Zurich Herald, 1921-04-21, Page 4'.X'hursday, .April, 21, 1921 THE HERALD tsaa a Weelnesclny pawn from the TUE HERALD PRINTING c F ICE EEffectiSe after Jan. 1st. 1920 • Subscription Terms; $1,25 per yeti, In *avarice ; $2.00 may be charged 'if -not so paid. U. S. smubserinti- '* Ts, :$1,76 strictly le wtivance, No ;paper iliscontirued seutil all ar- veers are paid unless at.the option :dt the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid Se denoted on the label. ADVERTISIN x. RATES Display Advertielug-Made known rein application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50e 'three insertions $1.00. Warm or Real Estate Tor sale i2 for first month, $1. or each sub- terinent insertion. Professional Cards not exceeding 3, inch, $5 per year. Auction Sales, $1.50 for orae in-• sertion, $2 for, two insertions, if�nht ;over 5 inches in length. Local and Legal advertising not- ices, reading matter, 10c a line for first insertion and 5c nee line for each subsequent insertion.' Card of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50c. boot Miscellaneous articles of emote than five lines, For Sale, To Wit, or Waited, Lost, Found, etc., teach 'insertion 25e. 'Address all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT. k•IENSALL • qCi;. T. R TRAIN CONNEOTIONS MORNING Stage leave Zurich .,. 7.00.a,m. South, No. 162 ... _. ._. 8.58 a.m. o- North, No, 163 ... .. ._.10.33 a.m. AFTERNOON Stage leave Zurich ......3.00 p.m. South, 're. 161 ... ._..4.50 p.m. Borth, No. 165 ,.. .....6.14 p.m. r w INSUR YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIND OR TORN- ADO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. Insures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment. THE WESTERN . FARMERS' ''1i1i7EATHER INS. MUTUAL Co. paid $1.1s (:00 loss in the November. teen,,,,, a +- m Amount of Inc. in 'Ioree $25,000,000, R c.• yam"" eea is cent ee�•e;. e-seeers�t PTem- ium note: 2 per cent. lti.m also agent for several other ;Wind Insurance Companies. G. Holtzman ZURICH, ONT. ANYTHING "IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS SCHOOL REPORT et of Sep. S.S. No. ',Bay. A Sr. IV ;-Gerald Denomy 85.%,Jul Coerieeau, absent. Sr. III; -Irene Corriveate 76, - ?icto1 penomy 73, Athenese Den - bray 65. 6 cl 7 Jr. III; -Melvin Beard s •it;?` hearts when we are absent Louis Ducharme 74, Annarena Du One Prom the other. +clsariue 65, Cecilia Laporte 54, While we are sorry to part with 1lladeline Laporte 63, Udell Sopha you, we want to submit to the will 5o. III; --Devin', Denomy 6 fit to open a wider field of sere I3envmy 55, Telles Denomy 86, . Ur ice for which you have tried, dil- ban Denomy 61, Victor Ducharme io-ernti to fit =ourself. We .peel $2, Clifford Corriveau 61, Lawr- assured that wherever your lot, once Corriveau 64, Augus Bed- may be cast, you will continue to itrd 67, Lucein ' Corriveau 52. be a conscientious guide to many. Sr. 1 -Emery Denomy 75, Ray- "Good Bye" is a hard word to reared Denomy 82, speak. The hand is clasped; the Jr. T; -Elmer Denomy, Edgar word is spoken, we part and are Sopha, Madeline Bedard, Leona out on the ocean of time, we go Denomy. to m%et again -Where`? Solue- _ Miss G. Zettel,teacher where. As friends crowd around and SCHOOL REPORT give' you their hands, may you de - Report of Dashwood P. S. for tect in each' "Good Eye" the love March is as follows. that lingers there, and may you Sr, V -Book keeping, Comp;., bear with you the memory of our Wig., Geometry, Spelling ;- _ M. pleasant associations many days. Tienfan 87%, E. Howard 85, C. Sten -Since change is the order of. lenges) 75. things here we sincerely hope that Jr. V; Book keeping, Comp., Al- yours may be for the best and geb., Spelling; -l. Ravelle 79, A. that a kind °Providence may guide Roffman 77, E. Guenther 77, F. prosper and bless you in all your Iartleib 73, P. 1leinstiver 73, a M. future undertakings. Jennison 70, .J Guenther 58. "Mispah" Hygiene,Signed one behalf .f I � Liter., Spell., 1 0£° Go71me Sr V', ,n Erie •tromp.; L. Tiemnan 87, A. Rader ends, --J. L. Foster, (Pastor); L, 1, L, Eveland 70, C. Snell 65, . L. McKinley; Mrs. James Stephen- Willert 65i , son, Rep. English church. Jr. IV; Sam 'ebsubjects;- iEl iasis. Erratt made a very esuit- tleaupner 90, L. Reid 88, V. Birk able reply and thanked the peo- 87, A. 1 elelrnian 75, V. Baker x56, ple for their. I indnees and thought Ziui'nam' x51, L. Baker : 41., fulness. W very pleasant • social x missed exams, evening was spent, .Ti :. li i vur.1 Principal. Sr. Ili; --Total ' marks 300 ;- H.:i , s > .n� 125 1', cirOrnem Hartle:17 21'm, C', l+isb 3r 111. ?Vtil.dred White 195,. Jr, II; Total marks 380.; -.For- epee Guenther 324, Theada Hayter 324 ,Godo' Bender 291, Ivan Sip - peed 303,Ireonard Bender 260, Meegaret, . Merrier 236,Louis Ziuz•. Mee 211, Garnet Burmeister • 29'7. IC. Ea esters, Teacher. Jr II; --Martha G•reupner 287, Nelda I+'aesold 268, 'Earl Witmer 253 Fieyd Wein 251, Willie E‘ -eland 243 Pearl Bender 218, Selina Genther 169, Adam Stir 83, Louis', St.tubuy 57, etc 11 A,--ITte n Nidi ser 513,E1- da 13 E; -da Kraft 445x, Earnest Rinker 4i3e Wallace Wein 401, Itir in Guenther 369,. Sr.. Pt. TI;-rietm. Nay'"ii're" 111 B.- anche Edighoffein 108, Varda Bmu- meister" 383, Geo. White 353, Ruth Kleinstiver 293x, Addis•nr Mason '03x:' Jr. Pt. II; -Ruppert Staitton 265 Victor Kraft 242, Rudolph Vincent 223, Arthur Moven z191, Oliver Ste aubus 198, Pearl Schad.' 165. Sr. Pt, I; -Edna Fisher 379, Sophia ' Stire 327, Morris Mumps) 305, Melvin Restemeyer 293, Ethyl Head 239, Verna Kraft 200x, Harry Miller 198. Jr. Primer; -Hugh O'Connor 198 Morris White 180, Irene Genttner '195, Herbert Schlundt 140, Harry Rinker 130. Pearl Tiernan, Teacher. -�-5 STANLEY TOWNSHIP. II The rain and snowstorm of Sat- urday and Sunday stopped see:l- ing operations, but. it assisted in bringing out a large number of voters to the polls on Monday.The vote in Stanley stood 510 for the affirmative and 124 for the neg- ative. Mr. Elmer Keys, who has been taking a course at the Ontario' Agricultural College, Guelph, dux- ;ng the winter months, has ret- urned to his home on Babylon. .Mrs. Margaret Erratt, who has ',pent the past two years at her halm in Stanley, left on Monday :for Edmonton., whore she has ac- cepted a position as Deaconess in connection with' a church there. On Wednesday evenin of last we- ek, a large gathering of the nei- ghbors and friends met at the home of Mrs. Erratt, prior to he's• departure for the West, and pre- sented her with a good Club Bag and a Bible and the following address. Goshen, April 13, 1921 Dear Friend ;- As you have decided to begin work in a field far fr®m us and are se soon to leave us we dould not restrain the desire to spend `a social evening at your home with you before yopr dep- :irture. You have been so fa'thful in the discharge of. your duties and so alerts -to take adv-antave of your tlyn,ei 'f3 social activities, of the church and community. You have been such a sympathetic and. faithful friend to one and all. We feel very keenly the loss your removal will be_to the Sun day School, the Choir, the 'W. M. S., and t m,e Epworth League. In all branches of church work you have been a wonderful help show- ing unselfishness and devotion in Your Master's service. To a 'Christian, in the Master's Ser- vice, her highest and best reward We do not ask you to accept these gifts as in any way a reward of what` you have done, but we think_ this occasion eminently befitting that we record our appreciation of you. They are very slight to- kens but we hope they may serve to be one of the ties that ma'v bind 2, Violet of an all -wise- God eelho has seen C. 13. Snell is puttlire in the fou- Jc. III;; "total marks 375; -Anna n:letion for a . new Boase behind 'Tie elan 3199, Eugene Tiernan 307, the jewel G irago. geennth Wein 260, Grate Guenther M,•,;ara, • ooi-' and Pilon are ,sal d' 0 ai ece'nBeer 2'8, Hamri (enlarging the. Grey -Dort (Garage �- Hoffman 1314: Al c ---inert 180, Ed by remove); a couple partitions ere; a few weeks holidays with y,,., 168. Arneet:i: Steiahagen at the ear, 1r •�,. Ihie parents, Mr. and Mrs, T, 140: „ T M . and Mra. tlno. 1wry�.(T'.` ba',r. p.1,r nr. ;it% ,I; ".otel mai•',.s We -41'111i move. inc,Fthe lrn,Ys they resent -1,, a... rieyisterrri . COMM odare `.filly 7 a I•Icim tsr i �Y 3i8 Cc,m i m..,,• 1'` m :ne,s c ly h m V*. b r.m•h , a'i timai Crrrmri! Err i r t , tee months and, three weeks t327, Ufrlie Ilvut.rhlm 315, Aaron ,�y'm l: t :i .,m m 1 Ani stre3ti. of m, v.7 im. el"livered last week tc Ices=ofwee' 3'2 B le'o Mernh' 261 (Aegt'tmlle Falter tieii.ert pose �c er:le: Sons, Olkton, Mich sed away op Monday afternoon, April 11th, at Victoria. Hospital, London, when the ,death, oeeured of Sarah Lowe, wife of Richard Davis at the age of 51i years. Wm. Baker, while engaged in tearing down Reeve Beaver's old il.:tnie'bai ding on Main St. on Thu- rsday last, lead the misfortune to fall from the top part to the gro- und. below, injuring his hand quite, ,severely. He will be off duty for some time. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Tho Bi,sett, lot 17, con. 3, Usborne,was the scent of al pretty wedding at; ,loon, April 13th, .when their youn- ngest daughter, Hazel F,,became the bride of Harvey Hill, of Sar - nisi, H Ruenoler e't on There: ay last. for Winnipeg, accompanied a. car of stock and effects, Mrs,' Runa- oht' followed on Friday, they will. reside in Winnipeg. Dr. R, Hodgson and wife . of Saskatoon, Sask., are here visiting his mother, Mrs. Hodgson and his sister, Mrs. R. Skinner. CREDITON • Albert Morlock in on the sick list and unable to attend his work. H. Eilber .and Ed. Beaver are at Grand Bend working at summer cottages. Art Holtzman spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, H.. Holtzman. Dan. Mcisaac has bought himself a Ford Sedan. He has also taken out an agency for Farm Inmplem-. ents and has Made several sales.. Mrs. C. Zwicker and son Gerald have returned home from Toronto visiting her sister there. STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the Township of Sienhen convened in the Town: R,11, Credi`.on, on Monday, the 4th of April .1921 at 1 p.m. All mem- bers were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read end adopted. By-law No. 277. appropriating *penmen for expenditure on Town- 'ihin Roads for the year 1921, hav- ina' been read three times be pas -1 'ed and signed by the Reeve. and Clerk and the seal of the Crorpor- atian attached thereto. The Clerk was instructed to re guest W. D. Sanders J.P. to' give hien a statement of all the fines he' had received since 1910 from residents of the Township of Ste- phen and also to state to' whom said fines had been paid while ac- tin as a Justice of the Peace. I, the matter of the correspond Pelee re; Geo. Hill, no action be taken. The following orders were pas- sed; as-sed; Re Elliott, work S.B. 3.00; A. Hod- ,ins Co. gas •act. 5.50; Bursar Ont. Flc,spital Woodstock re; William's 1950; Harold Ryan' and others gra- ding S. B. 14.00; A. Moser, grading S.B. 6.25; S. Webb, grading con. 18&19 6.00. • The council adjourned to meet again in Crediton on Monday the end day of May 1921 at 1 p.m. Henry Eilber, CLERK. . COUNTY NEWS Miss May Clarke, daughter of Mr. Wm. Clarke, of Usborne, had the misfortune to have her arm, broken. She was driving a horse when it became frightened, and, striking the animal with a whip it kicked, striking Miss Clarke on the arm, The engagement is announced of Verna Beatrice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Preszcator of the 'mrd con.. Stpehen, to R. Orville Wwitchell of Hensall, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Twitchell of Brandon, Man„ the marriage to take place in this month. The tenders for the new Meth- odist Church at Brinslev have been awarded as follows,; -Ross Taylor Co., Exeter all furnishings and rough lumber; Publ'c Utl'ties Co- mmission, Exeter, lighting and wiring; Wm. Mellin, or Greenway, carpenter work; Wm. Herr's, Ailsa Craig, painting. The heating and brickwork go to Parkhill man. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt have got their household effects moved into their new home and in the course of a week or so will have, possession of the store now own ed by Mr. 'Brownlee, Kippen. - HENFAL. .. The town council has purcheeed three acres of land, wast of the park, for sites to induce manuf- acturers ,to locate here. Miss Irene 'Douglas is confined to her home through illness and as a result her school in Tucker- smith: is closed for the present. Miss. Vercy Geiger has returned from T.ronto where she visited friends for the pest three weeks; C. A. Redmond of .Dorchester renewed acquaintances here lastp week, He has been farming near Dorchester, and recently sold out. G, C. Patty has purchased the pi opt rte of the late Mrs, Smalls r ,•Elms i,t mill St, Earl Palmer of .Detroit is seen - THINGS T LOOK FOR - WHEN YOU BUY A TRACTOR, BE SURE THAT 'I1 HAS ALL THE FEATURES ESSENTIAL . TO ALL-ROUND SERVICE, EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY OI` OPERATION. FOR INSTANCE LOOK FOR--- r A. kerosene engine so that you can use cheap fuel, thereby doing your work at the lowest possible cost. A'throtle governor to regulate the fuel to the load v=ariations,• insuring uniform. speed of both' tractor and driven machine in addition to fuel economy and saving one man's time when engaged hi belt work. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL PURCHASED FIVE TITANS IN ONE ORDER. MORE I. H. C. TRACTORS IN USE THAN ALL OTHERS COMBINED. L. A. PRANG,6of\GET9 ZURICH mwwwiw.eeaomuew,mmrJscu,w,W.e.,o.am,mmmzemvnn,,c,fl m,1^^ 114) I�ideS ea7 as air' 1 Double, /.�flleaae e.azuceran 077 a1s117f5" AER2 CuS' I•ON INNERpTIRE LJ RU e C.1'Bri�-.,R C°MPAN .D" !1`1 D fanimuteszni.cEasot W1N0HAA2. 0 NTA RIO. i 1 have been appointed Agent for this district for the above Celebrated Inner Cushion Tires. And wall be - eased to give a denionstrati_on at any time. Call and John Hey, Jr. F- Zurich The colt was raised on Dr. Moir's fern, weighing 1130 pounds and purchased for $400. Mrs.. Eliza Jane Coleman relict of the late Francis Coleman, pas- sed away on' Tuesday of last week, April 12th, at her home at time ad- vanced age of 83 years and 22 days;. her husband: having prede- ceased her 16 years. The decease 'd was born in Vaughan Township near Toronto, and came with her parents When she was seventeen years, of age and settled on a farm on the Parr line, Stanley, a year later she was married to the late Francis Coleman 'and settled on a farm' on the I'err line, Stanley, where' they lived for many years, coming to Finn Sall about 18 years ago. AUCTION SAIF: 01 Household Effects to be held on the old Johnston Farm, half mile east of Dryedale, on Satur- day, April 23rd, at 1.30 o'clock p, m, sharp, the following .articles; 2 bedsteads and springs, Fold- ing cot -bed, bureau, chest, exten- sion table, cupboard, cook stove for wood or coal, wood heater, churn, butter bowl and ladel, ap- ple peeler and apple rack, robe, tring of bells and numerous other articles. TERMS ;-CASH. Oscar Klopp, auctioneer. Jemima John :ton, Propxietoress. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Etc. at Grand Bend, on Friday April 22nd at 1,00 o'clock sharp the following. 1 driving mare Gym old; 1 cow •5 yrs. old due May 27th; lig ht wagon and rack; buggy, set light harness and hares, scuffler; 3 light wagon seats and cushions; new light wsgon, new meat barrel, other barrels, dining room chairs, icleb card, single - bed, coal oil i 'ttee, wood heater, base burner, 2 'cross cut swas, corn planter,, 2. parlor lamps, some dishes, also l,.,ling, gasoline pop corn and pea- nut tnachane; Huntnobile ear Model M., :Ford car fully equipped and. numerous am tides. TERMS; --1418 and under, cash. Over that amount; 6 7nonths credit ti ill be given or fum nie'hing appro, 3% . M �7.amt off =Siam r ie. t 0 _l ',int n g ror cash on er~tttlit amounis. T. W, Robin 'on, :Bert '.dolt, Auctioneer. Proprietor fel artalimmenimmermumi•JiMe •D i• A 0 �'•�`+�r i F .••1 • i •� F u•F• i•�r' oy� 1� a �• •�•+�•0�3 •€+'l'��•,,�•z..4 +4 r'ra 4 - Feed Flax Seed' sa- 4. 4 We have a limited quantity of t Flax Seed suitable for feed pur= poses which we will sell -'at avery reasonable price. I SC ICATA57t PHONE 6g 4. es w,q....a• 4' seeleese+ +++a++. ,; ++++++'i'+teee enc ee.,04.++4.4.4ineees Z R IC 11 riffith alters These two articles are made from chrome leather, the strongest, toughest leather known. They will not harden with sweat or water. They have great strength and wearing qualities that Will more than please you. May we show you our fine selection of halters and harness. s le, THIEL Zurich 7ADIG1 R . Dashwood 0 the'1 ' ;^,.; w1+1•01,