Zurich Herald, 1920-05-27, Page 4'sires, 111 make it The track rem bemuses lesseesiel g� hat mfor Net. need tie slabssoteble eembleathea which keeps the nail on tlarwcl MPERIAL Polarine gives thorough lubrication and er every operat- ing condition. Cars and trucks give longer, cheaper service when lubricated with Imperial Polarine. Imperial Polarine will not break up or run thin under continued operation. It reduces friction to a minimum by maintaining a coating of oil on every wearing surface. It seals all the power behind the piston by establishing a perfect piston -to -cylinder seal. Learn which of the three grades described below is best suited for your car from the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations, which is on display wherever Imperial Polarine is sold. Sold in one -gallon and four -gallon sealed cans, half -barrels and barrels, also in 12? gallon steel kegs, by dealers everywhere. IMPERIAL POLARINE IMPERIAL POLARINE HEAVY IMPERIAL POLARINE A (Light medium body) (Medium heavy body) (Extra heavy body) A GRADE SPECIALLY SUITED TO YOUR MOTOR THE HERALD Issued Wednesday afternoon from the THE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE STEPHEN COUNCIL The Cuuncil of Stephen met in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Mon- day, May 3rd 1920 at 1 p.m. All members were present. The min- utes were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. In application from the Police Trustees of Grand Bend was read asking the Council to mass a By- law to submit to the electors of the said Police Village to vote on the question whether or not the electors are in favor of asking. the Hydro -Eke Power Com. of Ont. for a suppiy of bLectrit power for the P. V. of Granit Bend. The requests of the applicants -were granted and by-law No. 2655 to take the Note of the rate-pay:rs of the Police Village of Grand Bend entitled to vote on money By-laws, having been read three times he passed and signed by the Reeve and, Clerk and the seal of the Cor- poration attached. By-law No. 264 to appoint Path - wasters, pound -keepers and fence iewers having been read three times be passed and signed by the xeeve and clerk and the seal of the Corporation attached. • The assessment roll for 1920 as filed by the ssteesor with the Clerk "was accepted and the Court of Re- sinion to hear appeals be held in *Lie Town Hall, Crediton, on Wed - x esday, May, 26th at 1 p.m. A few accounts were passed and the Council adjourned to sheet a- gain on May 26th at 1 p.m,. Henry• Fiiber, ';LRI;I(. Milk is the cheapest food, con- eidering food value, that is cons- arced. One quart of milk supplies hia 'much protein as 7 ounces of iilrlion steak or 4.$ egg, and Will supply as much energy as il oun- ces of sirlion steak, as 8% eggs or 10.7 ounces of fowl. , Even at the price at which milk is selling to -day, the consumer is getting he buys, the cheapest and best food that DASHWOOD NEW GROCERY STORE Having opened up a Grocery Store, We can supply you with a complete• line of Fresh Groceries, which we always keep on hand. Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods. Give us a trial and we will assure you satisfaction.47-3 FRED. G. WHITE, - Dashwood. Mrs, A, Birk and daughter, Ver- na are spending a few days in Detroit, Idil. and Mrs,. J. Zeller are visit- ing in Stratford this week, Mrs, S, Elliott is visiting in De- troit at present. Mr. Clarence Yager and Mina Ehlers spent the week -end in •Stratfordl. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Graybiel of Woodstock visited with Mr, and Mrs. J. Greybiel over the holiday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Brenner of Stratford visited friends in town Sunday, Miss Luella Merner of Hespler, spent a few days with her par- ents this week. Mr. and Mies Hy. Daters of New Hamburg, Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Daters of near Hensall nad Mr. and Mrs. Silas Adams of London, spent Sunday with Mr. And Mrs. Ed, Kraft... Norman Brown of Paris Visited kis mother over the holidays. Miss A. Lane.,of Dorchester is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Oes- treiehere Mr, S. Page of Galt visited at the home of Mr. E. Tiernan for a few days, Misses Alberta and Myrtle 'Koch of London, spent a few days at the home of their parents, this week. ' Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Kleinsti .'er, and We, P. Mclsaae spent Sunday and Monday at !Stratford. • SCHOOL REPORT Following is the report of S.S. No;. 1, Hay and Stanley for April, Those marked ° were absent. .Sr, III;—Gert. Ducharme 425, 'Cecilia. Laporte 360, *Donella De- nomme 250, *Nora Geoffrey, Jr. III;— Dennia'.Corrivveau 606, Noel Laporte 595. Marie Denomme Cream Separatorshave advanced 532, Gerald Sreenan 515. Sr. II;— Anna Denomme 630, $10 in price. Buggies 20 per cent. W Willard Conriveau 378, Loretta De- nomme 339, *Bernice Ayotte *Fer-� have ®n hand one. DeLaval and. one Melotte Separators, also two Gray l Buggies which we will sell at pre advance, prices for quick sale. se•••w.Ns••••••eseeel eisies•.•sa•NNos •iesr A Few Bargains gus Geoffrey. Jr. II;- Cecilia Sreenan 635,e Russell Sreenan 609, Annabel Du- 1 charme 598, *Willard Ducharme 586 *Lloyden Denomme 334. Sr. I;—Theresa Sreenan 517, Eva Denomme 473, *Dennis Den- omme. A: -Juliette Denomme 410, *Ly- dia Ducharme 998, *Ervin Den- omme 240, "Rueben Denomme 210 *Lydia Geoffrey. B.;—Hazel Ducharme 370, Lorne Denomme .370, Freeda Denomme 630,Antionette Laporte 305, *Nel- son Ducharme 300, Milfred Ayotte Annie Geoffrey. eLtta R. Guenther, Teacher. Mr. and Mrs. .V Haywood of Ex- eter and Miss Dora Kraft of Lon- don visited at Mr. Kraft's Sunday, A. very unfortunate accident hap pened to Mrs. Chas. Schroeder of Crediton while visiting at Mr. Win. Snell's on Saturday last. It seems that when unhitching the horse she forgot the one holdback 1 his let the shafts drop and the buggy trailing frightened the animal. In trying to hold it she was knocked down and trampled upon with the result that the limb was broken below the knee, Miller—At Dashwood, on May 24 to Mr, and Mrs. A. Miller, a dau- ghter, DASHWOOD BREEZES Early Closing DURING JUNE, JULY, AND AUGUST We, the undersigned business men of the Village of Zurich, agree to close our places of business e eery Thursday afternoon during the months of June, July and August from the hour of one to six o'- clock, p. m., and to keep them cl- osed rntil the following morning; C. F e,tz -Andy_ w F. Hess Jno. Preeter. T.. L Wurm J. Gascho & Son Wm Hoffman Elmer Desch Melick & Braun Stade & Weido L. Prang J. Deichert J. J. Barry Jno. Kipper Denomy Bros. Roy Weber W. H. Pfile Fred Thiel :W. G Hess Ferd M. Hess Ruby & Johnston Molsons Bank Yungblut & Deichert J. E. Druar Weather conditions have been excellent during the past week, hence growth has wonderfully in- creased, Fall wheat in this vic- inity looks well and prospects are good for a favorable cropl. Victoria Day was spent variab- ly, some going to Exeter t'elebr ation, and others to Grand Bend to fish- Mr. and Mrs. Morton Turnbull, and family of Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and family of Ailsa Craig were guests of Mr. Bauman's on Sunday. Ma. and Mrs. G. S. Howard and daughter, Evelyn, visited at Mr, and Mrs, Delgaty's last Sunday and took in the Gospel Services at the Schoolhouse in the evening. Mother's Day was observed at the Presbyterian church, Grand Bend on Sunday. A large atten- dance was present to tnjoy the sacred program. At the S.Sehool the three addresses, given by,three of our ardent women workers in the 8. S., were good and much ap- preciated. Mr.'Wade is erecting a '-mice wire fence on the front of his farm, which will add mtfeh to the ap- pearance along the lake road. Mrs. Kate I3auman is visiting the week withher neice, Mrs, M! Turnbull of Parkhill • • WILL TRY AND DO IF FOR Y • • • PUMPS PUMPS • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PUMPS AND PIPING. • • • SOME OTHER FARM MACHINERY IN STOCK AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES. SEE U$ ABOUT NEW AND GOOD SECOND DRAG EA./MOWS BLACKSMITH WORK BRING ALONG THAT PERTICUI.AR BLACKSMITH JOB,' WE • •.• L. Lan •• PR.A.1G,Zurich • • ioss•wiesssmss•seeess••••as•smeim •o•s•teeireemess4 WE INSTALL AND KEEP IN REPAIR ALL OUR PUMPS. • 1 SHINGLES SHInGLES Parties requiring Shingles this season. will do well by bying them at once. As after April 1st all shingles will advance 10per cent. in price. eh. Zurich • Hear it for Yourself The Phonograph which Amazed all HensaIl: " you one of those who believe that no phonograph canmatch the voice of the living human? An astonishing discovery a- waits you—like the +numerous Hensallers who attended the recent tone test, Thomas A. Edison gave his fam- ous Tone -Test last Tuesday night three artists sing play and whistle in the Town Hall, Hensall. He in direct comparison with the RE - Creation of their voices by the New Edison.* Music lovers were completely baf- fled. Their ears were unable to distinguish the Re -Creation art from the living. You have nev- er heard any phonograph that approaches the New Edison, It Re'X:reates not only the musical notes, but every elusive quality of tone and color which identify the original artist, 3‘4e TSE "' EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" Come in and hear the identical instrument* which was used Tuesday Evening May 18th. Make the great die- covery for yourself. J. Willis Powell - - Exeter *The instrument used in 'ruesday'a Tone -Test is the regular model which dells for $431. It is an exact thiplicate of the aLbotatory Model which Mr. Edison perfected after spending Thrt•e Million Dollars in experiments. lVb . (wa4ltte. r . rw.teA.rr P ^F1ela.a+nyGMUl ..*a. w T N'M v v .,t. 1LtiVp1 tYYA.y:>ti`„M N'YS:�a ;ate;,„ a ,„ ., 1