Zurich Herald, 1921-04-14, Page 6This is
Fully licensed
under Marconi
and Canadian
General Joieetrio'
Pa tents,
'fireless Year
ler11ethel^ you are resident in a large city or two or
three hundred atones away, Amateur Wireless itlquip-
Ment furnishes you with endless instructive entertain-. We Cali supply Receiving App,1a atus whish will
pick up signals from the big ltiirele,s Stations and
enable you to "listen in" for wireless telephone con
Certs radiated by. the Marconi Company. secure a
Transmitting Set (operated directly off a lamp sachet)
and communicate with your friends a hundred nines
away: Amateur wireless brings the great world to
your door. Cut out and nail this ad. to us with request
for Price List "C" and ask us anything you would
like to know about Amateur Wireless.
krull lineof parts and tech -
meal •books always in _PP stock.
9a iel*Pr0' ST=11T MAST,- 3'r;I�fl^stia�
1 • .---.•.v---.*...,..a,,.� °..�.•_....s.-
Money and Minute Sa ; er;s,
One of the most liked devices as
elet•wric bi�•lgt •'^ • 1 , +•
0 1,,1 the �rhiid.Ln
ales rs very easily iestalled a
very cone riellt, esppeci:iiih wh.
the machine twice'". I have had g
success With the following method;
IT 1
c t a piece of i,analy stiff paper th
width desired for the tuck, and twely
lid or more Mabee in"length. After fold
salad, ice cream .or anything else that
will give everyone "a ebanee to :display
left -]landed table Manners,
Are Sunday Schools Dying?
Sunday .schools are the patent of the
Englislespealtiiig peoples of the world.
They are found wherever British and
American people live, or where their
missionaries have t lit but h
reit else.
It T I s an an
l ilnsiu�g thing that the Suit-
e day -school 'Union only dates back to
e 1303, and that the very, first Sunday
s•ehool in the world was opened at
rug l , b U ]toe el'e
er �a ing the goads I' pin the paper
a l there :are very shall children, for ju's
i a touch of the switch Makes encu
light to see if evex'y youngster is •eev
Q r+9 mgt Qe r ,n r ti £� i ered and all right, or to light the wa
to get water for them.
�` _ Ours is a, six -volt lentil with recep
teole, about 8 or 10 feet of insulate
]lamp cord, three dry' batteries and
,t marker with the lower edge on
g+ 11 fold of the goods, and stite'h along
top of tie market, nerving it along
y fold of the goesis each tulle 1 run
length of it. This method saves Il
time •a:nd a perfect tuck can be
d e'as'ily.
*_ .;
and Talon
1 switch, The cast of same was $2.10,
which we do not consider much in arc -
1 cordcnce with the converniiten'ce: Imp
• " •and receptacle, 25e; cod, 25e;'switch,
j 10c; batteries, $1.50. Total, $2,10.
I We have a box just big enough for
the batteries to set in. This is fasten-
'' Ied to the under part of the bed, or
may be placed on the floor. From
hacl here the cord is run to the switch,
s, a which. is fastened to the head board
had ted at a Convenient place, and from .leve
e, a on to the lamp. The lamp may hang
.to wheeze it is most handy. Thus`enabies
his one to move the bed -when ev'd ;; • wanted;
had and does not disturb the light.
ny, One may put the batteries :eta the
the cellar and ran the cord tike e:Ug!h the
toe, floor if desired,' but we didriot find this
be- bed quite efo handy, as the cord was in
rid the way of moving the bad sand for
hath sweeping.. �
When cream is too thin to whip it
He may be made suffioiently thick by
adding unbeaten enols' m
white of an egg and
a�- beating in the usual manner.
the *
et' Very often in cooking a.
a cereal for
ill. breakfast, such as rolled outs' or
had Crean] of wheat, there will be •somre
0_ left over. Many a housewife throws
on this away, as it hardens with stancl-
ut ing and a crust form's on• it ,by the
nit' next morning. Thus it rs' . wasted.
al- Now an excellent way to keep a
cereal like this over is to cover it an
inch or so deep with water. The next
morning no crust will be formed, and
it will not be a whit inferior by stand-
ing. One can cook enough cereal for
two mornings in this way, and the
extra cooking the second morning will
only improve its flavor.
* . •: :,:
Often we want to make wide tucks
on thin dresses ---trucks too.wide for
Synopsis of Preceding Chapters.
Louie Vogel, a : notorious crimina
is offered $5,000 by Lebrun to kidna
• Judge Graham, terror of evil -doer
As Lebrun.' leaves "Silver Danny'
saloon, he is observed by Ralp
Charlton of the Department of Jus
' tice who has dubbed him "The Gra
Wolf." Vogel takes the $1,000 'give
him to bind the compact to Steil.
Lathrop, a country girl he had fou
• starving in the city and befriende
Stella is now earning honest wages
.t factory and refuses to marry Vog
unless he give's up his evil ways. SI
has, however, fallen a convert -
Bo-ishevism. Vogel .caa•ries out his pa
Judge Graham lies :bound in a rhea
some miles out of the city. "The Gra
Wolf" demands that the Judge shout
let certain prisoners off with merel
a fine. Threats of death for himsel
and torture for his son have. no weigh
with the just Judge.
Charlton Takes the Trail.
Ralph Charlton., as we'll as ever
other agent of the Departnen+t o
Jueti'ee, was called off whatever we
he was following and told to worn
upon nothing hut the Judge Graham
case until it had been solved.
But not all of the combing of the
city had brought to light one single
feet that would help the hounds of
the law. Dragnets spread into every
nook and corner of the underworld had
dragged out of their hiding places
every crook of high or low degree and
filled the police stations with them.
Policemen of the olden days, experts
in the now discarded third degree,
came out of retirement or off lonely
duties to try . to find among all the
catch of the dragnet sone man or
woman weak enough to succumb to
' their rigorous n eithods . and yield: up
Abe starting point'of the chase.
Rewards that ran well up into the
thousands were ptosted for the same
purpose. Every man or woman who
wits known to have reason to desire,
revenge upon the inissintg Judge, and
a great gnarly who were only suseet-'
ed,were checked up to account for.
their svheveabouts on Saturday night.'
At every hour of • the day or night
those whose names were on the 'Gov-'
e nment lists as suspected radicals or
aisloyalists were put through deltailed
examinations for the saline purpose.;
But all to no purprose
by the Government agents, He
1, disappeared early in his tweet:be.
p lapse which had never been aecoui
s, for by the investigators, but
s" shown up again on the East Sid
h dozen years later, on a last visit
t- .his aged mother. From that time
y trail had become tortuous, He
n lived in Europe—France, Gentle
>a Italy—and in a dozen places in
lid United States, South America,
d, had seen him, and Mexico shortly
appeared -t• de
one, , 411-t
yo do dro'n w
only e
d. no ambition but to live well and e
y lily, an appearance that was given
f 1'i.e by his glowing beady eyes. Th
t were not the eyes of once who is c.•
tent to let things move as they w
Everywhere in his wake there
been trouble of various sorts" N
thing that ever could be fastened up
hien or even connected with him, b
trouble, nevertheless. He was a star
fore Germany had plunged the wo
into war. And everywhere he
seemed to have money, a wealth w•
certainly had never cone to
through an inheivtanee, or as a
suit of labor, for he diel not work.
tleek Bristol less than 150 years. ago, When
the' there were no people's schools in Eng -
clic land ]many an. 'ambitious 'lacl'leained
clue to read 'and write at the Sunday-
ihe I school, but with the coaling of the
iuch1 Boort]-schools, religious instruction be -
run 1 tante their sole purpose.
About the end of last century Sun-
day -schools reached their high-water
mark as far as attendance is concern-
ed. The average attendance at the
world's Sunday -schools every Sunday
afternoon ran into tens of millions. Of
late years there has been a steady de-
cline in the popularity of the Sunday-
It,. would be a world catastrophe if
this peculiarly English institution
should lose the immense power it has
wielded in the making of the nation.
Cracks in floors may be neatly and
permane'nt'ly filled by thoroughly
soakiuxg' newspapers in paste made of
a half pound of flour, three quarts of
water, malt posh' of alum, mixed and
boiled. The mixture 'should be about
as thick as putty, and may bo forced
into the erevioe with' a knife. It will
harden like papier-mache.
• * * *
I sometimes have to hang a gate
or a door, and a ,carpenter's w'i'fe hap-
pened in ante day as I was havinga
tussle with an unruly screw. She in-
formed me that carpenters drive the
•screw as they do a nail, almost to the
head, then clinch it with the screw
driver.- This little wrinkle has saved
me quite a lot of trine and patience.
If soot falls upon a rug or carpet,
I never attempt to sweep until T have
Covered it thickly with dray salt. It
+can then be swept up properly, and
not a stain or smear unill be left.
If --the tips are off shoestrings you
can•make then as good as new, and
so they will l'ace easily, by dampen-
ing the ends with glue and twisting
them- into points.
_.k * *
A returned soldier, finding that it
takes as •muc'h lngentiity to combat
the high cast of living as it did to
fight the Germans, has nude a very
practical and economical bassinet for
his first little son. Taking the idem,
from a two wheeled tea table,'110 built
a frame having two wheels in front
and bwo table legs in back. Upon this
frame, having been very careful to
make it just high. enough to suit his
wife, he securely fastened a rectangu-
lar clothes basket. Painted white, and
draped with white ruffles, it is as
pretty and convenient as could be de-
petrel, never causing. a storm, but
e ways presaging it.
Charlton delved particularly iI
his record during the war and min
ly diming the days after the Unit
States had entered it. Lebrune i
been in Mexico twice while the A
-agleam expedition. was over the bord
-on the long and fruitless chase of
Villa. Also he had' just returned fr
where Villa had nude his danmlab
raid upon Columbus, New Mexico, a
had started the •avenging troops up
has trail. He head been in the We
, when mysterious sttrikes had tied
,1Government work, he hard been in
East when similar strikes had ode
like, C
re. H
d been
near the. A
)antic Boast 'wheat Germane snbntaxin.
i had visnts�di to• spew their deacll
1 mines about its harbors.. - He lead be
here, there, evcryvhere that disloye
ty had retired its adder head, and ye
he never had bean caught at anythin
Once Charlton, helping rail an
.W. W.netting, had caught a flash o
coat tails of a peculiar weave vanish
inlg through a window just ahead o
his grasping hands. Another time tI
.agent, loitering in the rough clb•thin
of a mechanic in a radical 'bookstore
ha d seen Lebrun perusing a batik an
distending it for another and that •
turn for still another. .And the sue
he wore was of that care p'ecult}
weave. Again Charlton. had seen hie
walking along the street and pans
to light a cigarette—,owe of the Long
thin, . Russian eigarerbbes 'which "The
Gray Wolf" affected in front of a
house which .ways under Federal sur-
veillance. CbnTaLtorly flat upon his
stomach in a hedge row, had thought
he detected •a beam of light from a
flashlamp in ane of the windows of
the :house just before Lebrun re-
sumed his walk, the cigarette glorying
o his satisfaction. Trifles, yes, but
Aon trifles mountains are built.
Without any clear plan in mind,
Charlton chose to visit_ the place of
"Silver »tinny," from which he had
een Lebrune emerge. Ile was not
known there and he felt reasonably
ate in engaging the bartender in con-
vers'ation. He talked casually about
e prospects in. -the baseball leagues
Id finally the ,disappearance of Judge
raham, innocuous subjects all of
hem in view of the fact that the daily
apers mentioned them all,
"Got any cigarettes?"' he asked. The
Attender named several brands.
"I'd rather have some Russ,ialls,"
aid Charlton. "I don't suppose there
'e any real ones to be had vow,
lough, although a friend of mine
eems, to have a supply. Long, slim
"Yeh I know," replied the bartend-
r, "Feller in here smoking one o'
hem t'other night, 13ut we never did
andle then?. Anything else do?"
"Yes, a package of those," said •
k•Irlton, pointing to a •branid he had
seen aaver'tised as •nvild. He paid for
the purchase and forced himself ..to
light one •in spite of his distaste fon
The telephone rang, and the bat -
ender shuffled: up to the fnont end
answer it, He could be heart] as-
rting ting that "No, ma'am, I ain't seen
in.. Wait a minute, I'll sea;" Thep
slliuffled• back and called' out to the
a ter: "Seen Londe'?"
"'hint Louse'? I nin't, no mind read-
er, mann," protested the negro. -
"Don't give rte no slack,": threaten-
ed the bar tcrider. "Louie. Vogel, 1 "lit
tasking about."
`tNo, I.-ainr"t seen him,", ant] tine
porter panted - ilii his mopping • to
scratch his head. "Not since Saturday
long'boa't supper tinge."
No, 'ma'am, Mies hS'tel'l," said the
bar'tender to the person on the otheu. •
end of :the telephone and hung up,
To Charlton tree n,cgre porter's
seemingly trivial reply wee pregnant
with poeeibilltaes A habitue of the
loans, evidently, Or a women wound
be coning hien there, had not •been]
ori :ince Saturdey night. And it ]tram.
sen oil Sattxrdai might that Jude
- dont bele � a
t believe I've s e{ n
,s a day or two, either," salia�7*
9' So far as .lie knew he never `hade�
Cil heyea on Vogel. "Last time I claw :himI s
1was talking to some.e ' fake! Iliif
�t here." 1
g. "Mebbe," said the bartender, -non_, f
I, commalbtan�tly. There- ways eti ]hien
. It was Charlton who found the clew, ,
and he found it in his own brain after,
two nights, .;and a day of sieerp'less'
endea:voi•. He suddenly recalled his
aiml�ees steaming of "The Gray
Wolf" several nights before. It was ,
not that Lebrune was any more to be
suspected than a hundred other per -1
sons, but it was the fact that Charl-1
tctl had seen hini in an unexpected 1
place that Caused him to centre his i
krrain upon that slippery individual!
as having a hand in the d'isappearaircet
of Judge Graham,
His fatigitu dropped from him, as,
the Federal agent poaidered upon this '
possibility. Lebrune was not sus-
tomed to frequenting the neighbor- 1 s
hood where Charlton had seen hien
He aid not consort with that gentry; c
off the class that frequented "Silver
Danny's," It must have been an ung- :t
usual thing that had sent him there. 'a• I
Well, the disapp•earan,�e of the veteran G
jurist was an unusual hung. Perhaps t
there was a connection between the,
two. Whereupon, without taking any
one into his confidence, Charlton be-' b
gan to work upon the theory that his 1
t�iluncll'' was ba'se'd upen fact. 1
First he ascertained that Lebrun' ai
had not �be'en questioned, Then he
• browsed th�.ongh the filen of the De -is
pertinent dipping in here and there;
among its well -indexed papers, read'- p
ing all of the Voluminous reports in
which Lebrunue was mentioned. Taken j
singly, none of them cast any serious
reflection upon "The Gray Wolf." h
Taken togebhter' and dovetailed, Ch
through the whole fabric ran a vein
of suspicion that pointed to Lebrune
as being well worth the attention
which had been paid him].
Born of the union of a Rusea�an poa,lrr 1
r'tacal exrile and the widow. of an t
ltalnan anarchist and reared on theto
Ease Side In Now York, in his blood
lay all the foundation for enilrity to -1 lea
ward the' ender of things whish breeds i
trouble in a country where all meal]' eo
supposeclly are tree and equal. Even po
the name he bore, was not his own,
but the Corruption of the cognomen
with which Ins father had been born,.
Of his youth little had been learned
Graham had disappeare L. The, thing
had possibilities.
A Left -Handed Party.
a party at -which, euesta and hosts
may use'only their .left hands does not.
ound exciting, but try it and see if
allowing that apparently simple rule
will not assure a whole • evening of
un, interest and unique entertain-
In has eyes, a. fact Ch:rltoni w,aS quiet: I Iu
to notice. Strangers claiming ac -1
quaintmnce or friendship ' with ;meal 't
who live beyond the law are not to be .
trusted when they go talking about] r•
those men. An innocent appearing' Iia
question. might be charged with dyne -s re
mite. Se Charltoal did not press the
matter, but brought a drink which. be'
ar' forced down, and 'departed.
1.1 But he had ,at.last something upon) p'1'
e j which to work. Louie Vogel, whoever at
,1 he was, lied not been seen • in -`his ; sl)
!haunts since Saturday night. And he' sol
;must not forget that Vogel had a wvr)- ca
1 man friend whose name wee "Stela," •tau
The lieutenant in charge of .,tl,e•
nearest police station proved a nine 'co
1 of information on the big subject clef!
Big Louie."He also supplied all the Vila
police knew about "Stella." !
"She's one of these shoutears et,' pa
some of the radical meetings around' eta
this precinct," he added. "A good;- bal
locking kid and works every day; and • zi
we haven't a thing on, her, even] if,
she does mingle around with some of'a
our prominent jail -birds. Evexy'•ane i
calls her `Bigg Lou:ie's girl,' but 1 be-' felt
lieve she's stnaitgh't as a stir'}nig. Kinder; to
cracked on the subject of the oppress- thei laboring class, I guess. and they.' a.nd
call her 'Red Stell' when she goers to , lou
spoarting off. She and Louie been; u'p
to anything?" sin
"Not that I know of," re',plaed• 'and
Charlton. He emphasized the ward.
"know" as a sop to his own coneci�ennoe ! leg
chatted a few minutes about 'other nv
platters and took his leave. •
1 of
Outside the police etati•onl he took ' F
out a 11'and'I:e2ch' "
When .all the guests have arrived
=ounce that as soon as the games
are over anyone who has used his
ugh± hand during the evening will
ve to do whatever stunt the others
ey propose.
Then play games that nail for quick
id 'accurate handwork. All -up relay,
eyed left-handed,;is not so easy as
looks; nor are potato raei'.ng and
inning the platter. If you have an
d ping-pong set in the house; you
n arrange a, left-handed ping-pong
moment. Divide the 'company into
uples and let them play doubles.
There is almost no end to the fun
bean -hag games , played left
ended, will afford. Bean-bag box,
7110AHTi;Y SOLI $ THEM; US173
ears of n11 typesi a:.ii carte void sub-
lent to delivery up to 100. miles, 'or test
run of risme distance it you 'wish, in, as
f,rnc order as pure'hazed, or pureltase
"i' t t refunded.
I ,NO mechanic of your own choice
to look there over, or as' •us to
is •e cav car to city reUresentative for
theeeetftt7, 'Very large *accts niways on Na
lin ist
Elreekeye4 "Jsed OAP Mnrkef �n'Ot
4,.1. 1 ofee., 5:k'`oOlo ,,w 3�oroitrto ,1...
relay and teachers; and
es are escellieai�t. 'So 'a're all run,
1 tag•, centre catch ball ate line
gsag—all soft -bell or bean-bag
Hee'e are some sug'g'estions for for-
s: Blindfold two players, lead them
opposite sides of the room, and
Cil tell thein to go toward each 'other
shake hands; ask some one to
gh in one corner of the room, to
g in the second, to cry in the third
to dance in the fourth tell a
set to leave the 'ro'om with two
s and to come back with six, It
ay be ',some time before she •thin'ks
a four -legged 'chair as the solution.
or refreshments serve a simple
and mopped his
forehead, •
"Things coming too fact, old boy,".
he said to himself. "Looks like I
might be getting on a warm tamil after
Vogel hangs oat at tlhat seloon,,
Lebrume visits it, Vogel out of sight
since Saturday night when the Judge
was kidnapped, hes girl's, a `retl.'"' All
link. How do I know Lebrune has. a
finger in the ease aft all? I don't.
Then why am I sp•ending Cris time
Oh, rats, I'm going to bed and get
mane Sleep. If I keep this tin much
longer my brait'll be addled."
(To be continued.)
Minard'a Liniment' Relieves Colds, etc.
7 Weilington St. East
Importers and Wholesale • Dealers'
in Fancy Goods, Cut Gla.se, Earth-
enware, Panay China, Toys, Sport-,
kg Goods, SmellWares, Hardware
'Specialties, Druggists Sundries.
Travellers Exerywhere
Wholesale Only
When you think of painting
Remeinber that the paint for every
need and protection is made by
Canada has 3,500,000 sheep; Aus-
tralia, 80,000,000; United States, 40,-
000,000; Great Britain, 27,000,000.
Ntinard's Liniment for Burns, eta
,FOq estat1
Use 13 o V r 11 in your
ciotilting. It flavours, en-
riches, 110urfs es mere.
The £iody-building Power of 1)ovi'il
has been proved by independent
scientific experiments to be tram -
10 to 20 times the amount of
Bovril, taken.
Canada's largest university, in. the
matter of enrolment, is the University
of Toronto. During . the session of
1919-20 it had 5,200 on i'tn roll from'
Univers by College and ,the 'affiliated
colleges, making it the largest univer-
sity do the British Empire.
Bulk Carlota
FOR ti'!
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FOR sir
Spruce'= Paint
'Now is the time you tau kreatiy.iinprove the appear-
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A coat of protectioti will work wonders. Save the
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Have Your Cleaning
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Clothing, household draperies, linen and delicate
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Cleaning arid Dyeing
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It makes no difference where you live; parcels can be
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tion Is given the work as though you lived in town.
We will be pleated to advise you on any question
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