Zurich Herald, 1920-07-15, Page 8Now arriving almost daily. New Serges, Poplins, Velours, Etc. VOLES A fine lot fo figured Voiles in a large. variety of colors, dark as well es lighter shades, Just the thing for summer wear. SILKS Silks and Silk Poplins in leading shades from $1(50 to $3,75 a yd, Galateas and Prints Now showing a nice range of prints, galateas, shirting. Also a few pieces of nurses' cloth, a ex- tra good wearing cloth, suitable for house dresses aprons, etc. Come and see it. House Furnishings iWe are well stocked in Linole- uann, oil cloths, curtains, Window shades, curtain poles and Curtain Scrimms in new designs. Ne yr, Spring Wall Papers A LARGE SHIPMENT OF WALL PAPERS NOW TO HAND., BEAUTIFUL NEW PATTERNS FOR ALL THE DIFFERENT ROOMS OP YOUR HOME. WE TAKE SPECIAL INTEREST IN WALL PAPERS, AND WOULD LIKE TOSHOW YOU OUR SAMPLES Al' ZANY TIME( J. Gascho & Son Zurich's Garage Our Free Air Outfit is now Ready WE HAVE INSTALLED THE ABOVE OUTFIT FOR THE CONVEN- IENCE OF THE PUBLIC. BATTERY TESTING ALSO FREE. LET US ATTEND TO YOUR MOTOR CAR NEEDS. FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING Any make of Car a Specialty OILS, GREASES, ACCESSORIES, TIRES, GENUINE FORD PAR TS. Our Gasoline filler is now installed. Ho Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. 4. T E LEADING _' -4. 4. wARE sToRE I 4. Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is such that we can supply eveizybody's Requirements. 4. 4. rik PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING THS SPR- �. 'NO WILL DO WELL TO SEE US WHILE OUR SUPPLY 4' LASTS, WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE WE HAVE BOUGHT THIS, WIRE HAS ADVANCED 10'%, AND 4.a PROSPECTS FOR TO GO STILL HIGHER. BUY EARLY AND SAVE MONEY + 4. 4. We also have a large Stock of MERIN= WILLIAMS `1 4. Paints and Varnishes in Stock for Spring. Call and see 4. our Goods and get Our Prices. :4. :' ; ( 4.. 4.t * WE DO ALL KINDS OP BVEI.PROUGHING AND REPAIRING 4. , sAT ALL TIMEiS 4. 4, ZSTADE &WE PREETER BLOCK -` ZURICH I 0+++++++++++++++44:44+++4+01,44+++++++++44++++++++++4 If taken t o ce Deering mower, 5=ft. cut; Hay rake 8 -ft.; Premier riding plow; wagon gear; J3 -tooth cultivator. Agent for Massey -Harris Implements Fairbanks c Morse Engines; Louden Stable Equipment, and Ilay Carriers. Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere 1E. DRUAR, - Zurich LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday.) Butter 40 Eggs ... o - 45 Potatoes per bag ... ..,i 3.50 Wheat ... ...... ... .._ 1.95 'Oats ............... 1.10 Barley 1.65 Buckwheat 1.65 Flour. 750 !7.90 Bran . 60.00 Shorts 65.00 Live Hogs 18.50 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST A very interesting meeting of the «'omens' Institute was held at the home of Mrs. P. Manson, Gos- hen Line north, on Tuesday aft- ernoon, when a large number gath ered for the monthly meeting. Miss Eastman of Vancouver gave a very inspiring address which was much appresiated by all. well prepared lunch was served by Mrs. Manson. The next mon- thly meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Consitt, Parr Line. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA According to an amendment to the Post Office Act passed during the recent session of Parliamnet, the Rgeistration Fee on letters and other natter mailed in Canada is fixed at ten cents 010c) per each letter or article. The above fee shall apply to all registered mail matter posted in Canada on nad after the 15th July,'1920. The public are advised in order that they may see that all registered matter is fully prepaid as regards both postage and registration fee. SCHOOL REPORT The following report shows the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 15, Hay, ,for the three months en- ding June 30th. Balsas o£ stand- ing 100. Sr. IV ;-Mabel Turnbull 90 ;i Grace Turnbull 84; Cora Baker 84, Marion Turnbull 81, Leslie Turnbull' 75; Hazel Patterson 73; Wilfred Turnbull 73; Alice Schroeder 62. Jr. IV; -Ruth Turnbull 77, Jr, III; -Nellie Kenney 79; Ar- nold Keller 74; Alarenee Pfaff 65; Floyd Pollock 57. Sr. II; -Joe Baker 18; Pearl Wa- lper 73. Jr. II; -Elmore Keller 67; Katie Heckman 58; Pt. II; -Herbert Keller, 94. Pt. I; -Ethel Walper 90; Jean Tuurnbull 88; Rhinhart Heckman, 87; Olive Turnbull 85; Bruce Ken- ney 83, Rhinhart Keller, 65, 1.J S. Delgaty Teacher. Baseball News Zurich team were again succes- sful in winning two games at Goderich on July 1st, the morning an exhibition game, score 9-2, bat - toles; Zurich F, Thiel,p; R. Web-. er, catcher; Goderich; Levis, p; Puddon, c. In the evening league game the score was 6.4, batteries Zurich, Kekoa, p; W. Braun, c. On July 5th at the Large U. F. O. Picnic at Grand Bend, the loc- al team played an exhibition game with a select team of that place in which our boys were victorous score 12--2, Batteries for Zurich Wesley, pp; Weber, e; Grand Bend Ravelle, p; Betrand, eatcher. A BAD DEFEAT FOR ZURICH On Tuesday evening July 6th, the Crediton team played the scheduled League game with Zur- ich on the local diamond, and lost pitifully to the "visitors, score 15--0. It was a fine exhibition of how poor aur team could play and haw good .Crediton was at their best, and there is no excuse but tough tusk for this great slaughter one of the weeklies puts it, «The big fellows of Zurieh were like Zurich children la the hands of the Creed- Crediton iton team," while another , says, Clinton lxZer,r,:.AN } uy iv''t l+' t all its lack". (yn iw'' t;til Batteries for Zurich; Hoffman Bros. pitchers, W, F. Braun, cat- cher. ,Crediton, C. Weir, p; .W Mot's, catcher. ZURICH WINS THIS ONE On Friday July 9th our boys pl- i ayed the return game at Crediton and evidently found the boys there there" in the same boots as they were.. themselves three evenings previous at Zurich. 19 runs were .mane by the local boys, of which, owing to some special .arrangem- ent only 14 were officially counted, while Crediton scored one run. Batteries; for Zurich, Kekoa p, W. Braun c. Crediton Weir and O'Neil pitchers; W. Motz, cat. . Mr. Reubc Horning, of Palmer- ston, Secy-Treas, of the North Wellington Baseball Association, umpired this game, as well as at Zurich, and proved himself a master in this capacity. -with hon- est, non -partial decisions. It is regretable that again some 'trough stuff" had to be pulled off at this latter game, hwen one of our was assaulted by a Crediton play- er, and umpire Horning, we un- derstand, ruled this chap off the diamond for the remainder of the game and.. threatening him with suspension. ZURICH 2-GODERICH 4 On Monday, July 12th at God- erich; Zurich team lost aonther Le- agtte.,,,„gzme by the score of 2-r4. The Goderich team was consider - 'ably 'strengthened and owing to some very questionable umpireing, the score was so arranged to be in favor of the Goderich team. Batteries; Zurich, Clar. Hoff- man, p; W. Braun c; Goderich, J. Wiggins p.; W. Bissett, e. In the issue of -the Herald of June 24th in reporting the Zurich -Crediton game played at Zurich, Mr, 'G. Anderson, short stop for the 'Crediton team, was charged, with proceeding to choke umpire E. J. Hess, B. A. Sc., ehwn he gave a close decision in favor of the home team. M"r, Anderson adv- ises us that this is entirely wrong, as he just merely pushed Mr. Hes back. The Publisher is the- refore sorry that this injustice was done to Mr. Anderson, as the art- icle was handed to him in good, faith and just as the writer was impressed as conditions were. It is high time that all players should learn that, especially in playing, these league games; to leave hands off other players or umpires, and act the gentleman part right through, whether ,the decision of the umpire meets your approval or not. If a player can-. not abide by the. decision of the umpire and live up to good clean' constitutional sport, it is hgih time that he were out of the game Hoping that in our fine South Huron Baseball League we will have no more of this "rough stuff" a'nd make the ball games a resp-. ectable place for civilized citizens. The 'Editor. SCHEDULE OF GAMES WHERE ZURICH TEAM PLAYS May24 Zurich at Goderich wen 12-3 May31 Zurich at Clinton tie 5-5 Jane}$ Goderich at Zurich won 11-3 June? Clinton.at Zurich won 10-6 June15 Zurich at Crediton won 5--2 Jun17 Crediton at Zurich, lost 4-6 Jun24 Clinton at Zurich won 8-1 Jun29 Zurich at Clinton won 2-1. Jul1 Zurich at Goderich won 6-4 3u16 Crediton at Zurich lost 00.5 3u10 Zurich at Crediton won 14-1 Ju112 Zurich at Goderich lost 2-4 July 20 Zurich at Crediton July 23 Crediton at Zurich July 28 Goderich. at Zurihe Aug. 2, Zurich at Clinton SOUTH HURON COUNTY' LEL.GIJE STANDING, Won Lost P. C. 8 3 '727 8 ' 4 556 r. '. '4 S 444 eta 9......1.1sonexMoOlaw.1=4,110&WGWVINRSIIIMORksg4=0101041411911004arliitillagaRiglicipaztillaiNNIONSONIVIIIIINI Auto Tires and Tubes ,We are agents for Dunlop aiud .Vander1ine. Line, Sizes to fit Ford, Chevrolet, Gray Dort, Maxwell., We also carry a complete line of Accessories. Give us a trial in this line. CAR OWNERS SPECIAL POLARINE PRICES AT BELOW PRESENT COST. GENUINE POLARINE (GUARANTEED) 5 GALLONS UP TO 25 GALLONS AT THE REMARKABLE LOW PRICE OF 850. 'PER GAL. POSITIV+'LY NO SUCH BARGAIN WAS EVER OFFERED. (NO MORE THAN 25 GALLONS TO ANY ONE CUSTOMER, -TERMS; STRICTLY CASH. COAL OIL STOVES Two, Three and Four Burner, with or without oven. We handle only the New Perfection. Guaranteed to be foolproof. CALL AND LET U;S EXPLAIN THEM TO YOU,. GE7.' AWAY FROM THAT HOT WOOD OR COAL ,STOVE THIS SUMMER, SPECIAL FAINT BBI GUTEN UP! Preserve your Buil- ding, in such times of high prices, and save future expense This is our National Cry. We offer Martin Senour 100 per4 cent pure paint for a short time .only at $4.50 per gallon, only in gallon lots ,present price57.50 per gallon. Order your twine while it Lasts at prices below Cost, 650 feet $20.70 per 100lb. 600 ft. Special Price 18)(e. Ib. 550' ft. Special price ' 17e. lb TERMS;Strictly Cash. Medick Braun PHONE 63 1 JUBT AnnivED: A Shipment of -Nev Men's Fine Summer Shirts, of the Latest Novelties for Style and Comfort for the Hot Weather. Also a fine Assortment of Dien's Panama Hats to choose from. EVERYTHING 1N GENT'S PUFl.MSHINGS. RECRTVED SOME FINE SAMPLL,S SUITING OF PALM BEACH DENOMY BRAS. - ZURIOH Produce taken in exchange for roods Spring Arrivals Wall Paper READY TRIMMED WAL L PAPER. THE SEASON FOR PAlike ERING IS NOW HERE. WE HAVE IN STOCK A BIG ASSORTM- ENT SUITABLE FOR BED ROOMS, DINING ROOMS, LIVING ROOMS, HALLS DEN, ETC. OUR PAPER IS READY TRIMMED; A BIG LABOR SAVER. Curtains CURTAIN GOODS AND SIDE CURTAINS IN CREAM, IVORY AND; , WHITE. LADIES' WEAR High grade Silk Bose, a full range of i Colors and Sizes. . RAIN COATS FOR SPRING SHOWERS A Special lige in Cray Tweed effects. Smart pockets and belts, at 810.00 to $215.00. Silk double tipped Gloves, Sills' Gloves in purple, grey, White and Black. SUMMER KNIT VESTS 'A special line to clear at '25e, each, Just arrived, a Iarge new range of nifty Crepe, Gingh, ants at 85c. per yard. A Beautiful line of Gingham. Dresses for Girls; from 6 to 1* years old at $3.00. Ladies' White Voile Waistb, Sikes 36 to 44„ MEN'S VVEA R ,Don't forget about your Spring Suit and Overcoat. We arts Agents for the Celebrated Broadway Styles, and have many, at'k tractive Satnples to choose from. Dr. Hess' Stock. food, Poultry Panacea, Louse Killer, Dip, Etc. None better than the Hess Line. 1IRESFI GROCERIES' AN» ?'R1JITS ALWAYS ON RANI) Buttericl, Patterns For Sale Plum 78 T WURM Phos 78