Zurich Herald, 1921-09-22, Page 8Page Eight ZXTRICIn HERALD EW GOODS At Low Prices New Goods for Fall now arrivingand and prices are much lom er than you were accustomed to pay We have: - 54 -in. black and navy serge. Its fine twill and smooth fin- ish makes it an excellent cloth for suit or dress, only yd. $2.10 40 -in. serge in black, navy, Copenhagen and wine, at spec- ial prices per yard. ... •.. Fine black douchess .silk. 1 -yd wide at per yard ._. ... ... .._2$.50 Balance of Habutia Silk, 36-inwide to clear per yard ... ._, ...90e Dark Prints now 'selling at Light prints, now selling at per yard Rockfast Shirting at per yard... ... Monarch Down yarn 2 -oz. ball now at ... Men's Work Shirts iSpecial at each Men's blue stripe pveralls $1.75 A shipment' of ,Girl's coats on hand, ,sizes from 12 to 20, we can offer /these at very low prices:So corn& early for first choice. New range of point laces for dress and coat collars priced from 70c 30c 25c 35c 35e to $1.50 per yard. Men's fine pants now selling from. $3.75 to $5.00. COME AND SEE THEM. 'A quantity of Purity No. 1 timothy seed for sale J. GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage Our Garage is a refuge to motorists in trouble; because wo. make repairs thor- oughly ancd`c-arry a most complete line of Genuine Ford Parts 'ALSO STOCK MOST CALLED FOR PARTS FOR VARIOUS AUTOS PitEST--O—LITE Battery Sales and Service Station A complete line of 'fires, Tubes, Gre- ases, Oils, Etc. We need Your Business, Satisfaction Assured H. Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. 41+++++++++++++++++.1.4-1.++++4-+++++++++++++++++++++++++4: +++++P+4.++++4.4++++++++++ 4. 4. 4. 4. Get your supply of these * We have only a few hundred sacks of Cement left and we + do not intend to get another car this Fall. We would advise * the public who require some to come and get their supply while it lasts. We also have a few rolls o#.,Frost Wire .i. Fence, equal space, only a few rolls to Clea' it a REDUCED PRICE. Farmers requiring fencing should not miss this. No * Better Fence made. Now is the time to haveour eve e trough and roof repaired before the cold weather sets in. We give best g of attention to plumbing work. Carry a full line of stoves, furnaces, heat- * ers, oil stoves, auto accessories, *heavy and shell hardware, etc. * .. Square Deal, Our Motto i ISTADE & W I DO :+. PREETER BLOCK • ZURICH *i **1 g, »:i':'«' 4040` JH4,4 .4.14t taIly� kiti. yak's,+tip►• ; nr+ir+d+aN iF•0 Heady -to -Wear Clothing HENQMY BROS. _GENTS FUtNISHINGS Ordered Clothing SOONER OR LATER You will come here for your Clothes -if you wait until later you"ll wish you had come sooner Tailor Made Suits Guaranteed Indigo Blue Serge $30 Up DENOMY : BRos. Produce taken in exchange for Goods ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mitchell has purchased a new fire hall and will issue debentures for $5,000. to pay for a new chem- ical fire truck, appliances and hose. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Daters of Hay Township were Sunday visit- ors .to t.:he former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Daters,) New Ham- burg. The recent marriage Law yAinend' ment Act appointing clerks ;,1 of each municipality as issuers • of marriage licenses . will go into ef- fect Oct. 1, but old issuers will .be permitted til issue libenses up 40. Oct. lst, 1921. Mr. John Kipper, the local bl- acksmith has recently installed an electric prepelled blower in; .,hied forge. It is a large improvem en't to the old hand driven bel lows that have passed out of ex- istance. John believes in being up to the times. • Insurance on parcel postage in Canada will come into effect ip October 1st, according to notice officially gazetted last week. Par cels will be accepted for insurance against loss up to $5; six ets. up to $25, lOcts, u,p to $50 and not ex- ceeding $100. Another weekly newspaper, the Chatsworth News, has ceased pub- lication• In making the announ- cement the News says, heavy cost of publication has made it impos- sible to carry on further. Only a few weeks ago the Wellesley*. Maple Leaf discontinued public- ation. • Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Schade last Wednesday were; Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Wilkie no and family, Mr. George Wilhelm, Mr. 'and Mrs. Adam Sippel and son Wilfred, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sippel and son Alvin; Mr. and Mrs Ed. Noll, and Mrs, Sippel, Sr.,' sis- ter of the departed, all were of Milverton. MILLINERY NEW FALL • SHOWING X Of all the latest;Styles in Mill- inery. Womens', Misses' and Ch:l- dren's trimmed and untrimmed hats in all the leading shades. SPECIAL Special Showing of small boys' black plush and velvet hats, plush and cloth tams in all sizes. Make your selection while'the choice is good. M. E.. Routledge, Zurich a good and reliable man and ev- erybody seems to like him on the Route. Mr. Harry Rau, our new bean buyer is quite busy on the road buying beans. Mr. Lawrence Denomy is able to be around again after ai .serious il- lness. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Denomy, Mr. and M. Maximet'Denomy motored to Coultright last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mousseau and family from McGregor returned home last week, after spending a few weeks holidays here. Word was received here this we ek of the death of Mr. Jacob Zeller of Wisconsin ,:State, who died on September 15th, in his 70th year. Mr. Zeller will be remembered by many in Zurich, having been , a son of the late Michael Zeller, and was born and raised in Zurich. He is a hrother to Mrs. Wm. Klopp of the village. Mrs -E. Appel of New Hamburg, Mrs. Annie Zeller, De- troit and 'Mr. Edmund Zeller of Windsor., After a publication period . of three months the IngersollDaily Chronicle has ceased publication and an assignment has been made. The proprietor, Arthur Willoughby'i is down and out because he list 3ned to ithe urging of a number of Ingersoll people, who did not understand the conditions surro- unding the newspaper business in these days. DRYSDALE. The farmers around here are quite busy threshing beans and selling them as soon as they are threshed. Mr. P. L. Denomy's auction Hale. last Saturday went fairly good, a large crowd was present. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cadotte of Chat- harp are visiting friends and rel- atives here. We are vary sorry to report, that we are going to logo our rinail carrier ageing as 11r..44044:410 Nina DASHWOOD. Miss Alice Lane of Dorchester, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. ser,- tricher. Miss Clara Kraft has returned from Grand Bend' where she has spent the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Shenk of Stratford spent the week -end in town. Mrs. Wes. Wolf and children are this week visiting in Seaforth. Mr. H. Hoffman and family and Gladys Guenther spent Sunday at the home of E. Bender, 14th con. Miss Catherine Finkbeiner has returned after a vacation in Sar- nia. Mr. and Mrs. Tries have moved into Mr. Aaron Musser's house. Mrs. Chilton and daughter of Ottawa visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid last week. The funeral of Hazel Irene, the infant daughter of Mr: and " Mrs. Otto Restameyer was held Tuesday morning to the Bronson Line cern etery, Rev. ' Granpner officiating: White -At Dashwood on Sept.17, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. White, a son. Mr: Samuel Oestreicher, who has had his silo filled last Monday, it being 14 -ft. by 35 feet high, had four, men tramping in, 11 'vas f'ily led up to the top in 8 hours and 45 minutes, that is certainly some filling, and does not only speak well of the men alone; but itlse of Mr. Ed, Kraft's outfit. He iia rtainix .0Draa Thursday Septeraber 222 19211 ...11.a..urr`..1,ve1 The store with the Liberal Cash Discount Atteijtioij Farmer Woven Fence While it lasts at Here is.a chane to benefit at prices never heard of We are the loser. You are the gainer MELICFC& BRAEJN PHONE 63 V1 erai ; Job Dart �. Is al ways at your service for •GOOD PRINTING: Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads,,Billheads,'Statements, Envelop- es, Check Books, Posting Bills a specialty. BigMid-SummerSale After our successfUt,three week's Midsummer Sale we have decided to continue same fora tinge, as busin- ess demands these reductions, and we therefore advjse you totake ad- vantage of this opportunity. Get our prices before purchasing. BELOW ARE ONLY A FEW SPECIALS. SPACE WILL NOT PER-. MIT US TO PUT AL LBARGAINS IN THIS. ADVERTISEMENT. Lonoleumns at per yard ... .,. 4$.00 Men's Straw. Hats at HALF PRIOR Feltex Regular 2.25 Sale Price $1.70 Big Reduction in Overalls and Ladies' Waists Regular 3.50 for$2 50 , i Pants e Regular $2.25 Sale ... __, $150 Children's Straw Hats at HALF PRICE All -woo 1 serge 40 in. wide yd. 95e Light Prints per yard ,. _,. 19c Dark Prints per yard .. 25c Dress Voils Regular 1.25, 1.50 $2 per yard Sale Price .., ... 85c GREAT BARGAINS IN SILKS House Dresses and Aprons at Big Reductions. Mill Ends in Shirtings, Galateas, Chambrays. Don't forget to look' at these Snapa Ladies' Summer Underwear at Prices Away Down Ladies' White Cotton Night Gowns, Reg. 2.00 Sale . $1.50 Job Lot Middies for Girls at 50c Men's Dress Shirts at HALF PRICE Felt Hats at HALF PRICE Men's and ,Boy's Caps at HALF PRIMO Ladies' Middies Regular 2.50 at$1,2 Ladies' White top skirts Reg. 4.50 $5 and $8, Sale' Price .., ,,_ ... $3,00 Ladies' Cotton Night Gowns, Regular 2,75, Sale Price $2.00 All Curtain Goods at a BIG REDUCTION. Towelling: at per yard ,., ,.. ... 15n GROCERIES Rise 3 -lbs. for ... ... ,..25e Laundry Soap 4 bars for ,..._25e Yeast Cakes per Box 5e; Broken Biscuits per pound .,. le °. Palm Olive Soap 3 for :_25e • 25 Ibs. Calf Meal for „_ �.., ..... $1.23 Fruit Jars, pints dozen ,.. Fruit Jars, quarts per "dozen Fruit Jars, half -gallon doz. ... $1.00' Matches per box... ' ...,,. ,,, :.. 1 Castile Soap 7 bars for 250 Produce Wanted. Buteric Fash ons Phbkiefrr I-4 "WU