Zurich Herald, 1919-10-17, Page 5A visit to our store wiii secure you a
Ladies' and 1VIen's Rain Coats, La dies Voile and Sills; waists and all
Summer Dress Goods.
New Fall Blouses in Georgette white, flesh., maize and peach $7.50
t 1' ( to ,$10.00 ,, , ; '
Men's Suite in different shades an d styles, $17, $19, $21, $23, 25, 27
Fall and Winter Underwear, work mitts mad Gloves, Overalls and
jackets, New Fall Hats, Caps, Soe ks, Umbrellas and Sweaters,
Lacliee' Skirts, latest styles 'n bre wn, nave, black and taupe.
PRICE $6.40
Ladies' silk gloves in grey, black, white, taupe and tan.
Ladies dark blue apron 85c. and $1. a `TM
Fresh celery and peaches every S aturday and on Fair Day. Order
I Early. 5:i, -a;, F r < ms's' i ; ; 1 •
Feltex looks and wears better than linoleum,.
Phoao F78
Phone 78
Y1 o the Voter
o You KNOW
that . the beer sold in
Ontario previous to
prohibition ranged up to
over 7% alcoholic content by
weight measure, whilst the
"Beer of the Ballot"—the
beer for which you are
asked to vote October 20th
—has a strength of but
that such well-known beers
manufactured in the United
States as Blue Ribbon,, Bud-
weiser and Scholtz --always
spoken of as "very, light
non -intoxicating beers"—
ranged up to 4.19%—•sixty
per cent., stronger than the
"Beer of the Ballot"—the
beer for which you are
asked to vote October 2.Oth?
that in Maine, where pro-
hibition has been in force
over sixty years, the courts
have held that beer of 3%
alcoholic strength, was non-
intoxicating—and any beer
of under 3% strength was
permitted to be sold as
freely as ginger ale?
that in Sweden, Norway
and Denmark—as a result
of the findings of Govern-.
went commissions a'pi
pointed to determine what
was an intoxicating liquor-
beer of practically the same
strength as asked for in the
corning Referendum is re-
garded as non -intoxicating
and is sold everywhere, by.
anybody, without license,.
and without paying a
Government tax?
Ontario Brewed Association
To the Electors
o South 'Huron
dzavrng been riomb aiud as the
starnda .'u -bearer for :lie Liberal-
iConsere ative party of South 1iu
.0+n and finding it impussibie t
make tenythaig like a t.eeeon it
take. th:a mrediu.n of sol'ci:ing pyo
votes and influeece for my eiectio
on Octouee zuun., 1 ieei that th
great -cause of the Conservative
party and pokey of Sir Willie
Hearst is the best suited for Th
Proviine. - of Ontario a_id thee.
nehuovee every true e.tizen wit h
its limits to do all in their now
to supl)or.: the candidate wh
will assist in the great work tilt
has bee'n and wit be undertaken b
undertaken by our gree:: and ab
leadee and his followers.
Believing you will ao me tl
great honor of electing me to se
vas you 1r, this riding.
I am
Faithfully Fours.
Weed A. Ellerington.
W. 'C; T. U. NOTES
John Barleycorn says;
I have kit.:ed more hien than ha e
fallen ha all wars of the world.
I have turned men into brute
and have made rn.l.ions unhappy.
I have transformed many am
bitious youths into hopeless pares
I make smooth the downwaed
path for countless millions.
I destiny the weak and weaka
the strong.
I make the wise man a fool an
trample the fool into his folly.
I am known to the abondone
wife and to the paren S whose, chip
has bowedt he:r grew heads In sol•
I am known to hungry and tor
rifled children.
I was a greater foe to the Om
pint than the Germans.
I have even persuaded some del
uded Christian men that God nae
the Bible are on the side of th
traffic: in intoxicants.
I have followed missionaries ev
erywhere, and have done much t
counteract the Gospel.
I am .afraid of one thing only in
that is the Cross of lye Redeemer
I am hoping to fool Ontario a
the approaching referendum.
I am istiill "golfing strong". I
aim Alcohol.
Some reasons for NO. .,
'When you walk up to the 'hallo
box :to vote next Monday-, trate
four "No's'+ if you want safer pub
lie service, if you want better bus
i'ne;ss, if you want. political tyranny
if you want safety for your wife
and children wherever they go, if
you want to unmake -criminals, if
you want to help the down-trould
en, if yonz want better men, if you
want to save your soul from hell.
,(1)•1 That all drunkards Started
as moderate drinkers of beer.
(2) All 'the brewers, distillers,
ninety per cent of criminals in jail
seventy-five per cent of ;)rostitu
tens, all the gamblers and all the
scum and scpueings of human be-
ings want fou to vote '`yes" next
(3,I Thousands of alien!s, undes-
irables, and mischief makers are
waiting for Ontario to go 'wet"
in order that they night come and
get freedom here.
(4)` The only way to do year
duty is to vote 'four times NO.'
The soldiers have given --you
mush lens.
People out west admit it is very
cold in winter, but they don't feel
it. They are like the girl, who
after having a few teeth drawn
remarked, the dentist nearly kil-
led me, but I didn't mind it.
In the Estate of John Leslie, late
of the Township of Hay in the
County of Huron, Gentleman, De-
NOTICE is hereby given pursu-
ant tot he Statute in that behalf,,
that all persons having any claims
against the Estate of John Leslie
who died on the 16th August, 1919,
are required on or before the 1st
November, 1919, to send by Post
or deliver to the undersigned, Sol-
icitors herein for John Manson and
John Douglas, Executors of the
Will of the said deceased, full par-
ticulars of their claims; and that
after the said 1st November, 1919,
the said Executors will distribute
the, assets of said deceased among
the persons entitled thereto, .ha‘, -
Ing regard only to the claims of
which they shall then have lied
notice, and that the said Execute
ors will .not be liable for the said
assets or any part thereof 1,0 anv
nerseil cit, whose claien notice.shall
not then have been receiveol.
tDated at Goderieh the 7th day,
of October, 1919.
Proudfoot, ii illoran & Cooke,
,5olleitars for .sal:: Exec itors,
HE withstood everything in the field and
above all was, and still is, the last and
only car to survive until the cessation of
hostilities"—Extract from letter received by
Ford Motor Company from a British Soldier,
in Africa.
Over shell -torn roads, through water soaked fields, second only
to the tanks in its power to climb debris and crater holes, the
Ford car made a world famous record in the fighting area of the
great war. In press despatches, in field reports, in letters, in
rhyme and song the praises of the Ford were sounded.
In France - 700 cars out of 1,000 were Fords
In Italy - 850 cars out of 1,000 were Fords
In Egypt - 996 cars ,out of 1,000 were Fords
In Mesopotamia 999 cars out of 1,000 were Fords
The Ford power plant that established this world-wide record
in every theatre of the war remains the same. It will be in the
Ford you buy.
Ford Runabout, $660. Touring, $690. On ;.leen models the Electric Starting and Lighting
Equipm'entis $100 extra. Coupe, $975. Sedan, $1,175 (closed model prices include Electric
Starting and Lighting Equipment). Demountable rims, tire -carrier and non-skid tires
on rear as optional equipment on closed cars only at $25 extra. These prices are f. o. b.
Ford, Ont., and do not include War Tax.
Buy only Genuine Ford Parts. 700 Canadian
Dealers and over 2,000 Service Garages supply them.
USEALEiD TENDERS, addressed to
the Postmaster General, will be rec
rived at Ottawa until noon, on
'Friday, the 14th day of November,
1919, for the conveyance of His
Majesty's Maile, on a proposed
(Contract for four years, 12 times
per week on the route between
Zurich Post Office and Grand
Trunk Railway Station at II'ensall,l
from the Postmaster General's Pl-;
Printed notices containing furth-
er information as to conditions of
proposed (Contract may be seen
and blank forms of Tender may
be obtailr(od at the Post Office
mod at the office of the Post office,
Post Office Inspector's 00f nee,
London, 3rd Oct., 1919.
CHAS, E. IL FISHER, Post Office
Iespeet or.
HE Boiler doesn't crowd the dinner off the
1. Pandora on wash -days. You can set the
boiler either way, across or lengthwise of the top.
There is no guess -work baking either. The oven
has a glass door which keeps the baking in full
view. The thermometer tells whether the oven
is hot enough or not. The oven, as you must have
heard, is very evenly heated.
This dependable range has easy -working grates ; porcelain
enameled reservoir, which may be removed for cleaning.
The Pandora is the sort of range you have always wanted. Seek.
Tiernan, Das hw9OU
Hay Council met for its regular
session on Saturday, October eth,
All members were present. The
minutes of the previous meeting
were react and adopted.
The Reeve and the Treasurer
were authorized to borrow $3000.00
for current expenses until the tax-
es are paid,
The followiing resolution •,vas
passed; The municipal Council of
the Township of Hay recommend
to the citizens of this community
the hearty support of the Victory
Loaf,, 1919, The proceeds of the
Loan are needed by the National
Government for current obligati-
ons and the prospective cost of
!re -construction which is vital to
the future prosperity of Canada
The acll of patriotism demande
that each aid every citizen shall
do Ms part by subscribine as fully
as his finnncini position will war-
A. larg^ number of accounts went
Masse which will appear in the
animal fiit'nncial statement of the
to vnShi,pt
The Connell adjourned to meet
n'gailn on T;ov. 1, at 1 pY rn,
IA. P. Ness, Clerk.
j�j�/1' /r
V L T'� \ .Yl
Do not feed fowl sante morning
when brought in.
Highest Cash Prices
---CASH FOR --
Cream and Eggs
Phone 9:t,
Delaware & Hudson Co.'s
Also soft coal.
Our terms aro cash on