Zurich Herald, 1919-10-17, Page 4oneWho
Canat:sVict, r
0 AD
VERY one of the million and a half subscribers to
Caiada.'s Victory Bonds knows that he can sell
them today for more than he paid for them.
Every one who bought Canada's Victory Bonds has
received 51/2 per cent. interest per annum—paid twice a
Over half a million Canadians who bought Canada's
Victory Bonds on the instalment plan saved money that
they would not otherwise have saved
The guarantee back of Canada's Victory Bonds is
the same as the guarantee back of a One Dollar or a Two
Dollar bill. There is this difference, however, that you
get interest on the Victory Bonds and you don't on the
One or Two Dollar bill,
Canada's Victory Bonds will always be accepted as
security for a loan.
Banks are ready to loan money on Canada's Victory,
Bonds, 1 b
anada's Victory Bonds may be turned into cash at
any time.
There is no other way in which you can invest your
money with such absolute security—paying such a good
rate of interest.
Canada will soon give her citizens an opportunity to
buy Victory Bonds 'gig. It will probably be the last
chance to buy Canada's Victory Bonds on such favorable
Prepare to buy as many Victory Bonds this
time as you now wish you had been
able to buy the last time
Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee,
in co-operation with the Minister of Finance
of the Dominion of Canada
Mr. Wickens, of Sebringstiille,
the new manager of the Sterling!
Bank here, has moved his family
to town,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wickie, of 1
London, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Lei-,
bold and son Alfon of Stratfor 1,
Spent Thanksgiving at the hone
of the latter'.s parents, Mr, an
Mrs. P, Woolley.
Shoe Sale
Buy your Shoes now
and Save Mosey
are putting on a 15 day sale
Oct. lith to OOct. 25th. E.•ery
pair of shoes, rubbers, etc., will be
sold- at bottom prices. '_let
of these bargains white the
You Can save money dere.
‘and see our bargain.
Jos, S1 Bedard
The Thanksgiving program fol-
lowed by a lunch was a great suc-
cess socially and financially. Every
item on 'the program was well
rendered and the spread of goo I
things showed what our ladies can
do int hat line. The proceeds a-
mounted to $40.00.
Mr. and Mrs. 2I. Zimmerman of
Stratford spent the week -end with
Messrs. Reid, Ldighoffer & Son
shipped a car Load of cattle to Tor
onto on Tuesday,
Mr. Sam Hey and family spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. Fassold.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gossman ha:e
returnel atter their honeymo.i.i
Mr, TT Tiof;'lmz.n had th :Ti!sfir-
tun;x to have his arm broke:]. on
Quite a !number from town and
vicinity were over to Hensall rn
Monday at thNomination.
14Tr. G S. Howaid and family,
spent Thanksgiving with friends at
Miss Mildred .Schroeder of Lon-
don n Slant a few days with Lei.
Mr. Chas, Schroeder has bought
a farm near ,Crediton and will
soon take possession.
On November nth Dr, Sinclair of
Toronto will be here to speak on
'Consolidation of schools.
Let all neighboring trustees and
ratepayers be present to hear this
live question of the day discussed,
Dashwood has been selected 'is an
appropriate centre to try the new
venture and Dr. Sinclair, who is
sent out by the department shou-
ld be heard.. by all interested.
Messrs Charlie and Melvin Guen-
ther of Tavistock spent Thankegiv
ling at their home.
Mr. and Mrs; Jno. Gassman and
Mr. W Sandercott and family of
London spent Thanksgiving Day
with friends in town,
Mr, and Mrs. Southeott, Miss 11
Rennie, Mrs. Geiger and Mrs. 'ley -
rock of Zurich and Miss C. 'cooper
1 of .near Exeter .spent Sunday it the
I home home of Mrs. Guenther.
l Mrs Witzel is visiting in Port
Huron this week,
I havetaken over. Massey -Harris
Tull stock of everything, Also
171o14: , o:rats, etc,
Jr J, BARRY f j l
Mr, Wm. ICarnie and niece Miss
Margaret Douglas, accompanied by
friends from Bayfield spent Thank-
sgiving day with friends` at Hyde
Mr, Chas. Meyers wind son Thos,
accompanied by Mil. Salla .Hey,
,spent the holiday hunting at Grand
Miss Margaret Johnston of Hen -
sail spent the week -end at the
h.`oniie of Mai. wind Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. tali Boshart of Bad-
eln spent the weep -end with f1.i-
ends in tliis 'vicinity.
Mrs Peter Manson is at present,
visiting friends at Niagara,
Miss Annabel McDougall and
Miss Margaret Douglas spent a
few days last week with friends in
Dashwood and while there attend-
ed the -teachers' convention at Ex-
ete11, t i 1 I`i
C1 O N D A Y
Merino Steckle
Chllenge t
Common Sense.
DON'T let anyone tell you that the
issue. on !October 20th is "The leer
or the :'oy99--"Is Alcohol a Poison
or not"—" Economy or Extravagance"—
any such an abstraction.
The. plain situation is—three sections of
the people of this Province are abslutely,
dissatisfied with the Ontario Temperance
Act and want new legislation that will
permit: the sale of light beer and wine
generally, and the sale of pure, spirit-
uous liquors only through Government
= These three sections of
the population are—ninety
per cent. of organized la-
bor, by actual vote; a large
number of returned sol
dier organizations, by
actual vote; thousands of
the rank and file of
the electorate who have
joined the Citizen's Lib-
erty League.
The .;Lain issue then is—
Are you going to vote for
the safe, sane, fair corn -
promise that these men
and women want; or, are
you going top insist on the
retention of the unsatis-
factory Ontario Temper-
ance Act—insist on the
retention of legislation
that is breeding and will
continue to breed dissatis-
faction and discontent
among our workers, re-
turned men and a large
section of the citizens
Which are Y tU for—C =:';PROMISE and
idesread Reser tent?
Study the Ballot and analyze the situation conscien-
tiously. This is one of the most vital concerns you.have
just now—a settlement of Ontario's vexed temperance
problem. that will be in the best interests of all the
Vote "Yr s" ti all h
Mark your ballot with an X. Any other marking will spoil it. Remember
also—Every voter must vote on every question or his ballot will be spoiled.
Please enroll me ns a inetnber of the League, for which 1
enclose my subscription. 0 PROVINCIAL HEADQUARTERS.,
Nanta. .................................. 1 22 Calle& St., Toronto
Occutalion..,... 1
' o enable the League to carry on its good, work and achieve j
its present purpose, active ,ue3 ibersbip and fonds are required. l
Show your true ;spirit t All hi the coupon and become a mem- i
btr of the Citizens' Liberty League at once.
T. L. CARRUTHHERS, Secretary 1
22 bllege gt., Toronto
T. L. CARRUTHERS, Secretary
Hon. President: SIR EDMUND 13. OSLIiR
President: LT. -COL. H. A. C. MACHIN, M.P.P.
Vice -President: 1. P. }IRLLMUTII, TE.C..
Hon. "Treasurer: F. GORDON OSLER