Zurich Herald, 1921-08-11, Page 14 URI H ER Val. XXX I I No ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11, t92I. IMMO Chester L. Smith, Publisher, $1,25 a Year In Advance $1.50 IN ARRL.RS,.2 M.A1 I3E CIIA GE You know the lightness and comfort cf Fleet -Foot shoes on' Bowling green, Tennis Courts, etc. You get into your Fleet foot.,P just as you slip on flannel's or white ducks. Why not wear Fleet: Foot all day, right through the summer and enjoy ease, and com- fort. We have them for Men, Women and Children.Also a full line of white canvass, Oxfords, Ties, and Pumps. Call. and .see our display and get our prices. W. H. PFIL_E, ZURICH SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIR pd+pppd4p00��4400444449�4000OQ�' \ o. SUMMER Miss Gertrude Weber is visiting at London. Mr. Ed. Deiehert of Detroit is visiting at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz were Sun- day erisitors at Dashwood. Mr. R. T. Dunlop of Frankford, is ;spending a few days in the village. c `. BROKEN LENSES ACCURATELY Miss Jackson of London was the Iggest of her friend Miss Margaret Lemont, over Sunday. W HESS Dr. John Hagen of Chicago, is�Y visiting at the home of his mother Mrs. J. Hagen, Parr• Line. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Shea'a of Gor- rie were week -end visitors at the ;evangelical parsonage. Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted The last month for these Summer Sale events I. arrived and we are now facing the arrival of Stocks which makes it necessary to clear outa;r Summer Merchandise to make room for the rievc` goe ds and price is not now a factor, as our bus policy demands that no stocks, be carried over one season to •another. Fancy Dress oo DUPLICATED Mr. John F. Moritz left on Mon- day for Cavalier, N. D., to help, garner the summers harvest, Miss Dorothy Truemner, nurse, left for Toronto on Tuesday morn- ing to resume her duties in that city.•C . Mrs. By. Magel and daughter, Mrs. Fry and daughter, of De- troit are visiting at the home of Mrs. E. Westlake. ' Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Laidlaw asci f"';1'7, , of Cross veil, Mich..; are spending their holidays with rel= atives here. Mr. and 'Mrs, Mose Wilhelm and fazily of Shakespeare ;spent the week -end with relatives and fri- en4s at Zurich. e t and Mrs Taggarre,t; who hien vleitxng. ,eIol.,a ieiv weeks, returned to their _ home at South Bend, Ind,, on Saturday. 1VI•r. and Mrs. Jas. Smith, accom- panied by Mr: and Mrs.Adove1• of Platsville, ,were visitors with rel- atives in' this "vicinity over the .week -end. Masters Frank and"Eruce McKay returned tom their home IA at London after 'visiting for some time at the home of Mr. and Mts. Morris Weber. Mrs. Mary Miller of Dashwood, and daughter, Matilda sof Toron- to are visiting at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer, Baby- lon Line. Mrs. Jaco b Smith and Miss Lilian Eidt of Detroit took in the Greyhound excursion to Goderich this week and visited at the homes of the former's sisters, Mrs. 4 Melick of the village, and Mrs. D. Mclsaac, Crediton. • Over a period of two weeks, five babies were born to a woman in Budapest, Hungary. She was forty-one years of age and the mother of ten children at the time including a pair of twins. • The babies and mother all left the hospital alive and healthy. Among those who left on the harvesters excursion in the West, on Wednesday morning, we notice; Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Mousseau, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Meiclinger; Mrs. J. 1; 3. Schnell, Mrs. Folton and chil- dren, Miss Mary Kipper; Messrs.. Dan. Gascho, Ed, Schnell, Meno Oeseh and Geo. Deichert. '•1)ece nt love of one man for one wama t and of one woman for one man -on sue]. sancitity is the hum- an home builded. Within the glea.mieg glory of such charmed c .cies do the children, come and grow to the splendid soldiery of service." .More of such sentiment would make an end of the divorce evil that spreads likd a contagion %md threatens the very existence Of the home. —Los Angels Times WE I3AVE A FEW, ENDS OF FANCY VOILES LEI`T ,OBER R,ROM OUR l LOT REG. PRICE UP TO $1.25 A'YARD,. TO CLEAR .AT ' ' 25 CE' ANOTHER LOT UP .TO $2.50 PER YARD, TO CLEAR A T J, ... �'... _. F i ...Soc. PER Yui';; ALSO A FEW REMNANTS FROM 2 TO 4 YD. ENDS A1T A BARGAIN. ' >YOLT SHOIILD"ei GET SOME OF THESE VALUES. ,a, o et40 4t lei 40 of 4t ORGANDIES Colored Organdies in Whitey Blue, Pink and 1VIauve to clear . at per yard, 50c. and.* PRINTS Best qualities in hight and dark.;‘ Blues, at per yard Good quality, Light Patterns at 20C SHIRTINGS Good quality black and whitE, blue and white stripe at 20e Best quality Rock fast Drills e Black and White, per yd. 30ie WHITE VOILE WAISTS A line of Ladies' white Voile Waists, Lace Trimmed, Lond short Sleeves, Regular $2.50 to clear at ._. ...f ... 1 Another Job Lot of Waists, to clear at, each White cotton corset covers, good quality, deep lace triming and • i1.00 50C vw 400 MIDDY WAISTS at 23c Women's and children's Middies with long and short Sleeves isi- plain White and Colored Trimmings at .......... HALF PRICE' CHILDRENS' DRESSES Your last opportunity to get anise dregs for a girl from 2 to 10 years, only a few left and they all gc' at .._ ..''_. HALF PRICE Silk and Cotton Hose 4QD Children's good quality fine ribb cotton Hose in blk. and brown Reg. uip to 50c a pr, in all sizes up, to 10,r ;to clear ati a pry Ladies Silk Hose, best quality polors blk. Brown and white at1$.25 40 Also a line of Silk Hose, all shades at per pair - 75c Children's Lisle socks, colored top;, at ._.50e 0 Dressing Sacks Ladies Dressing Sacks in blue, pink and rose, made of good quality fancy crepe, will give splendid' satisfaction: at each SILKS White wash satin, specially adapted for Ladies' skirts, good quality 36 inches wide, at per yard $2.25 A line of colored silks for dresses 36 -in, all shades, yd. 98c and $L25 Silk Tricolette, a splendid material .for blouses and skirts in col- ors, white, navy and orange shades, 36 -inches wide, yd. .:....$3.00 Leave your order now for No.1 Purity timothy seed at lowest prices. Phone ,9 J. PREETER Produce Wanted The Zurich Turf Club are hold- ing matinee races this Friday ev- ening at 6 o'locek, sharp. Any- body wishing to enter their horse Fare at libevty to do so. No en- . trance fee will be charged. or ad - A Vmission to the grounds. A Coll- ection will be taken for the im- provenrents of the track. Come One and all and make thi's an inter. -P eating event. JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Incorporated in 1835 THE MOLSONS SANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,004;. Over 130 Branches The cost of living is falling,. iso the price of food stuff.. This necessitates increased' production. Produce more and deposit your surplus in The Molsons Bank where will be ready for any call and yet be earning interest. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch \Ii ),(ti CASTOR IA Pot infiats wad Ch7ldxen.• Irw ForOver30Years Ar SigatilUtt tib@++,++.+ 040.41111¢4. +0 44,04004k C 44♦.s444444p+9l41.1.4441,40411 Your Morse requirements I. We are offering the following seasonable Horse •m 0 ti b requirements at greatly reduced prices: it; HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS,. HQj3SE WW?ySl ETC. ETC. Al,` 1 SEE OTJR E2TRA FINE ASSORTMENT Chi MEN'. MITTS` AT :, i , . A BIG R EDUCTION. 4 41',. We also carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single . harness, Etc. p REPAIRING A SPECIALTY *,. a .-. ..`ZR :. UICH • REC:.T�Illtl..,..,. :.--.-ZURICH �.:. ♦e,,...seas..,,.•4..••..•••**•+*+***N s1►++' 04fr " a 4 44.+4.4. ,.4. +3++ •4. 3• 1444 4-14+4+++-F•++++34 ^F'44÷44.1r`>`' 4. +D ÷ real Shoe a After our successful•one week's sale wefiu(' that we have several lines left that we will sell at wonderful 0t+ reductions at our Zurich Branch. t Canvass aand Summer Footwear t• 4. h4 +1. + 04 04 .4. t. C. FRITZ & SON 4.SHOE MERCHANTS '1+ ZURICH . 1.' .':'. '.$'.p'.i•'F'. 'Aa'. �°+++§.'g'.g.'�'.�"�"'%4+ ;•.•Q11'0�'D±t + +++ + 4.4.04?°+>~+l +4-14+4++te+G prices n Slashed to pieces 40!40 4. - .l. FRE -WAR PRICES THEY ARE NOT COMING, BUT ARE 'RIGHT HERE PRE- WAR PRICES ON A GREAT MANY OF THE LINES WE CAR RY. ESPECIALLY THE DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOTS. AND GROCERIES. We have a good shirting at 35 cents per yard. A good Denise at 50 cents per yard. A good Denine for boys suits at 50 cents per yard. Cottons at 15 cents per yard and upwards. Flannelettes at 25 cents per yard and upwards. Men's Shirts were $2.50 arenow selling at $1.25. Men's Overalls, per pair from $1.25 to $2,00 AND A GREAT MANY OTHER LINES REDUCED ACCORD- INGLY. WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF TIE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING, Fresh Groceries always in Stock.' R N. o LAS PHONE 11 - 91 113L 4 4.