Zurich Herald, 1919-11-21, Page 5FOR SALE Few fresh high grade Holstein heifers for sale. Good milkers and in good conddition. , Chris. (i•ingerich, 1% miles north of Blake BOAR FOR ,SERVICE Thorobrea Improved Berkshire boar for service, of a • fine type. J. Hey, Jr. Zurich sienarat..yis... Y�.tdY+.ao FOR SALE ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Hy. Deters is spending the weolc at New Hamburg. Mr. Gandell of London, was in town a few days this week, Mr. Fred Capl:tng of Toronto,is spending the week at the home of Mr, J. Preeter. Mr, and Mrs. J. Preeter and family spent Sunday with friends at Tavistock aria Shakespeare. 1V Ir, and Mrs. C. Meyer, of .Elm. - FALL STABLE CORP The health and Comfort of Live Stock Demand It. Need of Ventilation, Light and Clean- liness to Avoid Tuberculosis and Other 'Diseases—Use Whitewash, Whether Sprayed or Brush- handled, and 13rigltten Interior. (Contributed by Ontario Department et dvsitr 'n at the 'home 0£ Agriculture, Toronto.) :For particulars apply at herald their son, Re Meyer.. HE observance of the laws of • 13 Yorkshire pigs, 3 months old. WOO , ale g v F. B Office. cess Lena Denomy ha s returned home after spending.a couple of health, so vital to the FOR SALE Good frame barn, 40x60, either for barn of shed. to M. C. Talbot, Bronson smiles north of Blake. FOR SALE (A.t a bargaiin, a good stove, burn wood or coal. at Herald OMfiee, well- being of man, is regarded •nro'rehs in Chatham, with ilei sis- even in this enlightened M'rs CI- elle. with considerable.. indifference. ter', a ge, Mr. end Ms, Herb Smith and in the treatment of animals upon suitable little Vera, 'visited at the home of whose good health that of man him - Apply the formers' parents, Mr. and tlrs.I self depends to a considerable .de - Lines 2 John Sm'th on Sunday. I gree. That animals are not more Miss Josephine Denomy left for affected by disease, of some form or .Chatham on Monday. Her sister another, to a greater extent, is purely who was unable to return providential, for the sanitary condi- heating Emile',Apply home, must undergo au oper.ttion • tions under which they are often E d Meet MARKED' 1 Fresh and Salt Meats e $Q1oFna Etc n.za.4�e., Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & BIDES '7' ,'3' ,gbiut sem¢ Deichert fin the near future. I reared is of the worst. Why this Mr. John Pfaff, one of this sea- apathy concerning the state of the tions most en terprisieg farmers, re stables, in which frequently valuable cently d:,sposed of six steers and f animals are housed, is difficult to un - two heifers, all two year olds, and derstand, since cattle, any more, than realized the handsome sum of $1080.1 man, cannot maintain their health for the lot. I. and vigor for long in such unfevor- Fli,ppant Girls are to be barred i able conditions; yet the stockman 'from the office of the new min- who keeps cattle for profit must is!'er of transport because Sir Eric know that to gain maximum returns Geddes, the new minister of the : department objects to low-necked for his investments and trouble, and blouses, f.lahy dresses gossip in the to guard against loss from disease 1 corridors and organized tea parties and death reasonable care and con- I A Forest girl sent 15 cents to a' tort and sanitary conditions are Chf.cago firm which advertised •for necessary that money to send a recipe for,The first considerations to this end softening and whitening the hands:are ventilation, light and cleanliness. rz This was the reply; "Soak them These essential elements of sanita- well tut dish water three times a tion should be attended to at least once every yelr Thi may be most rte••" Sw ii, Holland and' Germany. Beef. mare, Canada's strongest competitor on the British beacon market is 1,8.73,000 abort et a normal supply of pigs. Germane is 19.396,000 short pf liar '191.9 I I' !H;putation4 Ti e'sle tlgR t r,rould prove inter - .sting to 1.. c eeer•io live stock ureeder. i . s of food material n the • we• . ,4•ry low. Stook' s ith tsh t i, ate ease these re - le normal num- rirnily i:, oe are that a good • :line for U.e fle- e i±ill Cann. -- day wh'le your mother rests.' ' The conveniently done during the early A advise was worth the money. I fall before the cattle are housed for The Boys Parliament which was the winter. . Effective ventilation is held in James St. Methodist Church required to carry away the foul air Exe: er, on Friday, Saturday and and maintain constant and adequate supply of fresh air. The window Sun:lay. was a wonderful 8L1Cee99 71l space should be ample so that every of the interior may be sur rse: to the largeeltudience, wh- with light and sunshine, the source HENa�LLL.� , p _ estro er of germs. Dr. . ,ard.le DENTIST At ZURICI3 EVERY WEDNESDAY e.t,er ova Th bo s Avera a flooded DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY, Y. �' y corner ieh packed the ,in the man of health and destroyer which they handled each sub Dirt and filth make in t,rc. t:: ere ti Utes: .._.144-..--M•• MAIN OFFIC' Salesman Wanted a productive breed- I�v c i fey an ac ne. in ing places for insects and bacteria. jest under debate. This is the t Cleanliness gets rid of conditions third par. mare t of its kind ever which produce them and prevents the discovered we were British. To Represent held held iv Cniario. The first twopossibility of infection and contagion, "We were altogether_ twenty men • parliaments being held in Toronto reducing possible loss from disease .in a vaulted limewashed cell about THE OLD RELIABLE FONT- ' :and Windsor. The whole proceed to a minimum. That much -dreaded 20 feet long by 11 feet broad and 12 HIL NUSERIES ' urn was conducted along similar disease, tuberculosis, is in a measure feet in height, with hard cemented i linea to tl.at of our Ontario pari- the product of dark, dirty, ill -vents- ,flooring. In one corner near the door The greatest demand for Nursery lated stables. It is caused by organ- Was a modern latrine, also a small i,ametat Among the things 'tn- ism tor germs gaining entrance into sine'axith a tap of running water, one Stock in Years. pressed on those who were pri v- the animal's system with the fpod. •� bl a iron bedstead fixed to the floor. British and European Markets a- ilaged to hear the boys was this; It is not easy to detect, and usually close to small shell fast ued sere ng as; We offer both papers for one veareacli, and an ou!ographea copy of e galla open for Canadian Fruit. • Thai good cia South Huron has when symptoms become evident it ISp p I,crgeet 1'st of Fruit and Ornamen- mains boys who arc the making of too late to apply any remedy, hence a table. At one end of the cell west the Pr:mce of Wales .portrait, size 16x22 inches, all for $2.'35. splrnaiici men aid .froth the start the necessity of making every effort, the door with a small peep -hole, lief orders to be sent to the office, tel Stock, Seed Potatoes,to secure and maintain sanitary con- ;which was sometimes shut up, and at HERALD Pr::ntong Co. Zurich. they arc getting will excel many ditions in the stable. Every fall, the opposite end, very high up, an etc., grown in Canada of the famous men Huron has then, the stable should be systemati- iron barred double window looking WARNING—Th's offer is good only until 31st 1919. when it is ann- Write for Particulars sunt out. In the past great ipex tally cleaned; cobwebs swepfdirt thout fortress ramparts. high is. Two panes of (�ottnced the pr.ce of The Family Herald well be $1.89 a year. - 4. ..• NE of tire most high-handed outrages by the l3olsheviki in Russia bas been the arrest and imprisonment in the Fortress ess of St. Peter and St. Paul of the British residents of Petrograd. The Petrograd correspondent of the I:o�idon Times, Who was among those arrested, is back in England, and has written a description of his experi- ences for Itis paper. "We were taken from the embassy to the 'Tchrezvitchailta' on Aug. 31 and thence transferred to the Fort- ress of St. Peter and St. Paul on Tuesday evening, Sept. 3, at five o'clock, When we went downstairs between lines of soldiers into the yard, where I had seen a prisoner shot down from behind without con- demnation or warning by the soldiers of his escort as they were bringing him out in the sante way for some unknown destination, I felt serious. misgivings as to our being destined for any other place than the next world. "The first impression was horrible as we filed along the long, narrow and gloomy passage and saw the eyes of prisoners eagering scanning us through the small holes in the doors of their cells. These cells were al- ready crammed with prisoners of all classes from princes, generals and bourgeois citizens down to proletar- ian vagabonds, including thieves and murderers. ' I and half a dozen other British subjects found ourselves herded to- gether with a number of Russian anti -Bolshevist officers, who received us with a shout of delight when they / ' Rj1 -y9 - i� i ipx�•,R 1e?A.'�'tsia�nli:'�°"�u�' -44,44,.,. +R ii.,•- R1 m :en d" f Thel'fopie yorittoutVichte imilatlagihelbod,byl eguta• iittthoSlaia tutdBjoweas X00 Ihere%Pxomotin silo Glieeriitines5andResLGon.tahil nieitherO ttitr„2•.ol�phineno: Mineral. e�'i'Tdr53arErne 19rrpecfeldDr.S� 7� SennaRochelle Salis �„ lse Seam OtcrdonatuSda'14 Prin.. sod cl idNaP 7tinttlynswAror dhelpfulRemed7for Constipotionand'Dia rhea If.oFeverishness IOP thertaroia-ial-''fa,nc' is�Sliltin _...�-----oi 1eSign^ture tae Simi el .--- C u`� Tttsr i` eon •OMP rsor(a'Rnnn & liENYouK �y:� t t '"I+�..hl Tai•' M, 1 �',.y�,tz,y� 'r� �,+� R 4444 .�. Li •� ,R'c e^t'it�R. For Infanta awl Children. Moth= lio:• That Genuine Castor is Arrays Bears the Signature of In For Over Thiirty hrs Ezact Copy of Wrapper. fern r. reenr a0 TH6 C6NTAUM CCP',PAN,V. N¢W VONK CITU. The Prince of Wales A large photo ers. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Mo:rtr�al have se u.ei tI:e ex- clusive rights for all Canada for a real good photo, 16x22 inches, of the Pr:,nce of Wales, It is by VanDyke, the celebrated London, England photographer, taker on the eve of the Prince's departure for Canada. Tho Herai•1 has made arrangements with the Family Herald and Weekly Star whereby we are permitted to include the Prince's photo in a clubbing offer. ' re now make the fol'owing offer, good only until December 31s`-,1919 The Fernier herald and Weekly Star ane year, cos`_ $1.25. • The ,Zur'ch Herat' one year, ? 125. of the popu a; :rein to the Throne for all Herald rea:i- St®iioe W811111011;1 trees were sp tden of as born or wail and ceilings, accumulated e P eters In the future every matte .and debris cleared from manger, this window were left open for vent' Established trough, window -sills and all recesses lation, and the space between'was vermin: Aooli'aeal of'otir Time was in walls, as first occupied T tot F ? kFOR SALE 'shed 1837 will be able to address a meeting; • the fresh air intakes and used as a larder for keeping our four din lice hunting, and TORONTO, ONT. at a moments notice because of foul air outlets put in order; fill all as fresh as was possible. We hadto the training he, as a boy note re-, cracks and holes in floor and walls stand on each other's backs to reach we only powderifree and the pests by con 'clot in the even cei.ves At school our boys are with. cement; replace all broken glass up r . From o "It was difficult to keep food long now asked to give addresses and, in windows and clean them; disinfect ngunt l midnight ithe and was li ht- in the bad air of the cells. Meat and A good second hand Savage 22 now with oat boys parliament as the whole stable thoroughly with by Potatoes soon developed whisker an annual affair, the men of the some good disinfectant, such as chlor- in the wall close to the bedstead, and turned :.our and moldy. Food Caliber Reheating Rifle, ide of lime, crude carbolic acid, or There were from seventy-five i ern to parcels arrived twice a week, and the .W G. Hess, Zurich, COUNTER CHECK BOOKS Do not let your supply of Cou- nter Check Books run too low. We sell Appleford's check books, peg as announced by R. J. Young, don't postpone it because you do no tirst-+class in every respect. Let Secretary) Allowing a net profit possess a barrel spraying outfit. The of a dollar per hen, this would whitewash brush is an effective and ma have your order. `efficient tool—use it. Small brushes mean an annual revenue of X75,000,- are best and may take you a little 000, he declared. An elaborate longer time to do. There are many •campai.gn to forward this project good whitewash recipes. President Grant used the following to white- wash the White House in Washing- ton: Take a bushel of unslaked lime, slake with warm water, cover it dur- ing the process to retain the steam, strain the liquid through a Hine sieve or strainer; add` a peck of salt, the same previously well dissolved in warm water, add three pounds of ground rice boiled to a thin paste and stir in boiling hot, add one-half pound of glue which has been pre- viously dissolved over a slow fire and add five gallons of hot water to the mixture; stir well and let it stand for a few days, covering it up to keep out dirt. It should be put on hot, One pint of the mixture, properly ap- plied will cover a square yard. There is nothing can compare with it for outside or inside work and it retains its brilliancy for many years. Dis- infectant may be added or coloring matter may be put in and made to any hue desired. --Prof. J. Evans, 0. A. College, Guelph. future will be ne much as at home zenoleum, which can be easily applied eighty of these cells along • clay looked forward to as a great on the public platform as most of with a scrap pump or a watering can ridor', all of the name size an type. � treat. wasMrs.oo ed forward r generally act with a fine nozzle. Give particular "With so many human beings bud- ac- companied them in a motorcar, and us are off 11-.r' platform, died together in a space intended for One hundred real "egg layers'' attention to pens or stalls which have the consul was often allowed to go outside and speak with her for a few on each of the 7b0;003 farms in Can- been occupied by stock suffering from only one the atmosphere was awful, contagious disease or have been used and it was difficult to move arms cr minutes. Two or three of the British oda its the slogan adopted by a by animals during parturition. legs when we lay packed together I prisoners were also sometimes let whitewash on the bare, cold floor. Poultry Club just farmed iti Winni- Then prepare your "The monotony of our existence out to help in carrying and distribut- was otherwise relieved by the wash- , ing the pelages:. •-•.•----. ing out of our cell once a week, for I which purpose we used some of our i dirty underclothing; by attempts to I cleanse the rest of our linen when i It is a common impreselon that Fire end Life Insurance. Agent wpaitrIsty.one another from cell to cell ' through the doorholes, by listening to 'It's a long, long way to Tipperary' and other popular songs by the younger members of our prison act on the sugar in milk, changing thunder sours milk, but this is not so. Corporation and Canada Trust minute plants, knovsn as bacteria, It into lactic or milk acid. One seen - The reason that milk sours is that Co Herald Office, Zurich. "One day five Russians were to.ken tist, however, says this explanation out to go to the 'Tchreevitchaikae is not satisfactory. He regards the Among thOM WEIS a very decrepit old souring of milk as a result of feed - man burdened with a, heavy bundle, ing on milk sugar by the lactic acid svho was• unable to keep pace with germs, leaving behind them what is the other prisoners. A soldier of the known as sour milk. tle time, and at last shot him down tion may be in detail, we believe that the. soldier,dd d 1 1 1 on for some lit- No matter what the true explains - 'I could not get him to suitable temperature, and moisture,BUSINESS CARDS arid threw his body into the river. souring of milk is caused in some Do not feed fowl same morning On reaching the 'Tchrezvichaikaa the way by "germs" or bacteria, which list of prisoners, of course, did not are microscopic plants that fall into whon brought in. tally with the number actually pro- milk from the air, a,nd get irt from Fgh st Cask Prices duced. 'Where's the nfth prisoner?' many other places. . a e asked the commissioner. 'Oh,' said Like all plants, they must have air, IF 8ACK RES use SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Bat less meat if Kidneys feel like lead or Bladder bothers yon -meat forms uric acid Most folks forgot that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasionally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rbeu• xaatie twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder dis- orders.You simply must keep your kidneyd active and clean, and the moment you feel an aohe or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Sad, Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in 'a glass of water before 'breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This lateens salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless., to flush clogged ldddneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the aside Se the wipe so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jed Salts is' harmless; inexpensive;' snakes a delightful effervescent 1ithia- water drink which everybody should take how and then to keep their kidneys clam, elms avoiding seems complieetions. A well-known• local druggist says he tells lots of Jad'Salts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney 911b10 M 1i.lf it ie tonly teak). will be waged. HAY TOWNSHIP AND HENS4ILL WIN THE PRINCES' FLAG- AND LAG AND ONE CREST We have mot been able to +)b- tai(n the final figures of the am- ount subscribed to the Vietory Loan in Hay Township and Hen- sel", biut the objective was ex- ceeded by many thousands of dol- lars aInd a ,crest was won in addit- ionto the Prince's flag. Much credit for the success loally of the loan to the able solicitors, Messrs. Wm Lamont and John Laporte. s ,ur". .. .,,,.4•..MU. 4444.,, ... MEETING OP HURON COUNT 1 COUNCIL Tee Council of the Corporation of the County of Hurou wet meet in the Council Chamber Goclerich un Tuesday the 2nd day of f3ecember' 1919 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.. .Ali accounts should be in the ha ::s of the C.erk on or before that date. Dated, Go•derieh, 1Nov..10th 190,1 Geo W. Holman, Co. "lorlk. FOR SALE Live Stock Scarce In Europe. France has 2,36(1,000 fewer cattle than in 1914; Italy, 096,000; Den- mark, 345,000; Sweden, 599,000; Germany, 2,200,000; and Austria- Hungary, considerable. These figures alone show a decrease of 6,306,000 head of cattle and many countries which have suffered are not named. The sheep decrease in Franee, Italy, Denmark, and Holland alone is over two and one-half millions, and in pigs there has been a whole- sale dectc aye to the number of 24,- TWO. Ancones roosters for sale, !)G:."�.31:0.0 z^- 4�'rc'_ aeon ,u ely, Uottn cask, Well bred. Apply to Menne 'Itch.. ler, Zurich, • we got soap enough, by conversing F ROUDF OOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PROunFOOT, K. 0. 3. L. Kms one , H. J. l9, COOK[E. ,1r. Cooke will be in Hensel on Friday and Saturday of each week. OSCAR ICLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co• unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the county. Charges moderate and satisfactiou guar- ' anti ed Address Zurich, R. R. No. 2, or phone Zurich. ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Why Milk Sours. 1 Corn missioner, .Conveyancing, LIVE PQM' LT RY WANTED TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY FORENOON come along. He was too old and fes- in order to grow. Tbe common plan Cream a n CI Eggs ble, so I thought it best to shoot him of preventing the milk going sour is down and get rid of him in that way.' to cool it to 50 deg. F. as soon as This murderer was locked up in a possible after milking and keep it Zurich not far from ours, and that was cold until it is used. The reason for Phone 94, probably the only punishment he this is, the cold makes an unfavor- W. 0' rien would ever get. able condition for these plants to "Two elderly'Englishmen were grow, hence the milk remains sweet, Delaware Hudson 'o. sent away and liberated a week or though sometimes it takes on bad CO two before our release, but I believe flavors, or develops disease producing to ..,,'tile theyare still not permitted to leave germs. Iu order to prevent this, we �t��L�� Petrograd. They were very ill, and "pasteurize" milk in order to kill the the doctor, who was allowed to visit germs present, by mean:= of herre ify1.41 an' coal, us at the insistence of the Dutch tis cooled and kept void after lient- Legation, managed to persuade the ing, the milk wilt' keep sweet t tr connnisston.ers to send them home. some time and is free from dist, rc= '1:` ts~.t1' 9 k 1! carr on On the whole, we did not suffer much terms. This is known as the satcst rvezy. vre in health with the exception of colds hind of milk to use. "Safety 1+'fist" and digiti: fuer:, and in sticlt. eases is a good rule when buying milk.--- e the one iron bedstead was given tip prof. IL 1I. Dean, 0, A. College, ''z of the stiffeners T'ho ht the ns Gucl,p Dra•doctor• brOit,ght us medicines ,til in- t~ct Lr+wctel,. for Fe Ware (eeroeren by i 4 4, L ei1011 L QNTa