Zurich Herald, 1921-08-25, Page 1•w ZURtCH, THURsDAY`"`'MOKNlNQE AUGUST 25, 1921„ Vo , XX 11, No 7 FLEE00 You know the lightness ,;Bowling green, Tennis Courts, etc. just as you slip on flannels or whit Foot ali day, right through the su fort. We have them for Men, full line of white canvass, Oxfords, bur display and get our prices. and comfort' cf •Fleet -Foot shoes on You get into your Fleet foot e ducks, Why not wear; Fleet-` rnmer and enjoy ease, and corn- Women and Children. Also Tics, and Pumps. Call and se WI H. PF LE, ZU R1 H SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIRS. fes•' Cat1•vO,O c.>c c�CO'o c�oaoc4OOv ._O '• _2OO• OOP d,,, d,.. ? p•4 'v o o.v.v..v.v.vo vv•v v •l 6 • to T. The last month for these SummerSale events has ,a ,. arrived and we are now facing.. the' arrival of Fall 1; �Jo• '.4o Stocks which makes it necessary to cleat out otir- ODd m :er Merchandise. to make room` for the new fall'i O.D. Su i o.`g:oocls and price is not now a,factor, as our business 4 policydemands that no stocks be carried over. from '. 4 one season to afotlle .° 4.6 4.0 ,0.! itg Fancy ress Goods ip • Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1,25 -a Year In Advance $1,54 TX AltRAARS, $2 MAY BE 01118.R( E Mr, and. Mrs. - H. Gallivan were week end 'visitors . at Goderich Miss PearlWuitz, is visiting 'at. Sarnia And paints in Michigan. Mr. Philip Bedard of Tilbury v - lied relatives liege the past week. Mrs. (Rev.) F. B. Meyer and chil- dren are visiting .at Gerrie this u?cek. Mrs.:Wes. Merrier and two .chil- dren of Winnipeg are visiting re- latives' here.'., Mr, and Mrs: A. F': `Hess and Mr, Albert ..less :were visitors to Lon- don Tiursde;y, Don't :forget the' dight lunch that will be aer,yed .in the ,.Ladies' Hall Zurich,' on Saturday eve, WE HAVE A• FEW ENDS 011,, FANCY 'VOILES LEFT OVER FROM OUR IMMENCEro ,. :. , L ; *Pe WE HHAA?E MADE TWO LOTS OF::THEM wr,T`f•?.C;w..!TO CEEAR '�$...5 T 4'. YARD, TO CLEAR--- ---... 25 CENTS L01� 'REG. PRICE UP TO $ , `' - AT _ ANOTHER ,.-LOT UP ,$2 •:50 PER YARD, TO CLEAR AT ... .._ .._ .. F-_, ...5�Oc. PER; YDS ' ATO ALSO A FEW REMNANTS FROM 2 TO . YD. ENDS AIT A BARGAIN.' YOU SHOULD` GET ;"SOME OF THESE VALUES. ORGANDIES Colored Organdies,. in White, Blue, Pink and Mauve to clear at per yard, '50e. and 609. OP 3 PRINTS . o Best qualities in hight and dark - Blues, at per yard :, Good quality, Light Patterns at.20c 1RT1N.OS Good quality black and white, blue and White stripe. ,at 20c Best quality Rock fast Drills Black and White, per yd. . 30c' WHITE VOILE WAISTS A line of Ladies' white Voile Waists, Lace Trimmed, Londa aril short Sleeves, Regular $2.50 to clear at ___ „_ ___ - Another Job Lot of Waists to clear at, each _-. .__ ._ 50c 'White cotton corset covers, good quality, deep dace triming at 23c MIDDY WAISTS Women's and children's Middies with long and short Sleeves in plain White and Colored Triinnzings at .._ __- . HALF PRICE CHILDRENS' DRESSES Your last opportunity to - get' anice dress for a girl froLr> .to 10 years, only a few left and they all goat __..-" CE Silk and Cotton Hose Children's good quality fine ribb cotton Hose in bis. and brown. Reg, up to 50c a pr. in all sizes up to 10,; to clear eh. a pie 25c Ladies Silk Hose, best quality icolors blk Brown and white at1$.525 Also a line of Silk Hose, all shades at per pair -.- .. , •,:50c Children's Lisle socks, colored top• at ___ -•- . Mrs. Ed. Stoner of Kinde, Mich., is visiting her sister, rMs. Simon Greb, Babylon Line. and Mrs. David Barry of Dun Tille were week -end visitors with relatives here. 'Glia. ane4ebers of the Evangel ical "fehrir dh are arranging far a inouster ,Fowl Supper this fall, T1ie home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gaiter has recently been wired for Hydro, by Mr. H. G. Hess, electr- kionr, Mr,. ,Oliver Johnson of Goderich and son' Earl, of oTronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mr.' Thos, Johnson. Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Geiger of ,RockYvood, are visiting.at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrd. leloses, Geiger. Mr. and.. Mrs. JQl3, Mousseau and familyeof -:Detroit, who have been visiting relatives here and at the Sauble, returned to their homein that city on/ Saturday. N 7', pM tb S'l �j'... yam{. yy P,iiss 'rroi.r.i.'''Ez""41si'`',er.• Kitchener on Tuesda morning, • From there she will attend the millinery openings at Toronto, and will take 'ap her former position at Waterloo. Mrs David Ruby, of Cavalier, N. D:, is at present visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. nda Mrs. E. Gies, of this village. Mrs: Gie is very ill and slight hopes are entertained for her recovery. Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted BROKENLENSESACCURATELY DUPLICATED Dressing Sacks Ladies Dressing Sacks in blue, pink and rose, made of good quality • fancy crepe, will give splendid satisfaction at each• fe $1:26 SILKS White wash satin, specially adapted for Ladies` skirts, good quality 36 inches wide, at per yard $2.25 .A. line of colored silks for dresses 36 -in, all shades, yd 93c and $1+25 Silk. Tricolette, a splendid material for blouses and skirts ui col- ors, white, navy and orange shades, 36 -inches wide, yJ -- --•$3.00 Lode your order now for No.1 Purity timothy seed at lowest prices. Phone 59 PREETER Produce Wanted • 4D W. G. HESS JEWELLER AND -OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Incorporated in 1855 THE NS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches Buy Canadian Goods --and heli to keep Canadian workmear busy, it will help you.. Buy wisely and save asmucle. as possible' and deposit yaw savings in the Molsons Baxi..ls•. Ceurteous service to all. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch 1. Your Horse Requrem6fl u requirements at greatly reduced prices: t 'HORSE WHIPS ETC. ETC: t We are offering the folloWillg seasonable Horse HORSE SE BLANKETS RUGS ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS, ® e SEE omt EXTRA. FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS AT 4 A BIG R EDUCTION. We also carry in etoc au i in k full Line of Heavy Harness a g le harness, Etc. e 3 REPAIRING A SO CIALoT "' 1 FRED THIEL ZURICH f$@^� **4009 0*@***9: *4St�°***. i. es@*'L:rA<.* 04.9dO+saY�iel@@C ?J,09 4 40+++++++++ +++++++++++ •i. •S:' The Lutheran Choir, ,accompan- ied by Rev. H. Rembe, attended services at Auburn on Sunday af- ternoen, and as a cousequence,the .i evening service in the Lutheran church was not called until eight o'clock. On- Saturday evening, August, 27th, commencing at 7 o'clock,the Wornens' Lnstitute will serve Ice Cream and Pie in the Ladies' Hail Zurich. "At 9.30 o'clock two com- forters will be sold by auction at the same place ' Everybody come and enjoy the dainties. The Prize Lists for Zurich Fall Pair are now ready for distribut- ion and 'copies can be obtained from the Secy-Treas., A._ F. Hess, or from any Directors of the Soc- iety. Miss Powell, of the . Agric- ulture Department, has revised the dairy products and Ladies' work departments and a new de- partment of Domestic sciencehas been added. The changes are of special interest to the ladies. The Government judges this year are; as follows;Torses, Wm. Gould, Croton; Cattle, Sheep and Swine, E. V. Thompson, Guelph; Poultry Thos. Raines, Brantford. WINNERS OF THE HAY TOWN- SHIP SOLDIERS' MEMOR:- • JAL .SCHOLARSHIP FOR 1921 le0 Public Inspector, J. Elgin Tome has notified the Clerk of Hay Tow nship that the following are the names andaddresses of the H. S. Entrance candidates that won the Hay Township Soldiers' Memorial Scholarship for 1921.--ist and 2nd. Scholarships; Newell Geiger, S. S. No. 7, and, Leonard Greb;, S. S. No. 2; Leonard Greb,, 11 years old, and Newell Geiger, 12 years old, were equal and 1st, and 2nd 'scholarships will be divided equally between thein, 3rd Scholarship, Margaret Aldsworth, S. S. No. 2. 44-1,4.4e++++++++++++++++++++++.44* After our successful tme week's sale wefind that we have several lines left that we will sell at wonderful reductions at our Zurich Branch. Canvass and Summer Footwear prices Slashed topieces 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS AS Rte+ ZURICH' 1 4 4 4 �r moi• 4, : +.e,. ; o°+•i.q+o°.l•.oy*•e 3.3- :::.+g..; •q••t•,', •A•ei'3..r•; +•f• : •'s••i••i'o°iF••44d"4e•E'e-1 $•1-,°'ei*•%+'&'+°F."" 'F• C STO R s ror Infants and. Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature sr£ 4 PREWAR PRIGS THEY ARE NOT COMING: 13UT ARE RIGHT HERE PRE- WAR PRICES ON' A GREAT MANY OF THE LINES WE CAR R' . ESPECIALLY TEE DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES - AND GROCERIES.. - We have a good shirting at 35 cents per yard. A good Denine at 50 cents per yard. A good Denim for bos suits at 50 c isupwarper yard. Cottons at 15 cents peryard Flannelettes at 25 cents per yard and upwards. Men's Shirts were $2.50 e.renow selling at $1.25. Men's Overalls, per pair from $1,25 to $2.00 AND A GREAT MANY 'OTHER LINES REDUCED ACCORD- INGLY, WE INVITE YOU TO 'CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. Fresh Groceries always in:. Stock R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 S