa- tion, delivered one of the most force- fill addresses one could wish to hear. -Be maintained . that the necessity for Public Health Work was-. so obvious that public opinion should not toper-' ate any government in power that would not endorse and carry out al pwblic 'health. prograrn that would! tend to insure the happiness, health and welfare of the people. Other important recommendations Dr. Farley made were the establish- meat of county laboratories for the dountry physicians, the appointment' Of properly trained, whole -time county` medical health officers,' and common -1 ity nurses. • Dr.. Robert, M.O.H. of . Hamilton, advocated the same scheme foriziealthi districts from 20 to 25 thousand, people. Dr, J. A. Morgan of Smith Town- ship, Peterborough, gave an interest-' ing paper : on "How to control Diph- theria in. a Small • country os • village," istressing the fact that diphtheria is one of the chief causes of children's' deaths in a community, and that the ' free use of -swabs ' and antitoxin coupled with the services of the eons - =unity nurse are the best methods. for its control; A most interesting address ' on:, "Food':; poisoning" , was ' given",'by: Dr;,, M. J. Rosenau Professor of Medicine and Hygiene of Harvard University, author of th`e standard 'text -book. "Preventive Medicine` and ° Hygiene,", and one of the most" outstanding authorities on public health subJects on the continent. j Dr.' H. W. Hill of London, Ont., gave an address on "Some modern fall- acies.," emphasizing ,the paint that public. health work is more concerned with .the prevention of disease than Dr. W. W. Lailey of Toronto read a paper on `"Pre -natal care." :.. Dr. C. J. 04 Hastings, M.O.H., To- ronto, gave an address on "More effi- cient care of mothers and expectant mothers before, during and after con- finement." The morning session of the second stay was entirely taken up with a dis- cussion on milk andits prominence as a -food indispensable both to the adult and' the ' child: i `'According to Mr. E. H. Stonehouse, president of the National Dairy Coun- cil, who delivered the first address » . LIVED QN LIQUIDS FOR MANY MONTHS n ` *e_ars $t tiara beop-,thought W Y timber that would gZve mile period' rf serviwq as fen rce cedar. ^Tile Forest ,Products, ries of the Department of the Canada, state, however,'tho4 .trying a eonzparailvely simple it is possible to, treat posts, of woods. in such : a way, that 'ave a lifo at least twteo as a' cedar posts. The.preseraa- ^et of this treatment is clearly show �_' au fencing' erected : at the: Do- Inz>xi4;w"7,�'erestry Braneht',forest nursery. at Tn n 'lead in 1917, . Here posts of : i 1t n poplar were used, bath treated and untreated, and •it is in- tere,eting to note that all the untreated post erected at this time have decayed arid. been removed while the treated pos .are still in, service and appear. as sound as the day they were placed in position; Commercial Trees., Tliq:•conotant demand 'for informea tion in beief forth, concerning the. lead ing olparacteristics, range, and uses:of Canada's chief aim -menial woods has led the Forestry' Braasch of the De- parthent of the Interior to issue Circe - Lar No, 14, "Commercial Forest Trees of.Cauada, by R. G. Lewis, B.ScF. In eight, pages this; bulletin 'gives much useful information •about Canadian timber. The circular may be had free upon ,application :;to the Director of Forestry, 'Depairtment of the Interior, Ottawa: in the morning, on the subject .0 "How to Produce a Olean and Bam+ Milk 'Supply," some of the conditions^ threughout the province are very bad "If'I were dictator," Mr. Stonehouse declared, "1 :would ,pass a Dominion law to -morrow•,: if that were possible, for the compulsory pasteurization. 'of inilk in every city, town and village. When we reach the point after years of education, when we cang'et good practically certified milk, then and then only can we dispense with pas- teurization." Dr. • Roberts, Medical Officer of Health of Hamilton, pleaded for the laboratory diagnosis of milk. Twenty- five per cent of all the :oases of surgi- cal tu'bercul'osis are caused from, the bovine tubercular organisms that the human being obtains from miller he said. Mr. AIex White, Chief Sanitary In- spector of the province, advocated the appointment by the Government of three trained milk ,'specialists who could approach the question -from the dairymen's standpoint. Several doctors and inspectors from various parts of the province, includ- ing Galt, Brantford and Ottawa,:main- tained. that the most important, ques- tion,orf all was the condition of the herds.: One suggestion offered was that each. Municipality should have complete control of the milk 'supp'ly.. "Municipal Control of Milk Supply" was the topic' of an address • by Dr. Grant Fleming, Deputy Medical,,Offi ,cer of Health, Toronto. The inspec- tion of farms and the education of the farmers, having as inspectors veter- inary graduates, and the inspection of all- equipment used in producing and delivering the 'milk, and in the process of pasteurization vbere abso- lutely necessary according to .Dr. Fleming. Topics , of ' a More general nature. .formed the program of the afternoon. Dr Colin ° Campbell.::of Toronto, gave - some' alarming statistics in regard to the • frequency . ofisquint or cross- eye among .children. If taken in:time, before the 'ageof five or six• years, there should be no difficulty in total cure,- • The trouble arose' when. a cure was attempted by a ;person other 'than n s 1 i knowl- edge; e ossa sin e 'era medical kn P , g general OW edge. In many cases, the doctor stated, children were apparently freed from the troni le" arid the; eye seenaedL peirteatly +normal, when Its,: matter af,'.faet, the ;'child would he almost entirely: blind ,in the 'one eye. "The pity is," the declared,' "that all of., it is preventible. No time should be lost in- stopping the practice of having children ander, five' years of' age 'eramined for.., glasses, by • anyone other than a careful medical practi- tioner." Dr. Campbell suggested that the Health Officers' Association, as a body, endorse a resolution: to that effect. It is expected that • the com- mittee will consider the matter and report to the association at its next A paper by Mr. F. A. Da11yn, C.E., on "Soil Pollution; ` in which the need of extreme care in the. placing of. a well was emphasized, and a descrip- tion by Dr. P. 0. -Coulombs, M.O.H., of the work carried on by the Health Department in, Sturgeon. Falls, with which he is associated, concluded the conference. Gold' Mine Over Mile Deep. The largest gold mine in Brazil is nearly. 6,600 feet deep, employs 3,000 men and turns out over 62,000,000 worth of gold each year. ,et the Children share this mealtime beverage NO NEED to warn the little folks away from the table beverage when Postum is served; everyreason to invite every member of the family to join in the enjoy- ment of this wholesoine, satisfying drink. Postum is made from Nature's best wheat, and contains nothing to harm nerves or digestion. You'll greatly relish its full-bodied flavor and aroma. An economical mealtime drink --the large size tin of instant Postum will serve from 90 to 100 cups. Made in the cup, in .a moment. Instant Postum. for Health, "There's a -lletrs>7ra" Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Windsor) Ontario HEAI.THY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The healthy child: sleeps well and dv .ing its. wakingtoms is, never cross bat ealways . happy sand laughing. It is- onily„,;the sickly. ehiad thlat is cross and peev,Isb. Mothers, if your children do not..s ep well; if they are cross:. and cry a great deal, give them_ Baby's Own Tablets and they will soon be. well%:and happy again; ;The Tablets are'a Mild.but thorough laxative"whfch regulate the bowels, sweeten ,the stom- ach, banish. conatipu'•tc , .colic and in - 'digestion and promote healthful sleep. They :are absiolute!ly ,guaranteed free from' opiates and inlay be given to the new-born ` babe with • perfect safety. They are sold by medicine':dealers,: or bys 4nail at' 25 ceeuts, a box from Thle 'Dr. T,Y,illdams' Medicine ;Co., Brock= i v Lie; Clot..; Tit -Blues: a e descriptiveof This,lzhi s p moods of depression cir melancholy, -has en en: ;tea;ting, origin. L. was aorinerlq•`be 4. tom,:. eaifaed.,.lits, of melancholy:as:,:=the chemioal 'Worked on the • systema through the 'Shin., As the dyer w ere neariy',always stained blue', in parts of their bodies, the, phrase came: luta cur- rent '`use to express low spirits or moodiness. MONEY ORDERS.. Domiiilon'Express Money Orders are on ,sale in five thousand" offlees throughout Canada. "Could you let me' have a five-spot for a few days?".asked Blithersby, in a confidential, whisper. "Here it is,” shouted Mr. Grump - son, at the top of his voice. "Thanks, but why so loud?" "I was hoping I'd be able to impress the transaction on your memory." Registering a Loan. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere Autortiilobilists and Forest Fires. In many parts of this continent it is found that:: automobile registrations and forest firest are increasing about propart onateiy. A great many people are touring about the country, seeltthg out places away front -the railways and main highways and, unfortunately, th^rough•carelossness with fire, slime of them misuse' and destroy the iiorests. There is no desire on the part of forest authorities to .bir citizens 'groin theforestay{ but there is'no reason why forest fire. should •follow in the wake of the automobile All that is deeded is' that every tourist who: camps ,for the night or stops at noir to boil his kettle in the woods should ;personally see to it that his fire is dead out be- fore he leaves it. 'those who go Into the woods for either business or plea- sure see the value of the forests and should catch the -enthusiasm for the. conservation and proper utilization of this great Canadian resource. Homesteaders From U.S. With the exception of the states of Arizona and MissiSeippi, every state and'territriry in the United States con- tributed to, the number of homestead entries made by citizens of .that colrii- try arriving in Canada in the fiscal you. onaing March .81, 1921, atilinne sots contributed the greatest number, 147, with North Dakota second, with 104. ' Mlehtgansent 7 Iowa, 68, South Dakota anclIeW Fork earali 48, Il]'lu- 018 hurl Oftlatiail ...46 each; Indiana,' Montana iiur'lt,l'isial 87 each, and', Nebraska aired `i'attngton 35 eaoh• 'were were 1,0'7l'_enteles .from the 'tlnitte,d" states, 723 ; In Alberta, 290 Sasltatchewosi and 49 In Manitoba with 10 111 the railway belt, of British Celina: bias Tho totarrl onto ,et of entries Ern ail sour ey' Wt 5,3A9, representing esenting ;11,- 256 periton , MONETTE'S STOMACH TROUBLE NOW OVER. COME, HE MAKES STATEMENT. e Declares Tanlac Completely Overcame His Trouble After Everything Else Failed. "Itwas alucky;when, I bought day Tanlac for it has made a new ?man of me," said ,irtliur Momette, 165A St. Elizabeth, Montreal: "My appetite was so bad I'never knew what it was to be the least bit hungry.: Even what little I did force dowel 's'oured and bloated me so badly I had 'terrible. smothering. sensations and awful pains. For months I was tamable to eat any solid food and I got in a ter- ribly run-down condition. I became so nervous I would wake up all' dur- ing the night, and got little sound sleep. I was .constantly looking for something to bring me relief, but nothing .seemed to reach my case un til I ran across Tandac. "Six bottles of Tarlac completely overcome my trouble. I now eat lust anything and never have an ache or pain or a sign of .ste naoh trouble,. I can't recommend Tavniac too highly." ' Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. Learn to Laugh.. Learn to laugh; a good laugh is bet- ter than medicine. .-Learn haw to tell a story; a good story, well told, is as welcome as sun- shine in a sick -room. Learn to keep your troubles to your- self; self; the world is too busy to care for your ills and sorrows. Learn to meet your friends with a not see any good in the world, keep the bad to yourself. Learn to hide your aches and pains, undearpleasant s'miiies; no one cares to liear^whether you have headaches, ear aeliee,' or rheumatism. Lear to meet your friends with, a smile; a good-humored man or wo- man is alwayswelcome, bat . the dys- peptic is not wanted anywhere. You will pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that you can do, or any kindness that you can •showto any human being,you had "bolter do it now; do'. not defer or ,neglect it.- His:Hearing Restored.'. r rum invented b The invisible ea d Y ,A. • 0., Leonard, is. a miniature Clha5ifred AcJverti einel*t, 4 74NTE.:D—YGTNtl.,.; i uii 1'' '.good educatioo"ttr train as nrtrak.4 Apply Wella,ndra IIoapitel, ist. Cathar- ,Ines, Ont. RENTING FOFt IIAL0 .ALL, I(INDis 'OR' NEW AND TUSED. belting,' pulleys, saws, cablo,loose'p .eking, etc., shipped subleot tq approve at lows s price a Canada, ?ORX LatIsT(11 CO.. 118 '40RK sra tillET, TORONTO. The mean who really "delivers the, goods" doesn't have to knelt at bac doors. Minerti's Liniment Relieves UeuraI9h :. ,Peal happiness is Cheap eneligh,yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit, 00ASALT .AND SALT Bac dots TORONTO SALT WORKS 0, A, ow,* TORONTO £mst'iors's Pa nese Dog lissztadtea Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Fred, Mailed Free to any 44. galas bYlth Author. 12sest er 24th ;Streett New 'York, U.S.A. Baby ants .: W C � Incur r. His Skin So It. Keey�s ft Smooth and Clear Baby's tender skin requires mild, soothr ing properties, such as are found in the. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcunit The Soap is so sweet, pure and cleansing and the. Ointment so soothing and healing, especially when baby's skirl is irritated. Cuticula Talcum is also ideal for baby. Soao25c.' Ointment2SandSOc. Talcam25e. Sold throuahouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: Liariana,' Limited, 344 St. Band St., W., Montreal .: W'Cuticura Soapshaves withoutmug. NEARLY CRAZY ,megaphone fitting Meade the 'ear , - ^ ' en - —WITH P11313 . .i..ly o ut R. u ht,..� y;tirte •..tt - - "F`arz"L ofhundreds 'of eo i�1ngewr York city..., Mr. Leonard invented thi and head noises drum to, relieve h�imsself . of deefneas this so' and it=does. t s BAn sniccessfulSy flirt no one could- tell he • U is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is, caused b catarrh or by �Pink. ae y.Read How: Lydia E. perforatedor wholly destroyed naturalis aln'sVegetableCompound drums. A request for information to p. A.-0. Leonard, Suite 437;10 Fifth Ave., Helped ;Mrs. Beecroft New York city, will be given prompt • reply. advt, Getting Bank. Waiter -"Grilled steak, and choose: a tough one." • Chef (in'surprse)—"Why, tough?" 'Waiter -"The chap who ordered it used to be my sergeant -major." Rural Route No. 1, Mascouche, Que. The Minard's Liniment People, Sirs;—I feel that 'I should be doing a wrong if I neglected to write you. I have had ',four tumors growing on my head for years. I had them cut off by a sur- geon' ;about fifteen years ago but they gree gain till about three months ago I had one as large and shaped like a lady's thimble, on the very place where my hair should be parted, and it was getting so. embarrassing in public that it was a constant worry to me. About three months ago I got a bottle of your lini- ment for another purpose and saw on the label good for tumors, Well I tried 14' and kept it for exactly two months, with the result that it has entirely rernoved all trace of the tumor, and were it not that they had been cut fifteen years ago, no marl: would be seen. I have not been asked for, this testimonial and you can Use it as you see fit. (Signed) FRIED t. ROBINSON. am a farmer and intend using Sanard'd Liniment on a inane for a strained tendon, and am hoping for some results. •FRED C. R. Hamilton, Ontario. -"I have std. feted for three years from a female trouble and, consequent weakness, pain and irregularity which kept me 6n bed four or five days each month. Z nearly went crazy with pains in my back, and for about a week at a time I could not do my work. I saw Lydia. +}. Pinkham's. Vegetable 'Compound advertised . in the 'Hamilton' Specta- tor' and I took it. Now I have no pain and am quite regular unless x overwork or sta on my feet front early morning until late at. night. keep house and do all my owe: work 'without any trouble. I' have recom- mended the Vegetable Compound to several friends."—Mas. EMILY BEE- crow, 16 Douglas St, Hamilton, Ontario. For nearly fifty ;,`ears women have been telling how Lydia E. Pinkhana's Vegetable Compound has restored their health when. suffering with female ills. This accounts for the w• enormous demand for it from coast. to coast. If you are troubled with any ail- ment peculiar to women why don't you try Lydia E. Pinkham's• Vege- table Compound? It has helped others, let 1t help you. • ERIN WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken packager of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians daring 22 years and proved safe b' millions for Co1c1s Headache Rhhtullaatlsln Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis ar Ch Lumbago Pain, Pain Ilandy"I3ayer" bones: of lit tablets•�-Also be'ti'des of 24 tilled 100--Dettggi>a o, . epton Is the trade aide tro5tst.ered in Canada) tit 'Oarer'IJt'anufaeture o2 I4 rte. iteetieaotdester et Salicylteseitl. While it is ASH i:no 'tt hp.t,,,kbpibbl ee. B 5Yexu1aottrre, to assist t11e public: against „ttnit done, the nbtotdr o is Will Oa litampud-'�rith thole general trudn In#M tilts itlYor i7t'aeik,' '+I al