Zurich Herald, 1920-05-06, Page 7BUSINESS CARDS .PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on tiro Square, 2nd door from ITamiiton St. lx,xlericb. Private funds to loau at loe est rates W. PBooDrrooe, K. C. J. L. len-fenser. H. J. 1) Cooicha, Mr. Cooke will be in }lonsa11 on Friday and Saturday of each week. ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com inissioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co, Herald Office, Zurich. Dr. E ■ r Hai`a3..,e DENTIST At ,ZURICEI EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY TH'URSDA'Y AMAIN OFF -MR — HEN° ALL OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. 0. Phone 18-93 - Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer's. License for the County of Huron 'And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give Mel a trial and I will assure you aiatisfaction or make no Dashwood.ae. Arthur Weber, Phone 31 r 13. A Zurich Meet FreshMARKET memesramommamozrueand Salt Meats J3oiogna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool 1 CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES F`ar't, t & Desc���+ h, , eanosv-Ancalucosame Delaware & Hudson Co.'s LACK ASA COAL Also soft coal. Season 1920 Summer Deliveries. Owing to the uncertain and un- settled condition still prevaling in the coal trade, We are again un- able to guarantee delivery or price We will do our best to fill all or- ders, and prices will be charged in price ruling on day of deli eery. Our terms are cash on completion of deliveries, Remember We purchase only Stan- dard quality. D. A. r n Phone house No. 10, Office No. 10. HENSALL ONT. LIVE 1P O U LT RV WANTED TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY FORENOON Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O' r i e n Phone 94. Zurich Tiuly the Edison Amberola is the World's Universal Musical In- strument. Came see and hear them and judge for yourself. Also Edison Blue Amberol rec- ords in stock, ..7 PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE Fresh barrel shipment of Tele- phone and Ignition Columbia bat- teries. Best 'by Test. W.G. Hess. FOR. SALE A rubber -tired buggy, ball i ear- ing wire wheel, cushion tire, one of the latest styles, good as new. Ap- ply, Chris, Eilber, Zuribc. NOTICE. Mance will be held in the Hall of the Walper House, Zurich, on -Friday Evening May 7th. Every- bdoy welcome. FOUND In Zurich. a pair of Men's leather gloves. Finder can have same by paying for this ad at Herald Office WANTED I am in the market for potatoes any quantity, highest market price paid. —C. Fritz, Zurich, FOR SALE I have a quantity of Red Clover seed for sale. Apply to John Brown, R. R. N•o.y. Zurich. .Or at my premises Goshen Line. NOTICE Any person wishing to grow dutch sett onions on contract for the coming season, please make plication at once. As we do expect to handle any setts n fall except what are grown contract. You can also con'ract using your own seed, J, Preeter, Zurich. NOTICE LOCAL NEWS Is it May now? Mrs, C. Bikes is on the sick list. Mr. Gordon Zettle left for Iit- chener'on Wednesday. News print has advanced from $60 to $120 per ton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh of Bru- cefield called on friends in the vil- lage on Thursday last. Mr. Geo. Thiel received a new. Ford touring car, which he will use in his livery business, Four Grit four Tory and tfour Labor votes were opppoaed to the 87 votes for the Referunclum. Messrs. W. Fee, D. A. Canteian and Dr. Campbell, of Rensall were business visitors in the village on' Saturday. We would appreciate more let- ters from rural school teachers and trustees concerning conditions in local. schools. Rev. H. Rem be conducted serv- ices in Port :Colborne on Sunday, consequently there were no servic es in the Lutheran hcurch here. Mr. Manship, manager of the Hall Dent Ltd., and family moved last week, into the house owned by Mr. E. Wurm, on Main St., and recently vacated by Mr. Geo.Thiel A new athletic organization has been formed in town called the Alpha Beta Lawn Tennis Club. Anyone interested in this line of sport should communicate with Mr. Clayton Hoffman, the presid- ent. Mr. Wm. Callfas received his ,motor bus on Monday and is in- deed a fine, riding and well appear- ing vehicle and a credit to the coinmunity.< Mr. Callfas says un- der normal road conditions the trip to Hensall can be made in +.vpni•v minutes We are contracting for a lim- ited amount of Dutch Sets for Fall delivery. Anyone wishing to grow same for us please apply soon. We can supply you with the seed required, or you may use your own. J. Gascho & Son NOTICE. • Parties wishing to contract for growing dutch set onions this summer, kindly arrange your con- tract with me, as we will handle only contracted onions this fall, We will supply' you with seed, or you may sow your own seed. T. L. Wurm, Zurich. LOST Or Strayed from our warehouse, one large Jack Screw. Will the party having same kindly inform us of its whereabouts. Melick & Braun, EGGS FOR HATCHING Anconas eggs for hatching for sale from Shepherd, Ratz and Gies strains. Price $1.00 per setting of 13 eggs. F. B. MEyer, Zurich. FOR SALE A good wooden pump with 20 feet of logs at a bargain, act quick. Appply at Herald Office. We have in stock Prilnisory Note Beer]: blanks, 25 to the book, also a quantity of vest pocket receipt book blanks, for sale.. Herald Officer FORDGARAGE WE ARE AGAIN IN A POSIT- ION TO DO ALL KINDS OF RE- PAIRING ON YOUR CAR, WE HANDLE NOTIIING BUT Also Singer Sewing machines inr GENUINE+FOR:1) CARTS At 9. he Old Stand stop my paper 7s times ere ton fine at. my .residence. hnrc7 to waste sooner on ,t new a- � rr,:iii SCJ'•.':: S.'1l`r A LOCAL NEWS Is faith as strong as of old? Mr, .0 Fritz was in Parkhill on Friday, Cleaning up time, within and without, The Zurich housing problem is becoming: acute. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick were Vis- itors to Clinton on Sunday. Prof. E. Braun of Detroit, vis- ited friends in the village this week. iCapt, J. Cantin of Montreal spent the past week at his home at ;it. Joseph. Mrs, C. Fritz attended the fun- eral of a relative at Kitchener ov- er the week -end. Did the sugar refining profi.eers make a ten million dollar donatian recently, Miss Margaret Stelck left for; Yorkton,. Sask., last week, where she has secured a good position in a Hospital as nurse. Mr. O'Dwyer, of Clandeboye, vis 'ited at the home of his son Dr., and Mrs. O'Dwyer, on Sunday. Zurich has a showground, a race -track, a base -ball diamond, and a skating rink. Why not a park? A large number of the village at- tended the musical concert given at Crediton on Tuesday evening, by Prof. E. Braun. A Toronto pastor has resigned his position because the organist, a great musician, take., up too much time for music. Messrs. L. W. Hoffman and W. F. Braun attended the Baseball me- eting at Clinton, for the purpose of organizing a County League, this Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edsghotfer and Miss Rorie Eilber leit for Kit- chener on Monday, where they will visit Mr. Chas. Eilber, who is ill in a hospital with pneumonia. Misses Flossie and Gertrude Weber were visitors to London Hos, ital, on Saturday, where their father, Mr. Chas. Weber is con- fined to the bed, having ander- Vent an operation for i:upture, -Inner diplomacy seems to ha ce Mr. Jacob Howald and family of ('won again in the case of the Turk. Kitchener have arrived with their (The barbarians who perpetrated household effects and have purch the most bloody massacres of in- aaed , the two dwelling properties nocent people in the lust hundred of the west end of the village, years will stay at the Dardanells formerly owned by Mr, 3. Decherd as a concession to France. The Sr,., and will occupy the one vac- pill is a hard one for British opin- ated by Mr. Foster ion to swallow. The annual meeting of the Zur- The ,Herald is anxious to ha ce ich Womens' Iustitute will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Hey, Jr., on Wednesday May 12th, in the afternoon at 2 o'clock. Don't for get to bring your recipees for the cook book, and all members should be present. Mr. J. E. Druar and family of St, Clemons anis ed here last 'lhurcdzy and have taker, up housekeeping in the home of Mrs. Druar's mot- her, Mrs. F. Krauskopf. Mr. Druar has recently been appoint- ed as local agent for the Massey - Harris line of farm machinery and we wish him every success in this undertaking. The parlor meeting on Tuesday evening prepared by the W. C. T. U. was a success from beginning to end, and was enjoyed be a well -- represented audience. Some of the interesting features were; A number of well -rendered iustrnm-j entals by Mr. E. Braun, Professor of Music, and some of our local talent, A debate in which the ne- gative side won a decision and well-earno dvictory. The presen- tation of a W.C,T.U, life -member= ship to Mrs, Rennie which was a seventy-sixth birthday gift from. her loving daughters. the last item of the programme, a ladies' chorus, was exceptionally fine. Be- fore leaving everyone enjoyed a social lunch in the basement. HE DON'T WANT MUCH An exchange reports that it re- ceived the following comhnunicat- ion from one of its patrons .recen- tly; "Send me a few copies of the paper with the obituary not- ice of the death of my child a month or two ago. You will pl- ease publish the enclosed clipping about the marriage of my niece. I wish 'sou would mention in you front if it doesn't cost anything, that I am going to have an auc- tion sale and will rent part of my farm, also that T have n fee' cal- ves to sell pr'ivateiy, Send me a few collies of the paper this week, and as my time is run ie of out, correspondents in ali districts. If your territory is not represented by our staff correspondents will you send us the news, or suggest the name of someone who would be likely to clo so? We furnish stamped envelopes and Nvriting supplies,. One way to beat the clothing pro fiteer is to send to a nail order house for samples of woolens nad use them for patches. .We novice in the Toronto papers last week that farmers were ask- ing ,$5.0) a gallon for maple syrup on, the Toronto market. The people: of that city refuted to pay and the farmers reduced the price to $4.o0. IF BACK IIURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Est less meat if Kidneys feel like lead or Bladder bothers you—,meat forms uric acid Most folks forget that the lddneyel, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasionally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, seevere headaches, rheu- matic twinges, torpid liver, said sbomaoh, sleeplessness and all aorta of bladder dia- orders. 3tou simply mutt keep your kidneys active and clean, and the .moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, got about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water , before 'breakfast for a few days and 'our kidneys will then act fhio. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Lithia, and is harmleaa to blush cicggcd 1 kidneys and stimulate thein to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids ' in tho twine so it no longer irritates, � thus ending bladder disorders. J'ad Salts is harmless; inexpensive;' snakes a delightful offerveseent lithiaa water drink which everybody should take now and than to keep their kidneys clean, tahus avolding sorious complications. A well. -known. loos,' druggist says ho palls lots of Jacl•Salts to folks who believe sin overcoming kidney, trouble while it is Stock and agent for Pianos, Of - x �"irT :1;s a C ur;.;ll a (J ,C1 11vot,?n : A » x'11/1`t7,^9�r9 ToT'er,, .Yy.W OWIi;.Iia, MBRIMEMINIMSEENSMININEMBENEWIZEMTAMS Childre. Cry for F Ocher's t 17,g1 14tit ®'i Y 01R1000.''Y'\�Vir`�s`04'h\W`C\Y'.�Y@.�11YOu9aYW'A.'4.r'�M.'4d'r <4 .. w`1�b�s. �4i\�e1M. •i..LY '�+ Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments'of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, anA no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. IA/hat is CASTOR1A? Castori a is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. • It is pleasant. it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep., The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GE °4:IIINE CAST MA ALWAYS Bears the Signature a n Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY . i V wa„el anr�'• 31�:1 ,.y y.', R�."p'„ �:s es -..- sese COST-C.P.A: EXECUTI VE The Best Paid Profession Book-keepers wanted. Only those wishing for ad- vancement to qualify as accountant. Home study training, not interfering with your present occupa- tion. Bonidet free. We have trained more Certi- fied Public Accountants than has any otherinstitu- tion. we have helped hundreds of others secure good paying positions. We can help you. International Accountants Society, Box$62 Toronto Bought and Sold Any Issue. Par and accured interest. A, F. BESS, - Zurich HENSALL a. T. R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING Stage leave Zurich ... 7.00 a.m. South, No. 162 ... ... ... 8.58 aim, Ncrth, No. 163 ... ... ..-10.33 aim. AFTERNOON Stage leave Zurich ._. ...3.00 p.m. South, No. 161 ... ... 4.50'p.m. North, No. 165 _.. 6.14 p.m. Masseyarris REPAIRS I handle all kinds of Massey - Harris repairs for Farm Implem- ents. Also a full litre of Verity Plow Points and Plow Repairs, at My Shop; opposite Town Hall. J.i'. Barry - Zurich Salesman Wanted To Represent TRE OLD RELIABLE FONT- HIL NUSERIES The greatest demand for Nursery Stock in Years. British and European Markets a- gaitr open for Canadian Fruit. Largest list of Fruit and Ornamen- tal Stock, Seed Potatoes, tete„ grown in Canada Write for Particulars Stone & Wellington ton Established 1837 TORONTO, ONT. .040 Of your estate is making Your WILL. any of your relatives this capacity. EXEOU one of the most important considerations when Do not put this responsible position upon or friends unless they are satisfied to act in Oftentimes the duties as executor are unwelcome. Appoint the Canada Trust Co., as Executors and your estate will be looked after carefully, and advantageously 1 fR 1' u.1 �e is 'rtli ANADA' PITST iN75' P NY .??,:r.,0•.,..? in conza,c:Pm W8i'rf J ?i:> ^•. "j r.� Er'V�^. �1��y0. �. ?\ i. .. ( ra `•rtisf vc %WZiCH!, ON` .ARR? O • Ott YsR'E'e�m •-�a;zi