Zurich Herald, 1922-06-01, Page 3ILiIFUiii' 110 TREATMENT
This Trouble Can Only be Got
Rid of by Enriching the Blood.
In no disease does the blood become
thin so rapidly as in rheumatism,. Not
only dodos it beeome thin, but it is
loaded with rheumatic polsors. With-
out proper treatment these poisons in-
crease, the general health ins under-
mined, the inflamed joints swell, and
are very painful, and often the suf-
ferer becomes crippled.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build up
tile blood and enable it tocast out the
rheumatic poisons with tbe natural
secretions of the body, thus defying
out the pains rind benefitting the . gen-
eral health, Source proof of these
statements Is offered by Mrs. George
Stanley,, Sparta, Ont,, who says: --
"For a number of years I was troubled
with rheumatism, which at times was
very painful. My general health was
also affected,•• . and ' I could scarcely
drag myself around. I had been deo;
Loring a good deal, bat did not get any
better, until one Clay my daughtee
brought me a box ;of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pins. ,By the time these were
used 1 -could notice a slight improve-
ment and I continued taking the pills
until I had used about a dozen boxes.,
by which time I felt like a new person
—and looked like one. I could do my
work with ease, and have since enjoy-
ed the best of health. I have since
recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
to severalothers. whg received the
sante benefit as myself."
The best time to begin taking Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills is the moment
you feel the least bit out of sorts. The
sooner you deo .so the sooner you will
regain your old time energy. You can
get' these pills through : any medicine
dealer or by mail post paid at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brock-_
ville, Ont,
Phone Service : Me fired Like
'Electric ,tight,,
Tho first metered` telethorse service
in the world is now, given in l':vere'.t,
Was1i., where about'0,000 subscribers
tire paying • for just the amount of tiz11'
leg they do The rew ;rates which are
now on trial under orders of • the
WasPain;ton State, Booed cif Public
The First Company.
provincial Board of Health, Ontario
Dr, M1 lddicton will he glad to answer tiuestlone oaf Public health mat-
ters through this column. Address :him at Spadioa Housed, $padiva •
Cres t, Toronto,
r. based o n the time COfS11171- :, ^--- •- /
Works, axe ba a- � ,-•-„- ,
ed in actualtalking over the tele- work f To make the ckiildx ti oY a
of t d' yy
•„• nee water uYee, I sen in;.eeesite•i in yens. Ir to
phone, tis gas, Under
sty, i wt e
aro. metered. Under this system the -vary much interested, but how earl healthy h tt�an�and women. um
a , asserts that it iS I help? What can. I spay .oa do to• be be
healthy ale a
cervico company s s 3; Will the carrying out of a Child
)risible to reduce the cost to 85 per of �t,ssistance to you?": l Welfare eicheme be an additional
cent. of its subeeribers awl increase Only a few day ago n lady asks l ,, „ ti ex
f the Public, burden on the tarp y
the cepaeity of its plant by 2;000 tele-
ele- thrs quenbiotz of on� o i Work of this kind is never an ex-
��:..Health the Provincial 1s
ph nige without adding to the ex- Nurs s from Pease. It is money invested and. is
clta,nese Board of Health. repaid 'a hundred -fold in raising the it was 'to be free from stomach trouble
These changes are . made possible , Of course sty Nue point nt view of. i, • health of the entire ccm- and finally was on the verge of a break.
through tete development of a cleviee the Community brume there are so standard of
g „ „ lies and munity. The trifling' cost off main- down. I actually dreaded for meal-
known as a teleebrcavameten, vhich° many that volunteer Yat tannin"r a Community Nurse .is over- time to cure as I knew no matter haw
aceu-rately measures the length of gentlemen can help that the answer bya ream- careful I was about nay diet I would
t'n e each telephone is used by the tion in ugly surmounted
u i a P to this la.dy's' tyuestioau scenic obvious) tion m the expemditrtre for hospitals, be sure to suffer afterwards.
caning ort Tncoiiiin calls are net but it is not so from. the point o? r r • f- wilds are "'Pardee has just changed things all
a e P Y h the,view- o r {ear. It is n•eces- asedum � and institutions 1round for me. For a long time I' had
registered, For more than a year y of the lay `� 0 1 now in ninny cases ,filled to overflow -
teleehrorrameters have _ been tested,! Bary theiefo�e, to provide practicalrted bythe tax_ been going without any brerakfast alta
soul last December true were ordered and' authentic information that the t2 --g and are Suppe I ether and now I get up in the morn-
y a enc �f the province, Many of the; g
�p zri7'lin&,rn w�FT7CFSSi.
Classified Advertisements
mounts$ne, give partloulars. Box
100, Wilson Publishing go., ltd., 73
Adelaide St., W., Toronto,
Montreal Woman. Was On
Verge of Breakdown.But
�r�+ O ll ,I,LL �J
Eats • Anything Now, and
Nervousness is Gone, Too.
"Tanlac is wonderful. It has simply
made me feel like a different person,"
seed Mrs, Wm. Allen, 1515 Wellington
St., Verdun, Montreal, Quebec.
"For five years I never knew what
placed Everett1 of p y
ed on all telephones in the vexe volunteer worker can make use inmates of these institutions would be ing so hungry I can eat bacon on most
. Frere are a few suggestions put in healthy men and to -day if their
anything else I want and. enjoy it, I
Among other advantages of the tele-' question and answer form which Wray resent defects and health lvattdicaps have gotten over the nervousness, too,
chronometer,. the company claims help to make the' situation clear. d been given medical and nursing and am able to sleep all night long
that it will discourage and' probably 1 Who is behind this work of ria be g e
atteaition in early life. These unfor-
without waking up once and I get up
eliminate "listening in" on party lanes, Child Welfare? It is the Ontario 4 mornings .feeling thoroughly •refreshed.
tuna.e people have become chronic I am still taking Taniac and improving
as it will cost the eavesdropper money Government, working through the .
to tale down his receiver and gather invalids and are now a burden to the
Maternal and Child Welfare Division steadily. In fact, it just seems that
the neighborhood gossi u h Provincial Beard f health. i s'iate. every dose increases my strength and
8 p; How many children
nn�eecSsary of the rovincia Dart a e were .horn
and frivolous conversations will be re -1
a minimum and the use of 2. What is its object . (a) To re last year in Ontario? '72,511. Tarlac is said by all good .druggists.
ten, eight; asix, and four=party lines
will be increased, because there will
be less traffic on the lines
duce the death rate among infants 5. Hoar many of these died •befoize
and ; young. children in this ' province. reaching one year of age? - 7,804, or
(b) To give advice and instruction more than one hundred out of every
Telephone service is now given for to prospective mothers on haw to care thousand births.
as for their health during the critical 6. What is the infant death rate in
the.aitle as $1 a month, which entitles sna:bseriber to 60 tekechrones a months preceding childbirth, in order New Zealand, where Child Welfare
work has been carried on for about •
month. If he uses more than that that the children may be well-born,
amount he pays one cent. a teleehro- and get a good start in life. f- twenty years? About 45 pee 1,000.
ne for it. Single -arty tele- (c) To instruct mothers in the pro-. Knowing these facts, tell your
hones that formerly Dost Q;6 a month Per care and feeding of • infants so friends and neighbors. Interest every
life. I is being carried op in your 'city and.
a ,
axe now $525 a month which entitles that they may survive, the first eriti- body you know in tbe great work that
almost 24 minutes of conversation, (d) To' provide means. whereby, community and, if possible, persuade
ach business day. . mothers can their c
The telechronometer is a little die- weighed and measured for physical acts. Remember it is a labor of love:" 9/linard's Llnlment Relieves Neuralgia
worthy f
the subscriber• to 600 month,
or cal year of
laild •en ii difl'erent eo le to become enthuse
�,h haveth ' s t P P
Port 0'Happiness.
To happiness! A foreign port we
Toward which we proudly. Steer,
Our sails all set, our bows ,afoam,
Mere pleasure is the reef ahead, my
Helm down, haul taut the gear
Our part of happiness is home!
—H. C. Chatfield -Taylor.
A. Wall Street man was very keen vice located clone to each telephone ailments or defects. It is work that is wor ay o every, "Mystery roads" en which motor
h t f hilid citizen. It is the work of the' Those Having Sick Animals
1 Before 1 1 could enter his all' ty, ft tr 1" has physical defects to provide , a free'will," said to be due
School in charne of graduate of
Johtns Hopkins Hospital. Apply Superin,.
tendert, Homewood Sanitarium, Guelph.
mushrooms for us waste space in
cellars, but -houses or gardens can be
made yield 325 to $50 per week; illus..
trated booklet and particulars ,sent for.
3e stamp. Toronto Supply Co., Ounistocll
belting, pulleys, saws, eabie,bose,packing,
etc:, shipped subject to :approval at low',
est prices in Canada, YORK BELTING
Forest Fires and the Citizen.
Forest fires have made such. inroads
upon Canada's forests, that no citizen
having the country's interests at learn
can refrain from adopting every sensi-
ble precaution in his personal conduct,
Unextinguislted camp fires, lighted
matches, end tobacco have robbed the
nation of millions of dollars in publics
owned' property. To leave acamp-fire
burning while in or near standing tim•
bar is a plain invitation to a disaster,
The lighted match and the cigarette
are in the same category.
The safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
Two -cabins, a heating stove which
will also wwarm food, and a life-saving
net, into which shipwrecked people
can jump, are the main features of a
new type of lifeboat now being built.
Bulk Carlotts
en having proficient clerks in his epi- and registers the time consnuned by (e) To advise the parents o a child - mer who said,"Inasmuch as ye cars travel more quickly "of their
p •oy. Be ore a cert the c • ing par , after "central" havingown travel
are now s
office he was required to pass a -writ- made the connection. Registration is medical treatment for the child, so have done it to one of the least of
to :the extra profuse vegetation on
ten examination on his knowledge of stopped the instant their receiver is that the defects may be early cor-� these lYIy� brethren, ye have done it either ode the plants give off oxygen
business. i ,• '_
I rep an the book. No influence rected once thus give the child a� Tinto Me. and Suffer little children
At one examination one of the'ques- outs'.de the control of the subscriber chance to grow up normally, without, to come unto Me ;and forbid them not,l which helps the motor engines to run
bens was: "Who formed the first' can cause registration any unneeesuary handicap in its .for of Such is the Kingdom of; more freely.
A certain bright youth Was a little
puzzled at -this, but was not to be
floored. He *tote:
"Ncalt sncees:fully floated a com-
pany yr i'_e tie rest cf tie v or d was
Tie passed.
A youth sidled into a •jeweller's
shop with a furtive air. 'He. handed
the jeweller a ring with the stam-
mered statement that he wished it
marked with "some names." .
"What names do you wish?" in-'
quired the .jeweller.
"From Arthur to Maud,"etlte young
man blushingly whispered.
The 'jeweller looked from the ring
to the young. man and said in a
fatherly manner, • "Take,, my advice,'
young •man, and have' it engraved sim-
ply, 'From Arthur'!"
A man's lungs contain two hundred
ctmbic inches of air.
- growth and development. I Heaven",
The largest sa,lling .ship afloat is a
French five -master, La France, a steal.
barque of 5,633 tons burden, which C
carries 30 sails and a crew of 54. Her •
best fair:aveather run is 822 loots in
a 24-hour day, though she has logged
as.much as 421 knots in a hurricane.
Not many steam freighters could bet-
ter those figures. -
Sir Arthro Balfour's full title is
t, � r sn;;
Earl cf Bay -four sand Z i .aunt Tlaprain
of Wi•ttinghamne. Balfour is a small
place in Fife, the -original home of the
Badf�oturs. Wittinghame is the Earl
of Balffour's Scottish home and place
of birth, in East Lothian. -
"If a child refuses to eat," says an
expert, "do not try to force Mien; in-
stead, dole out the. food with apparent
reluctance and try to make him be-
lieve that he must not eat too much."
The bay and girl club leader who
put "earn" inn) "Pearn" did much to
further tete club :movement:
Novel method of Attracting Settlers
Wie•eonsin's method of adding to the
-.population and wealth of the state is)
distinguished by absolute originality,!
and what is better, by unparaile'c:li
success, says'an American writer.
Like all states', not to mention Canada,
where immigration is desired, Wisr_ore
Sin uses' printed *pamphlets describing
the attractive 'features of the state,
but it uses. these only as a secondary
feature—the primary feature of its
method of attracting new residents,
and of retaining them after settle-
nient, being an entirely personal ap-
peal, an appeal from man to. Man,
from the director of immigration dire-
ctly' to the prospective settler, and a
supervision of his interests alter his
arrival in the satiate.
This method can be best illustrated
by deseribing a ty�picial e:oiample. In
reply to a bureau of immigration
classified advertisement, there name
an inquiry -from a man in Iowa, in
reply to this went a long personal
letter from tine 'director of the bureau,
interpreting an accompanying pam-
phlet on "Farm Making in `Upper Wis-
cousin," and pointing out the use of
an unclosed "certificate of inquiry" to
be :pre��ented to any person dr firm
The ailments of childhood—consti-
pation, indigestion, colic, cold's, etc.—
can be quickly banished through the
use of Baby's Own Tablets. They are
a mild but thoto•uglt, laxative which in-
stantly regulate the bowels and sweet,'
en the stomach. They are guaranteed
to contain na harmful thug and can
be ;given to the youngest baby . with
perfect safety. Concerning them Mrs.
Ai -cede Lepage, Ste. Beatrix, Que.,
writes:—"Baby's Own Tablets were of
great help to my baby. - They regu-
lated her'_ bowels and stomach.` and
made her plump and well." The Tab-
lets are sold by medicine dealers or by
nail at 25c a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
If you're the butt of scandal's aim,
This thought to you appeals:
The poorest fruit is not the game
On .wliicli wasps -gnaw their meals.
The v�i�cieus word, the ball of snow,
They gather as they roll and grow•
Throw a handful out upon the street,
It's •a mountain' when the neighbors
from welkin . the prospective settler --a --�
might purchase land. • This .certificate Nurses War Memorial Fund..
is aprotect!on to the land purchaser, Canadian nurses from ooast to coast
and it wenn the land salesman that are raising funds to erect a monument
the Wisconsin Bureau of Immigration at the Capital in commemoration of
intends to keep in tench with the pur- Canadian Nursing Sisters who lost
chaser during the whole transaction. their lives during the Great War. On -
Thus is the immigrant in a large meas- tario nntrses are` requested to send
urs protected from falling into the their contributions either individually
hands of unserupulous land agents,•or through their local association to
and. should • he nevertlheless do so, he the. Provincial Secretary -Treasurer of
could appeal to the buirean to have his the Fund, Miss Holland,. 410 Sher -
wrongs righted.bourne St, Toronte.
Th ]t f th' l ci f k has
e resu1' o is {ln, • o wor
been that since the war, 5,280 families
have: located' in northern Wisconsin to
develop farm homes. Two large
charts have been made, one covered
with dots representing new families
located on the, land during the last
three years. and' the other showing,
with similar dots, each new family
that has been directly eseisted by the
immigration laureate The second• chart
has nearly as many dos as the first.
ved the body- well
Right food. for the body is
more important than, rlighit
fuel for the engixte . -
is a scientific food,eontaining .fl
rhe nutriment of wheat and malt-
ed barley. GrapesNutS digests
easily and o ti+ k1y', builds toward
health and, strength --= and. is
delightful in flavor and crispness
a .�
-r4� e
ut $
Tree Planting in Canada.
This la the season of the year when
tree planting :is being votively carried
on throughout Canada. In Ontario and
Quebec, farmers are improving their
woodlots by planting, seedling trees
sent out trona the provincial forest
nursery sitatioirs at St. Williams and
Berthierville, respectively; and in
both provinces there is cemsiderable
activity in regard to mnnnioipal forests,
particularly in Ontario, where the first
planting work is being done on some
ot the newly established county
forests. In the. Prairie Provinces•
abotut five million seedlings and Cut-
tings, all `told, will be sent out from
the 1tidianellea•d and Saskatoon forest
nursery stations ,of tbe. Doinin.ion
Forestry Brameh. These are all fol;
pisnting• shelterbelts on fame. Be-
sides thee these same nursery stations
are s�eniding' out a considierable gnaaltity
of planting material and tree seeds
for plan.tinig and sowing on different
Dominion forest reserves. This is only
a beginning in reforestation, but it ire
dicates net the. tide is at last turning
M that direction.
Rules Differ.
In Italy wheeled traffic keeps to the
left in large towns but to the right in
tIre country.
The Wins "part" and Tati.loard"
'cave been used, when giving dlirec-
'tions to the man at the helm.of ,a stip
t3ihte t!ht• sixteenitb century'..
The Pine Tree and the Star.
In the vaulted blue a shining star,
Brightest of the Hosts on high,
Sheds its radiance from afar,
A rare jewel of the easy.
A humble pine -tree on earth below
Lifts its arms unto that star,
Like a giant index it doth show
What it worships from afar.
2•he pine tree can not the star attain,.
It stands rooted in the clay;
But worship of the orb shall not wane
'Till the tree shall pass away.
Winds the pine tree's branches toss
and sway,
But the gale it still defies
And with its ,giant finger points the
To its idol in the skies.
My soul looks upward to heights of
fame, As the pine tree to the star,
In dreams I sec an immortal name
Where Fame's deathless glories are.
And does my soul look up all in vain,
While my feet ding to the clay?
Should I' scorn heights I may not at-
And choose a more humble way?
Better that my soul should ever yearn
For heights I shall never know,
Than to be content to humbly turn
- Znto ways obscure and low.
As the pine points to the star on high
It grows ever .straight and true;
Arid uplifted ever, so may I
Attain some small glory, too:
—Hattie Washburn.
Minard's Liniment forsale everywhere
Tells Safe, Certain, Speedy Relief For
Acid Indigestion.
So-called stomach troubles, such as
indigestion, gas, sourness, stomach-
ache and inability to- retain food are
in. probably nine cases out of ten,
re -
that excessive secre-
tion of acid is taking place in the
stomach, causing the formation of gas
and acid indigestion.
Gas distends the stomach and causes
that full, oppressive, burning feeling
sometimes known as heartburn, while
the acid irritates and inflames the
delicate lining of the stomach. The
trouble lies entirely in the excess de-
velopment or secretion of acid.
To stop or prevent this souring of
the food contents of the stomach and
to neutralize the acid, and make it
bland and harmless, a teaspoonful ot
Bisurated magnesia, a good and effec-
tive corrector of aoid stotuach, should
be taken in a quarter ee a glass of hot
or cold water after eating or when-
ever gas, sourness or acidity is felt.
This sweetens the stomach and neu-
tralizes the acidity in a few moments
and is a perfectly harmless and inex-
pensive remedy to use.
An antacid, such as Bisurated Mag
nesio, which can be obtained from any
druggist in either powder or tablet
form, enables the stomach to do its
work properly without the aid of
artificial digestents. Magnesia conies
in several forms, so be certain to ask
for and take only Bisurated Magnesia,
which is especially prepared for the
above purpose.
Too many heads are turned to the
appeal 01 "luck" and from the modest
returns of thrift.
Have . Good .Hair
and. Clean Scalp
Free from dandruff and itch-
ing. It's easy. On retiring rub
spots of dandruff and itching with
OuticuraOintment,r. getting OMnt-
nientwell on scalp. Nextu orning
shampoo with Cntict�ra Soap and
hotwater. ltiinse withtepidwater.
Sarp25e. Ointateht25it,dSee. Telcaea25c. Sold
sac 1i
4cd 344 34 Pad 34 W Walesa.
utealt!N Snap =.40 vnthootist�u
ISSUE No, 21—'22...
Amorioe's Pioneer Dog 7!{emediea
Book on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
8. Clay Glover 00., 2nD.
129 'West 24th Street
New York, U,S,A.
Wee WW
Good for all throat and chest diseases
Distemper, Garget. Sprains, Bruises,
Colic, Mange, Spavins, Running Sores,
etc., etc. Should always be in the stable
Every Woman's Wish-,
Read Mrs. Cassaaly's
Paris, Ontario,—"For five years I
suffered with pains in my back and
from other troubles
women often have.
Ali of this time I
was unfit for work
and was taking the
different medicines
that I thought were
good. I saw the
advertisement in
the papers of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and
have taken it faith-
fully. I am now in
good health and do all my own work.
I recommend it to others and give
you permission to publish this letter
en your little books and in the news-
papers as a testimonial."—Maas. D.
CessnDY, Box 461, Paris, Ontario.
This medicine which helped Mrs.
Cassady so much is worthy of your
confidence. If you are troubled with
such ailments as displacements, in-
flammation, irregularities, or other
forms of female weakness you should
give it a trial now.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text:
Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to
Women" will be sent to you free
`upon request, Write to The Lydia E.
Pinhham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
This book contains valuable infor-
WARNING!. Say "Payer" when you buy Aspirin.
y Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not get -
ling Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" of
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose
worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by
millions for
Colds Headache Rileu l atisni
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
• Hand*
"Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets ---Also bottles of24 and 10o -Druggists:
acttAspirin 1l the te Conde mark (registered
Whiles St le well known shat Aepirint 'Manufacture of
Hectic cic0 C of saucy
znsni t.�tctaro, to assist the palters against itnftattoui•, tho 'tablets of `Savor Company
Will be atainved With thou general trade Mark, the "Bayer Oroae."