Zurich Herald, 1920-07-15, Page 3GAINI G K OWL _ CE
Modern Ideas on Subject of
Creation Are Undergoing
Enormous Expansion.
The high priest of Babylonia and
Egypt, 3,000 years and more ago, had
a considerable knowledge of astrono-
my; hut, leaving out of question the
few thus learned in science, creation
to the ancients was a three-story af-
fair, or rather two stories and a cel-
lar, the latter being tho abode of the
dead while on the second floor, orna-
mentally bespangled with stars, dwelt
the gods,
Earth, of course, was flat. The sun
pass.od across the heavens once in
every twenty-four hours, and, going
under, appeared again in the east next
morning, There was also the moon,
which had a similar habit; and that
was about all there was of the cosmos.
Since then our ideas on the subject
have vastly expanded, and now, in
view of recent discoveries, they seem
destined to expand enormously be-
yond anything hitherto imagined. We
are beginning -to grasp th'e notion of
other universes outside of our own—
at distances from our own universe
well nigh inconceivable.
Sun is in Motion.
The Rev. Jasper declared that "the
sun do move." He was right. Not
only does it revolve on its own axis
(as niay be plainly seen by the "spots"
which travel across its disk), but it is
moving in a straight line through
space, like a gigantic projectile, at a
speed of at least ten miles a second.
As it thus moves, the earth and its
sister planets, of course, go with it.
Astronomers in the course of cen-
turies, have actually been able to ob-
serve this movement, - by the closer
gathering of stars in the sun's wake
and the widening out of constellations
ahead of us—just as might be noticed
of trees and houses passed or ap-
proached in a railroad train.
All the stars are slugs, most of them
much bigger than our own solar lumi-
nary, and every one of them is travel-
ling at.a terrific speed. The so-called
Runaway Star (known to astronomers
as 1830 Groombridge) is going at a
rate of 200 miles a'second; What
imaginable power could have sot ail
these suns in motion? And wby are
they all travelling in different direc-
tions, apparently? Our own seeming
destination is the constellation Lyra.
It is now thought probable that our
universe, which we call the Milky
Way (we seem to be not far from the
centre of it) is in reality a vast spiral
in form, and that this spiral is revolv-
ing, so to speak, in its own plane. As-
suming this to be true, the straight
line in which our sun appears to travel
is actually a curve.
Whirling of the Universe.
What has led to this belief is obser-
vation of other spirals which are now
thought to be distant universes, many
of them so far away that light from
them, travelling 186,000 miles a second,
takes something like 10,000,000 years
to reach' us. Their form plainly
shows that they are revolving.
Everything in the cosmos seems to
go round and round. The moon trav-
els around the earth, the earth around
the sun; and presumably the sun is
following an orbit about some centre,
whether a giant sun or merely a point
in space. Our universe (if the theory
above outlined be accepted) is whirl-
ing. Probably, as it whirls, it le -Mak-
ing a journey of its own about some
centre, perhaps in concert with other
Space being infinite in extent, it is,
when one comes to think of it, absurd
for us to imagine that ours is the only
We shall never know. Bait at least
we inay claim that our ideas on the
subject of creation are expanding.
In the Highlands.
"A shell shock victim went to the
Highlands of Scotland for his health„,
Re rented lodgings from an old lady
in 1114te n°t villa ta. jeed t1le ,first c' al
of his stay tine alta I-ady ashes him
boiled eggs kr breakfast, boiled eggs
for dinner, and boiled eggs for supper.
c a ter. suppeg ,I,jQ Iegat out and
aught poiiiid of sdtisage.
"He returned and slapped the saus-
age down before the old lady.
'Here, I'm tired of eggs,' he said,
'Cook up this sausage for my break
r " V'ai ii 5aat— • said t 1±3 old lady; 'but
I1O?, wiz, T cook it?'
Pao"'Why, fry it like fish; said the
th.ell shock victim.
"In the mernitig, when the old lady
appeared with, the sausage, the poor
1!oliiow nearly had a relapse.
"'X how yell like yew breakfast this
niorniflg,' she said, 'but there ain't
: tanieh h two things. when they're all
14104,1106 oiiita. 4
clan Regain Health aud Strength
Through Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
Many women who had a good color
in their girlhood grow pale and color-
less when they become wives and
mothers. When the fading color in
the cheeks and lips is accompanied by
a loss of brightness in the eyes and
an increasing heaviness in the step,
the cause will be found in the state of
the blood.
Many causes contribute to the con
dition of the blood known as anaemia
Overwork in the home, a lack of ou
door exercise, insufficient rest an
sleep, improper diet—these are a fe
of them. The important thing is t
restore the blood to normal, to buil
it up so that the color will return t
cheeks and lips, brightness to the eye
and lightness to the step. Dr. Wil
Hams' Pink Pills are the great bloo
builder and nerve strengthener. The
begin with the very first dose, an
through a fair use make new bloo
that carries strength and health t
every part of the body. The appetit
increases, digestion becomes ]nor
perfect and energy and ambition re
turn. - The case of Mrs. Wm. McNish
Abbott Street, Brockville, proves th
value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in
casee of this kind. Mrs. MoNish says
"I was quite young when I married
and in raising my fancily I became al
run down and a nervous wreck. I be
came so weak that I could hardly
walk across the floor without sitting
down to get my breath., I slept poorly
and at times my nerves would twitch
so that I could not keep still, and I
was in constant misery. I tried many
medicines but they did not help me;
indeed my condition was growing
worse, until one day a friend told me
that she had been in a somewhat simi-
lar condition and had been helped by
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, so I decided
to try this medicine. After the use
of a couple of boxes I felt they were•
helping me. My appetite was better
and I slept better. By the time I had
used half a dozen boxes I felt like a
new woman, my health had fully re-
turned and I could do my housework
with ease. In view of what Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills have done for me I
cannot recommend them too highly."
The best time. to begin taking Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills is the moment
you feel -the least bit out of sorts. The
sooner you do so the sooner you will
regain your old time energy. You can
get these pills through any medicine
dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or
six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
e If husband and wife are querulous or
caustic, sc runs the tune of all the
Members One of Another.
Family loyalty Is not the least of the
virtues. The household divided against
it;:elf, we are assured, cannot stand,
A young man or woman facing, life
and - entering the world without the
faith and the love of a home in ,the
background is destitute of one of the
most valuable assets.
It is not news that most households
live at peace and in equity behind
closed doors, and so it is quarrels and
murders that find their way into the
newspapers preferentially,
Could we but see at close range how
most families lead ,their lives we
should be reassured, and we.. should
not become cynical because of the
minority of dismal failures in mar-
riage and parenthood,
The foundation -stone of society is-
the happy family. It is a family in
which a firm hand of discipline con-
trols • the growing child; in which
children's rights are recognized and
still a respect for the elders is incul-
cated and insisted upon.
It is a family which knows how its
own members spend their days and
where they are. Children and parents
do not meet as strangers at the table
now and then. Pleasures and sorrows
are shared like food or 'labor or any
other. blessing.
There is no family lice ' where the
head& of the household are not defer-
ential to eaoh other. No contagion
spreads so fast as that of disrespect.
The "Weaker" Sex.
If it is charged against women that
their brain weighs less than the male
brain, the quality of the female brain
is much higher than the male.
It has been noted, too, that few great
causes succeed unless there is a wo-
llian behind them, It was a woman
who really roused the conscience of
the world against slavery. It was a
woman — Florence Nightingale—who
roused the world to make warfare
It was women—Queen Elizabeth
and Queen Victoria—who lifted the
prestige and standing of the Empire
to higher points than any male ruler.
In paying our thanks for "services
rendered" to such great statesmen as
Gladstone, Salisbury, and Chamber-
lain, to mention but three of many, we
are really honoring their wives, from
whom they drew. their inspiration.
A woman —Joan of Are—saved
France from becoming part of Britain,
and another woman, Catherine the
Great, set Russia high among the na-
There are more women inventors
than men, and more female teachers
than male.
It is admitted that women have far
greater moral courage than men, and
it is a very moot point as to whether
they have not greater physical cour-
On the stage, and in the world of
song, women reign supreme. And let
it be remembered that women stood
nearest to the cross on Calvary, and
were first at the open tomb on Easter
Many farmers Lave been handi-
capped because they have been taught
that clover and the other legumes
dere the only means of increasing the
nitrogen content of their soils. Of
course, these are the best, and in
man in a s th st �s,sfaetoxy
nice yq D a g ii cogen auto t ie',S it I
ruLthere 4ee i ildions� of �bact&r'ia,
weith'ig to feed uroopon ts, stems and
organic matter that may be plowed
under and make it into available
nitrogen for another plant.
In tile drainage there are a number
of Wags to be considered in each in-
vidual case before work 'is begun;
wever, cause and effect. are the main
Mk far, M1n$441 rand %Ake :0o of kr,
household. The children will` follow.
the deplorable pattern. Much of the
pleasure of lite is in the reminiscence'
and there is nothing we remember
more gladly than the affection evident
between our Barents, who were lovers
to the last. In a time of upheavals
and varying standards, when civiliza-
tion seems to stand on the debatable
ground and the pillars of the social or-
der threaten to collapse, we need to
consider the part that the home plays
and the duly of each individual in the
home. The country at large will have
no higher character than that which
the ethics and ideals of its homes es-
tablish. Sweeten and purify domestic
existence and a cleansing wind .blows
through the nation. The life of those;,
who one by one compose a family is,
linked with -the upward struggle of the
race, and in the family one learns the
meaning and the utility of consent
and common action, for the good of
"The essential charm of the farm
remains and always' will remain: the
care of crops, and of cattle, and of
orchards, bees and fowls;; the clearing
and improving of the ground, the.
building of barns and houses; the di-
rect contact with the soil and with
the elements; the watching of the
clouds and of the weather; the priva-
ries_with nature, with bird, beast and
plant; and the close acquaintance with
the heart and virtue of the world."
—John Burroughs.
When beginning to give a foal
cow's milk do so most gradually. If
it is suddenly given a full meal, indi-
gestion and troublesome results will
be sure to occur, but if given in small
quantities, and often, there should be
no complaints. When once accustom-
ed to a cow's milk there will be few
or no dangers in feeding more liber-
Don't worry! Let "Danderine"
save your hair and double
its beauty
To step fa, illd.•iita r at once and rid
the scalp of "eirery particle of dandruff,
get a small .bottle of delightful "Dan-
derine" at any drug or toilet counter
is.4r... te cents, pour xa 11419inyou,
hind and rub ifl its .he scab. After
several applications the hair usually
stops coining out aad you can`t find
any dandruff. Your hair will grow
strong, thick and long and appear
soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and
abundant. Try itl
drCf, t ISSUE No. 27-16.
So many
that painful, have
Inflammation of tho
nerves. Do net suffer an-
other clay. If you are a
victim, try
I7othinpp• else brings relief
so tiuickly and so surely.
Send for free sample to
Templetons, 142 King St.
W„ Toronto. .
For sale at reliable drug-
gists for $1.04 a box.
Templeton's RAZ -MAH Cap-
sules are guaranteed to relieve
ASTHMA. Don't suffer an-
other day.
Write Templetons, 142 King St.
W., Toronto, for freesample.
Reliable druggists sell them at
$1.04 a box.
Water We Carry.
The body of an average man,
weighing 154 pounds, contains forty-
six quarts of water, the fat a little
less, the nerves more than one-half
water, and the skin nearly three-
quarters water. The brain, muscles,
lungs and heart are three-fourths
water, while tho blood is more than
four-fifths water.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs,—This fall I got thrown
on a fence and hurt my chest very
bad, so I could not work, and it hurt
me to breathe. I tried all kinds of
Liniments and they did me no good.
One bottle of MINARD'S LINI-
MENT, warmed on flannels and ap-
plied on my breast, relieved me com-
itossway, Digby Co., N.S.
Quebec's Maple Sugar.
Tho Province of Quebec has three
schools in which maple sugar making
-is taught. The Province's output of
maple sugar for 1919 was 12,353,667
pounds, and 1.470.275 gallons of syrup.
]Buy your out-of-town supplies with
Dominion Express Money . Orders.
;1:;-k•64Dcalars costs three cents.
Qijiefamong virtues in growirg a
garden is that of keeping up one's en-
thusiasm until the beets and turnips
are in the cellar.
Hardt Awfully oe
Haat Cation lie&
"I had never had a pimple and
then my face became covered.
Later on the pimples
became hard and awfully
sore, and they itched eo
that I could not rest one
moment, I had to scratch
so that at last I thought
my face was poisoned.
"1 was advised to tryCuticura Soap
land Ointment, and after using them
three weeks I was healed." (Signed)
Miss Edith Grover, West Old.own,
Me., Dec. 16, 1915.
Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum for all toilet purposes.
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and SOe. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadlanDepou
Laa``as, Limited, St. Paul St., IViontreal.
�l Cuticura Soap shaves without mug.
In Sunday School.
Teacher—"Why did Noah build the
Young Canada -"I think it was the
first attempt to solve the housing
Deaf to Duty's Dal!,
An American was boasting about
his country, and stacking wonders tier
on tier, when a listening Britisher in-
tervened with:—
"Pretty good, all those things! But
we have a bugle which was sounded
in England in 1914, and it waen't
heard in the United States till nearly
three years afterwards."
One On the Parson.
"It le not always safe even for a
clergyman to quote Scripture," re-
marked Bishop Weldon the other day.
"For instance (he continued) one
very cold day a certain vicar and one
of his elderly parishioners were walk-
ing home from church when the latter
slipped and fell flat on his back.
The clergyman looked at him for a
moment, and being assured that he
was not hurt, said:
" `Ah, sinners stand on slippery
"The old man locked up and smiled
" 'Yes, I see they do,' he said, 'but
I can't.' "
Minard's Liniment for, sale everywhere
The shortening for pie crust should
be mixed with a cold knife or the
chopping knife.
SINCE i8•/o �,`' ? ° �"
30 E
Amer.loa's ZiGSteor Dog r„omedies
Book on
and iffow to Toad
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
E. Clay Glover Co., Sn0.
118 West 31st Street
. New York, U.S.A...
Ciass%6ed Advertisernelats,
PyiET a4Zan.
1,. will pay you, George Steveuss.
P'eterborough, Ontario.
r'ors saes
and Sob printing plant in 7daptsras
Ontario. Insurance carried $1,005. S4t1B
WE!?sale. Boz 11,200 on quick oz 424
ilson Publishing Oct„ Ltd.. Toronto
S057 ELM WANTED, 2 1N, AND thicker, chipped green from saw,
Do not sell until you commut.:cate with
us. Keenan Bros. Limited, Owen Pound, -
I®, for Nurses: St, Elizabeth .Hospital,
204 South Broad Street, Elizabeth. New
Jersey. Complete course. Monthly al-
lowance: first year $5,00, second 81.0.00.
third 815.00. Address: Superintendent.
ANcarsTE, D—vAGeverywhNETS lvIere in OnTH tariFo toORD
handle a fast selling guaranteed device
that improves the lighting system on
the Ford car 200 per cent.; agents mak-
inv $50 to $200 aweek profits; spare or
whole time. 'write quick, territory is
going fast. The Arlington Co., Lorne
Park, Ont.
The British Mint has issued 4,643
tons of pennies during the last six
"California Syrup of Figs",
Child's Best Laxative
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and- most
harmless physic for the little stom-
ach, liver and bowels. Children love
its fruity taste, Full directions on
each bottle. You must say ',Gail,
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
For Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Tooth- package which contains complete di -
ache, Headache, Earache, and for rections. Then you are getting real
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- .Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre-
ritis, take Aspirin marked with the scribed by physicians for over nine -
name "Bayer" or you are not taking teen years. Now made in Canada.
Aspirin at all. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab -
Accept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. Druggists
:Aspirin" in an unbroken `Bayer" also sell larger `Bayer" packages.
There is only one Aspirin—"Bayer"—You must say "Bayer"
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono-
aceticaeldester of Saliaylicaeld, while it is well known that Aspirin means Bayes
manufacture, to assist the public against Imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Compass'
will bo stamped with their general trade mark, tho "Bayer Cross."
'HE freshness, and flavor,
not equalled, nor approached by any
'other chewing tobacco. That is why,
ANCHOR PLUG is supreme.