Zurich Herald, 1921-08-25, Page 5rt Thursday, . Mgi at 25th, 1921 J3USINFSS CARDS_ Prendfoot,, Killoran ;& HOL111ES. Earrieters, .Notarle$, Fubli :, ,Etc. Offlee on the Square, 2nd door from 1lamilton St. God - evict?" larrvate . funds to loan at !lowest mine, W, iiroudfoot, IL.C, 3, L. Killoran D. E, Ilolmea, Mtn. fl.oirnes will be in Ilensall en Friday of each week...04.1610.1101•10W� ANDREW P, IIESS, Notary Public Com naissionerr, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance, Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. I3erald Office, Zurieh. m DENTIST At ITURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY 'pASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICR - HEN° eLle OSCAR, KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co - lusty of Huron, Sales • conducted an any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. 'Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, F. - O. Phone 18-93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' Isicense for the County of Huron ;And am in, a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give me, a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. 'Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Woolj CASH FOR WINS & H i 1)ES ' I' UT Xotn Wants , or Sale,, ,Lost,: Found, Notice., etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN NOT10E, I Will operate my eider mill ev- ery Tuesday and Thursday of each 'week, commencing . Thursday, Aug- ust 30th. t-12 MENNO STECKLE, Stanley. -epee- CARD OF THANKS The family ot. the late Mrs. Geo. Siemon wish to thank their neigh- bors and friends for the kindness shown in the death of their late mother. FOUND Just south of Zurich, for a C:hevrolette ear. can have same. at Herald paying for this' adv. a crank Owner office by FOR SALE A new $10.00 Chatham Kitchen Cabinet for $33.00 cash. tf-7 FOR SALE A. registered Scotch bred Short - both heifer Calf 10 months old. Al - „so a Regie tered Shorthorn bull calf € months old. A.A. Weber, Bronson Line, t7 FOR SALE A real snap on a 6 -ft. Massey - Harris Binder, onnextyear's terms L. A. Prang, Zurich. tf 4 Irvi Lg131vat &'' NOTICE As I have recently purchased the 1i''ery 'business, I wish to inform • the public that I air in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Ain also a 'licensed chauffeur and .have, an auto for 'tire. , Anything done in the teens - hag line°,. 4S-tf. GEO. J. THIEL Zurich. Phone 56 LIVE POU LT RY WANTED ZURICH LOCAL NEWS Miss Ida Well of Toronto is vlt itin'g here. Mr. 3. Preeter is spendiri ' the week up north fishing Miss i$'. ie Boese of Milverton is FOR SALE A. 5 -passenger Grey Dort tour- ing car, in good condition. R. Ohlert, 2uri h. Taken everyeday till -3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurieh tlw .g utast of her friend, Mrs. C. L. Smith, Don't forget the light lunch that will be served in the Ladies' Fl Zurieh, on Saturday eve, M. W. Frank of Kitchener was a visitor at t11p borne of 1VIr, C. Eilber an Wednesday. Rev R. M. Geiger delivered a well 'attended sermon in the Ev- angelical church on Sunday even- ing. Mr, and Mrs. S. E. Faust and sons Carl and Harold of Goderich were 'visitors in thevillage on Sur. - day, 1VTr, and Mrs. Hy: Volland of Us - borne, were Sunday visitors et the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, Alb- recht. Mrs. A. Geiger and family, Mrs, C. Heyrock, Misses E. Beenie and E. Heyrock are camping at Grand Bend. FOR SALE I am offering for sale my bak- ing business in. Zurich. For full particulars apply to the proprie- tor, Mr. Jost Geiger, Zurich. 116 FOR SALE A fine frame house dwe:iing pro- perty at the west end ofthe vil- lage, recently occupied by the late Mrs. G. Siemon will be sold pri- vately. Any person desiring to purchase same can have full par- ticulars from. Mr. Conrad Sie- mon, Zurich. tf6 NOTICE. Any person found trespassing without permission on Lot 13, L. R. E., Hay Tonwship, will be pros= ecuted to the full extent of the Law. C. O. Smith, Proprietor. FOR SALE -A ego od- ^secon dle nd Grey. Iyoxt' bar in good running condition. Ap- ply to Lawrence Jeffrey, St. Jos- eph Brick Yards. 'Threshing Machinery S am agent of title .district for the celebrated Waterloo Mfg. Co machinery and Hiedler tractors. Parties interested will do well to .see me. Have sold the following machines this season wills absolute 'satisfaction in every sale; Hy. Sieckle, steam outfit; John Erb Sial tractor and small separator; Nemo Steekle also a tractor out- fit. ut- d y see For further ofthese w ers. information kin- dly PETER KROPF, Agent, Zurich. • t COAL P e 1tfr. arid Mrs. s, Jacobe Were Sundayvisitors at Chis?1hurst. 1dra and Mrs, (x, (iund011 of Lon- don ,'were; fiauud>p,y^ VISitor's DCVO, Nlr,i Clias. Weber is spending hea'v'e ttion at Crosswei Mich. Mr 0,,i ,et• Davin of Toronta ca1- 1e4 in, the village on Monday. A•,Humber of hill fans ae om- panit"ti out team to. Milverton on Tuesday Mrn 'Wellington Fee and daugh- ter, Miss E'x.r of Seatorth were Sunday visitors in the .village, Mr, Laurie of Petrolla is visit- ing at the ,home, of Mr, and Mile H. Gellman. IIe being Mrs. :Gai insane> father. Mi`. and Mrs, Ted. Mittelholtz li=ft on Tuesday morn'ng for as ex- tended trip to .Du,nville and other points, lifr. and Mrs. Shaw. of London, and Mr. and Mrs. D. McAdams and son of London Tornship visited over $tinday at Mr. T. McAdam's on the. Bronson Line. • NOTICE -On and after Sept, 1st, the 1Vlolsons Bank will close at 12 o'clock on Saturd=ays and will be open until 3 o'clock a.m. on Thursdays, • Mr, Moses Geiger and Mrs. Oswald Fisher left on Monday morning for Pigeon; Mich., to at- tend, the funeral of their sister, the late Mrs. Peter Weidem•an, who died at that place. BETTER BULL CAMPAIGN Mrs. John Lein and daughter, Miss Lilyan of Elmira, spent the past week at the home of Mr. C. Truemner, -14th con. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wesley and family of Detroit ,who had been staying at the lake for two mon- ths, returned to the city on Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch and NIr. and Mrs. Albert Oesch, of Mil- verton, spent the .week -end at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. John J. Smith, of this village. Melick & Braun's special prize was omitted in Zurich Fall Fair Prize List. They offer a McLary coal oil heater, value $8.00 for the twelve largest and best stalks of field corn. Mr. Roy Appel of Kitchener, was in the village a few days last we- ek, and removed his jewellery work bengh, ete.,ato Tavistock, where he will open up a business. We wish Mr. Appel everysuccess in his undertaking. - e The Hall Dent Ltd. factory at Zurich will be re -opened on Mon- day flaxt. Considerable of the former employees have already consented to begin again, and,in a few weeks We expect to see it running full force. Mr. I1,a y. Ohlert has been appointed man- ager for this branch:, • We are sorry to report that Mr. Rudolph Heideman,, who had been visiting at Detroit died suddenly on Monday evening at that city. *dlieeten a1ets are expected to .ar— rive. here at Zurich, to -day, Wed nesday. More particulars will follow next week. The funeral will be held this Thursday aftern- oon at 2 o'clock. FOR SALE • THRESHING' MACHINE, ETC. Consisting of one Sawyer-M,a- sey Peerless Separator and 20 h. p. S. -M. traction engine, tank, belts, Etc., cone 9-h.p. Lister gas- olene engine. For further part- iculars apply to John Thirsk, Blake, R. R. oN. 2. Zurich -31 FARM FOR SALE 250 "acres, more or less, concession 4 and 5 •Stanley, township, about 4%miles from Clinton. Well., im- proved, good clay loam, 15 acres hardwood .and cedar bush, prac- tically all fenced with new wire fencing. First-class house and barn; telephone; rural mail deliv- ery. Will sell on reasonab.e terms Apply on premises to Adam Stewart, R.R,No.5, Clinton 3-tf $P iIIINCi AND SUUMMER DELIV- ERIES. Season 1921 During the past Coal Season which bas almost ended, we have been able to render the consuming. public of Zurich and vicinity, a motel service '-which, we think, has -not been equaled in any other part 4ef the country. We will again ging the coming season give of eUr best services in;,solving your Inel problems and s�ibject to the usual conditions governing prices Mad deliveries. We, are glad to announce we are ,again booking orders at the old ” Attila where we are still doing bus- iness, enjoying the calumny of our eteemies and the adulations of our itriends, strongly fortified in our Iropje enjoying the eventualities 44 the fight. --Terms Cash. Phone -House 10W. .Office 103 Zel,DenZbAse CarlteloX !IDAL . & PRODUCE MERCHANT H NSAI L ONT, FARM FOR SALE • For sale, Lot 15, con 4,, Stanley, containing about 99 acres; about 2 miles from Brucefield; i mile from School. About( 65 acres workable land, balance rough pas- ture, lots of water, good bank barn and frame house. Apply to S. . • Bryden, Clinton, or A. T. Scott, Brucef field. 2t6 HONEY HONEY Now is the time to buy your year. of Honey •for the Wt.: are in a position to eupply yc.ur needs of No. 1, Extracted cloeer. Honey at 20c per lb.- We will fiil••your containers. Also a limited quantity, of fine comb Hon ey, For prices on large quantit- ies of honey write of phone . No. 11 on 89; J. Hlaberer & Sons, Zur- i.'h, Ont. 19z0 Strong Plea in Simple Words for Better Sires. Lesson ,From the Case of the Hopes Steel—flow a Boy Made Maple Sugar—Garden (3hit-Chat. (Contributed by Ontario Department It Agriculture, Toronto.) 0 you ever read the market reports? If you do you will see all too .frequently cote- ments like the following: "Trade was slow and draggy; choice offerings scarce; large number of in- ferior cattle hard to move at any price." Have you ever personally inspected the live stock at the Toronto Stock Yards? It may seem almost unrea- sonabie'to say, but really' the good kind is all too hard to and. The reason for poor live stock is very apparent, to, everyone vtlto visits the 'country occasionally, and looks over the, average herds of cattle that are being. kept. Small, undersized cows are very common, and, of course, there's the light -weight ,bull of (usually) doubt- ful ',ienee. Stage:: 'Pleiree espeakiiig- an:. absolute cull. "Miff ,etre don't have to go much deepen into the: subject to understand where all the poor stock comes 'from. - However, We will grant this, that good feeding and care will do a great deal, but 7.ou can't get economical returns fa:oin ,a poorly -bred steer, no matter what feed you put into him. The 1 upas steer which was so ad- mired at':the Winter Fair at Guelph recently :' was front a 'very ordinary cow, but. steed by a real bull. 1 am sure Mr..: 'Kopas would never hen e won the championship if he had used a grade hull. Just reonexnbea' this: The'hoffspring . is going to be any than the sire.•:° se yoti Pse a measlybetter little runt of it grad.e bull, that's narrow, upstanding, and meat-hearte(i, don't expect to'. top time market with his steer calves. Use them for fertilizer or chicken scrap. On thee l,11youl ese a ena low -set, 'blocky, pure-bred with plenty of heart, good spring of rib and ,,width of loin, full in the twist and carrying a good quarter, you can .expect calves of a similar type. , It seeing to rue that a Tarin er would take a great deal of pleasure out of watching the improvement in his live stock each year. The knowl- edge that, he was being well repaid for his . feed and labor would be a great 'Source of satisfaction. Better bulls will have to be used all over Ontario if the farmer is go- ing to take lower. prices' and still Drake a living. The sooner this is understood the better. • Quality counts when you is considered around the $300 come to 'sellanything and it sure niark, as he' was recently offered does count Sir marketing .live stock. by Mr. E.. horse, $berry, who.vnows „ There ,never was a better time to scrap yor;r grade bull and buy :a a good $250, and several., ' pure bred. The supply is fairly large enough to thisvaluable en g Buyers were after a and prices are not high anintai at the time of his , death. , Ind p the average termer. Mr. Eilber also has itt training at I . We all know that the grade or the present time a very promis- eeruli ull.is "sole. Haa�is "sure" to ing young mare "Bedda Asia" ow- sire ca res that will be sure to eat ned by Mr.''•3,''Decher, Jr. and more than their worth, "sure" to self purchased ata recent Chicago sale , far $Ae. jort:t marl* price. "sure" who Ls showing"up well ,.and' with" to lee ,the farrier n;o>gey, and in tree out a doubt, will develop into lend sure tb bankrupt Ai something good in- the hands of continues to use hint. a - Mr. L'ilber... ,,_, , I iCenzte, Field Manager, I:lve Stock . 'Branch: -The distinguished 8 -year-old trotting gelding "Peter Templeton' awned by Mr. • Chris. Eilber . o: the village died on Tuesday from a severe attack' of indigestion. He was owned by ilVtr. Garnet Deters of Hay Township until two years ago when Mr. ,Eilber. purchased him and started developing his speed, and all eyes were upon this horse for the corning season's Fall Fair races. Aa a three year old. he won second money . at London competing against five other hot, seg. In a recent snpecd exhibit-' ion he trade a mile heat on the Zurich track in 2.21, the last half in 1.8, and without any urging whatever. This is considered fast stepping as owing,' to the sharp corners and the track being .80 feet longer, it is recened to be 'about 6 seconds siosv. During Mr. Rilber's training in these two years, Mr, Eilber advises us that this horse was a t rue trotter and never made a break. We might also mention that this last half mile was stepped the fastest by either trotter or pacer in thehis- tory of jt'hee Zurich track, and at any time that a trotter makes this racord , over this same track, the Herald • requests to be advised: thereof, Much sympathy is ex- tended to Mr. Eilber as the loss tA. Year, Of NOTABLE ACHIE'VEMEN'T for 'the. London Life Incurance Co. Head Office; - London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders was Increased During War Period Maintained through Epidemic Period Continued in high cost period . . An unparelled Rewarr1. C.A.. Hoffii n1, Agent 11-7--1;:-.11V-'-f-1,,, The saFicialyorrai nth tenoti1 similatingt AVelefableleiparairoefol ,; iltelbodbyne$ ; ltintheStomachsaadI3ow ' r i ulgt3tr�A $$ stio �TherebYl,ro Gkteerfuiilattaoh tem r l neitherOpieaiun,li es[o' rfiir►eral. OT c0eu!'TTG lleclpent 'sorsa senna senuele ewe Eloehella 5a(d,v Also Tod B6!'artmn k fbdW ClariffedSugar liiiitaaproo"luvo A bei pion and Diaat'rimea edyfor Gnn$tipave es5 and 1 it any ice$ult#t►lists,eserr:.:In.:ifiltiranc:411 -teeoflTaitniik C ;lT MONP r r NTS...jeenen :see For infants and children4,, � others Know lel.Know Genuine �i� Casten' Always Bears the Signature of In Use for Over Thirty Years STti �,'M wvIA Exact Copp of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR CBMPAN Y, NEW Y08 ( CITY. Mas sey-Harris Farm. Machinery We are Sole Agents for this district for the celebrated and well-known Massey -Harris Farre Implements and Farm Engines and Tractors, and an ,.supkiy,your wa its. ing seasOrt.' They Have Stood The Test They Have Es!abiished a Reputation Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere J. EIDRUAR, Zurich Big Reduction in Bicycles . and Sundries IN ORDER TO DISPOSE :''OF OUR ENTIRE REMAINING SEA- SON'S STOCK WE ARE OFFERINGTHE FOLLOWING ;REf.UCTIONS New Hyslop Bicycle, Regular Price $6Q.00, Sale Price ..., :., ....... $49.00 One good second hand, bicycle, a good buy, for only ..4 ...I ......$35.00 One new rear wheel, new; tire and coaster tor .9110.00 '1 front wheel complete for $5.00; TIRES; Clip -per.' for $2:75 and Studded for $3,00 Inner Tuber for $1.25; Panthr lamp for $2,75; Mud gards for $1.25; Pumps for $1.00; Good used rollerchains at Half Price. And many articles that epace will not permit to mention.. Be surer and get your supply of these Bargains. O'Brien & Waiper Zurich a) O F. M. HES§ CO. .• OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Care!- Overlaid Cars New overland 4 We have tested the NEW OVERLAND FOUR for Year and find that it is easily the best riding driving car on the road.. COME ALONG AND LET US PROVE IT TO YOU. HONESTY IS OUR MOTTO READ NEXT WEEK'S AD FOE SPECIFICATIONS one and 0 2-7 ZURICH c2 PROTECTION --FOR-- AUT011►�IU • BILE OWNERS INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE CAU ' et 1. . t t , 82D BY t ' Fire and Transit Fire arising from any cause whatsoever, anywhere in Canada or U. S., including explosion, self ignition and lightning. Theft THEFT, ROBBERY AND PILFERAGE Public Liability ed b Against your legal liabilitiy for injuries or death caul T the use of your automobile. Collision Damage to your automobile AS a, result of being in an accidental collision with another object, Property Damage Against your 'liability 'for damage to property Of others. I s g Rates very reasonable, Get rates on any of above,classes from; • Andrew F. Hess, Zurich 4 "4 ..1 .4 4 1 4 d 4 4 a 1 a 4 +t s 4e r 4