Zurich Herald, 1920-05-27, Page 3The Farm Spring.
.Natural spring waters are rarely
dangerous to health, for the 5.0-
stences held in solution are generally
barmless. A few waters, it is true,
have properties that adapt them to
medicinal father than to drinking pur-
poses, end others;' although harmless,
are objectionable in taste or odor.
There is no infallible way to detect
pollution in small quantities. A com-
mon-sense inspection of the surround-
ing will usually show whether or not
there is any possible source of con-
tamination in the vicinity. If one
is found, it should be removed im-
mediately or the use of the spring
should be discontinued. 1'
A. spring in soft ground, if the
water is to be used for drinking,
should' be curbed with stone, brick or
cement—not with wood. The top of
the curbing should be at a height suf-
ficient to prevent the entrance of sur-
face wash. Over the whole should be
placed a water ti; 'ht cover to prevent 1
pollution from above. There ehould
be no crack or o)iening in the curbing'
or between it and the covering
through which toads, mice, or other
shall animals could enter. An open-
ing left for the escape of water, or
for other purposes, should be covered
with wire netting. Stock should be
fenced off from the vicinity of the
A spring thus protected is generally
safe from all pollution except that
which reaches it by seepage. Usually
such pollution is likely to occur only
where there . are dwellings or barns
on the slopes above the spring. Even
then, owing to the process of purifica-
tion that the water undergoes in filter-
ing through the earth, the danger is
greatly lessened if the spring is one
hundred and fifty feet or more from
the source of contamination.
• Rock waters, except' those from
limestones, aro commonly safe if they
are not beneath cities or towns. In
such neighborhoods polluting matter
is sometimes carried downward
through cracks or fissures into springs
on lower ground. In limestones the
waters follow open underground chan-
nels, often miles in length, in which
there is no oppottunty of filtration;
So many have Neuftis,
that painful, paralyzing
inflammation of the
nerves. Do not suffer an-
other day. If you are a,
victim, try
else brings relief
so quicly and so surely.
Send for free sample to
WTempletnn , 142 King St.
Per sale at reit able drug-
gists for 81.04. a box.
Templeton's RAZ -MA 11- Oap-
sules are guaranteed to relieve
AST HMll.. Don't suffer an-
other day.
Write Templetons, 112 King St.
W., Toronto, for freesample.
Reliable druggists sell them at
81.04 a i3og.
Lit off Corns!
Doesn't holt a bit and Freezone
costs wily a few cents.
S\ ith yo it fingers! You can lift off
any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be-
tween the tees, and the hard skin cal -
and if, as often happens, polluting loses from bottom of feet.
matter finds entrance through sink! A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs
holes or otherwise, disease may be
transmitted for long distances.
Springs in a limestone formation
should, therefore, be carefully watch-
ed. Muddiness or floating matter ris-
ing with the water after rains is often
an indication of connection with sink
holes. If the sink holes are in culti
vated or pasture lands, the safest
course is to discontinue the use of the
If protected, as is here suggested
spring water is an ideal source of
farm supply, especially if it can be
piped to the house. Often the waters
of the larger springs can be forced
into the buildings by rams or wind-
mills .if they will not flow by gravity
Spring water is best conducted
through iron pipes, since poisoning
often follows the use of lead pipes
if the water is not constantly flowing
Pipes must be laid well below the
frost line to prevent 'interruption of
supply or breaks due to freezing.
little at any drug store; apply a few
drops upon the corn or callus. In-
stantly it stops hurting, then shortly
you lift that bothersome corn or callus
right off, root and all, without one bit
of pain or soreness, Truly! No hum-
1 Gl L
Shower by Pallor. Of'tlte Face and
Lips ---Raw to Obtafla New
Blood -
Anaemia, ..or lack of'^ blood, is ,so
gradual in its approach tliat it is.pften
well developed Before the pat(iat is
slifIlciently;alarnied.to consult a doc-
,r4t1oi'.01 • tait'e proper tieatnient ;tp,re-
atorethe blood to a health)p,cc(ndition..,
The earliest symptom of anaemia is
loss .,pf 'color, especially in the 1,ips,
gnnsanyl membranes lining the eye-
lidii. Thenecomes shortness of breath
on slight exertion, such as going up
stairsae palpitation; of- 'the, heart, in-
creased pallor of the face and lips..
If• this thinning of the blood is not
corrected it will proceed rapidly until
a complete breakdown in health fol-
lows, when there' may be disorders of
the stomach, headaches and back-
aches, dizziness and fainting spells.
The most effective and prompt way to
increase and enrich the blood at a
time like this. is through the fair use
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. •These
pills have restored to good health
thousands of weak, anaemic people,
among them Miss Mae Johnston, of
Port Arthur, Ont., who says:—"Be-
tween the ages of sixteen and eigh-
teen I worked in a telephone office, and
it was very trying to the nerves and
health. I became bloodless, and so
pale that friends often said I looked
consumptive. One night I had to be
taken home from the office, and a
doctor was called in who told me I
must not go back for a time. Some-
times I would faint, and to walk up
stairs would leave me utterly breath-
less. As I did not appear to be get-
ting any better one of my girl friends,
whose mother had. used Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills with great benefit, advised
me to try these. I took the pills very
faithfully for some time, with the re-
sult that they restored me to good
health, and now when anyone tells me
they feel weak or rundown I always
recommend Dr. 'Williams' Pink fills,
as I feel so thankful for the help they
gave me."
If you have any of the symptoms
described by Miss JonnsonAry build-
ing up the blood with Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, Eat nourishing food, ex-
ercise a little in the open air daily
and watch the color re':urn to cheeks
and lips. You can run no risk in giv-
ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial as
they .can not injure the most delicate
systeii. You can .get these pills
through any dealer ill medicine, or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50, Pram The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Embroidery Pattern
NO. 1034
9459—Ladies' Dress (surplice clos-
ing, two styles of sleeve; two-piece
skirt with or without peplum, 37 or
35 -inch length from waistline). Price,
25 cents. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins. blast
measure. Size 36 requires 4i/a yds.
40 ins. wide. Width around the bot-
tom, I% yds.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street,
Toronto, Dept. W.
When ordering goods by mail send
a Dominion Express Money Order.
Success Nuggets.'
7ducation turns the wild sweetbrier
into the queenly rose.
A vigorous initiative and strong self -
faith make up the man of power.
Be sure that the honors you are'
striving for are not really dishonors.
'What men get and do not earn is of-
ten a curse instead of a blessing.
Many people are such slaves to the
opinions of others that they don't dare
express themselves; their energies are
tied up; they are slaves of Mrs. Grun-
dy. These people do not have opinions
of their own, they are governed en-
tirely by those of others.
As above the oyster the starfish, the
porpoise the whale, so above all mat -
Why II Grow Forage Crops.
ter does the luiman being rise pre -
Years ago forage crops were con- eminent,
sidered of very small importance, and Some one has defined happiness as
their true value was practically un- "the constant pursuit of an agreeable
known to many landowners. Tines, object with a sense of continual pro -
however, are changing, and many gross."
good things have come to light A bishop used to say to his children
through absolute necessity. Among when they had used some new article
• these are our different kinds of forage
Years ago I tried out the different
kinds of forage crops that I foetid we
could grow. My work at that time
was more of an experimental nature,
but some of the lessons learned from
email plots have been of inestimable
value to us. I have learned something I of sorrow for himself and another.
of the real feeding value of these
crops, and have always found them
to be of value when handled properly.
There is nothing that helps more to
make hog -raising profitable than a
good forage crop. I firmly believe
he time is now at hand when we will
not find it profitable to raise hogs
without an abundance of forage. Rape
;Makes good forage for hogs. The
)advantage of rape is that it can be
grown continuously throughout the
growing season.
In the past we have aimed to pre-
pare only sufficient acreage for the
hogs. However, other stock will bene-
fit greatly if the acreage is large
;enough. This will depend largely on
'the season. When the season is fav-
• Arable, a great crop of forage can be
grown from a comparatively small
I like red clover because of its high
)feeding value, and becabse it can be
eatlily worked in with other crop ro-
tations. For ninny years past it has
furnished us with .an abundance of
iliog and cattle pasture. In order to
grow red clover successfully; the
land must be sweet, well drained, and
trairly rich -
ttlyeathh is ' eat'tertclter; from
line—.men learn what 'aro the things
they,. really :value," ---Donald Hankey.
of comfort, "There, you have added to
your troubles by a new want."
Don't spend so much energy in
building air -castles that you will have
nothing left to stake your dreams
He who can suppress a moment's
auger may, by so doing, prevent a day
A famous Parisian teacher of sing-
ing forbids pupils to wear flowers of
any kind, but particularly violets,
which, she says, cause swelling of the
vocal cords.
Cost of Complaining.
"Tain't in the way o' common sense
To growl at rain an' bring the sun;
A grumbler never built a fence
Or finished work that should be
l've never known the clouds to go
Because some fellows sat an' whined,'
When it's too wet to plough or hoe,
Some other task to do I find.
I've never known a kicker 'yet
To alter things past his control,
Nor met a man with power to fret
An easier joitrney to his goal. .
Fond hopes go wrong an' plans will
However much a man complains,
An' spite of all we have to say
When it is willed to rain, it rains.
The chap that gets the biggest crops
Is not the one that wears the frown;
When growlin' starts all progress
No man can climb by sitting down.
Time spent in whimperin' is lost,
An' cursin' never changed the sky;
The grumbler pays a heavy cost
For every discontented sigh.
Where Woman Really Rules.
Tiburon, otherwise known as Shark
Island, is a real Amazon kingdom, or
perhaps queendom.
The women are the heads of the
family and rule the men with a hand
of iron, graciously permitting them to
attend to the work of gathering food,
wood, and water, while their wives,
mothers and daughters take care of
the serious business of governing the
All the men on Tiburon are under
the rule of their women -folk, but the
newly married husband is the most
abject of Slaves. After mother has ap-
proved of the suitor who seeks her
daughter in marriage—father's ap-
proval is taken for granted—the
favored youth is at once made a slave
of the family of his future bride, and
for a year must be at their beck and
After a stormy interlude the small
person of five was reduced to a proper
State of mind, and even went so far
as to volunteer that she thought she
knew what had made her so naughty
that afternoon, "You see, plummy,"
she explained, "I think the devil takes
an awful lot of interest in me."
Less Trouble
to xnalce your table
hever.i ie when it is
it is made instantly by adding,
hot:wat er to a spoon -6) ii t the cup
stirrirt and su Pal, and
cream 1:,o,t"tis"
.11 �e" Grocers
Look at tongue! Remove poi
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "Caiiforniis :syrup of Pigs
Cla§reread ,Advert seanents.
('1 TEvis a COMPLETE F PRTILIZi9'3ir•
1-,7 win pay you, George Stevens.)
Peterborough, Ontario.
7038 138,X1
V'WX1,T, 99,QUIi•'1'ED NHVVsPAi'1.kt.
and Sob printing plant in 1 0IterT4
Ontario. inuurarica carried 21,600. "MU
o i.n bishoinng aCo..ic aeaoIot @2r
SOFT )9X.29 w'8.1aWXi33.
OF'r 1:;1..&1 W.1 •.'Lia), 2 7)4. AND
►z thicker, shipped green from saw,
s• nCeuluolmiclnCd
T215.1U0.X1115r SO130014 BOB, 1'TFTIt2B5.
IaGISTXmRJ01.) , ' +1NI° G C1ln(11,
Tor i. ui e.:: c r'i ,',Ftll iLo' ital.
204 South Broad s t .tau lath New
Jersey. Oomph -re. , nuts,, i ,ntilll al-
lowanee• first a *"fi ceo,.1 $10.U0,
third S); . i . 1•' , ... �,ltl7[.,at;l7,a-.dent,
td/5 t3s.LZA.110 o.'(i S.
g*-1ANC hat, ,Z14"3, OTC.,
IL/ internal and external. cured without
pain by our home treattneiit. write us
eetore too late Dr. 13e1iman E4edlom7l
Co,. Limit&. Colltngwood• Clair.
• dDy YOU
toinsure 4.p' i'. s' ('nloss of
time from siehne,s or ax -:dents? We
have a policy thur will do so. Further
information wilt cheerfully Int given by
writing Mr. Darlow, Continental Casual-
ty Company, so King East, Toronto.
Agents wishing to get with a high grade
Company. using part or all of their time,
write us.
only—look for the name California on Salted
the package, then you are sure your away
child is having the best and mos,
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Child-
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on each bot-
tle. Give it without fear.
Mother! You must say "California.'
Horses on. the farm in England and
Wales in 1919 totalled 10,000 more
than last year, notwithstanding the
increase of traction.
Adding to the World's Good.
It is not alone those high in place or
great in the world's esteem who have
the opportunity of living a purposeful
life and of accomplishing a part in the
world's work. Whoever does a useful
thing, and does it well and cheerfully,
is contributing to the world's happi-
ness and betterment. Whoever does
no more than keep Himself truly hap-
py, is adding to the world's good.
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
£.niertca'S Pioneer nor Zerne5leo
Book on
[tn:t How to Seed
Mailed Free to: any Ad-
dress by the Author.
H. Clay Glovor Co., 3no,
118 West 31st Street
New York, '5.7.S.+1.
Liniment that Cures A11
ti in A +it�-•
aTINARD'S YarmIoufh, Y.GO., Limited,
t: J srorSCOUG S
On Face, Very Sore and Itched,
Did Nat Sleep. Cuticura Heals.
"When my little niece was two
months old she had eczema very
badly on her face. It
was of a moist kind,
and took a blister form,
and was very sore. It
itched, making her face
feel hot, and she would
scratch badly. She did
not sleep well nights.
"A. neighbor recommended Cuti-
cure so we got them, and one cake
of Soap and two boxes of Ointment
healed her." (Signed) Miss Zilla
G. ,Stoddard, R. F. D. 3, Randolph
Centre, Vt., March 10, 191g.
Make Cutieura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum your dailytoiletpreparations,
Soap 25c, Ointment25 and 50e. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepott
R Limited,
Sog shaves St., thug.
Horses Thrive on Seaweed.
French scientists have demonstrated
that horses gain in weight if fed a
kind of seaweed that grows an the
coast of Brittany, instead of grain and
other food,
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
The Sort of Maxi You Are.
Do you know that you tarry your
rating in your face, your personality?
You are as good an 'advertisement of
what you really are as if you were
rated in Bradstreet. Everything about
you is a telltale of what is inside, and:
I can tell, the first time I meet you,
what influences have been molding
you in your present shape. I can tell
what your environment has bebn;
whether you have lived in au ignorant,
poverty-stricken and illiterate nom -
manila or whether yott have been
reared in the midst of refinement and
culture, and have made friends with
good books and good companions.
Your ronexsation, your vocabulary,
will betray, the source ot your intelli-
gen,ce. I can detect Shakespeare.
Dickens; Binerson, in your conversa-
tion if you are educated, cultured, as
I can detect the lower type of man if
you are ign_,,,,dee orant anti unread_ .-..O,S.14.I.
BuyThrift ,Stamps.
D. 7, I$GUB No, 21—'20.
foods should never be put
in aluminum utensils,
"Danderine" will check that
ugly dandruff and stop
hair coming out
To stop falling hair at once and rid
the scalp of every particle of dandruff,
get a small bottle of "Danderine" at
any drug or toilet counter for a few
cents, pour a little in your hand and.
rub it into the scalp. After several
applications the Bair usually stops
coming out and you can't find any
dandruff. Soon every hair on your
scalp shows new life, vigor, bright-
ness, thickness, and more color.
rra .,t'SeF iui'hi'w�Zili ,,,sri.,
Cons IpEllon Cure
A druggist says t "For nearly
thirty yearn I have commended
the Extract of Hoots, known as
Moiler Seigel's Curative Syrup, for
the radical cure of constipation
and indigestion. It is an old
6 reliable remedy that never fails
to do the work." 30 drops
thrice daily. Giet the Qenuine,
at druggists.. 2
t tt'u''�EINZL'L}�J w�'`iO4teadOM,y
Not Aspirin 'at :.it `ZritliOtlt the "Bayer Cross"
For Colds, lain,
sLunlago. iaii6aeU'
I'M, Iihenmatiu Sciatica,Ncu it,mations. Then youare getting real
andfor Headaathe.leen
' genuine ¢e
ache, F,arache, t"BeAspirin marked scribed by physicians fornver nine+
with the name "Bayer"
or you aro tcHNow made in Ottnadt6,
andy* tin boxes ontainin', 15 tato%
not taking Aspirin at all,
Accept, only "Bayer Tablets of ilets cost but a few cents, ruagisttil
Aspirin."'in an unbroken "Bayer" I also sell larger "Bayer" packages.
There is only one .Asisirin:--," Baye7"-•-You must sap "Bayer"
Airin is of
,.acidesterltof Oil rlioac•tL While it is well dknowll3otl t ltepirin
ture of Mond-
acctmeans )3aYa1'
nlanntacturc, to assist the publro against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer CdlnpAn)9
Ovula bo stantlna 7411 tkeir• moral tr'aldo murk, %3i "payer Cress,,,